
Chapter 263 261【Merely】

Chapter 263 261【Merely】


The face of the young man behind Ji Ximing turned red. The man on the left took a step forward and shouted angrily, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Lu Tong's sarcasm was too straightforward and did not leave any sympathy for Ji Ximing.

The warp weaver's rank was promoted to the third rank. Because of the special nature of this yamen, even in the capital where first and second rank officials were common, no one dared to look down upon it, let alone Huaizhou in the north of the Yangtze River.

These young people have been with Ji Ximing all year round and are respected by everyone wherever they go. They did not expect that a white businessman in front of them would be so disrespectful. No wonder they were so angry.

Lu Tong didn't raise his eyes at all, still looking at the senior official of the Weaving Department opposite with a hint of sarcasm.

"Go back."

Ji Ximing said two words lightly, and the young man behind him immediately became silent and did not dare to move.

He slowly picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, and then said with a smile: "Do you think I came to Huaizhou to find you without knowing anything? Although you and the Lu family firm Nian has been very low-key and has only expanded within Huaizhou. But don't forget, Huaizhou is still under the rule of Daqi. The reason why you can make money safely is not because others can't do anything to you, but because it's not time to deal with you. .”


Lu Tong said unhurriedly: "Then I would like to hear how many records of violations of imperial laws the Lu family has in the Sutra Weaving Department's files."

Ji Ximing looked at his calm and calm appearance and sneered: "It's not up to you to decide whether you violate the court's laws or not."

This sentence has a somewhat sinister meaning, which is in line with the inherent impression of a special yamen like the Sutra Weaving Department in the eyes of the world.

"Just now, I said that you are Yang Guangyuan's confidant. You asked me to provide evidence. I really don't have conclusive evidence in my hand. However, many things in this world do not require conclusive evidence. The key lies in how the people above will view it. "

Ji Ximing stood up slowly, stood at the table and stared at Lu Tong condescendingly, and continued: "The simplest question is, if you have nothing to do with Yang Guangyuan, how can you, a mere businessman, establish such a close relationship with Governor Xiao? Relationship? Although I can't find out your details back then, I know that Commander Xiao was a general promoted by Yang Guangyuan. Back then, Commander Xiao was rushed to Huaizhou by Yang Guangyuan to serve as the commander of the Zhenbei Army. Anyone with a discerning eye knows this. The inside story."

Lu Tong said leisurely: "Since Mr. Ji has investigated so carefully, didn't he find out that it was because Lu Chen performed well in the Battle of Guangling and was appreciated by Governor Xiao, and then I gradually became close to Governor Xiao?"

Ji Ximing's eyes were sinister and he said quietly: "Do you think everyone else is a fool? Lu Chen's performance in the Battle of Guangling was impressive at best, but he was immediately recruited into the Governor's Mansion by Governor Xiao. And he was put in charge of planning last year's counterattack and the Battle of Jiangbei. Even more than that, Governor Xiao also asked Lu Chen to preach the strategy at the military meeting in the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion."

Lu Tong remained silent.

Ji Ximing paced slowly in the room and said with a half-smile: "What kind of person is Governor Xiao? Just because Lu Chen launched a night attack in Guangling City and assisted Duan Zuozhang in defeating the enemy, he let this man under twenty years old A young man is leading a war related to border security? I know that Governor Xiao will definitely teach Lu Chen step by step and revise the strategy he has drawn up, but this raises another question."

He stopped, looked at Lu Tong coldly, and continued: "What is Lu Chen's identity? He is just the son of a merchant, even if he has some military talent, he can be regarded as his own son by Governor Xiao, and he will not hesitate to use his own efforts to Pave the way for him and use a victory of Jiangbei level as a stepping stone for him to advance."

Lu Tong's expression remained unchanged, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Ji Ximing came to the table again, put his hands on the edge of the table, leaned slightly and stared at Lu Tong, and said coldly: "As for the details of last year's counterattack and the Battle of Jiangbei, I visited the commander of the Huwei Army before leaving the capital. Envoy Yuan Xingqin. He was ordered to rush to Huaizhou last year, experienced the entire war, and informed all the details of the war. According to his story, Governor Xiao was almost using his own future and official position to pave the way for Lu Chen, even though It’s hard for a biological son to do this!”

Lu Tong said calmly: "Master Ji has been living in the capital for a long time, so he doesn't know that the frontier army advocates a straightforward and straightforward style. Since Governor Xiao values ​​​​Lu Chen, he will naturally let him give full play to his talents. This kind of thing is ordinary and worthy of your special attention. Come out and talk about it?"

Ji Ximing sarcastically said: "Really? As far as I know, Governor Xiao has two sons. The eldest son is now working in a poor place like Taiping Prefecture, and the second son is still the deputy commander of the Guangling Army. He treats Lu Chen even You are more considerate than your own son. Are Xiao Lin and Xiao Hong just like the mud that cannot stand up to the wall, forcing him to train your son? Lu Tong, who can you deceive in the court with these words? "

In fact, until now, Ji Ximing just wanted to use these words to overwhelm Lu Tong's psychological defense. Through Xiao Wangzhi's unusual respect for Lu Chen, it was inferred that Lu Chen was Yang Guangyuan's posthumous son. This has a very reasonable explanation.

Lu Tong knew this very well. He looked up at Ji Ximing who was very close and said, "Master Ji, how about I make a bet with you?"

"What are you gambling?"

"You said that Governor Xiao promoted Lu Chen for another reason, but I insist that it was just because of his love and cherishment of talents. Lu Chen's current performance has also proved that Governor Xiao has the ability to recognize people. Since you and I have our own opinions, No one can convince the other with just one word, so you might as well ask Lord Ji to present this answer to the emperor in its entirety to see if His Majesty believes you or me."

Lu Tong Tong looked at Ji Ximing calmly and said with a smile, "I wonder if your Excellency thinks this bet is appropriate?"

Ji Ximing gradually narrowed his eyes and slowly straightened up, his eyes extremely gloomy.

As the warp weaver, he certainly knew that the only thing the emperor cared about most was the Northern Expedition. Now was the critical period of the Northern Expedition. He thought with his toes and knew that the Emperor would definitely side with Xiao Wangzhi. Not to mention that Lu Chen's life experience was just a rumor without any real evidence. Even if he could find some clues from the pile of old papers, the Emperor The best we can do is to leave it to China and discuss it in the future. We will definitely not investigate the matter at this time.

Seeing this, Lu Tong leaned on the back of his chair and said leisurely: "Master Ji, I know you are feeling very embarrassed. You really want to turn this matter into a solid case, falsely accuse Lu Chen of being related to Yang Guangyuan, and thus shake up the overall situation of the Northern Expedition. But you didn't No evidence, just some groundless inferences cannot convince the public, so they want me to talk nonsense to frame my son, haha..."

His laughter made Ji Ximing feel extremely harsh.

Lu Tong raised his head and looked at Ji Ximing with pity, and continued: "In my opinion, it is better for you to use torture, right? Or is it that the dignified weaver did not have the guts to issue this order?"

Ji Ximing quietly clenched his fists, looking coldly at the middle-aged man sitting calmly in front of him, and a sense of violence gradually surged in his heart.

However, just when he was about to speak, a confidant walked in quickly, lowered his head and said, "Sir."

Ji Ximing suppressed the anger in his heart and motioned to his cronies to go out before talking with his eyes.

A moment later, when he walked in again, the crazy look in his eyes had disappeared without a trace. Seeing this, Lu Tong couldn't help but sigh inwardly with regret.

Ji Ximing restrained himself and did not show any of his shock after hearing the report from his cronies. He said coldly: "Liu Yuanwai is really a good calculator. He can't wait to lure me into execution. He just wants to use a painful trick to make the government and the public sympathize with you." Lu family, how could I be fooled? Don't worry, I won't punish you."

Lu Tong seemed aggrieved and said: "Your Majesty, you really don't understand good people. I just saw you in such a difficult situation, so I just helped you think of a way. Maybe after the torture, your Majesty wants me to say something, so I will say it according to your request. What, right?”

Ji Ximing said sadly: "The Sutra Weaving Department does not necessarily need to torture people if they want people to confess. It seems that Lu Yuanwai still doesn't understand us very well."

Lu Tong didn't care. He raised his eyes and looked out the door. He suddenly changed the subject and said, "If I guessed correctly, Lord Cai's subordinates should be reporting to you about the war in the north. Counting the time, our frontier soldiers We should have achieved a great victory that shocked the north and the south. Is Master Ji feeling very uncomfortable at the moment?"

Ji Ximing stared at the middle-aged man coldly, without any change of expression on his face, but his heart was already filled with turbulent waves.

Lu Tong's guess was very accurate. The news he just received was indeed the great victory of Lei Ze. The Huaizhou frontier army cooperated with Feiyu Camp in Jingzhou to annihilate the main force of 20,000 Jing army in one battle!

Ji Ximing couldn't imagine how much trouble this good news would cause when it came back to the capital. He only knew that the pressure on his shoulders was like a mountain.

If a breakthrough cannot be opened with Lu Tong, and it is confirmed that Lu Chen is Yang Guangyuan's posthumous son, the big shots in the court may not be able to keep his official position.

Thinking of this, Ji Ximing ignored Lu Tong's words and said coldly: "Since you are unwilling to explain honestly, I can only make you think more about it these days. Don't worry, I guarantee that you will not have any physical injuries. Even the doctors at the Imperial Hospital couldn’t find it out.”

"Master Ji, don't worry, I'm already old and I don't really need sleep."

Lu Tong seemed to know the Weaving Division's methods very well, and there was no trace of panic on his face.

Ji Ximing sneered and walked away.

In the following time, experts from the Sutra Weaving Department took turns interrogating Lu Tong, asking the same questions over and over again. They did not torture Lu Tong, or even shackles him, but did not give him any time to rest.

"Did you ask?"

A few days later, in the early morning, Ji Ximing stood on the porch and looked at the gloomy sky, his tone extremely low.

The two subordinates looked at each other and said with guilt on their faces: "Sir, Lu Tong didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and he didn't seem tired at all. On the contrary, our brother couldn't hold on."

Ji Ximing suddenly changed his color, turned around and glared angrily. Before he could curse the word "trash", he saw a close aide running over in a panic. When he came closer, he said hastily: "Your Majesty, Ruishi Camp Captain Lu Chen has brought hundreds of people with him." Riding into the city, we are now rushing towards the Governor's Mansion!"

The subordinate next to him suddenly looked panicked.

"Why panic!"

Ji Ximing stopped shouting, then dusted his sleeves, and said calmly: "Don't forget, I am his immediate superior! In addition to the people who guard Lu Tong, call other people to follow me to the front. I want to take a look. Does Lu Chen have the guts to trample on the laws of the imperial court!"

"Follow the order!"

Everyone responded in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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