
Chapter 251 249 [Flaws]

Chapter 251 249 [Flaws]

If the strength of the nine armies of Huaizhou is evaluated based on their past performance on the battlefield, they can be ranked in the following ranking: Zhenbei Army ranks first, followed by Lai'an, Feiyun, Taixing, Panlong, Pingshan and Guangling Army.

The newly established Jianghua Army and Xunyang Army to the west of the Shuangfeng Mountains have not experienced the tempering of war and cannot accurately assess their combat power for the time being.

In other words, the four Huaizhou armies that appeared in Leize Plain today are the most powerful elites under Xiao Wangzhi's command, and they are also the result of his countless efforts to cultivate them in the ten years since he took over as the governor of Huaizhou.

As the most powerful army in Huaizhou, the Zhenbei Army should naturally appear in the most important position.

Pei Sui led the 6,000 main force of the Zhenbei Army and has been trying to destroy Jing's army's tight formation since the beginning of the war.

Most of the wars in this era were not rigorous and precise. For example, the Battle of Wanting led by Lu Chen and the Battle of Pingli. The former was because the cavalry used roundabout maneuvers to destroy the Yan army's rear formation, which then led to a complete rout. Needless to say about the latter, Wei Wanxi had already received the secret order from Wang Zhai Lin and deliberately gave the Huaizhou army a chance to defeat the enemy with one blow.

In short, in this era of extremely low organization, any decision-making error or unexpected situation on the battlefield may lead to the collapse of the army.

But that is only compared to most armies that are a mixed bag of good and bad. Elites like the Zhenbei Army and the Jing Army, which have been trained for a long time and have been tempered by many battles, will never suffer a battle loss of more than 10% and the morale of the army will be shattered.

Under the command of Pei Sui, the Zhenbei Army's formation evolved into an arrow with the center protruding forward and two sides extending. It squeezed in toward the Jing Army's forward position little by little, like a sharpened wedge slowly deepening, although there was always progress. But it's very slow.

Nu Lu Huan did not let the forward soldiers bear the pressure exerted by the opponent for a long time. This is the subtlety of the square formation. As long as the orders given by the coach are precise and clear, and the soldiers have undergone rigorous training, then they can constantly change the stress surface by rotating defenses without affecting the integrity of the formation.

Jingjun's infantry is like a slowly rotating circle. Every moment, a new batch of soldiers will come to deal with the Zhenbei Army's assault, ensuring the strength of the position to the greatest extent.

This requires the coach to have a strong ability to identify the battle situation. If there are wrong judgments and orders, the rotation of the formation will be stuck. The consequences are self-evident.

The soldiers of the two armies at the front of the position were locked in a fierce battle of iron and blood. Both sides clenched their teeth and supported them to the death. Whether it was the Zhenbei Army who bravely moved forward or the Jing Army who persisted in retreating, the ground was stained with blood.

Looking down from above, we can see that the forwards of the two armies are entangled in an area of ​​several hundred feet, and there is no chaotic scene, which shows the military quality of the generals and soldiers.

When Feiyun Army and Taixing Army were approaching the battlefield, Xiao Wangzhi's latest military order was conveyed to the ears of the four generals through flag signals.

"The entire army becomes a yoke array!"

Pei Sui, Duan Zuozhang, Song Shifei and Kang Yanxiao understood immediately and adjusted their formations with the cooperation of their respective lieutenants.

As a variant of the Long Snake Formation, the Balanced Yoke Formation is often used in siege situations, using multiple columns to attack side by side. Although its mobility is weaker than the Long Snake Formation, its combat effectiveness is stronger and its offensive is more fierce.

At this moment, the Huaizhou army was surrounded by three people and one was missing, and they launched attacks from the southwest, northeast and southeast at the same time.

Xiao Wangzhi did not give Jing's army a chance to fight to the death, so he opened the northwest direction, naturally to let the opponent retreat when he could no longer hold on.

At this moment when the two armies are fighting, once Nu Lu Huan thinks of retreating, it will turn into a complete rout just like what happened to Wei Wanxi under Pingli City.

At the same time, Xiao Wangzhi did not ignore the Jing Army cavalry on the flanks of the battlefield, which had not been launched. Therefore, the Feiyun Army and Taixing Army entered the battlefield not very fast, and always maintained the integrity of the formation, without giving the opponent's cavalry a chance to make a surprise attack.

This was one of the reasons why Xiao Wangzhi deliberately let go. He would not let his battle formation become too thin. As long as the thickness of the infantry formation was ensured, Jing's army's two thousand light cavalry would be useless.

The Huaizhou Army pressed on from three sides, and the pressure faced by Jingjun suddenly increased sharply. At this time, it became extremely difficult for the female Lu Huan to rotate the formation as before, so he decisively gave up adjusting and relied on the resilience of Jingjun's soldiers to continue to support him. .

As time went by, Jingjun's formation gradually shrank inward, which was a bad sign.

The heralds looked at the female Lu Huan standing on the observation car with great nervousness.

If it were more than ten years ago, the eight thousand Jingjun infantry would not even need to form a square formation. When facing several times the Qi army, they could rely on their brave combat power and high morale to forcefully push through.

However, in the past ten years or so, some veterans of the Jing Army have withdrawn from the army, and their strength has inevitably declined. However, the Huaizhou Army has steadily improved under Xiao Wangzhi's training, and the gap between the two sides has continued to narrow.

The situation before us is proof of this.

The contraction of Jing's army's formation is the first step. Facing the constant pressure from the three Qi armies, the next step is likely to be collapse.

In the observation car, Lu Huan's expression was extremely calm, even to the point of indifference. He stared at the situation of his subordinates around him, until the forward positions in three directions had become a criss-crossing situation, and the Qi army would never be able to retreat in a short time. Only then did the great Xiangyin, who was single-handedly promoted by Qing Yugong, send out his forbearance. Long command.

"Send the signal."


Several heralds finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked a few steps, and then used the traditional musical instruments of the Jinglian people to beat drums to deliver military orders. The sound of the drums is extremely majestic, like thunder in the wilderness, like the roar of giant beasts in the dense forest, or like a fierce new wind sweeping across the land.

When the sound of drums reached their ears, the Jingjun infantry who were already at a disadvantage suddenly cheered up and surprisingly managed to stabilize their position.

The changes didn't stop there. Nu Lu Huan's order was like some kind of magical spell. Thousands of reinforcements were summoned as soon as she raised her hand.

In the north of the battlefield, behind Qingqiu, nearly 10,000 Jingjun infantry appeared one after another, and then quickly approached the battlefield. Their shape spread over the mountains and fields, and their momentum was as turbulent as a tide.

This scene is enough to scare the timid people in the world.

However, no matter Xiao Wangzhi, who was sitting under the commander's banner, or Pei Sui and others who were distributed across the battlefield to carry out specific commands, there was no fear on their faces at this moment, but instead there was a hint of relief deep in their eyes.

No one can predict the future like the gods, but these experienced generals can understand the opponent's plans through the details in the war.

After Nu Lu Huan led his army to Leize Plain, he turned a blind eye to the Huaizhou Army's siege of Ningling, sat back and watched the other party break through the border pass, and then pretended to allow the Huaizhou Army to approach.

From this point of view, he must have more than these 10,000 troops, otherwise he could choose to retreat calmly, and would not foolishly stay in place and wait for the Huaizhou Army to create an encirclement.

Now, under the strong oppression of the Huaizhou Army, the Jing Army's ambush finally appeared, which meant that there was one less unpredictable change on the battlefield. Xiao Wang's face remained unchanged, and Lu Chen's face could not help but appear in his mind, and then he secretly Thumbs up.

He observed the battlefield situation on the chariot. Jing's ambush troops did not rush in a swarm. They showed extremely good qualities like the eight thousand infantry. Under the command of the general, they arrived at the battlefield from the northwest and then moved in an orderly manner. The ground troops were divided into two groups, one heading towards Feiyun Army's flank, and the other heading towards Taixing Army's ribs.

Song Shifei and Kang Yanxiao, as battlefield veterans who had led troops for many years, naturally did not need Xiao Wangzhi'er's advice at this moment. The moment the opponent's ambush appeared, they had already begun to adjust their formation.

Feiyun Army and Taixing Army each divided nearly half of their troops and established blocking formations with gun and shield soldiers on the spot to block the enemy's ambush to the north of the position.

The scale of the battlefield has expanded again, with the total number of troops invested by both sides now reaching about 50,000.

In such a complicated situation, Xiao Wangzhi can still see the most important joints.

After Jingjun's ambush troops joined, although Feiyun Army and Taixing Army did not panic, they had to divide their forces to resist, which made it impossible to maintain the suppression of Jingjun's main formation. Jingjun's army in the inner circle, which was already in danger, took advantage of the situation to stand firm and showed a trend of improvement. The trend of external inversion.

To use the most concise description to describe the battlefield at this moment, it is probably that the infantry led by Lu Huan are located in the innermost place, Feiyun, Zhenbei and Taixing armies surround them, and Jingjun's ambush is in the outermost semicircle. .

For the Huaizhou Army, now is the moment when they must make a choice.

Xiao Wangzhi slowly let out a sigh of relief and ordered again: "Send the order to Duan Zuozhang and order him to lead his army to insert the Jing Army's main formation diagonally between the Feiyun Army and the Zhenbei Army."

"Follow the order!"

The herald responded loudly.

After the war started, the main force of the Lai'an Army led by Duan Zuozhang served as the backup for the Zhenbei Army, and was also responsible for protecting the commander. It never fully devoted itself to the attack, and only assumed part of the responsibilities of raiding the formation on both wings.

Duan Zuozhang was a little hesitant when he received the military order, because he knew very well that the rear of the rear formation was relatively weak. If he brought Lai An's army to kill him, the Chinese army's commander's flag would lose its protection.

This hesitation was fleeting, and Duan Zuozhang made up his mind in an instant because of his respect and trust in Xiao Wangzhi.


The soldiers of Lai'an Army, led by Duan Zuozhang, rushed to the predetermined position. Their only goal was to assist the Zhenbei Army to penetrate Jingjun's main formation.

When Xiao Wangzhi took out the only reserve force in his hand, a meaningful smile appeared on the face of the female Lu Huan in the Jingjun formation in the distance.

"The so-called famous generals of Southern Qi are nothing more than that."

After muttering to herself, the female Lu Huan turned to look to the side and behind, and said to the herald: "Tell Yawuta that now is his chance to become famous in the world. Order him to lead two thousand cavalry to the rear of the Qi army and take down Xiao Wangzhi. I will personally ask Your Majesty and the Prince to take credit for him!"

"Follow the order!" The herald's tone was extremely excited and high-pitched.

The female Lu Huan turned around, her eyes like a cold light.

He is like the most ruthless hunter in the mountains and fields, with far more patience than ordinary people, just waiting for the moment when his prey appears.

(End of this chapter)

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