
Chapter 291 Chapter 289 [Join Hands with You]

Chapter 291 Chapter 289 [Join Hands with You]

The strategy of the Seven Star Army was very simple. They did not think of leading Jing Jun to a dangerous point where danger could be seen at a glance. They just wanted to get the opponent to leave the heavily defended fortified camp.

From the beginning of more than 20 people borrowing food, to the later stage of deliberately making more than a thousand people look crooked, Lin Xi arranged all these methods to lower Jing Jun's vigilance, and when she seized the opportunity to suddenly fall out, she completely aroused him. The Lord will rage in his heart.

In his rage, Hager apparently ignored an issue, and the sentry he arranged outside the camp became silent.

He underestimated the martial arts and experience of the masters of the Seven Star Gang. Qi Lianfu personally brought the masters of the underworld all the way. When Lin Xi led the people to appear grandly outside Jingjun Camp, he had already cleared the sentry outside.

At this time, more than a thousand people led by Lin Xi turned back to fight again, and more than two thousand soldiers of the Seven Star Army intercepted them on both sides. On the Dingfeng Road to the north, hundreds of cavalry were surging.

"Form up and retreat!"

In this critical situation, Hager calmed down, and the brief order was quickly spread through the people next to him.

Everyone in the Seven Star Gang had heard about the outcome of the Battle of Leize, but they didn't know the details.

At that time, more than 10,000 people led by Lu Huan, faced with the siege of Huaizhou's four main armies and the Rui Shi Battalion, held on extremely tenaciously for nearly three hours, and in the process the formation never slackened.

In the end, because the inferior force fought fiercely for too long, the formation became loose somewhere, and the cavalry who came to support were intercepted by Li Bingxue and Fei Yuying, which gave Lu Chen the opportunity to lead his troops to break the formation.

In other words, when facing more than twice the number of Huaizhou elites, the Jingjun infantry could still persist for a long time with their well-trained battle experience. Therefore, from the perspective of Xiao Wangzhi and Lu Chen, the Battle of Leize was a win. Not easy.

At this moment, after the initial panic, when the Seven-Star Army on both wings surrounded them, Jingjun had already completed the formation of the formation under the command of Hager, but this formation was not as good as the iron barrels that Nu Luhuan had laid out on Leize Plain. Array.

First of all, Hager is definitely not as good as Lu Huan's commanding skills. Secondly, the front of Jing's army is in a state of struggle with the more than a thousand people led by Lin Xi.

Seeing that the square formation was about to be formed, the hundred or so people at the front were entangled, just like a standard circle with sudden twists and turns somewhere.

Hager glanced at the young woman who was advancing unstoppably. At this moment, he no longer had any charming thoughts in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said: "Foreign troops form a formation!"

The implication was that he could only give up on the hundreds of people entangled on the opposite side.

Jing Jun's execution ability is relatively strong. At this time, it is too late to care about the righteousness of his comrades. They must retreat to the camp with the help of the protection of the formation.

The cavalry of the Seven-Star Army ran from the flanks and attacked Jing Jun's ribs. Although they could cause a certain amount of damage to the opponent, they could not cause Jing Jun to collapse.

Lin Xi led a group of personal followers to deal with more than a hundred people who had been abandoned by General Jingjun, and then continued to charge forward.

But the results were not as optimistic as many people imagined.

In terms of personal strength alone, there are many masters in the Seven-Star Army who can easily defeat Hager without even needing Lin Xi to take action himself. However, the battle array attack is not a competition between reckless masters.

The elite soldiers on the battlefield are very good at combined attacks, which is by no means a simple superposition of numbers. If someone considers himself to be highly skilled in martial arts and easily breaks into the military formation, facing long weapons stabbing him from all directions, even if he can kill a few enemies, he will inevitably have a few bloody holes in his body.

Not to mention people like Yu Dajun and Lou Chengyuan, even Lin Xi would not force his way in. This was something Lu Chen had specifically told her.

Faced with successive waves of offensives from the Seven-Star Army, Jingjun gradually stabilized their formation. Although they were at a certain disadvantage, they did not panic too much and mechanically and steadily repeated countless exercises to achieve their best performance.

Just like the waves washing against the rocks on the shore, even if they can be temporarily submerged, they will eventually recede and the rocks will still stand.

In Jingjun's formation, Hager nervously observed the situation around him while directing Jingjun to retreat slowly.

When he found that his retreat was not hindered, he could not help but feel a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

The Seven Star Army relied on its numerical advantage to complete the siege of Jing Jun, but deliberately missed the rear of Jing Jun, which was directly facing the direction of Jing Jun's camp.

If the infantry were slow in movement and inconvenient for large-scale maneuvers, the opponent still had hundreds of cavalry watching eagerly, seemingly deliberately driving Jing's army back to the camp.

Hager knew something was wrong, but now he had no choice.

When Lin Xi led his troops to attack, he realized that this seven-star army should not be underestimated. A chaotic battle would speed up the opponent's victory. Therefore, he could only follow Lin Xi's plan and lead Jing's army to retreat to the camp step by step.

There was a roar of killing all around. Hager looked at the main force of the Seven-Star Army led by Lin Xi in the distance, and suddenly felt a greater sense of crisis. That was the cavalry led by the young prince passed here the day before yesterday and then headed south. This bandit army immediately jumped come out……

They want to seize the fixed wind channel!

After this thought popped up, Hager felt cold sweat dripping down his back, and immediately shouted: "Speed ​​up and retreat to the camp!"

No matter what, the enemy cannot be allowed to occupy this vital passage.

Amidst the violence of swords and guns, Hager seemed to see a look of ridicule on the face of the woman in the distance.

Just then, thunder roared in the south.

The soldiers at the rear of Jing's army turned to look, and their expressions suddenly changed. But I saw flying dust and billowing smoke, like a wild wind sweeping across the earth, with such force that it almost covered the sky and the sun.

In the bright sunshine of early spring, a cavalry with hidden flags rushed from the west like a divine sword from heaven, bypassed the vast Jingjun camp, and appeared on the flat land behind Jingjun.

At this time, Jingjun was only two miles away from the camp, but this short journey was like a natural chasm. They could only watch in despair, knowing that they would never be able to reach the other side in this life.

Compared with the hundreds of cavalrymen of the Seven-Star Army, the cavalrymen who appeared behind the Jingjun army numbered about five thousand, with bright armor and neat weapons. What was even more commendable was that they were dispersed and not disordered during the attack. At a glance, it was clear that after a long period of hard work, Rigorous training and life-and-death battles on the battlefield.

The leading female general is on a white horse with light armor and holding a horse pole in one hand. She is as heroic as a man.


Hearing her loud voice, she led the battle-hardened Fei Yuying towards the rear of Jing's army.

Jing Jun's front formation, Lin Xi holds a knife in both hands, with internal energy circulating throughout his body, he strides forward to the most heavily defended part of Jing Jun's front formation, the long knife draws a semicircle, and the sword energy is half a foot away from the blade, instantly cutting off six or seven pieces Rod weapon.

Before those Jingjun infantry could react, Lin Xi took another step forward, swung his sword and slashed again!

I saw the tail of her green silk hair flying high on the back of her head, and soon it bloomed and spread like spring flowers, with a bit of the beauty and beauty of a daughter's family. However, on the other side, there was a sword in her hand that burst out with endless killing intent.

Break the formation with one sword, kill with one sword!

The chest armor of several Jingjun infantrymen were all cracked, and blood flowed out.

Even with Lin Xi's current martial arts training, this method of constantly releasing inner energy cannot last long, but she knows very well that there is no need to hold back at this moment, because Li Bingxue and Fei Yuying have already overwhelmed the rear of Jing's army!

Two thousand Jingjun were trapped two miles in front of the camp by the Seven Star Army and Feiyu Camp, totaling nearly ten thousand people. As Feiyu Camp cut through Hager's formation, the outcome of the war was self-evident.

When Lin Xi led his army into the formation and killed Hager with a single blow, the defeat of Jing's army became a foregone conclusion.

About half an hour later, this small-scale battle came to an end. Jing's army suffered heavy casualties. Those who were alive had no choice but to abandon their weapons and surrender. Facing the huge crowds of fierce soldiers around them, not one of the two thousand people escaped.

Under the command of the generals, the Seven Star Army and Feiyu Camp dealt with the aftermath in an orderly manner. Some went to deal with Jing Jun's surrendered soldiers, some cleaned the battlefield, and some entered Jing Jun's camp to start inspections.

On a low hill not far from the battlefield, the two generals stood facing the wind.

There was still noisy noise in the distance, but it was very quiet here.

"We said goodbye the year before last. I thought we would see each other again soon, but I didn't expect it would take so long."

Li Bingxue held her helmet in her right hand and a water bag in her left hand, with a gentle smile on her lips and a slightly emotional tone.

Lin Xi raised his hand to smooth the messy hair around his ears, and said with a smile, "Would you like to spar again?"

This sentence naturally refers to the fact that when they parted ways in Jianghua City, the two of them tried their skills in front of Lu Shen. Although they both restrained their efforts, they still easily destroyed many flowers and plants.

Li Bingxue shook his head and said with a smile: "No more competition, no matter what the competition, I will always lose."

After hearing this, Lin Xi turned to look at her, and saw some relief in her clear eyes.

It seems that it is not only talking about martial arts, but also related to Lu Chen.

Looking back at the beginning, Lin Xi couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in her heart. She said softly: "Actually, you are the most open-minded person."

Li Bingxue savored the profound meaning of this sentence and couldn't help but look at Lin Xi with admiration, because although she had expressed her affection for Lu Chen, she had never thought about staying with him for the rest of her life. As for falling in love to death, she had never even thought about it. I think, so the word "open-minded" is appropriate.

Thinking of this, she said slightly slyly: "Although I won't compete, you may not be able to relax. I met Miss Wang in Lai'an some time ago. She is indeed a lady who knows the book and is polite. Lin. Sister, you can’t be careless and underestimate the enemy.”

Lin Xi pursed his lips and smiled, and said calmly: "Junior brother mentioned this to me. Although I am not as ambitious as you, I really don't want to be bored in a deep house and be a mistress. The mountains and rivers in this world are extremely beautiful, and I There are still many places I have not seen, such as the snowfields of the far north, the Tiannan Islands, the western desert, and the misty East China Sea. If I can’t take a walk and see it in this life, I will definitely regret it when I can’t walk anymore.”

Li Bingxue turned to look at her. There was no pretentiousness at all, only clarity and flawlessness.

So she sighed softly: "Lu Chen will definitely not agree. In his heart, only you can sit in that position. But if you think like this, you will give that guy an advantage."

"Next, are we going to intercept the retreat of Jingchao's cavalry?"

Lin Xi changed the topic a little stiffly, because she probably knew Li Bingxue's intentions and didn't want to talk too much about Lu Chen in front of her.

After all, she and Lu Chen were engaged, and some of her words sounded like a show of force, even though she didn't have such thoughts in her heart.

Li Bingxue's eyes became softer, and he nodded and said: "Qing Yu Zhongwang should be approaching Luoshan County at this moment. Governor Xiao has already set up a trap in Ruyin City. Let's finish dealing with things here first, and then look at Qing Yu Zhong. We hope he will take the bait. As long as he goes to Ruyin City, we will block his retreat."

Lin Xi looked at the vast mountains and rivers in front of him, smiled calmly and said, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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