
Chapter 273 271【Look at the present day】

Chapter 273 271【Look at the present day】

Lu Chen remembered clearly that when Lu Tong told the past events, he clearly said that only the father and son knew the truth about the fire that year.

This has nothing to do with trusting Xiao Wangzhi.

After all, this is a secret that has happened for more than ten years and has a clear ending. Telling others will not only increase the risk, but will only cause trouble and pressure to the other party.

Lu Chen is Lu Tong's son, so it is only natural that he should bear this pressure, and since it involves his plans for the future, he must know the grudges between the Lu family and the Li family.

According to the normal process, Xiao Wangzhi would not have been involved originally, but as an insider of many things that year, and Lu Chen's intention to protect himself was slightly obvious, he gradually guessed the person who was being investigated in this direction. Lu Tong buried the truth deeply.

Lu Chen didn't speak, his silent attitude said everything.

Of course he could deny it outright, but such a move would not make much sense in front of Xiao Wangzhi, and would also cause a gap between the two of them when they get along.

"Your father is indeed the most outstanding one among us. He did what we wanted to do but didn't dare to do."

Xiao Wangzhi's next words surprised Lu Chen.

He spoke highly of Lu Tong, which was reasonable.

Among the group of young people around Yang Guangyuan back then, Lu Tong's military talent was not inferior to others. He later retired from the army and ran business in an orderly manner. Not to mention that he needed to channel all forces and had connections across the country.

What surprised Lu Chen was what Xiao Wang said next.

What do you mean by something you want to do but don’t dare to do?

He looked at the middle-aged man opposite with a complicated expression and said slowly: "Uncle Xiao has also thought about revenge for Marshal Yang?"

Xiao Wangzhi put the tongs aside, picked up the tea cup again and took a sip, as if he was brewing some kind of courage.

"When the marshal drove me to Huaizhou, I was very upset and confused, because at that time Huaizhou belonged to the rear, and the real battlefield was at the Jinghe defense line in the north. Later, in the seventh year of Yuankang, the marshal was He was recalled to Heluo City, followed by imprisonment and torture, and he died three days later. It all happened so suddenly and quickly that we were too late to rescue him."

Listening to Xiao Wangzhi's gloomy tone, Lu Chen nodded slightly. Of course he could understand this helpless and sad mood.

"From the seventh year of Yuankang to the eleventh year of Yuankang, our group of generals who were promoted by the commander had a very difficult time. Some were affected by the aftermath, some were depressed and disheartened, and some gave up on themselves and looked on coldly. The Jinghe River was originally impregnable. The defense line became fragmented, allowing the Jing Dynasty cavalry to come and go freely. I still remember that in those years, I fought between heaven and man almost every day, do you know what I was thinking? "

Xiao Wangzhi's eyes were filled with desolation and a bit of pain and tangle.

Even though more than ten years have passed, he still doesn't want to think about it.

Lu Chen whispered: "Uncle Xiao should be thinking whether to lead his army to Jingchao to avenge Marshal Yang, or to uphold Marshal Yang's last wish to protect the country of Qi."

"You're half right."

Xiao Wangzhi laughed at himself and said with a sigh: "I have thought about joining Jing Jun, but I don't have the guts to be criticized by thousands of people. At the same time, I don't have the courage to publicly adress Marshal Yang. I can only squat like a tortoise." Huaizhou, paralyze yourself with the commander-in-chief's instructions every day - I, Xiao Wangzhi, am not a coward, I just want to inherit the commander-in-chief's legacy and remain useful to protect the common people."

Lu Chen looked at him blankly.

Xiao Wangzhi shook his head and said: "What a bullshit famous general, he is just greedy for life and afraid of death, just deceiving himself and others."

"Uncle Xiao..."

"I'm not pretending in front of this junior. These words have been hidden in my heart for many years, and it's really uncomfortable to hold them in. I don't dare to mention them in front of your father, because I'm afraid he will take out the commander's tablet and slap me. Face."

Lu Chen could only sigh softly.

Xiao Wangzhi continued: "Heluo fell, and the late emperor and the prince died in the fire in the palace. I felt extremely happy and refreshed, as if the huge stone weighing on my heart suddenly disappeared, so I led the Zhenbei Army to hold the security line. , blocked Jing Jun's attacks again and again, and finally relied on military merit to become the governor of Huaizhou. However, this does not change the fact that from the seventh year of Yuankang to the eleventh year of Yuankang, Xiao Wangzhi was an uncompromising person in the four years. A coward who doesn’t buckle.”

Lu Chen asked softly: "So Uncle Xiao is determined to promote the Northern Expedition in order to wash away the humiliation brought about every day and night in those four years?"

Xiao Wangzhi nodded and said, "Yes."

Lu Chen stared into his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he asked: "Uncle Xiao, have you ever thought about a question, why is my father not separated from you, and your friendship has remained the same over the years?"

Xiao Wangzhi was slightly puzzled.

Lu Chen pointedly said: "If Uncle Xiao is really, as he said just now, an ungrateful coward and villain who betrays his general, why does my father continue to be friends with you? In those four years, Uncle Xiao did nothing, no matter what your heart How can you be so entangled? At least on the surface you have done nothing. Could it be that my father can't see through this?"

Xiao Wangzhi was stunned.

Lu Chen said slowly: "I think it's because my father knows how hard it is for you old brothers and doesn't want the fire that Marshal Yang has left behind to be destroyed by the treacherous storm, so he chose to do it alone."

Xiao Wangzhi lowered his head slightly and said, "Maybe so."

"That must be the case." Lu Chen's tone was decisive, and he continued: "Marshal Yang knew that he was not tolerated by the Emperor of the Li family, but he could not betray his own principles, so he was willing to die. His only selfish intention was to protect you all. Fire. My father knew what Marshal Yang was thinking. He also knew that only by staying in the army could you protect the people, so he planned the fire alone. Uncle Xiao, you did not disappoint their expectations. You not only defended Huaizhou but also practiced ten Wan Dajun is now leading us to regain our homeland. Isn't this what Marshal Yang wants to see?"

Listening to the young man's gradually rising tone and seeing the sparkle in his eyes, Xiao Wangzhi suddenly let out a long breath and asked uncertainly: "So I'm doing pretty well?"

Lu Chen smiled: "It's not just okay, it's excellent."

After all, Xiao Wangzhi is not the kind of person who feels sorry for himself. It is a unique situation for him to speak his mind directly in front of Lu Chen today. Thinking back to the origin of this conversation, he couldn't help but sigh: "Your father has never told me the truth about this matter. Come to think of it, It’s because I’m afraid that I’ll feel guilty after finding out, and maybe I’ll give up on myself.”

Lu Chen pretended to be surprised and said, "No way, right? Uncle Xiao, don't describe my father as like a monster. How could he possibly have everything in mind?"

Xiao Wangzhi smiled sadly and said: "I accept your wishes, but if you arrange your father in front of me, I have to tell him next time."

"Uncle Xiao, you are not being kind."

Lu Chen looked a little aggrieved.

Xiao Wangzhi raised his hand and nodded at him, and said warmly: "Since there was the fire that year, your preparedness and vigilance towards the south is a reasonable response. Although I believe that your father has done a very clean job and will not stay What a trick, after all, there has never been any related rumors in the past ten years, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the worst, and it is not a bad thing to be careful."

Lu Chen said: "I thought Uncle Xiao would part ways with our Lu family after he guessed this."

Xiao Wangzhi asked curiously: "Why?"

Lu Chen said calmly: "Because my intention to support the Northern Expedition is not pure."

Xiao Wangzhi asked with great interest: "Then why do you support the Northern Expedition?"

Lu Chen asked: "Uncle Xiao, do you still remember that last year when I returned to Huaizhou from Pseudo-Yan business, I was searched and framed by Ning Li at Panlong Pass, and then I was detained by the Guangling Yamen of the Sutra Weaving Department?"

Xiao Wangzhi nodded and said, "Remember."

Naturally, Lu Chen would not expose his true origin. He recalled the scene at that time and said slowly: "That incident gave me two inspirations. One is that compared to doing business, maybe I am better at planning and calculation. The second is that I am better at planning and calculating. During the more than ten days I spent in the Weaving Department Yamen, I still couldn't feel at ease. I knew my father was capable of protecting me, but I didn't want others to pinch my neck anymore, and I didn't want to become a piece of meat on the chopping board."

"So I want to use the Weaving Department as a springboard to find a future in the army, because in today's troubled times, only military power can be considered the real confidence. I don't have the grand ambitions of Uncle Xiao and Governor Li, let alone Compared with Marshal Yang, I just want to be able to protect myself and my family."

This was the first time he revealed his true feelings in front of Xiao Wangzhi.

Xiao Wangzhi pondered for a moment and asked cautiously: "So you are worried that I will look down on you because of this?"

"Do not."

Lu Chen shook his head and continued: "After listening to Uncle Xiao's self-analysis just now, I actually feel very ashamed, but I should at least have the courage to look straight into my heart."

Xiao Wangzhi smiled gently and said with emotion: "Perhaps in the eyes of the civil servants in the court, only those who have no time can be called a perfect person. This is a correct nonsense, just like what they say when they speak, they will call them saints. The world is bustling with people. If you ask for something, you can achieve something by asking for something. It doesn't matter what your original intention is, as long as you really work hard for it."

Lu Chen naturally has a clear conscience in this regard. Whether it was the several battles last year, or this year's trip to Baotai Mountain to help the Seven Star Gang, or even today's Northern Expedition, he devoted all his efforts and energy without slacking off for a moment.

"You have to understand one thing. To achieve great things, you can't spend every penny. You can't expect everyone to be perfect. Only by uniting everyone who can provide help can you achieve your ultimate goal."

Xiao Wangzhi was earnest and seductive, looking into Lu Shen's eyes and said: "The Northern Expedition is like this, and so is life."

Although he didn't explain it too thoroughly, Lu Chen had already understood his meaning, and the two sides quietly reached an agreement.

In short, Xiao Wangzhi did not allow anyone to undermine the overall situation of the Northern Expedition, at least in the Huaizhou Army.

Under this premise, as long as it does not violate military discipline and royal laws, he can tolerate everyone's different original intentions and reasons.

Whether you are loyal to the emperor and the country or want to leave a name in history, even if you simply want to be promoted to a higher position, as long as you fight bravely on the battlefield, Xiao Wangzhi will happily accept it, not to mention that Lu Chen just wants to control himself. ability to protect.

As for what constitutes sufficient self-protection ability, Xiao Wangzhi did not discuss it in depth and did not want to discuss it in depth.

Some words just need to be clicked.

Lu Chen replied solemnly: "Uncle Xiao, I understand."

Xiao Wangzhi smiled and said: "You have a hard journey back and forth this time. Go back and have a good rest first, and then we will discuss how to conquer the half of Dongyang Road."

Lu Chen stood up, bowed, and said solemnly: "General, take your orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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