
Chapter 24 024 [Bodhisattva Man]

Chapter 24 024 [Bodhisattva Man]

On the northwest border of Huaizhou, Panlong Pass.

The grand pass stands between two mountains in the morning sun, bathed in the warm morning light.

In the residence of the capital commander Pei Sui, Sima Huang Xianfeng of the Huaizhou Dudu Mansion stood with his hands behind his hands. He looked at the extremely simple furnishings in the hall and said, "Although the governor hates the extravagance in the army, you don't have to be so shabby. To the extent that the soldiers below saw it, they thought the Governor had deducted your pay."

"Stop farting."

Pei Sui placed two plates of thin ring cakes on the table and muttered angrily.

Huang Xianfeng didn't take it seriously and sat across from him with a smile, and the two of them drank tea to fill their bellies.

Pei Sui finished off a piece of cake in two mouthfuls, took another sip of warm tea, and said casually: "What kind of furnishings does a certain person need to live here? Why don't you save your money and send it home."

The two obviously had a close friendship, so Huang Xianfeng said: "Is your boss turning [-] this year? It's time for him to join the army."

Pei Sui frowned and said in a deep voice: "The bastard doesn't want to be a personal soldier for someone. He has to go to Jingzhou because he doesn't want to be laughed at and looked down upon. Little bastard, someone will have to deal with him after a while. .”

Huang Xianfeng laughed and said, "Okay, it's not a big deal. If he wants to go, let him go. Later I will write a letter to a colleague who is familiar with me in the Jingzhou Governor's Office, and he will naturally take care of you."

Pei Sui didn't want to waste time on this topic and said bluntly: "Has the arrangements been made in the north?"

Huang Xianfeng finished the last bite, raised his sleeve and wiped his mouth, nodded and said: "The Governor is watching personally, who dares to delay and delay it? Now we are waiting for the progress on your side, as long as the main force of the Puppet Yan is mobilized to the northwest of Panlong Pass On the other side, the Zhenbei Army and the Feiyun Army will attack the Puppet Yanyong Quanguan in the north, catching the other side off guard."

Before dawn today, Pei Sui had sent Ning Li to lead people out of the customs and went north to meet Li Xuanan and his party who had come to submit.

He mused: "Although the Puppet Yan Emperor is confused, the two people who control the military power and Wang Shidao of the Procuratorate are not easy people. If we take action immediately after Li Xuanan enters the pass, the main force of the Puppet Yan will definitely still be on Moyang Road. On standby."

Huang Xianfeng said: "The Grand Governor also thinks so. Li Xuan'an definitely wouldn't dare to launch it when he first entered the border. Even if he had Ning Li as an internal agent, your alertness would be the strongest at that time, and it would be difficult for them to find a suitable opportunity. I guess , they will take action three or four days after entering the pass. The main force of the Puppet Yan cavalry can attack more than 200 miles in one day. While Li Xuanan and Ning Li kill you, they can quickly go south from Moyang Road and approach Panlong Pass."

Pei Sui fell into long thought.

This time, what he faced was not a direct attack on the battlefield. Panlong Pass was considered a decoy in the entire strategic concept, and the degree of fire that needed to be grasped was not simple.

He wanted to put Li Xuanan and his confidants into the pass, so that he could attract the main cavalry of Beiyan to the Moyang Road in the northwest, thus creating an opportunity for Governor Xiao Wangzhi to lead his troops to surprise Yongquan Pass on the northern line.

It's just that since Beiyan wants to fake surrender, the hundreds of confidants Li Xuanan brought must be experts, and maybe they have all been replaced by elite spies from the Procuratorate.Keeping these people in the pass will undoubtedly add unpredictable dangers, but considering the overall situation, Pei Sui must do this.

Huang Xianfeng knew the burden on his old friend's shoulders and said solemnly: "The Governor is worried about your safety, so he asked me to bring twenty martial arts masters to protect you."

Pei Sui thanked him and said, "It's not that easy to tell someone's life. Go back and tell the Governor that Pei will be able to do everything perfectly this time."

Huang Xianfeng raised the tea cup and said with a smile: "Take care."

Pei Sui also raised his lamp to show respect.

Before leaving, Pei Sui suddenly asked: "Why did the Sutra Weaving Department do nothing this time?"

Huang Xianfeng briefly told what happened in Guangling, and when he mentioned Lu Chen, he asked: "Then the young master of the Lu family entered the customs through you, do you have any impression?"

Pei Sui recalled Ning Li's reply after interrogating the Lu family's caravan, and quickly figured out the whole story of how the Lu family was framed, and said with a smile: "So, this Lu Chen is actually a smart young man who can work in the warp weaving department." It’s not easy to clean yourself up.”

This incident did not arouse much interest in the two of them.

After a brief chat, Pei Sui sent Huang Xianfeng outside the east gate, and the two waved goodbye.

The sun shrouds the earth, this is a rare good weather.


More than 150 miles northwest of Panlong Pass, within the territory of Beiyan Moyang Road, more than a hundred riders quickly went south along the remote road.

They are all dressed in regular clothes, and their identity cannot be seen on the surface, but those who have experienced the military can naturally see the fierce aura about them.

After entering a valley, the team slowed down and a young man of about 20 years old said: "Father, the front is the no man's land between Yan and Qi. It is mountainous and the terrain is complex."

The middle-aged man in front of him, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, has a dignified appearance and a calm and authoritative temperament. He is Li Xuanan, the general manager of the Dongyang Road Military and Horse Department in Beiyan.

On the other side, Li Gu, who had led people south to contact the defenders of Panlong Pass, said respectfully: "The eldest son is knowledgeable, and he feels ashamed of his humble position."

Li Xuanan had no expression on his face and said calmly: "He is still young, so there is no need to praise him like this."

Li Gun responded slowly and gave Li Zhen, the eldest son over there, a flattering look.

Li Zhen was naturally aggrieved, but he didn't have the courage to speak out in front of his father.

Li Xuanan didn't understand his son's emotions. He rode his horse forward, looked up at the southern sky, and felt a surge of pride and ambition in his heart.

In the Beiyan court and the army, his reputation was not really good, because his military exploits did not come from fighting against foreign enemies, but basically from suppressing rebels within the country.

Most of the so-called rebels were poor people who couldn't live any longer. Most people might fight and surrender at the same time, but Li Xuanan liked to kill them cleanly.

The heads he built into the capital gave him the official position of being in charge of all the troops and horses, but they also restricted him from continuing to climb up.

This time Wang Shidao, the official of the Procuratorate's Office, came to visit, and Li Xuanan couldn't wait to agree because he was fed up with being looked down upon.Even though he knew that he would take great risks by falsely surrendering to Panlong Pass, wealth and wealth were gained through danger. How could he enter the center if he couldn't achieve great success and change other people's opinions?How to gain the appreciation of the Marshal of Jing Dynasty?
Thinking of this, Li Xuan'an took the trouble to say to Li Gu: "Let them cheer up. This time I am returning to Southern Qi, and no one can see any flaws. No one should make any mistakes before receiving my order." place."

Li Gu solemnly accepted the order.

More than a hundred riders did not care about the strength of their mounts. They have not stopped to rest from the beginning until now. According to this progress, they rushed to Panlong Pass in Southern Qi. I am afraid that these mounts will need to rest for a month or two.

This was also part of Li Xuan'an's plan. Only in this way could he prove that he was indeed fleeing south unexpectedly instead of meandering south slowly, so as to avoid arousing the suspicion of Pei Sui, the general of Panlong Pass.

After leaving the valley, they passed through a sparse forest and continued to go south for more than 20 miles. After that, everyone entered a valley between mountains.

Surrounded by undulating mountain peaks, a ray of afternoon sunlight slanted in, dipping into the valley and reflecting little bits of gold.

In the gentle spring breeze, there was a crisp yet sharp sound.


A three-foot-long arrow came from the sky and penetrated about two inches into the ground. Its tail trembled violently, blocking Li Xuanan's path.

In an instant, the sound of horse hooves was like spring thunder, exploding in everyone's ears.

I saw more than a hundred riding on the clouds and chasing the moon, pouring in from the southeast exit, and then approaching quickly like a raging wave.

Li Xuanan's expression changed slightly, he raised his right arm, and the hundreds of cavalry behind him immediately took a warning stance.

Li Gu said eagerly: "General, according to the agreement with Nanbian Ningli, he will lead people to meet us more than thirty miles away from Panlong Pass. We are still at least seventy or eighty miles away from there."

Li Zhen's eyes were full of evil, and he said in a cold voice: "Could it be that the Qi people went back on their word and deliberately set a trap?"

"Don't panic."

Li Xuanan quickly calmed down, because except for the hundreds of riders on the opposite side, there were no other abnormalities around him.

Not to mention whether it is necessary for Southern Qi to do this, even if they really want to invite you to the urn, they can put these people into Panlong Pass before taking action. There is no need to rush into Beiyan territory.

As the distance between the two sides shortened, everyone from Li Xuanan on down had strange expressions.

The visitors are definitely not well-trained officers and soldiers, but——

Li Zhen said in disbelief: "Bandits?"

In the area bordering Yanqi, there are many bandits who make a living by robbing homes. This fact has long been no secret. However, bandits are not fools who blindly die. Just one look at the momentum of the hundreds of riders here and they know that they can't be offended.

At this moment, the Baiqi on the opposite side slowed down, highlighting the leader in the middle.

It was a seemingly thin figure, with a green-faced fanged mask covering his face, revealing only a pair of indifferent eyes.

Li Gu's pupils shrank, remembering the rumors he had heard before, he lowered his voice next to Li Xuan'an and said, "General, this person should be Bodhisattva Man."

"Bodhisattva Man?" Li Xuan'an thought it sounded familiar and subconsciously repeated it.

Li Gu quickly said: "This person has a mysterious origin and walks around the world with the nickname of Bodhisattva Barbarian. Although she is a woman, she is extremely murderous. She leads these men everywhere and often takes pleasure in attacking and killing court officials. It is said... Moshanko, a close confidant of the Generalissimo, died in the hands of this man."

The Grand Marshal he spoke of was Qing Yugong, the marshal of the South Campus of the Jing Dynasty, who was truly No. 1 among the many famous generals of the Jing Dynasty.

Li Xuanan sneered and said: "So, this Bodhisattva is here to kill me today?"

Li Gu didn't dare to say anything.

Li Xuanan raised his eyes to look at the ferocious mask and said in a cold voice: "Who is coming?"

"I am a Bodhisattva. I am here today just to kill you."

In the empty valley, this cold voice spread all around.

Li Xuanan looked calm and said disdainfully: "By you?"

The Bodhisattva looked at him quite quietly and said indifferently: "There are still thousands of innocent people who were killed by you."

Li Xuanan's heart tightened for no reason, and then he noticed the difference in the woman opposite him.

She has two swords, one long and one short.

The sword is seven feet long and held in the hand.

The short sword is three feet long and is worn on the waist.

Li Xuan'an wanted to test a few words, but Bodhisattva Man waved his long sword, and Baiqi followed her and rushed forward.

Murderous intent fills the field, roaring towards us!

(End of this chapter)

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