
Chapter 231 229 [Spears vibrate mountains and rivers]

Chapter 231 229 [Spears vibrate mountains and rivers]

Yongquan Pass, Houguan Pass.

Jingjun's soldiers slept soundly, but they could not hear the noise in front. Soon some soldiers came to wake up Brother Shi. There was no obvious panic in his tone: "Captain, there are enemy troops at the front pass." Breaking in, the two sides are fighting."

The military system of the Jing Dynasty has gone through many reforms. Today, the northern and southern marshals are in charge of nine armies. There are towns below the army, and each town has ten thousand people. The official military title of the leading general is Xiangwen, while in the army he is still called the captain of ten thousand people.

Below the town are thousands of troops of varying numbers, and the chief officer is a thousand-man captain.

Brother Shi calmly stood up and walked to the basin in the corner, washed his face with cold water in his hands, and asked: "How many enemy soldiers are there? Where did they break in from?"

The soldier replied: "There are about hundreds of people, they should have climbed up from the ridge east of the pass."

"Very courageous."

Brother Shi sneered, then picked up the broad-bladed knife on the shelf and strode out.

The Jing army inside the pass has been assembled. Although they were placed in Yongquan Pass, a barren and bitter border land, unlike the Jing army in Heluo City where they could eat well and drink spicy food, they did not lose the fierceness and habit of the Jinglian people after all. Killing nature.

Faced with the sudden unexpected situation at the front gate, Qian Jingjun showed no fear on his face, but finally showed some excitement.

According to Jingjun's usual rules, every time an enemy is killed, there will be a reward of five taels of silver, so everyone dares to fight bravely.

Brother Shi looked around, nodded with satisfaction, and then quickly climbed up the wall.

There is this wall as a barrier between the front and rear passes, but it is obviously not comparable to the strong and towering wall to the south and can only serve as a slight barrier.

Brother Shi stood on the pass wall and looked to the south. He saw that the situation was extremely chaotic, and there were fires everywhere. Some of the Yan army had been forced to retreat to the second pass wall, and was begging Jing Jun to open the door for rescue.

About dozens of feet away, a group of Qi troops were slaughtering the Yan troops crazily. The leader was a young man with a strong figure and superb martial arts.

Brother Shi ordered: "Send the order to the entire army to prepare to meet the enemy."

The faces of several close men nearby were solemn, and one of them advised in a low voice: "Captain, the situation at the front pass is unknown. The enemy has most likely captured the pass, and the follow-up troops are coming. In my opinion, it is better to hold on here, and at the same time Send a request for help to General Li of Ruyin City."

Brother Shi glanced sideways at him and said in a cold voice: "Idiot! If the Yan army in front is allowed to be completely annihilated and the pass is surrendered, how long do you think we can hold on with this low wall without any defensive measures? Qi Jun on a snowy night In a surprise attack, not many people will be dispatched, and only a few thousand elites will be able to survive. If you don’t make up your mind to drive them out and retake the pass, you still want to defend? Guard your mother-in-law! Hurry up and get the order! "

The confidant was sprayed with saliva and ran to deliver the order with a look of shame on his face.

After a while, the door was opened from the inside, and Brother Shi led a thousand Jingjun troops to charge south.

The biggest problem faced by the Yan army in Qianguan was that their general was killed, and the Qi army emerged from within, which made them unable to form an organized resistance in a short period of time and were cut into scattered forces. The war broke out in the middle of the night. Many Yan troops had just walked out of the barracks wearing armor and holding swords, and were hacked to death by the Qi troops who suddenly attacked. Therefore, they clearly had the advantage in strength but were always in a difficult situation.

Brother Shi could see clearly from the wall, so after he led his men to kill them, he asked his warriors to gather the Yan troops who were running around like headless flies. The team continued to expand.

After a moment, the Qi army in front was clearly visible. Brother Shi waved his sword and roared: "Kill with me!"

The space inside the pass is relatively cramped, with a large number of barracks built on both sides of the mountain, and there is only a road about four feet wide in the middle.

Jing's army moved forward with ferocious momentum, blocking the impact of the Rui Shi battalion in an instant, and then relied on hundreds of heavily armored infantry to push forward continuously.

Seeing the strength of Jing's army, Lu Chen ordered without hesitation: "Retreat!"

He personally led a group of masters to resist the pressure of Jing's army. Hundreds of warriors from the Ruishi Battalion calmly retreated to the south, continuing to cause casualties to the Yan army along the way.

Qi's army retreated without chaos, so Jing's army naturally followed closely.

At this time, Jingjun had all entered the front pass.

Seeing that the battle suddenly became so smooth, a close aide couldn't help admonishing Brother Shi: "Captain, the enemy retreated too quickly, beware of fraud!"

"Foolish mother-in-law!"

Brother Shi was thunderously furious, with a fierce look in his eyes: "I lead troops to fight and still need your guidance? If you dare to fart again, I will chop you up!"

The confidant was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Brother Shi pointed his sword forward and said loudly: "Boys, kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

The Jingjun soldiers roared at the top of their lungs.

Lu Chen's expression remained calm, and he slowly retreated with the Rui Shi battalion. He looked at the group of Jing Jun opposite with their teeth and claws arrogant, and a sneer flashed across his face.

While Rui Shiying and Jing Jun were fighting, Su Yunqing had already led his men to seize the pass, and the gate of Yongquan Pass was slowly opened.

He climbed onto the wall, his shirt now stained with blood, but the face of this senior official of the Warp Weaving Department who was immersed in the dark storm showed no trace of fatigue, his eyes were shining as he looked at the vast world to the south.

On the snow, more than two thousand soldiers of the Ruishi Battalion trotted forward, getting closer and closer to Yongquan Pass.

When the fireworks exploded above Yongquan Pass, Infantry Colonel Bao An couldn't help but roar.

He immediately asked more than a dozen rangers to ride south and go to the Lai'an defense line to inform the Zhenbei Army and other departments. Then he asked the soldiers around him to take off their cold-proof cloaks and advance towards Yongquan Pass two or three miles away.

The equipment of this infantry was very neat. In addition to the armor and helmets on their bodies, everyone had a horizontal sword hanging on their waist and a six-foot-long spear in their hands.

Due to the limitations of weapons and armor, as well as the slippery snow, they could not maintain high speed, so it took a certain amount of time to reach the pass.

More than two thousand strong men with guns appeared in sight. Su Yunqing was so excited that his body trembled slightly. He raised his hands and shouted: "Enter the pass!"

Bao An looked up at the steeper slope outside the pass and said in a deep voice: "Forward in formation!"

The soldiers of the Ruishi Battalion immediately entered the Yongquan Pass in a neat formation of [-] people and a row of [-] people.

After ten consecutive months of rigorous training, these soldiers have developed an instinct for lining up. Almost all of them are walking in a unified pace, and the sound of cowhide boots on the ground is like a heart-shaking drum beat.

The sound of drums swept from south to north.

The spears are like a forest, and anyone who stands in his way is invincible.

Hundreds of warriors led by Su Yunqing were armed with hundreds of swords and used as cover on both sides of the infantry formation. The already low morale of the Yan army was unable to withstand this terrifying gun formation and was forced to flee in all directions.

Ahead, half of the masters led by Lu Chen finally withdrew, followed by the main force of Jing's army who were hot on their heels. Looking down from above, I saw that on the narrow road in the pass, a thousand Jing troops were chasing a large number of Yan troops, and at the other end of the road, a gun formation composed of more than two thousand Rui Shi battalion infantry Advancing step by step, the two armies finally collided head-on.


Lu Chen gave an order, and the masters he brought immediately retreated to both sides, leaving the central area of ​​the road to his own spearmen.

The decisive battle is coming.

The soldiers standing at the front of the Rui Shi Battalion infantry were all wearing heavy armor, which tightly wrapped the vital parts of their bodies.

Captain Bao An was in the queue, and his high-pitched voice spread around: "Enter!"

More than two thousand spearmen marched in unison, not too fast, and moved forward firmly and forcefully step by step, like a moving city.

In fact, the moment he saw these spearmen, Brother Shi felt a chill in his heart.

The reason is quite simple. In such a narrow and cramped terrain, the opponent's gun formation is too threatening. We have no long-range firepower and no way to harass from the flanks. It is extremely difficult to resist such a neat gun formation.

Now he was faced with a dilemma. It would be difficult to break through the opponent's gun formation if he continued to charge forward, and large-scale casualties were very likely to occur.

But if he were to retreat, Brother Shi took a look at the Qi army soldiers on both sides of the road ahead. They were able to climb over the mountains and ridges to sneak into the pass, and they could maintain such a strong combat power in the future. They were obviously carefully selected elites. Master. If he chooses to retreat at this time, Jing's army may still remain calm, but Yan's army will definitely collapse.

What's more important is that now they no longer have the protection of the wall. Once they retreat, they will inevitably be chased by the opponent one after another.

In the blink of an eye, Brother Shi had already made a decision and said sternly: "The whole army attacks! Team Tiaodang, follow me to kill!"

The so-called jumping team is a unit formed by most armies in the world. In layman's terms, it is a sword and shield hand. It is equipped with a round shield and a short sword and wears light armor. It is mainly responsible for close combat and then disrupting the opponent's formation. This is to break through. A necessary means for the enemy to form a military formation with long weapons.

Jing's army roared in, and hundreds of strong masters, led by Brother Shi, quickly approached the formation of the Rui Shi camp.

Bao An calmly shouted: "Wait!"

The infantrymen in the first four rows held their spears tightly, the first row held them straight forward, and the next three rows held them diagonally.


Everyone stepped forward in unison.

Jing's army was already in front of them, and the people at the front were dwarfing and rushing forward. Some even rolled forward on the ground with shields and swords in hand, trying to break into the Qi army's formation and kill them.


Bao An's tongue bursts with spring thunder.

Dozens of spears stabbed out neatly.

The Jingjun who rushed to the front immediately saw blood holes one after another on their bodies.

The Tiaodang team also broke into the formation of the Ruishi camp, but before they could get up, a series of horizontal knives appeared in front of them, stabbing at the weakest part of their bodies.

Even if someone is killed by them, the soldiers from the Rui Shi Battalion behind will immediately fill Pao Ze's position and continue to advance.







Bao An's voice was repeated mechanically, but with every "stab", a Jing army would inevitably fall.

Brother Shi's eyes were about to burst and his eyes were red. Although the Tiaodang team he had high hopes for caused some casualties, they could not shake the Qi army's formation. Wanting to send people to kill them from both sides, Lu Chen and Su Yunqing each led some experts to firmly protect the flanks of their own formation.

Blood has dyed the roads inside the pass red, and scores of Jingjun soldiers died under the gun array of the Ruishi Battalion.

From the pass to the second pass wall, Jing's army's position was continuously compressed and could not stop the Qi army's advance.

Corpses lay everywhere, and blood flowed everywhere.

"Captain! Withdraw!"

Several cronies held Brother Shi's arms and begged with pale faces.

Brother Shi was trembling, looking at the opposite side with great resentment, and gritted his teeth and said: "Withdraw the troops!"

As soon as these two words were spoken, Jing Jun and Yan Jun, who had suffered heavy losses, could no longer hold on, turned around and fled to the north in embarrassment.

Lu Chen looked at the opponent's back and immediately ordered: "The whole army is here, kill them all!"

The shouts of killing went up to the sky!
  Under the leadership of Lu Chen, the soldiers of the Ruishi Battalion covered up the massacre and left. The Jingyan coalition forces were killed and their blood flowed everywhere. They only regretted that their parents had lost two legs.

Shi Ge passed through the back pass under the escort of more than ten soldiers. He couldn't take care of the other defeated soldiers. He snatched the only horses and beat them out of the pass. He fled north for his life like a lost dog.

Yongquan Pass echoed with the cheers of the soldiers of Ruishi Camp. The Yan troops who had no time to escape put down their weapons and knelt down to beg for surrender.

Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. Only now could he feel the blood boiling in his chest.

Su Yunqing walked up to him, raised her hand and patted his shoulder. Although she didn't say a word, her happy and satisfied expression said everything.

The two stood side by side on the wall, and a ray of morning light appeared in the sky.

In the north, it is covered with snow and the mountains and rivers are picturesque.

(End of this chapter)

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