
Chapter 209 Chapter 207 [1 Eye Ten Thousand Years]

Chapter 209 Chapter 207 [A glance for ten thousand years]

After the death of Pusan ​​Si'en, the Yan-Jing coalition collapsed thousands of miles away.

Li Chengen, Yu Dajun, Lou Chengyuan and other commanders, as well as mountain veterans such as Qi Lianfu and Dong Mian, each led hundreds of people to pursue south. Following the route set by Lu Chen in advance, they pursued the defeated troops of Yan and Jing Dynasties fiercely.

Xu Cun tried his best to collect the defeated troops along the road, but Li Chengen personally led hundreds of sharp soldiers to stare at him and beat him severely. The deputy general manager of the troops and horses on Dongyang Road of Yan State was like a lost dog, being chased in a panic.

At dusk, after running far south, Xu Cun gradually stabilized his position. At this time, there were only more than [-] people left around him, and he was in a miserable state without his helmet and armor, and all his food, grass and baggage were lost.

Xu Cun recalled that when he first entered the mountain, he commanded more than [-] troops, and was assisted by three thousand Xiashan troops from Jing Dynasty. The flags were fluttering and almost covered the sky, which was so majestic and domineering.

Now looking at a group of panic-stricken defeated generals around him, Xu Cun's eyes were red on the spot, tears streaming down his face, extremely miserable.

He turned to face the north, looking at the stretching mountains and rivers under the setting sun. He couldn't suppress the feeling of sadness for a moment, and suddenly pulled out the saber from his waist and slashed it across his neck.

"Butler! No!"

Fortunately, the soldiers next to him had quick eyesight and quick hands. They crowded around and grabbed his sword, and they all tried to persuade him: "General, victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers. You can't leave us!"

"Now that the army is scattered in the mountains, we still need the general to take charge of the overall situation and take us back to Fengqiu."

"General, please cherish yourself!"

Everyone spoke sincerely, Xu Cun looked at each one one by one, and said quietly: "Go back? Our army has suffered such serious losses, how can I have the dignity to go back..."

Everyone had no choice but to continue patiently admonishing them. After a while, Xu Cun raised his hand to silence the surrounding voices, and said with an ashen face: "You don't have to say any more, I will take you back, and then go back to Heluo City to accept the imperial court's beheading." sin."

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely heavy.

The autumn wind blew gently in the mountains and fields, but it could not dissipate the sadness in the hearts of these defeated soldiers.


Lu Chen didn't know that Xu Cunsheng wanted to die. In fact, he didn't care what the enemy general thought. After Pu San Si'en was beheaded, the fate of the Yanjing coalition became a foregone conclusion, and no one could reverse the situation.

After arranging all the matters regarding the pursuer, Lu Chen said hello to Lin Jie and returned to the residence of the main village accompanied by Lin Xi.

He took a long hot bath, ate something, then climbed into bed and fell asleep.

The village was very lively, everyone was happy, and the atmosphere of celebration was everywhere. Lu Chen didn't want to show off at this time, he was just too tired.

From the day he arrived at Baotai Mountain, he never had an easy time. He helped Lin Jie solve the hidden dangers within the Seven Star Gang, train his soldiers and formulate general strategies, and make preparations to the best of his ability in advance. Each of these tasks cost him a lot of time. Mental effort.

After the war broke out, he had to deduce the enemy's strategy, guide the enemy's troops into his own rhythm, personally lead the troops to complete several crucial charges, seize the fleeting opportunities on the battlefield again and again, and make correct responses. God, he almost burned his own life to create a miracle of defeating the many with less and the weak defeating the strong.

The seven-star gang's combatable troops totaled 5000, and they defeated the Yanjing coalition's 5000 troops. Among them were the Xiashan Army, a world-famous and fierce division. No matter where they were placed, it was a great victory.

After several battles, the Seven-Star Army achieved an impressive record of killing more than [-] people and capturing more than [-] people, and captured countless trophies.

None of this would be possible without the bravery and courage of all the helpers, not to mention Lu Chen’s exhaustive and dedicated efforts.

The members of the Seven Star Gang naturally understood this, so no one came to disturb Lu Chen while he was resting. Everyone would consciously step softly and keep silent when passing near the courtyard, for fear of disturbing Lu Chen's sweet dream.

No one specifically asked for it, it was all their spontaneous actions, and everyone had a look of reverence on their faces when they walked by.

Lu Chen didn't know how long he slept. When he woke up, he saw soft light in the room. It must have been afternoon.

He slowly sat up and turned around to see a bowl on the bedside table. He picked it up and opened it to see that there was warm water inside.

Lu Chen felt warm in his heart, drank a few sips to moisten his throat, and immediately got out of bed to get dressed.

When he came to the door and looked outside, a quiet and beautiful scene fell into his eyes.

Lin Xi is sitting on a wicker chair in front of the window. She is wearing a plain white long brocade dress today. She uses dark brown silk thread to outline the wonderful and powerful branches, and pink silk thread to embroider blossoming plum blossoms. From the skirt The hem extends all the way to the waist, and a plain satin ribbon ties the waist.

She wore a simple peach-heart bun, and only wore a few milky-white pearl necklaces, which reflected the luster of her black hair. A jade hairpin slanted down with a thin tassel.Above her straight nose are curved eyebrows like willow leaves, her hair on the temples hangs down softly, her face has a leisurely expression, and there is a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

She didn't seem to notice Lu Chen's appearance. She was holding a book in her hand and was quite fascinated by it.

Lu Chen took the opportunity to look down and saw the words "Non-jade Guanyin" on the cover, and couldn't help but chuckle.

This is a storybook describing a love story. When Lin Xi was in Guangling City, Lu Chen often looked for some good stories to kill her time. Unexpectedly, the senior sister developed this habit from then on.

When the laughter reached her ears, Lin Xi's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she turned her head suddenly, looking at Lu Chen who was standing by the door, with a little starlight in her eyes, and said in surprise: "Junior brother!"

Lu Chen walked over and said with a smile, "Sister, please take care of me."

Lin Xi put down his notebook, stood up and said, "You and I don't need to talk about this. Having said that, it's a bit scary to sleep for so long. I wanted Uncle Sun to come and feel your pulse, but dad said you just had too much blood loss, so be careful." You can recover after a few days of sleep.”

Lu Chen was also a little curious, so he asked, "Senior sister, how long have I slept?" Lin Xi smiled and said, "It's been two full days."

Lu Chen was slightly startled, this was too exaggerated.

Lin Xi looked at him carefully and saw his clear eyes and rosy complexion. He was immediately relieved and said softly: "You must be hungry after sleeping for so long, right? The kitchen has been preparing food. I will go and let them go now." send over."

She turned around to leave, but Lu Chen suddenly stretched out his hand and held her hand with great precision.

Lin Xi's heart trembled, and she turned around and asked, "Junior brother, what's wrong?"

"Don't be in a hurry to eat."

Lu Chen said softly, and then used a little force.

Lin Xi had a dozen ways to shake Lu Chen's hand away at this moment, but she did nothing and let him pull her back.

The two of them were half a foot apart, their eyes facing each other, their eyes moving.

Lin Xi tried her best to hold on, but in the end she was no match for Lu Chen's fiery gaze. She quietly lowered her head and said softly: "Junior brother..."

"I will explain it to the master right away, and then ask my father to prepare a gift list and come to propose marriage. There will be no shortage of procedures."

Lu Chen said seriously.

Lin Xi responded softly, and a touch of delicate pink spread on her fair cheeks.

"Let's make an engagement first, but we won't get married for the time being."

Lu Chen said again.

If it were an ordinary woman, she would probably have some unhappy reactions immediately. After all, this arrangement seems unreliable no matter how you look at it, but Lin Xi wouldn't think that way.

Both of them are open-minded and cheerful. They have experienced countless hardships together from Guangling City to Baotai Mountain. The words "live and die together" have long been engraved in their hearts, so they have absolute trust in each other.Lin Xi knew that Lu Chen's thoughts must have a deeper meaning, so she tried her best to suppress the shyness in her heart and looked up into Lu Chen's eyes.

Lu Chen was not surprised by her reaction and said gently: "Baotai Mountain and Guangling are still far apart now, and there is the territory of Pseudo Yan in the middle. I can't let you marry into the Lu family quietly. I must let you Marry here with all the glory. In addition, the Seven Star Gang cannot continue to live such a difficult life, so we must take this opportunity to find a better home, so that you can truly feel at ease."

Touched, Lin Xi looked at him dreamily and murmured, "Okay, I'll do whatever you want."

There was silence in the room, and the two seemed to be able to hear each other's heartbeat. Lu Chen looked at Lin Xi's bright and affectionate eyes and couldn't help but lean forward.

There was a trace of nervousness in Lin Xi's bright eyes, as if someone had cast a restraining spell on her body and couldn't move. She watched his face getting closer and felt his eager gaze, so she quietly lowered her eyes.

There was a hint of cool fragrance on her lips.

Lu Chen's hands exerted a little force, and Lin Xi pressed against his chest, awkwardly receiving his kiss.

At this moment, she remembered her first meeting in Guangling City last year, her throbbing when returning to the city at night, and her hesitation in the cold moonlight.

In Lai'an city, Lu Chen was planning strategies, and her red sleeves were fragrant.

In Jianghua City, Lu Chen secretly confessed his love, and she was filled with joy.

The sadness when parting, the surprise when we meet again.

From north to south, and from south to north, as the years pass from spring to autumn, a feeling of longing quietly grows until it becomes a vine that wraps around the heart.

This kiss seemed to travel through time.

When Lu Chen was about to knock on the door, Lin Xi could no longer suppress the shyness in her heart. She stretched out her hands to weakly push his chest, tilted her head slightly and said softly: "Junior brother..."

Lu Chen was not impatient, but after experiencing a life-and-death battle, he saw many things more clearly and was unwilling to hesitate any longer. In addition, the situation was extremely moving, so he could not restrain himself for a moment.

After all, Lin Xi was a thin-skinned person, so he would naturally respect her thoughts and did not force her to continue. He just smiled and said, "Senior sister, it smells so good."

There seemed to be a pause between these four words, but he said them faster, and they seemed to be connected together.

Lin Xi wrinkled the tip of her nose, gave him a very harmless look, changed the subject and said, "I'll have someone bring the food over, so as not to starve the great hero of the Seven Star Gang."

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister."

Lu Chenzuo said with a smile.

Lin Xi also chuckled lightly, tapped Lu Chen's cheek with her white and tender fingers, and then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)
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