
Chapter 249 247 [Break it]

Chapter 249 247 [Break it]

At the top of Pingli City, Wei Wanxi and a group of Yan army generals stood side by side, staring at the looming figure of the Qi army in the south.

More and more news came to them. The number of Qi troops outside the city was about five thousand, and they were traveling very fast, only slightly slower than the Yan army scouts who returned to report the news.

Wei Wanxi asked calmly: "The Qi army invaded this place, what are your countermeasures?"

A partial general replied without thinking: "General, our army has nearly 10,000 troops and the city walls are tall and strong. Thousands of Qi troops cannot even lay siege to the city. In the eyes of the general, this Qi army should be just a vanguard." There must be a large force behind the front army. Now the main force of the Qi army is attacking like crazy on the northern front. I don't think there will be too many troops here, so the city defense should be worry-free."

Wei Wanxi glanced sideways at him and snorted: "According to what you said, the main force of the Qi army is located in the north. This must be just a partial army and does not have the strength to threaten Pingli City's defense. So why did they leave Panlong rashly? Pass? Are you here to take a tour of our place? Take advantage of the cold weather to train the soldiers' physical strength? "


The general was immediately speechless.

Wei Wanxi nodded and then changed the topic: "No matter what the Qi army wants, I will never allow them to do what they did in Gushu City, where a few thousand people can scare the defenders into retreating into the city, and then the main force will be in the city." The ambush was laid calmly in the Wanting area. Xu Huaibin had no courage at all. He missed the opportunity because of his cowardice, and in the end he lost his life in vain, which also greatly damaged the morale of our army."

The generals gradually heard the deeper meaning of his words and couldn't help but look at each other. The last mature and steady general asked tentatively: "General, are you planning to take the initiative?"

Wei Wanxi said calmly: "Why not?"

The general reminded carefully: "General, the Privy Council has a clear military order. The defenders in various places must stick to the city and are not allowed to go out to fight the enemy..."


Before he could finish speaking, Wei Wanxi reprimanded him bluntly and said in a cold voice: "The Privy Council's rule is correct, but the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. How can a general stick to the rules and not change them? Before the Battle of Wanting broke out, if Xu Huaibin dared to go out of the city to test the enemy The army is weak and real, so why should we be frightened by the illusion created by thousands of people, and we will not let the reinforcements easily fall into the enemy's trap!"

Everyone was speechless by his scolding.

Wei Wanxi looked around and continued: "If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you can stay in the city. I will not force you! If you still can't do it, you can take off your armor immediately and go back to Heluo City to confess to the officials of the Privy Council. If there are any brothers who still have a bloody spirit, follow me out of the city to fight, and first defeat the enemy's spirit!"

No one dared to continue to persuade, and someone asked: "General, do you know when you will leave the city to meet the enemy?"

"Haven't you ever heard of Handu Strike?"

Wei Wanxi raised his hand and pointed outside the city, and his tone gradually became louder: "In the past two years, the Qi army has been victorious in consecutive battles. It has become arrogant. Even if there are only a few thousand people, they dare to approach our city openly and even set up camp under our noses. From Tongshan City to Gu In the familiar city, our comrade's bones were almost broken. If this continues, there is no need to beat him. He will see the Qi army abandon their weapons and surrender! Everyone, today is our opportunity to clear the name of the Yan army. Taking advantage of the thousands of people outside, When the Qi army has an opportunity to set up camp, rush out and kill him to death!"

Everyone looked at each other in awe.

Wei Wanxi asked excitedly: "Do you dare to follow me out of the city to kill the enemy?"

Everyone responded in unison: "I am willing to fight to the death with the general!"

"Okay, send troops immediately!"

Wei Wanxi gave the order, and everyone took action immediately, leaving only 3,000 infantry to guard the city. The three governors led a total of 6,000 troops and followed Wei Wanxi out of Pingli City and went straight to kill the Qi army in the south.

While Wei Wanxi was giving a fearless speech, the Ruishi Battalion Infantry and the Feiyun Army outside the city were pretending to be building a temporary camp. In fact, everyone was focused on Pingli City in the north.

Before they arrived, Lu Chen's military order had been conveyed to everyone's ears.

"When our army arrives at Pingli City, the enemy will definitely come out of the city to attack, so everyone is ready to fight."

Such a simple prophecy was firmly believed by the infantrymen of the Rui Shi Battalion, but the two thousand Feiyun Army soldiers were doubtful. Although they had heard too many stories about Lu Chen's deeds, they had never seen this young capital with their own eyes. Lieutenant's command skills on the battlefield.

It's just that because Song Shifei, the commander, had given repeated orders before departure, no one dared to question it openly.

At this time, thousands of Yan troops actually fought out of Pingli City, and almost all the Feiyun Army officers had a look of surprise on their faces.

Lu Chen stood in the formation and did not deliberately make an unpredictable gesture. He just said to Bao An and Feiyun Military Colonel Kuang Hui: "Line up to meet the enemy."

"Follow the order!"

The two men bowed their hands and saluted, and immediately ran back to their own ranks. The five thousand Qi army used the Ruishi camp as their sharp swords, and the Feiyun army officers and soldiers covered their wings, and they faced the surging Yan army without fear.

This hand-to-hand combat broke out too quickly.

In order to maintain the speed and suddenness of the assault, under the decisive command of Wei Wanxi, the Yan army rushed out of the city without carrying bows, arrows and shields. They only carried standard spears and could not even maintain a relatively complete formation, like a crooked line. The long, crooked snake roared and charged towards the Qi army.

As for the dozens of Yan Army cavalry in the city, they were obviously ignored by Wei Wanxi.

The Yan army seemed to be powerful, but in the eyes of the Rui Shi camp infantry, this unorganized charge was as ridiculous as a group of drunkards rushing to their death.

This infantry followed Lu Chen and experienced many tests of life and death. Even though today they did not gather into the spear formation that crushed Yongquan Pass that night, they still formed a complete formation of swords, shields, spears, and archers in a very short period of time. The formation, like a solid rock that has stood between heaven and earth for hundreds of years, remained motionless the moment the Yan army rushed forward.

"go ahead!"

Lu Chen, who calmly observed the situation, issued the order to push back. He heard the continuous sound of drums, and the infantry of the Rui Shi Battalion immediately moved forward step by step.

The direction of the war was completely beyond Wei Wanxi's expectation. Faced with the extremely sudden attack by the Yan army, the Qi army did not panic at all. On the contrary, they showed great resilience and strength immediately after the battle.

The sound of fighting filled their ears, and the Yan army seemed to have hit a thick city wall. Not to mention defeating the Qi army, they could not even move forward one step!

At this moment, the sound of horns sounded one after another after the drums of the Qi army. From the southeast of the battlefield, an elite cavalry shot out from a diagonal thrust and rushed straight towards the flank of the Yan army.

In fact, until now, the Yan army has not suffered many casualties. After all, the war has just begun, and most of the soldiers on both sides have not come into contact with the enemy.

However, after the Ruishi Battalion cavalry appeared, Wei Wanxi's expression suddenly changed. He was no longer as impassioned as before, and he roared in panic.

"Oops, I fell into a trap!"

Just five words made the surrounding Yan Jun generals instantly stunned.

When Wei Wanxi decided to lead his army to take the initiative, although they felt it was not appropriate, Wei Wanxi's extremely passionate speeches barely convinced them, so that many people did not think about the simplest question-if there were more than 100 people outside the city, With these thousands of Qi army infantry, how could the Yan army retreat safely when they ventured out of the city?

Of course, they now have no time to investigate what has happened. Just when some people were about to advise Wei Wanxi to stay calm, the general ordered with great decisiveness: "Withdraw troops!"

"Withdraw... withdraw the troops?" a general asked in confusion.

Wei Wan said with joy and hatred: "If we don't withdraw our troops now, are we waiting to be surrounded by the enemy? Send an order to the entire army to withdraw into the city immediately!"

Several governors still wanted to object, but the herald had already passed on Wei Wanxi's order. This made not only the generals' heads dizzy, but also the ordinary soldiers of the Yan army.

A sudden hand-to-hand battle immediately turned into a defeat.

When the Yan army turned around and retreated in large strides, how could the Qi army's infantry miss this excellent opportunity? Bao An and Kuang Hui immediately led their troops to cover up the attack.

The remaining defenders in the city stared at the battle outside in stunned silence. Even if they tried hard, they couldn't figure out why their comrades were defeated so quickly.

The Yan army fled in embarrassment, and eventually turned into a rout in which they lost their armor and armor.

As if to make up for the decision-making mistakes he had made before, Wei Wanxi did not escape first, but instead led hundreds of troops to intercept the rear.

No one dared to turn away the general. When most of the Yan army retreated into the city, thousands of Qi troops rushed into the city biting the tail of the Yan army.

At the same time, a large number of Feiyun Army flags appeared on the southern battlefield, and the commander Song Shifei arrived with nearly 10,000 infantry.

The Yan army fled faster and faster, from the south gate to the north gate, and finally abandoned the city and fled. They were chased and driven by 3,000 cavalrymen from the Rui Shi camp, and were forced to flee for their lives to the west.

At this point, Pingli City fell into the hands of the Huaizhou Army.

At sunset, the Huaizhou Army had roughly controlled the Yan Kingdom's border military city, which controlled the dispatch route of the Panlong Pass defenders.

Different from the joy of victory in the past, this time no matter whether it was the Rui Shi Battalion or the Feiyun Army, all the soldiers felt an indescribable sense of absurdity in their hearts.

"Yan Jun's performance is simply worse than that of civilians..."

This is the thought in the minds of most Huaizhou Army officers and soldiers.

No wonder they thought so, it was because this battle had a bizarre meaning from beginning to end.

Except for Lu Chen's initial warning, the Yan army went from attacking to retreating to completely collapsing and abandoning the city. The victory came so easily that it was difficult for the Huaizhou Army officers and soldiers to feel the sincere joy.

"Brother Lu, thank you for your hard work."

Song Shifei, the commander of the Feiyun Army, obviously knew the inside story of this battle better than the people below. The seemingly absurd performance of the Yan Army had a deep-seated reason.

Lu Chen smiled slightly and said humbly: "Brother Song is serious."

The two of them stood side by side on the east city wall, looking at the vast world in the northeast. Lu Chen said earnestly: "Brother Song, you will lead eight thousand people to rush over according to the original plan. I will lead the Rui Shi battalion to provide support."

"Okay, don't worry."

"For our armies in Huaizhou, the next step is the real test."

Song Shifei changed his past irritability and eagerness and said calmly: "The myth that Jing Jun is invincible in the world should be shattered."

Although they didn't say it explicitly, the name of the place jumped out in each other's minds at this moment.


In this ancient battlefield that has experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, the main force of the Huaizhou Army is facing a veritable elite army.

That was the Jing Dynasty army that swept across the country more than ten years ago, conquered cities and territories with ease, and made the world look down upon them and fear them like tigers.

(End of this chapter)

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