
Chapter 285 283 [Road 3]

Chapter 285 283 [The third way]

This was a military meeting to clarify tactical ideas and ensure that everyone knew their responsibilities, so Qingyu Zhongwang spoke very thoroughly.

Qingyu Huaijin was sitting in the corner like he had been a few days ago, looking at his brother who was talking calmly and calmly, and suddenly he vaguely saw a bit of his father's demeanor in commanding an army.

There has always been a vague rumor among the green-skinned idlers in Dadu of Jing Dynasty, that is, the eldest son and eldest daughter of Prince Changshan are fighting openly and secretly. Both of them want to inherit the power of the generalissimo, and they are even more noisy than the princes in the palace. More vicious.

Qingyu Huaijin had heard of these rumors, and she scoffed at them because she had no intention of fighting for power. Otherwise, how could she have declined Emperor Jing's favor?

It should be noted that it is not uncommon for female officials to be found in the Imperial Court.

Therefore, seeing his brother's calm state at this moment, Qingyu Huaijin felt a sense of relief in his heart. Fortunately, he came to take charge of the overall situation, otherwise he would definitely lose to that cunning man from Nan Qi again.

When Qing Yu Zhongwang pointed at Ruyin City, most people were at a loss.

After all, Moulianghu had been on the battlefield for a long time, so he reacted immediately, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Qingyu Zhongwang noticed the change in Moulianghu's expression, nodded slightly in greeting, and then continued: "Perhaps everyone can't understand why I set the target in Ruyin? According to the information we have so far, the Huaihe army led by Xiao Wangzhi The main force of the state army surrounded Ruyin City. He had at least four armies of Zhenbei, Taixing, Guangling, and Pingshan under his command, with a total strength of about 50,000. It is true that there were 30,000 Yan troops in Ruyin City. According to the military book, Xiao Wangzhi needs more than 100,000 troops to attack the city, but you cannot ignore one point. The Yan army has been frightened by the consecutive defeats, and its combat strength has dropped a lot compared to usual."

Considering this comparison of forces, it is not an underestimation for him to set the target at Ruyin City.

No matter how unbearable the Yan army is, as long as the Jing army arrives outside Ruyin City and launches an attack on the main force led by Xiao Wangzhi, the more than 30,000 people in the city can still contribute to some extent.

However, the problem was that the Huaizhou Army near Gongcheng blocked Jing's army's eastward advance.

At this time, a young general named Lou Shuo Fangming asked: "My young prince, are you saying that our army will first defeat the Huaizhou Army in the east of Gongcheng, and then enter Dongyang Road along the official road?"

Although he didn't say it explicitly, everyone in the hall understood what he meant.

Regardless of whether Jing Jun can defeat the elite led by Lu Chen, even if they have this strength, Xiao Wangzhi outside Ruyin City will definitely receive the news in time and respond calmly.

Qingyu Zhongwang said calmly: "Before answering your question, let's first take a look at the details of the Huaizhou army east of Gongcheng."

He raised his hand and pointed to Gongcheng on the official road, and then said: "This Huaizhou army includes Lu Chen's Ruishi Battalion and the Lai'an Army commanded by Duan Zuozhang, with a total strength of about 20,000. They successively captured Qingliu Pass and Raoyang City. , the loss is not big, we can temporarily assume that they still have 18,000 soldiers to fight. I asked you, with the main force of our army coming out, and with the cooperation of the Yan army, can these 18,000 people resist? ability?"

Lou Shuo Fangming replied without thinking: "Definitely not!"

Qing Yu Zhongwang smiled and said: "In that case, why do they dare to continue to advance? And when I sent three thousand cavalry to Gongcheng to plunder the formation, they still did not stop their march."

Lou Shuo Fangming thought for a while and said uncertainly: "Because they have reinforcements behind them and can support this army at any time and form a counter-encirclement against our army on the battlefield."

"You are right. Let me ask you again, how many reinforcements are there?"


Lou Shuo Fangming hesitated, how dare he speak nonsense in such a serious occasion.

Qing Yu Zhongwang did not embarrass him, and said in a low tone: "From the process of the Battle of Leize, we can see that Xiao Wangzhi and Lu Chen will spare no effort when using their tactics, so we can assume that behind the Huaizhou army, there is Xunyang Army, Jianghua Army and Jingzhou Feiyu Camp, these have a total strength of 30,000 troops, plus the Ruishi Camp and Lai'an Army, it is almost close to 50,000 troops."

These words made the atmosphere in the hall become more solemn.

The strength of the Southern Qi frontier army cannot be underestimated. If they want to deal with these 50,000 people head-on, the Jing army in Heluo City will have to explode with the combat power they had in their heyday more than ten years ago.

Another young general, Zhuo Tuoguang, muttered: "Little prince, if there are so many Qi troops hidden in the east of Gongcheng, does it mean that the main force under Xiao Wangzhi's command is not that strong? If he wants to attack Ruyin City, he will definitely suffer a lot of losses. , if our army can rush to the battlefield, the hope of victory is great."

Qing Yu Zhongwang praised: "That's right. The reason why I didn't send troops to stop the attack in advance is that I hope that the troops led by Lu Chen will get closer to Heluo and farther away from Dongyang Road. He wants to repeat the old events of Lei Ze, Deliberately tempting our troops to attack, we naturally cannot follow his lead."

Mou Lianghu interrupted at the right time: "What the young prince said makes sense. The terrain of the official road to the east is very suitable for the Southern Qi infantry to form a formation to fight. In this case, it is difficult for our army to break their formation. But it is different over Ruyin City. , Xiao Wangzhi must disperse his troops in all directions if he wants to attack the city, and the plain outside the city is very flat, which is very suitable for our cavalry to attack."

Qing Yu Zhongwang nodded, turned around and sat on the main seat, picked up the tea cup and took a sip to moisten his throat, and then said: "There is a more important point. Although Lu Chen has become famous in the past two years, he has become Xiao Wangzhi The following is the number one general in Huaizhou, but he cannot compare with Xiao Wangzhi in terms of prestige in the army. Defeating Lu Chen may dampen the enemy's morale, but it is far less than defeating Xiao Wangzhi outside Ruyin City."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's mood suddenly became enthusiastic.

Of course they have heard of Xiao Wangzhi's reputation. Back then, this man and Li Tianrun blocked Jing Jun's progress at an extremely disadvantageous disadvantage, and forcibly created a pattern of Southern Qi and Northern Yan ruling by dividing the river.

Just as Qing Yu Zhongwang said, capture the thief first and capture the king first. If Xiao Wangzhi and his troops can be defeated in one battle, Lu Chen does not have the reputation to replace Xiao Wangzhi at the moment, and the Huaizhou army can only retreat in despair. .

Seeing that everyone had fully understood the current situation, Qingyu Zhongwang said: "Zhuo Tuoguang."

The tall, long-armed young general stood up and said, "The general is here!"

Qing Yu Zhongwang raised his eyes to look at him and ordered calmly: "You lead five thousand infantry out of the city and go to Yaoshan Pass to the west of Gongcheng to take over the defense. The Yan army in the pass can serve as your servant army. In addition, , the three thousand cavalry that Guangji Ci brought over before will assist you in your defense." Zhuo Tuoguang said calmly: "The last general takes the order!"

Qing Yu Zhongwang also warned: "You must remember one thing. You must not leave the pass to fight with the Qi army. At the same time, no matter how fierce the enemy's offensive is, you must defend Yaoshan Pass for me. If the Qi army bypasses Yaoshan Pass, If they continue to advance westward, you and Guangji Ci will join forces to harass their retreat."

Zhuo Tuoguang bowed and said, "Please rest assured, young prince, I will never be negligent in the slightest."

Qing Yu Zhongwang nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Mou Lianghu and said: "General, there are fifteen thousand infantry left in Heluo City, under your full command. I will let General Pang Shigu take command of the Yan army. The power will be handed over to you, and you will be in charge of the defense of Heluo City."

Moulianghu stood up and said, "Yes."

Qing Yuzhongwang raised his hand and pressed it, looked around the generals, and said slowly: "I asked Zhuo Tuoguang to guard Yaoshan Pass to attract the Huaizhou Army led by Lu Chen through here, and General Moulianghu is stationed in Heluo , is to prevent unexpected situations and avoid Lu Chen finding an opportunity to attack and break the city. But I hope you understand that these are not arrangements that determine the final outcome. Where is the battlefield where our army should really devote all its efforts? "

"Ruyin City!"

All the generals answered in unison.

Qingyu Zhongwang said leisurely: "Yes, it is Ruyin City. Some time ago, I had sent an order to the five thousand infantry stationed on the Fengqiu line at the north end of Dongyang Road, asking them to leave two thousand people to keep an eye on Baotai Mountain. The other 3,000 bandit troops have already moved south. These 3,000 people will keep a relatively far distance from the main force of the Qi army. On the one hand, they will reduce the pressure on Li Shouzhen, and on the other hand, they will clear the way for our cavalry to attack."

At this point, his tone rose slightly: "You have always been curious about how our cavalry will appear outside Ruyin City. In fact, the answer is very simple. We first go northeast and enter Henan Road, and then quickly attack eastward, starting from Henan Road Get in at the junction of the three places, Baotai Mountain and Dongyang Road, and rush straight into Xiao Wangzhi's eyes!"

There was a solemn silence in the hall.

Mou Lianghu felt his blood boiling in his body, as if he had gone back to the time when he followed Qing Yugong to the north more than ten years ago and was invincible, but he also knew that Heluo City must leave someone with enough weight to take charge of the overall situation.

Although he felt regretful in his heart, he couldn't help but admired: "What the young prince did is quite like a prince's military style."

Qing Yu Zhongwang knew his thoughts well, and smiled slightly and said: "General Muzan, I am not one ten thousandth as good as my father. Everyone, except for the three thousand cavalry sent to the east to assist the defense of Yaoshanguan, and those who stayed in Zhuoyuan With a thousand cavalry, I will take all the remaining cavalry to complete this long-distance attack."

All the young generals involuntarily puffed up their chests.

Qing Yu Zhongwang called the names of several people in succession, and then said seriously: "The Great Scenery Cavalry travels across the world, relying on its maneuverability that is beyond the reach of all enemies in the world. This time I hope you can prove to the world that despite the vicissitudes of the world, Despite the unpredictable changes, the Great Scenery Cavalry is still invincible!"


The rest were all roaring with red faces.

"Very good. The person whose name was called just now should go back immediately to prepare for war. When the time comes, he will join me on the battlefield and let the people of Qi see the unreasonable and invincible power of the Great Scenery Cavalry!"

"Follow the order!"

Everyone stood up and spoke loudly.

After a while, everyone left the main hall, leaving only the Qingyu family brother and sister.

Qingyu Huaijin, who had been silent all this time, walked up to his brother and said with admiration: "Brother really impressed my little sister today."

Qing Yu Zhongwang smiled honestly, as if he had returned to his usual state. He was always a bit out of place in front of her. He said warmly: "Xiao Wangzhi and Lu Chen gave me two ways, either to hide in Heluo City, or to go to Heluo City." We fought with Lu Chen's ambush troops on the eastern front, but how could I do what they expected? This third route was actually not weird, but it was obvious that they underestimated the strength of my cavalry because of their previous victory. "

"Well, my brother is right."

Qingyu Huaijin raised his eyes and looked at him and said seriously: "The war is dangerous. I hope my brother will be careful and pay attention to safety."

Qing Yu Zhongwang nodded in agreement, and reminded: "After I lead the troops and leave, Mulianghu should be able to control the situation, but you must also be wary of certain people in this city, whether Pang Shigu or Wang An, in this No pass is worthy of complete trust. When you leave Zhuoyuan, you must bring enough personal guards with you."

"Okay, little sister, I will definitely keep this in mind."

Qingyu Huaijin finally showed a faint smile, sweeping away the fatigue and depression of the past two years.

The brother and sister came outside the hall and looked side by side at the bright afternoon sun, just as they had been close since childhood.

Qingyu Zhongwang's eyes were calm and far-reaching, and he uttered a sigh that Qingyu Huaijin couldn't agree more with.

"We are the children of the Qingyu family, so we cannot embarrass our father, right?"


 Three updates today, and I still owe 22 updates~



(End of this chapter)

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