
Chapter 215 213【Unbeatable Life 1 Drunk】

Chapter 215 213 [Unbeatable life is a drunken experience]

"Now that the people in the mountain are united, it only takes a certain amount of time to settle down, and we can build a truly powerful force. I know, senior sister, you may be a little worried, but in fact there is no need for it. Master is in control of the overall situation. Elders and hall masters With a lot of help, everything will fall into place.”

"Recently, people from the Green Forest often come to worship the mountain. As far as I know, the Jinsha Gang, Yunfu Village and Shuanghu Gang have all sent people over. Obviously, that battle not only suppressed the Yan Kingdom, but also made the thoughts of those Jianghu comrades come alive. Come on, after all, no one is willing to give up his status as a local tycoon and work as a dog for the government. Regarding the matters of dealing with these forces, I have explained to Dong Mian, Qi Lianfu and others. If senior sister does not want to pay attention to these trivial matters, let them go Just entertain."

"As for the specific details of Lintang and Yintang, senior sister does not need to interfere. You only need to ask them to submit a detailed summary every half month. Regarding the construction of the cottage, although Shi Haisheng is a bit pedantic and somewhat sour, he does This kind of supervision work is quite suitable, senior sister only needs to go and check it out from time to time."

"On the army side, the cavalry can be sent out from time to time to create some pressure on the Yan court, but there should be no direct conflict with the opponent. Half of the infantry is training and half is working. Yu Dajun, Lou Chengyuan and others have good understanding. In time, they will be able to Stand alone."

"and also……"


In the gentle mountain breeze, Lu Chen was talking, a little disorganized, as if he was talking about whatever came to mind, not as smart and wise as he usually is.

Lin Xi walked side by side with him and couldn't help but smile knowingly as he listened to these heartfelt instructions.

Lu Chen's tone stopped abruptly, and the worry in his heart eased slightly. Originally he was afraid that Lin Xi would be depressed because of her reluctance to leave, but now it seemed that she should have been mentally prepared for it.

"Although I know you have good intentions, you seem to have forgotten that I am the senior sister."

Lin Xi stretched out her arms, stood on tiptoe a little, reached out and gently rubbed Lu Chen's head, and said with a smile: "Junior brother, be good, senior sister will take good care of yourself."

Lu Chen had a strange feeling in his heart, a sense of calmness after relaxation, but also a strange feeling of things turning upside down.

"Come, let me take you to a place."

Lin Xi waved to him and then walked northwest. Lu Chen quickly followed.

The two passed through the mountain gate and half of the residential area of ​​the main village, went straight to the mountains and fields to the north of the main village, and stopped at a sunny hillside.

Lu Chen's expression was slightly condensed. He had already guessed where this place was.

Lin Xi walked and said: "Although my father loved me very much when I was a child, he was also very strict. My mother openly supported my father, but secretly she always took time to help me soothe my meridians and recuperate my body. My mother passed away due to illness five years ago. I am here. After crying for a long time, I wiped away my tears and went out to explore the world. From now on, whenever I return to the village, I will come here every now and then to sit alone for a long time and talk to my mother."

The old friends of the Seven Star Gang are buried here. Lin Xi walked to the grave at the top of the hillside, placed a wild flower under the tombstone, reached out and gently touched the words engraved on the monument. There was no sadness in his eyes, only a warm undertone. .

Lu Chen stared at the tombstone, stepped forward and knelt down silently to salute.

Lin Xi did not stop her. After Lu Chen got up, she stood next to the tombstone and said softly: "Mom, you used to complain about daddy, blaming him for forcing me to practice martial arts, but you never learned from your daughter's family's work, and you were worried that I would not find a good one in the future. You can only choose one of those rough guys in the mountains as your husband. I even had arguments with you a few times, and I stubbornly said that the worst thing I could do is not get married in the future. Can’t I live alone? Now think about it, I am so I was really ignorant at that time.”

"Mother, his name is Lu Chen. He is Lu Shibo's son. He is 20 years old this year, but he is only three days younger than me. My daughter brought him to see you today just to tell mother that he is the husband she has chosen. He is not a man of martial arts. He is not as good as his daughter, nor can he be a scholar, but he knows a lot of truths, and is particularly good at leading troops in war. This time he came to the mountains and helped his father defeat tens of thousands of soldiers, forcing the government to bow its head and negotiate peace with us. "

"He is very good to his daughter, his father, and every father in the mountains. And my daughter believes that he will be able to take us out of the mountains and forests to live a stable life in the rich land."

"Mom, please don't worry. My daughter will live well and happily."

"Mom, my daughter misses you very much."

Although her tone was slightly trembling at the end, she kept trying to maintain the smile on her face.

Lu Chen listened quietly. After she finished speaking, he bowed to the tombstone and said, "Master Tai Shui's spirit in heaven, please rest assured that my son-in-law will take good care of my senior sister and will not let her suffer any injustice."

Lin Xi raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, walked over and stood next to Lu Chen, and slowly nestled against his shoulder.

The autumn wind blows slowly, and the figures are in pairs.

As the sun set, the two of them returned to the main village and arrived at the courtyard where Lin Xi lived. After a while, a maid prepared a sumptuous banquet.

Lu Chen looked at the two jars of wine on the table, feeling proud in his heart, and said coolly: "I will risk my life to accompany my senior sister tonight. We will not return until we get drunk."

Lin Xi couldn't help laughing and said: "You should take it easy. If you get drunk, I will have to call Li Chengen to carry you back."

Lu Chen chuckled innocently and glanced inside unintentionally.

Lin Xi rolled her eyes at him, but she didn't really mind.

After three rounds of drinking, Lin Xi's cheeks gained a touch of pink, her eyes were still clear and peaceful, and she smiled and said: "Junior brother, dad told me about that. I have already advised him, don't take it seriously."

Lu Chen put down his chopsticks and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lin Xi said straightforwardly: "I really don't care about the so-called imperial palace or not. Furthermore, if you become a marquis or prime minister in the future, you will definitely have to interact with those high-ranking people. How can I do these things? I have been in the family since I was a child. Growing up in the world of martial arts, I am used to seeing life and death, swords and swords. If you really want me to stay at home and pretend to be a purdah woman, wearing hairpins and embroidering birds all day long, I will definitely not be able to adapt to this kind of life. So I am Daddy said, that kind of status is not an honor for me, but a prison."

Lu Chen smiled gently, shook his head and said: "Senior sister, this is not Master's request, but my own insistence. No matter what happens in the future, no one can shake your status. I will not use this status to restrict you, you can continue to be you. Things you like, like now, my master and I will hand over the power of the Seven Star Army and the gang to you. My identity is my respect and love for my senior sister, and it will not become a prison for you. If it comes to that, I will let Nanshan enter with swords and guns. On that day, I can accompany my senior sister to travel around the world and indulge in the mountains and rivers." Lin Xi's eyes became brighter.

She could feel the sincere consideration from Lu Chen's words, and that was enough.

As for concubinage, she naturally wouldn't care. Leaving aside others, Lin Jie also had several concubines.

In this era, the infant mortality rate is extremely high. In order to continue the bloodline and flourish, men with a little ability and status will take concubines. What's more, Lu Chen is a single lineage and does not even have a brother. It is foreseeable that Lu Tong will definitely make arrangements for this only son. This kind of thing.

For some reason, Lin Xi suddenly said: "What about Miss Li?"

Lu Chen almost choked on his drink and said with a smile: "Senior sister, where do you start with this?"

Lin Xi raised her smooth chin slightly: "Did you forget that you told me that she expressed her admiration for you when she was in the capital of Nanqi?"

Lu Chen put down the wine cup and explained seriously: "Miss Li's temperament is not good at pretentiousness, so she said those words, but in my opinion, it was not to express admiration, but to cut off the love in her heart in a gentle way. Feelings.”

"Cut it off?" Lin Xi was slightly puzzled.

Lu Chen nodded and said, "If she didn't say it, no one would actually know, and I wouldn't be able to think about it that way, but hiding this thought in my heart would inevitably lead to depression for a long time. She said it bluntly, and made it clear that she didn't want to Because the love between her children affects her career in the military, she took the initiative to draw a clear line between her and me, so as not to end up guessing and getting stuck."

"I see."

The two of them laughed and chatted for a while, then Lin Xi drank the wine in the glass and said softly: "When you go back, remember to take care of yourself. Don't just try your best during the war. You must know that there are many people who care about you."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I will."

Before I knew it, it was already dark outside, and the two jars of wine on the table were gradually emptying out.

Lu Chen was faintly drunk, but he knew in his heart that this time they would not see each other for more than half a year, so the first sentence of "risking one's life to accompany a gentleman" was not a joke. If Lin Xi wanted to get drunk, he would just get drunk. .

However, when he was about to ask the maid to get some wine, Lin Xi stopped him: "Just stop here, getting drunk will hurt your health."

Lu Chen rubbed his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Senior sister, please rest early."

He stood up with his hands on the edge of the table. He was about to take two steps when a white palm grabbed his wrist.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the beauty was slightly drunk and her eyes were full of tenderness.

Lu Chen looked at her blankly. The room was so quiet that it was as if they could hear each other's heartbeats.

Lin Xi held his hand and said softly: "I have seen everything you have done in the past few months. The word "desperate" is not enough to describe your dedication. What I said before, including not caring about the main wife It’s not that I’m inferior to others, nor that I’m more pretentious than those purdah girls, it’s just that my mother taught me a lesson since I was a child, that you should always be considerate of your heart.”

"As sons and daughters of our generation, since we fall in love with one person, we will not waver in the slightest. You have traveled thousands of miles away, and the world may have changed when we meet again, but I hope you understand that your heart is like my heart, and you will not trust me in this life. "


Lu Chen reached out and stroked her cheek.

Lin Xi held his hand, leaned forward slowly, and said softly: "Whether it's half a year or a year, I will wait for you in the mountains and wait for you to marry me."

Lu Chen stared into her eyes and said word by word: "I will not break the promise."

Lin Xi took the initiative to open her arms and gave him a silent but warm hug.

After a long time, the maid Ruoyouruowu coughed outside, and the two separated from each other.

Lu Chen smiled slightly awkwardly. Naturally, he understood that the maid reminded her out of good intentions and had no grudge. He just looked at Lin Xi and said, "Senior sister, I'm leaving."


Lin Xi responded softly, and then helped him smooth out the wrinkles on his collar as carefully as his wife.

Lu Chen said goodbye and left, his steps a little frivolous.

When he left the small courtyard, he turned around and saw Lin Xi smiling brightly and looking like a painting in the moonlight.

 The second volume [Master Rijian] is finished, and the third volume [Wind Rises in Heluo] will be opened tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)
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