
Chapter 219 217 [Women]

Chapter 219 217 [Women]

Beiyan, Heluo City.

As the rough banditry in Baotai Mountain transformed into a militia group accepted by the government, the matter seemed to be calm, but there was a strange atmosphere in the government and the public.

Before last year, Northern Yan had always had a strategic advantage over Southern Qi. Southern Qi's Huaizhou and Jingzhou troops could only stick to their defense lines and could not take a step beyond the thunder pool.

However, when the Jing Dynasty withdrew its army and shifted its focus to Zhao State in the west, leaving only tens of thousands of troops in Heluo City to control the situation, the true strength of the Yan army was gradually exposed, and tragic defeats followed one after another.

In the Huaizhou offensive last spring, Beiyan lost troops and generals on Dongyang Road. Later, they were manipulated by the Qi army, losing nearly half of the territory of Moyang Road, and generals such as Chen Jingtang, Zhang Junsi and Chen Xiaokuan were demoted one after another.

So far, more than [-] officers and soldiers can't even take down a group of bandits and are forced to make peace with the other party. Although the court is using the name of recruiting peace, people with a discerning eye know what is going on.

The dignitaries in the city did not know the details of the Seven-Star Army, nor did they know that the terrain in the mountains was crisscrossed and extremely complex. In their eyes, they were just bandits and thieves. As a result, the official army was almost defeated, and it was obvious that they were a bunch of mud that could not hold up the wall.

If Jing Jun was still here, how could this situation happen?
  Perhaps in the eyes of the officials and people of the Southern Qi Dynasty, this idea was too absurd, but with the instigation of thoughtful people, this theory became popular in Heluo City.

Similar rumors spread about the low combat effectiveness of the army, the incompetence of court officials, and even the emperor's drunkenness and neglect of government affairs.

As for Zhong Jingjun's involvement in the disastrous defeats of the past two years, this matter was deliberately ignored by the idle men spreading rumors on the streets.

It seems that as long as he falls into the arms of Jingchao in the north, these problems will be solved.

In such a turbulent undercurrent, some people played the sheng for the emperor of Jing Dynasty, some were hesitant and watched secretly, and some had empty ambitions but could only do nothing.

Of course, in troubled times, there will always be people who take the first step.

The fragrance lingers in the Lanxue Hall of Wang's mansion. Even though it's mid-October, it's still as warm as spring.

"It seems I still underestimated that Lu Chen."

Wang An spoke quietly, with a complicated smile on his face.

He was naturally the one who took the first step. When Lu Chen was still training troops in Baotai Mountain, he was ready to show goodwill to Nan Qi and was ready to turn around in time.

However, taking the first step does not mean that he will definitely succeed. He thought that after the topographic map of Dongyang Road was sent over, it would definitely be regarded as a treasure by Xiao Wangzhi. The marriage between Wang and Lu's family would go smoothly, and the Wang family would get a lot of benefits. benefits, and then achieve more cooperation with the south.

Who would have thought that Xiao Wangzhi said nothing, but the secret letter sent by Wang Jun was like a basin of ice water poured on his head.

His brother Wang Cheng, who was sitting opposite him, frowned and said, "Is this Lu Chen's idea? Is there a possibility that Xiao Wangzhi is deliberately trying to manipulate us, and Lu Chen is just a cover."

Although if there are no accidents, the Nan Qi Wuxun named Lu Chen will become his son-in-law, and he has already inquired about this person's life before, Wang Cheng still does not think that the other party has such great power to directly decide such an important matter. .

Wang An stood up to serve him some tea. Apart from the two brothers, there was only Wang Chulong sitting at the bottom of the hall who was listening quietly. All the maids and servants were screened away. There were also experts from the clan outside guarding the room to prevent any leakage. Just a few words.

The clear tea water flowed. Wang An turned the pot back and said calmly: "Brother, I still don't understand the situation in the south well. Ever since Lu Chen suddenly rose up last year, Xiao Wangzhi's attitude towards this young man has been obviously different. I I suspect this has something to do with Lu Chen’s father, Lu Tong. Of course, Lu Chen has now gradually broken away from his father’s protection. Whether it was the several battles last year or what he did in Baotai Mountain this year, it is enough to prove his ability.”

Wang Cheng sighed lightly: "He is so difficult to deal with at such a young age. He is not an easy person to get along with."

Perhaps because he was too loyal to Lu Chen, Wang Jun did not make any polish when retelling it, and sent Lu Chen's original words to the north verbatim.

Wang An holds a high position and Wang Chengnai is a great figure in the literary world. Both of them have high reputations in the North. How have they ever been pointed at and lectured like this?

What's more, the other party is just a young man who has just turned twenty.

Wang An was indeed a little depressed, but he had always been good at hiding his emotions. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "It's not surprising that young people are strong-blooded. Why should I care, brother?"

"Of course I won't argue with him about this."

Wang Cheng laughed and laughed, and glanced at Wang Chulong unintentionally. Seeing that her face was still calm, he felt relieved.

Wang An smiled slightly and said slowly: "This is a master who will not let go of the rabbit before he sees the rabbit. But there are advantages to this. The stronger his ability is, the greater the possibility of success for us to take this step. If that kind of sinking is not possible, If you stay angry or have a temper that makes you happy, bad things will happen in the future."

Wang Cheng quite agreed with this, but he had a question that he had been holding back for a long time. At this moment, he asked: "Actually, I don't quite understand, why did you take this step?"

The Yan army was no match for the Southern Qi frontier army. This was proved last year, but the main force of the Jing Dynasty has not taken action. This is also an issue that needs to be considered.

When the Jing Dynasty completes the annexation of Zhao State, they will be free to take care of the south. In the eyes of Wang Cheng and even most of the powerful people in Heluo City, Southern Qi will never be able to compete with the Jing Dynasty. Heluo City may soon change to a real owner. Then why not continue to be the guests of the Jing Dynasty?

Therefore, Wang An decided to turn around, which Wang Cheng still couldn't understand.

Wang An thought for a moment and said calmly: "There are three main reasons. First, Nan Qi is more tenacious than I thought. Li Duan was able to stabilize the strength of the frontier army in such a passive situation, and was able to push forward From this point of view, the expansion of the Jiangbei Fourth Army is promising. The strength of the Southern Qi frontier army is also stronger than my inference. Needless to mention the famous commanders Xiao Wangzhi and Li Tianrun, up-and-coming young people like Lu Chen can also be regarded as the seeds of famous generals. .”

Wang Cheng nodded convinced.

Wang Chulong, who was sitting at the bottom, raised his head slightly, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Wang An continued: "Secondly, the Jing Dynasty has been pursuing secret assimilation in recent years. Indeed, many young people who have entered officialdom and the army are yearning for the Jing Dynasty. However, judging from the reaction of the people, even if the people of the North are aligned, The country doesn’t like it, but it doesn’t like Jing Chao either. Another point, brother, haven’t you noticed that Jing Jun’s strength has dropped a lot now, and he is no longer invincible as he was fifteen years ago?”

Wang Cheng frowned slightly and said: "But judging from the battle in the north, Jing's army's offensive is almost devastating, and Zhao State has no power to fight. In only half a year at most, Jing's army can pacify the entire Zhao State."

"The State of Zhao was scared out of its wits by Jing Jun fourteen years ago, and it is only because Emperor Jing kept it until now."

Wang An revealed the truth in one word, and immediately said with emotion: "This is also the third reason I want to say. Emperor Jing Chao's ambition was too great. After the capture of Heluo City, the best choice for Jing Chao was Occupy the land north of the Yangtze River, but Emperor Jing wants more than just this much territory. He supports our small court and tacitly allows the Zhao Kingdom to survive. He just wants the Jinglian people to seize the time to have children and prepare to dominate the world."

He raised four fingers and continued: "In more than ten years, the Jinglian clan has increased by more than [-] households. This looks good, but it still cannot support Emperor Jing's ambition. I have watched the Jing Dynasty act from the sidelines over the years. After roughly understanding what Emperor Jing was thinking, he planned to take Zhao State first and then replace it. Then the army would go south in three directions to capture the land north of the Yangtze River in the Yan Dynasty. After that, he would take the seven Shazhou tribes in the west and Huaizhou in the east. One place, finally solve the Southern Qi and unify the world."

Wang Cheng nodded and said, "So you think his idea is unrealistic?"


Wang An picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then adjusted his sitting posture slightly and said slowly: "If the stall is too big, there will definitely be problems within the Jing Dynasty. This time they annexed Zhao State easily, and the next step to conquer Dai State in the northwest will be inevitable Will hit a hard nail. For the Jinglian people who have been on the road of expansion, continuous victory can naturally maintain their vast territory, but if they are stuck at a certain link, this huge and fragile empire will It will most likely fall apart.”

Wang Cheng sighed leisurely and said with emotion: "After listening to your analysis, I know that the words "the most prosperous must inevitably decline" are not empty words. What's rare is that you can see through the joints."

This sentence made Wang An's expression darken, and his tone was slightly bleak: "Brother, we are just taking advantage of the situation. After all, we don't have the courage to ride on the tide. Now we can only seek acceptance from others. At that time, we were also worried about the family's It was only after the rise and fall that he took refuge in the Jing Dynasty. People in the world say that the wealthy families are extremely wealthy, but they don’t know that inside the high courtyard walls, there is already a smell of decay. "

Wang Cheng looked at him steadily and sighed: "Actually, this is the real reason why you want to change your ways?"

"That's it."

Wang An laughed at himself and said: "The Wang family of Zhai Lin has been passed down for hundreds of years. They can bear the humiliation and commit themselves to the enemy for a while, but they cannot be determined to become a foreign dog. Otherwise, how will the historians write down the history in the future? Since I have inherited it from my late father. After taking over this kind of family business, I had to bow my head in order to preserve the family, but now I have to seize the last chance."

"But I always feel that Nan Qi may not be the final winner."

Wang Cheng lightly twisted his short beard and said with a sigh: "Although the Southern Qi border army is getting stronger and stronger, you and I both know that the situation in the Southern Qi court is not much better than in Heluo City."

"Just take it one step at a time." Wang An said slowly with a look of exhaustion in his eyes: "Everyone can make the icing on the cake, and it is important to provide help in times of need."

Wang Cheng nodded and asked, "Then are you ready to take action?"

Wang An responded: "For Xiao Wangzhi and Li Tianrun, the first battle of the Northern Expedition is crucial. Since Lu Chen has made his attitude clear, and presumably this is also Xiao Wangzhi's view, then we will help him. Dongyang Road is stuck in Huaizhou On the only way for the army to go north, only by helping them capture Dongyang Road will we be qualified to sit down and talk in the future."

Wang Cheng did not ask how to do it. Although the Zhai Lin Wang family did not have the ability to openly challenge the court, it was not difficult to settle down in a small Dongyang Road.

"Another thing." Wang An frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "If you take this step, you can't look back. Our Wang family needs to send someone south to be responsible for liaison in the middle, and at the same time, he can make decisions on the fly. If we have to rely on him for everything in the future Sending messages back and forth is not only time-consuming and laborious, but may also delay important events.”

Wang Cheng fell into deep thought after hearing this.

This candidate must be within the inner circle of the Wang family, must have very outstanding abilities, and must gain the trust of those in the south, especially Lu Chen.

After all, Wang Jun was a member of a branch of the family, and had long since lost contact with the Wang family's original sect after moving far away. He didn't know much about things in the North, and it was difficult for Wang An to really trust this junior who was taken under Lu Chen's command.

Just as the two brothers were thinking, a gentle voice sounded next to them.

"Uncle, daddy, let me go."

Wang Chulong stood up slowly, with a calm face and a soft but firm tone.

(End of this chapter)

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