
Chapter 289 Chapter 287 [Repay without raising eyebrows in life]

Chapter 289 Chapter 287 [Repay without raising eyebrows in life]

The sun rises again.

After a day's rest, the Huaizhou Army once again launched a fierce attack on the towering Ruyin City Wall.

There are Huaizhou Army's tower carts on all sides outside the city. This several-foot-high lookout cart, also known as a cloud cart, is placed outside the range where the defenders can threaten it.

The two soldiers stood in the small cabin of the cart and climbed to the top through the windlass. They had a clear view of the Yan army's situation on top of Ruyin City. They could even observe the general situation in the city, and then continuously passed the news on to the commander. Xiao Wangzhi, commanded by the Chinese Army.

The catapults in front of the Huaizhou army showed great power from the beginning. Even if the defenders could avoid the flying stones, when the stones hit the city wall, it would be very dangerous if they were scraped by the ejected gravel. Death means injury.

After multiple rounds of attacks by catapults, the soldiers of each unit advanced through the cover of the catapults. The strong archers tried to suppress the Yan army on the city under the cover of the sword and shield soldiers.

At the same time, a large number of rush vehicles, trench bridges and large ladders approached the Ruyin city wall in an orderly manner.

Naturally, the Yan army guarding the city would not sit back and watch the opponent move forward unimpeded. Li Shouzhen gave an order, and the Yan army archers began to shoot at the Huaizhou army. They gradually gained the upper hand by virtue of their condescending advantage.

The defensive equipment is not only rolling wood and rocks. The wooden curtains can offset the impact and lethality of part of the enemy's flying rocks. The poles and crash carts have been prepared and can effectively cause damage to the Huaizhou army approaching the city wall. The bed crossbows on the city wall It kept making a heart-wrenching sound, and then roared towards the city.

Even before direct contact between the two armies, casualties had already occurred.

When the siege ladder was attached to the outside of the city wall and the rams began to attack the city gate, the intensity of the war skyrocketed.

Whether it was the Huaizhou Army struggling to climb up, or the Yan Army waiting in formation with spears in hand, there was nothing else in their sight at this moment, only faces that were either ferocious or numb, and the seemingly endless Iron and blood.

Blood burst out, skin and flesh turned outwards, and the cries of killing were endless.

There are nearly 30,000 Yan troops in Ruyin City, but only about 10,000 people can really fight a tough battle. This is Li Shouzhen's capital to keep the bottom of the box, but he does not dare to preserve his strength, so today more than 10,000 people have stood still from the beginning. Facing the front line of the Huaizhou Army.

When the fighting lasted for less than half an hour, Li Shouzhen suddenly felt a sense of joy and fear in his heart.

If he still hides his selfish motives and lets those miscellaneous soldiers guard the front line, I'm afraid they won't even be able to stop the Huaizhou Army's first wave of offensive.

Looking down from above, I saw the majestic Ruyin City surrounded by walls. Thousands of Huaizhou Army officers and soldiers were like ants. The comrades in front fell from the city wall, and the men behind them immediately rushed up.

The civilians in the city ran up and down in a panic, constantly carrying the defense equipment, and at the same time carrying the injured Yan Jun down to the doctor for disposal.

Arrows flew everywhere, swords and guns were raised, and there was only the sound of killing.

Time passed bit by bit, and Li Shouzhen stood under the south tower, dispatching troops one after another to make up for the loopholes.

"General, please ask for help from the east gate!"

The voice of a herald sounded nearby, and Li Shouzhen frowned and asked, "What does Teng Wanyuan do for food?"

The herald said hurriedly: "Tengdu Superintendent is reporting urgently that the Huaizhou Zhenbei Army is responsible for attacking the east gate today!"

Li Shouzhen clenched his fists. Of course he knew the strength of the Zhenbei Army. The opponent was the leader among the armies in Huaizhou. The two commanders, Chen Lanyu and Pei Sui, could both be called generals.

"Tell Teng Wanyuan that I will immediately send two thousand people to support the east gate. If he can't stop the enemy's attack, let him stop coming to see me and just end it on his own!"

"Follow the order!"

The herald hurried away.

At the east gate, the battle situation is extremely anxious.

Teng Wanyuan was tall and burly, and was good at wielding a wide-edged sword. At this moment, he could no longer stay at the rear and command, because there were many holes in the city wall, and the brave and fierce Huaizhou Zhenbei Army infantry rushed up in a steady stream, fighting with Yan. The army engaged in extremely brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Starting about a stick of incense ago, he led his own soldiers to join the battle, and at the same time sent an urgent report to Li Shouzhen asking for help.

The smell of blood filled the tip of his nose, and Teng Wanyuan couldn't tell whether it was a wound on his body. He kept waving his sword to push back the incoming Zhenbei Army infantry.

In this kind of face-to-face hand-to-hand combat, both sides not only test their fighting strength, but also test their psychological quality.

People who are greedy for life and afraid of death often die quickly. Only by moving forward bravely can it be possible to push back the enemy and gain a glimmer of hope.

The long-term battle caused the strength in Teng Wanyuan's body to drain quickly. At the same time, he had to take care of command. Reinforcements still had not arrived, so he could only try his best to support himself.

Suddenly there was a burst of chaotic footsteps behind him. Teng Wanyuan swung his sword and forced the last enemy soldier in front of him to retreat. He gasped for air and then turned around to look back. He saw a military general in his thirties coming with dozens of people.

Teng Wanyuan couldn't help feeling relieved, and smiled miserably: "Wen Dujian, you came in time, thank you very much!"

What responded to him was a bright sword light!

There was a huge crowd, but there was only a moment of silence.

Wen Xiguang raised the knife and dropped it, the guilt deep in his eyes flashed away, and then turned into a cold killing intent.

Teng Wanyuan was completely unprepared, and the soldiers around him also did not expect such a change to happen. It was not until Wen Xiguang's knife landed firmly on Teng Wanyuan's neck that everyone seemed to wake up from a deep sleep.

Their first reaction was: Is this Inspector Wen crazy?

But the next moment, the people brought by Wen Xiguang rushed forward. Teng Wanyuan's soldiers and subordinates were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. Only then did they notice that Wen Xiguang and the people he brought had a piece of cloth wrapped around their arms. strip.

Wen Xiguang's loud voice sounded on the city wall: "Your Yin has been broken, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

He led dozens of people to fight out of an open space, and then countless Zhenbei Army infantry leaped onto the city wall from here, and they continued to do so!

On the ground outside the city, Pei Sui, who was in military uniform, had been paying attention to the movements on the city wall. When he saw a flag of the Zhenbei Army raised near the east gate tower, he immediately shouted: "Generals and soldiers of the rear army, follow me into the city! "


Thousands of people roared in unison.

Under the personal leadership of Pei Sui, this new force, which had not participated in the battle, launched an indomitable charge towards the solid and closed East Gate of Ruyin.

When Wen Xiguang led his men to kill Teng Wanyuan, causing the Yan army on the east wall to fall into a situation without command, the two generals each led dozens of people, unexpectedly killed the Yan army inside the city gate, and then removed the latch and opened the door. Thick city gate.

At this time, the Huaizhou Zhenbei Army was divided into two halves. One part of the elite infantry continued to jump up the city wall from the towering ladder. Under the guidance of Wen Xiguang and others, they killed the Yan army and retreated step by step. The other part was led by Pei Sui. Down, pouring in from the opened east gate, they just happened to bump into the reinforcements sent by Li Shouzhen, and the two sides immediately fought together!

At the Chinese military position outside the city, Xiao Wangzhi, who received the news immediately, decisively ordered: "Send an order to Jiang Hua's army to follow the Zhenbei army to attack the city!"

"Follow the order!"

Flags were flying and drums were beating like thunder. Under the leadership of General He Gui, Jianghua's army, which had been recuperating for a long time, rushed into Ruyin City along the gap opened by the Zhenbei Army.

At this moment, in the west, north, and south of Ruyin City, the Huaizhou Army's offensives were still fierce. On the chaotic battlefield, many people did not expect that while they were fighting, the east gate had fallen.

"General! General!"

Feng Xiaowen, who was responsible for delivering military orders, arrived in a hurry with two companions. When he was still a few feet away from Li Shouzhen, he shouted: "General, the east gate has been breached, and Governor Teng unfortunately died on the battlefield!"

This short sentence made Li Shouzhen turn pale in an instant. Teng Wanyuan was a trusted general he single-handedly promoted. He was not weak in both his ability to lead troops and his own martial arts. How could this situation happen?

There was deathly silence around him. Li Shouzhen even fell into a trance for a moment, and Feng Xiaowen's face seemed to become blurry as he ran towards him.

Feng Xiaowen and his two companions successfully passed through the barriers of Li Shouzhen's soldiers and came within ten feet of the Dongyang Road general.

"General, be careful!" A man in his thirties behind Li Shouzhen shouted violently, and in a flash he came to him and stood between him and Feng Xiaowen.

Two feet away.

Feng Xiaowen and the two companions beside him leaned down at the same time as they were walking quickly, and there was a cold dagger in their hands. However, the man in his thirties showed no fear on his face and suddenly took a step forward, holding his right fist The wind and thunder roared and pierced out, coming later than before.

Feng Xiaowen twisted his body to avoid it. The companion on his right raised his hand and stabbed the thirty-year-old man in the ribs, while the man on the left stabbed him in the chest and abdomen.

The man in his thirties swung his right fist and hit the shoulder of the man on the left, like a hammer hitting a defeated enemy. In an instant, the man's shoulder collapsed, and he broke his collarbone!

The man groaned, and the vitality in his eyes disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he still stubbornly used a dagger to make a wound on the thirties man's ribs.

The man in his thirties, with his beard and hair spread out, stepped forward and punched Feng Xiaowen again.

"Capture the thief and capture the king!"

Another companion roared angrily, took the initiative to meet the thirty-year-old man's iron fist, and at the same time opened his arms and rushed away.

The punch hit his chest, and at the same time he hugged the other person's body tightly. Feng Xiaowen and the man in his thirties passed side by side, with murderous eyes in his eyes, and he raised his hand and wiped the other person's throat.

The thirty-year-old man killed Feng Xiaowen's companion with one punch, but he was hugged by the other party. He couldn't move for an instant. He could only watch the dagger in Feng Xiaowen's hand slash his throat. At this moment of life and death, he stood up With the last of his strength, he raised his foot and kicked Feng Xiaowen's thigh.

Feng Xiaowen felt severe pain, but without any hesitation, he used his strength to pounce on Li Shouzhen, who was not far in front of him.

The movements of these four people were like a rabbit rising and a falcon falling, and the fight lasted only in the blink of an eye. Li Shouzhen had just been awakened by the loud shout of the man in his thirties, and Feng Xiaowen appeared in front of him.

And the dagger glowing with cold light and blood.

Feng Xiaowen stood in a slightly strange posture, with the dagger in his hand pressed firmly against Li Shouzhen's throat. He glared angrily at the Yan army coming up from around him and shouted: "One more step forward and Li Shouzhen will definitely die!"

Everyone was afraid and stopped one after another.

Feng Xiaowen said again: "General, the east gate has been broken, and our army has entered the city. Please immediately order the four gates to be opened and give up resistance. Don't make any more unnecessary sacrifices!"

Li Shouzhen's face turned red, but at this moment he could not move at all, because Feng Xiaowen was holding his body with one hand, and the other hand was holding a dagger that might cut him off at any time.

"who are you?"

He could only ask through gritted teeth.

Feng Xiaowen's cold voice came from behind his head: "This is not important. General, please give the order immediately!"

At this moment, the previous herald ran over again and shouted in panic: "General! Teng Dujian was killed in battle, the east gate was opened, and the enemy is attacking the east gate! Our reinforcements have arrived and are entering Fight to the death with the enemy, but two thousand people cannot resist for long. Please give the general a try again——"

The voice stopped suddenly, and the herald stared blankly at Li Shouzhen, who was surrounded by a large group of people, and Feng Xiaowen, who restrained him with a dagger.

"General, the situation is over, why should you sacrifice your life for the Jinglian people? If you continue to insist, at worst I will die with you. Anyway, I am just a nobody, and it will not be a loss if I can be buried with the great general. If you are willing to pass on the order to everyone, If the army gives up resistance, I guarantee you will not die."

Feng Xiaowen spoke calmly in Li Shouzhen's ear.

Li Shouzhen said with anger and shame: "Do you think I will believe your rhetoric?"

"General, you might as well think about it. If you are willing to lead the army and surrender, how could Governor Xiao do anything against you?"

Feng Xiaowen exerted a little force, and the cold dagger was pressed tightly against Li Shouzhen's throat. He continued: "If I kill you, who else will be willing to submit to our army in the future? Is Governor Xiao such an unwise person? Furthermore, General, do you think the soldiers below are really willing to continue to work hard?"

Li Shouzhen was shocked. He looked at the people around him. They were his most trusted confidants. However, facing his gaze at this moment, many people lowered their heads.

He turned to look east again. Although he couldn't see the specific situation near the east gate, he could vaguely hear the increasingly louder roars of the Huaizhou Army.

After a while, Li Shouzhen finally spoke, with a desolate and low tone: "Send the order to open the city gates everywhere."

To his surprise, almost no one around him objected, and several generals he trusted immediately rushed to various places to deliver orders.

At this moment, Li Shouzhen seemed to have aged more than ten years.

He only felt grief, anger and shame mixed in his chest, wishing he could take the initiative to hit Feng Xiaowen's dagger.

But he didn't dare to do this after all.

On such a sunny early spring morning, the four gates of Ruyin City, the capital of Dongyang Road, were wide open. The Yan army did not all surrender. Some people chose to continue to resist even after receiving Li Shouzhen's general order, but these people are like the flowers in the long river of history. An inconspicuous wave.

No one cares, no one talks about it.

About half an hour later, Huaizhou Governor Xiao Wangzhi, surrounded by Yuchigui and nearly a thousand tiger warriors, climbed up the Ruyin city wall and went straight to the tower.

Here he saw Kang Yanxiao, the commander-in-chief of the Taixing Army who was responsible for the main attack on Nancheng, Wen Xiguang and other generals in the city who took the initiative to surrender, and Li Shouzhen, the general of Yan State's Dongyang Road who was closely guarded by his own masters.

But his gaze did not stay, but looked not far away.

Two doctors were helping Feng Xiaowen take care of his injuries. The Jinglian master who was responsible for protecting Li Shouzhen broke Feng Xiaowen's left leg bone with his last kick.

Perhaps he will be a cripple for the rest of his life.

Xiao Wangzhi had already heard about the thrilling scene that happened here. He stepped to Feng Xiaowen's side, squatted down and reached out to gently touch his left leg.

He said slowly: "If the Warp Weaving Department cannot be properly placed, you will serve in the Huaizhou Army, and the Governor's Office will be responsible for the rest of your life."

Feng Xiaowen looked pale, bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, Commander-in-Chief!"

His eyebrows finally relaxed, revealing a slightly shy smile.

Between heaven and earth, the cheers of Huaizhou's soldiers reached the sky.


At the moment when Ruyin City fell, at the border between the northern part of Dongyang Road and Baotai Mountain, a torrent flowed across the land, startling countless birds in the forests on both sides.

This torrent is the world-famous Dajing cavalry, with more than 13,000 cavalry, exceeding the entire number of cavalry in the Southern Qi frontier army.

These fierce cavalry are all equipped with two horses. They can change horses and gallop at any time during the advance. Their superb riding skills are shocking.

After hundreds of miles of long-distance attack, they had left Henan Road and entered Dongyang Road.

In the middle of the team, Qing Yu Zhongwang raised his eyes to the south, his stern eyes seeming to be able to see across the mountains and rivers.

It fell at the head of Ruyin City.

(End of this chapter)

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