
Chapter 276 274 [It is rude to come and not return]

Chapter 276 274 [It is rude to come and not return] (Additional update for the leader of the little sand in the sea)

Even though Su Yunqing had been weathered for a long time, she was now excited by Lu Chen's words.

He seems to have had a misunderstanding in his thinking for a long time, that is, Beiyan must consider the overall situation and plan from a long-term perspective.

For example, Zhang Can, as the Emperor of Northern Yan, does have certain utilization value, but if he cannot play a sufficient role and is just doing some innocuous trivial matters, then there is no need for the Weaving Department to waste time on him.

This is also true. The Sutra Weaving Department only has a few informants in the Beiyan Palace, and their main focus is on monitoring Zhuo Yuan, Wang Family Mansion, Pang Shigu, Yu Xinchen and others.

Now Lu Chen's proposal made Su Yunqing suddenly enlightened.

Compared to the long-term layout that he was better at, Lu Chen provided him with another idea, which was to use Zhang Can as the entry point to completely detonate the pent-up anger in his heart, preferably to affect enough dignitaries of the Yan Kingdom.

It's simple and direct, but it may lead to unexpected surprises.

Thinking of this, Su Yunqing said solemnly: "Captain Lu, I think this idea can be tried."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I'm relieved with Master Su's words, as long as you don't think I'm being whimsical."

"How could it be so whimsical?"

Su Yunqing shook his head repeatedly, and then said: "Although the Zhang family is not as good as before, it still has some foundation. Moreover, the Zhang family and his son have been emperors for more than ten years, so it is not difficult to organize a group of personal guards who dare to kill people. If Zhang Can can be in a If we take action at the right opportunity and kill all the high-ranking officials in the Puppet Yan court, the Puppet Yan government system will definitely collapse, and the Jing Dynasty will also be caught off guard. This is a God-given opportunity for our frontier troops."

Seeing him getting more and more excited as he talked, Lu Chen couldn't help but cool him down and said, "Master Su, please be patient. This is just an idea."

Su Yunqing smiled awkwardly, and then asked: "Captain Lu, do you know what I remembered?"

Looking into his shining eyes, Lu Chen asked tentatively: "Could it be that back in the Guangling Yamen of the Sutra Weaving Department, your Excellency and I discussed how to deal with the spies from the Puppet Yan Inspectorate?"


Su Yunqing's tone was slightly raised, and she said with emotion: "I still remember it very clearly. The first time I saw you, you were extremely calm in front of me, and you could catch Gu Yong's flaws in just a few words. At that time, I was I think this young man is extremely talented and will make great achievements if he can join the Weaving Department. I hope you can serve Daqi, so I desperately want you to lurk in Heluo City..."

Having said this, he smiled apologetically at Lu Chen, and Lu Chen said it was okay.

"Later, you performed outstandingly in the Guangling city defense battle, and I knew that you could not continue to stay in the Weaving Department. It is true that the frontier army is a more suitable environment for you to display your talents, and you also used your abilities to repay Governor Xiao's kindness. Thank you very much. It’s just that sometimes when I think about it carefully, I will inevitably feel regretful. Today’s long conversation with you has given me the feeling of fighting side by side again, which is so comforting to my life.”

Su Yunqing's words came from the bottom of his heart. In fact, given his identity and position, except for necessary information exchanges, this kind of situation rarely happens.

Lu Chen understood this and smiled: "Master Su, please don't get excited. This is just the beginning. I believe we will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future."

As long as the border army continues the Northern Expedition and Su Yunqing is in charge of the northern intelligence system, then what Lu Chen said is not empty talk.

Su Yunqing calmed down and nodded: "You are right, there will be many opportunities in the future. As for the matter at hand, I think there are several issues that need to be resolved urgently, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve success."

His thoughts changed quickly, and Lu Chen said calmly: "Please tell me."

"First, I personally think your estimate of Zhang Can's psychology is pretty close to ten, but there is a very important link in it, which is whether Zhang Can has the courage to take action? What if he really does this? Even if we can grudge one another for a while, the revenge of the powerful family members below will be enough to swallow up the entire Zhang family."

"I have considered this issue. Zhang Can's father is dead, and his current queen is a woman from an aristocratic family secretly arranged by Jing Chao. I don't think he will take this relationship into consideration, otherwise he would not indulge in women every night. .”

"Okay, assuming Zhang Can has this courage, how can we make him make up his mind? To be honest, the Warp Weaving Department's eyeliner level in the Puppet Yan Palace is very low. It can only serve as eyes and ears and cannot get close to Zhang Can at all. "

Su Yunqing's worries were based on reality. Although the idea of ​​​​weaving a conspiracy to include all the monarchs and ministers of Beiyan sounded disturbing, until now it was just his and Lu Chen's speculations and assumptions. In reality it's not that easy.

The Sutra Weaving Department had not focused on the Beiyan Palace before. If it wanted to immediately extend its tentacles now, it would obviously be an unrealistic idea.

However, Lu Chen said calmly: "Master Su, don't worry, I can do it."

Su Yunqing's eyes narrowed slightly. Lu Chen's words meant that he had the ability to influence Zhang Can's mind.

At this time, he finally realized that the reason why Lu Chen proposed this plan was because he was sure to help Zhang Can make up his mind.

"Okay, as long as this premise is established, our plan has nearly half a chance of winning."

Su Yunqing did not question Lu Chen's methods. Everyone has their own secrets and trump cards. As the inspector of the Warp Weaving Department, he naturally understood this taboo.

However, Lu Chen did not intend to hide it completely. He said apologetically: "Master Su, the reason why I can do this has nothing to do with me. The reason is that both Your Majesty and Governor Xiao are very It’s clear, but it’s just not convenient to make it public now. You will know when the time is right in the future, so please forgive me.”

His trump card is the Zhai Lin Wang family. With Wang An's foundation and background in Heluo City, it is easy to use some tricks on Zhang Can, but this relationship must be kept secret for the time being. Su Yunqing smiled casually and said: "Thank you very much, Lieutenant Lu, for clarifying my doubts. The Sutra Weaving Department will not interfere with this matter."

Lu Chen nodded and changed the subject: "If Zhang Can takes action and succeeds, Heluo City and even the entire puppet Yan government will be in turmoil. At this time, we must use lurking spies to fan the flames and strive to expand this wave of chaos. It is best to It can affect the stability of the puppet Yan army. In this way, Qingyu Zhongwang cannot control the overall situation with the limited Jingjun in his hands."

At this moment, Su Yunqing gradually tasted some profound meaning.

Based on his understanding of Lu Chen, this young man has always been very thoughtful. I am afraid that he planned this plan not only to cause civil strife in Beiyan, but also to cooperate with the advancement of the Northern Expedition.

This is worthy of careful consideration, because judging from the current battlefield situation, it is almost a foregone conclusion that the Huaizhou Army will regain Dongyang Road, and Li Shouzhen's resistance is just a false story.

Under the command of Xiao Wangzhi, the Huaizhou army moved forward step by step, advancing slowly and unhurriedly. There should be no accidents on the battlefield, but Lu Chen's aggressive attack clearly had other agendas.

Su Yunqing did not express this conjecture. He always kept his identity in mind. Except for the special circumstances of the night attack on Yongquan Pass, he did not want to be involved in the specific military arrangements of the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion.

Therefore, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, Captain Lu, I will immediately prepare multiple plans and select some good men to sneak into Heluo City to help Yin Shangfu prepare in advance."

"There is Master Laosu."

Lu Chen nodded in greeting.

"This is very unusual. If this matter can be successful, the Warp Weaver Department will have a great achievement, and it will also be of great benefit to me."

Su Yunqing said seriously, and Lu Chen stopped being polite.

The two discussed the details for a long time. As Su Yunqing said before, they had the experience of cooperation in Guangling last year. Now the two of them are discussing various ways to harm people.

Before I knew it, it was already dark outside.

In the flickering candlelight, Su Yunqing suddenly asked: "Captain Lu, does your plot today have anything to do with the rumors some time ago?"

Lu Chen did not deny it and said with a smile: "Master Su, this is a good question. In fact, it is not only me who is troubled by the rumors, but also the adults in the court. For example, wasn't the Right Prime Minister attacked by a large group of people before? Not to mention. It is said that the minister Qu Shilang of the Ministry of Works, enjoying the salary distributed by the imperial court, secretly colluded with the Gu family in Guangling and became a pawn of the north. Whether it was the Puppet Yan Procuratorate or the Jing Dynasty, these people fanned the flames time and time again. I I feel like we can’t just passively endure it all the time.”

Su Yunqing's expression also became serious.

A sharp light appeared in Lu Chen's eyes, and he said slowly: "They can stir up the storm, can't we? On the battlefield, I can beat the Northern Army to defeat. In this kind of conspiracy, we can also use it to defeat the Northern Army." The way they treat others is the way they treat them. Moreover, we will not be as petty as they are, and only know how to target one person or one place all day long."

He paused slightly and said leisurely: "Instead of having a small fight, it's better to have a lively scene."

Su Yunqing couldn't help but be infected by his heroic spirit, nodded heavily and said: "What Lieutenant Lu said is absolutely true, then let us be a big one!"

The two looked at each other and laughed in unison. The smile was full of sinister flavor.

Early the next morning, Lu Chen and Su Yunqing rushed to the temporary governor's mansion together, and then reported the plan to Xiao Wangzhi.

Compared with yesterday's original plan, after a whole night of thinking, the idea put forward by the two people was quite complete. They took into account various unlikely unexpected situations and made corresponding preparations.

After hearing this, Xiao Wangzhi muttered: "You can give it a try, but you must protect the spies sent to Heluo City by the Weaving Department as much as possible, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the ten years since Jianwu."

Su Yunqing's heart trembled, and her eager mood immediately calmed down.

Of course he knew what happened in the 10th year of Jianwu. He told Lu Chen last year that the Procuratorate led by King Shidao of Beiyan suddenly exerted force and captured thirty-six spies of the Qi Dynasty in just a few days. Si caused great losses and shocked the entire Da Qi court.

Facing Xiao Wangzhi's penetrating gaze, Su Yunqing bowed her head and responded: "I will keep in mind the Governor's instructions and will not act hastily."

Xiao Wangzhi nodded and said: "It's best this way, go ahead and do your work."

"Yes, I am resigning."

Su Yunqing respectfully stepped down.

Xiao Wangzhi and Lu Chen were the only ones left in the hall. The middle-aged man turned his head and stared at the map hanging on the wall. After a moment, he looked at Lu Chen and said, "I think this plan of yours is not just for revenge on the little princess Jingchao. It’s not just a response to the rumor about my life experience.”

"Are you trying to plot against Heluo?"

 The update for leader No. 003 of this book "Little Sand in the Sea" is completed! 4 updates today, 23 chapters left. I wish all my book friends a happy new year and all the best~!



(End of this chapter)

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