
Chapter 247 245 [Sit back and wait]

Chapter 247 245 [Sit back and wait]

Li Shouzhen wanted to know the Huaizhou Army's next plan, and he did not hesitate to use the senior internal agents recruited by the Procuratorate in Southern Qi to do this. However, Yuan Shui could not save Jin Ke, and he made this decision too late.

In the half month after the Battle of Wanting, Xiao Wangzhi had completed the finishing work of the first phase of the Northern Expedition.

The Pingshan Army was divided into two, with 7,000 troops remaining at the Lai'an Defense Line as a backup, 5,000 troops stationed at Qingtian City, and the personal guard battalion directly under Xiao Wangzhi stationed at Yongquan Pass. These two places now stock a large amount of food and grass prepared by the imperial court over the past year, providing smooth and timely logistical support to the Huaizhou armies outside the pass in the north.

The Zhenbei Army is still stationed at Tongshan City at the north end of Yongfeng Road. This most powerful army protects Qingtian City at the south end of Yongfeng Road, and firmly guards the only two main roads from Huaizhou to Dongyang Road, the other The road is naturally Yongquan Pass guarded by the Dudu Mansion Guards Camp.

To the north of the pass, the Lai'an Army was stationed in Gushu City. The Guangling Army and the Taixing Army had cleaned up the area east of Gushu during this period, laying a solid foundation for the next Northern Expedition.

Except for the missing Feiyun Army, the rest performed their duties in an orderly manner.

The spring is closed and the flag is flying.

In the temporarily renovated festival hall, many tiger generals from the Huaizhou Army gathered together, with excited and excited expressions on their faces.

Xiao Wangzhi looked around at everyone, cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, the first phase of the Northern Expedition has been completed, and then our army will launch the second phase of the offensive."

"Please supervise me!"

All the generals responded in unison, with majestic momentum.

Xiao Wangzhi nodded and said: "Everyone needs to keep in mind that the strategic focus of the second phase is different from that of the first phase. In the first phase, we mainly focused on conquering cities and territories and capturing crucial cities and passes on the border, while in the second phase , we have to change our thinking, all the preparations are to annihilate the enemy's most powerful force in mobile warfare."

Pei Sui, the commander-in-chief of the Zhenbei Army, was moved in his heart and pondered: "The Governor refers to the main force of Jing's army stationed on the front line of Leize?"

Xiao Wangzhi said approvingly: "You are right. Our army has only one goal next, which is to eat up the 10,000 Jing army near Leize. After this battle, Puppet Yan Dongyang Road will become a real Jedi. General Li Shouzhen Become a turtle in a urn."

As soon as this statement came out, all the generals were gearing up.

The first victory in the Northern Expedition was taken away by Lu Chen and Pei Sui. Others would not be openly jealous, but they were not convinced in their hearts. Who doesn't want to make contributions and become famous all over the world?

Although Jing Jun also participated in the past wars, as Xiao Wangzhi said to Lu Chen, those Jing Jun were just leftovers in the Jing Dynasty's army and would not affect Jing Jun's reputation as invincible in the world.

The 10,000 Jing army currently stationed in Leize is the real main force, among which there are also 2,000 Jing Lian cavalry, all wearing armor. If they can kill these 10,000 people, the Qi army responsible for the main attack will definitely become famous.

"Great governor, the last general invites you to fight!"

Kang Yanxiao, the commander-in-chief of the Taixing Army, was the first to stand up. How could the rest of them stand behind others and step forward one by one.

This scene looked a bit messy, but the smile on Xiao Wangzhi's face grew stronger because he didn't want the generals he brought out to be timid and cowardly. It was always better to scramble than to remain silent.

"Don't be anxious, the governor has his own arrangements."

Xiao Wang silenced everyone with just one word, and then said: "Zhenbei and Lai'an armies each leave four thousand men to garrison Tongshan and Gushu City."

Pei Sui and Duan Zuozhang responded in unison.

Xiao Wangzhi said again: "The Guangling and Taixing armies are advancing towards Gaoyuan City along the official road north of Gushu City. It is already an empty city. Li Shouzhen cannot replenish his troops for defense in a short time. Remember, if Li Shouzhen dares When sending troops south, we must use thunderous force to deal with the opponent and let him stay in Ruyin City."

Zhu Yuyou and Kang Yanxiao looked at each other, stood up and said: "I will obey the order of the Grand Governor!"

Xiao Wangzhi nodded slightly, looked at Pei Sui and Duan Zuozhang again and said, "You will lead the main force under your command to capture Ningling City first, and then attack the position of 10,000 Jingjun stationed in Leize."

"Follow the order!"

The tone is sonorous and striking.

After this military meeting, the Huaizhou Army split into two groups at lightning speed. The Guangling Army and the Taixing Army penetrated northward into the heart of Yan State's Dongyang Road. Suddenly, the emergency military situation flew to Ruyin like snowflakes. The general's palace in the city.

"General, Gaoyuan City has been captured by the Qi army, and the enemy is advancing on Fengfu City!"

"General, Fengfu City has been captured, and the Qi army's vanguard is only a hundred miles away from Ruyin City!"

"General, the Qi army is divided into two groups and attacks on the east and west sides of Fengfu City!"

For several days in a row, one bad news after another fell into Li Shouzhen's ears. He was as restless as an ant on a hot pot. Every day he looked at Qi Jun getting closer and closer to Ruyin on the sand table, and his uneasiness and panic became more and more. The stronger.

At the moment, he has only two choices, either to hoard heavy troops in Ruyin City, use this strong city as the last fortress, and bet that the Qi army will not be able to attack for a long time and automatically retreat, or to take the initiative to find a victory before the Qi army completes the siege of Ruyin City. machine. The answer is obvious.

After Jing Jun confirmed that he would not support Ruyin, Li Shouzhen quickly made up his mind and said in a cold voice: "Send an order to Wu Xinzhang and give him three days to lead his army to Ruyin City, otherwise military law will be imposed!"

The general took the order and left.

Li Shouzhen sat slumped in his commanding position, his eyes bloodshot.

"Your Highness, since you have other plans, the general can only defend Ruyin City for you, but I'm afraid there is nothing else I can do."

He whispered to himself softly, with a look of defeat on his face.

Just as Li Shouzhen expected, after being dormant for a period of time, the Huaizhou Army exploded with power that was enough to make the world pay attention.

Under the premise of dividing their troops into two groups, the Guangling Army and the Taixing Army went to the north and achieved a lot of results, while the Zhenbei Army and the Lai'an Army to the west were equally aggressive. The leader of the Yan Army in Ningling City only had time to send out an urgent message for reinforcements. , and was surrounded by these two elite Huaizhou armies.

This urgent request for help was not sent to the general's palace in Ruyin City, nor to the dignitaries of the court in Heluo City, but to the Jingjun garrison more than sixty miles west of Ningling City.

In the handsome tent, Lu Huan, the head coach of Jingjun, was holding the urgent letter, but there was no expression on her face.

Compared with Moulianghu's fierce appearance, which is full of aggression and avoids being approached by strangers, although the female Lu Huan has a standard name of the Jinglian tribe, her appearance has some characteristics of a commoner.

He has a round face, big ears, a straight nose and a square mouth, and a beard on his cheeks. His eyebrows and eyes are indeed somewhat similar to those of Qi people.

The reason is that Lu Huan's father is from the Jinglian tribe, but her mother is from Qi, a native of Henan Road in Yan State. She was robbed by Lu Huan's father and brought to the Jing Dynasty, and she later got married and had children.

All the powerful generals in the tent looked at the female Lu Huan. One of them, a captain named Wu Ye, said loudly: "Da Xiangyin, now the Qi army is besieging Ningling. Do we want to go to rescue?"

Xiangyin was the military position of the commander-in-chief of the first army in the Jing Dynasty's military system, which was roughly equivalent to the commander-in-chief of the Qi army. However, the structure of the Jing Dynasty's army was not as strict as that of the Qi army, so the number of troops under a Xiang Yin's command might be 10,000, or it might be more than 20,000. The situation is a little complicated and cannot be generalized.

"Why go to the rescue?"

The female Lu Huan threw the urgent letter for help aside and looked at the commander coldly.

Wu Ye said in a daze: "Daqiangyin, our army's mission this time is to protect Dongyang Road——"

Female Lu Huan interrupted him directly: "Then let me ask you, why did the Southern Qi Huaizhou Army stop for a while after taking Gushu?"

Wu Ye said cautiously: "Prepare the army for war?"

Nu Lu Huan sneered and said: "This is just the most trivial reason. The Huaizhou Army has been working hard for so many years. Could it be that a mere battle at Wanting made them so weak that they had to stop advancing? They did this The reason is very simple, it is nothing more than to find out the overall strength of the Dongyang Road Yan Army and to find out the situation of our army."

After these words were spoken, all the generals in the tent looked at each other in disbelief. Another captain named Pu Yan said in disbelief: "Da Xiangyin, are you saying that the real target of the Qi army is our army?"

"You think this is incredible?"

There was a sarcastic look on Lu Huan's face. She looked at Servant Yan and said, "In all the wars in the past two years, the fact that the Yan army's combat effectiveness was low has been very clear. If you are Xiao Wangzhi, facing this Why is it necessary for an army that is about to collapse at a moment's notice to be extremely cautious? In other words, if it weren't for our army stationed here, the Huaizhou Army would definitely attack Ruyin in one go."

Servant Yan said with shame: "I finally understand."

Female Lu Huan added: "Under normal circumstances, our army should go to rescue Ningling City, but because Your Highness the Princess has already seen through the enemy's thoughts, we must make the Huaizhou Army become arrogant and create a sense of arrogance for them. Our army feels afraid to move forward. After they take Ningling, their next step will be to continue to the west and come to our army's formation. That will be the moment of the real decisive battle."

His tone was very calm. As for the life and death of the four thousand Yan troops in Ningling City, not only did he not care about it, but the generals in the tent also didn't care.

In the eyes of these Jingjun generals, the Yan army was originally a servant army that could be abandoned at any time. Their only role was to fill the front line, and they had no value worthy of attention.

"Now the Huaizhou army is divided into two groups. The two armies on the northern front are mainly to intimidate the troops in Li Shouzhen's hands. The Zhenbei Army and Lai'an Army on the western front are their main forces and are what our army is about to face. A powerful enemy. Everyone, do you have the confidence to withstand the enemy’s first wave of offensive?”

Nu Lu Huan's stern eyes swept across the crowd, and the response was a roar.

"Our army will win!"

Nu Lu Huan nodded, stood up and walked outside the tent, staring at the gloomy sky in the east, facing the cold wind that cut her face in winter, and gradually felt the long-lost warm blood.

After years of silence, it was time for those Qi people in the south to feel the true strength of Jingjun's main force.

(End of this chapter)

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