
Chapter 202 Chapter 201 [Ruthless may not necessarily be a true hero]

Chapter 202 Chapter 201 [Ruthless may not necessarily be a true hero]

At the southern foot of the main peak of Baotai Mountain, the headquarters of the Qixing Gang is located.

There were crowds of people near a low hill to the east, but the place was surprisingly quiet and solemn, almost silent.

Only the autumn wind blew by, bringing with it a sense of desolation.

Nearly four hundred new tombs are arranged horizontally and vertically, with simple and solemn tombstones standing on the ground.

Buried in these tombs are the soldiers of the Seven Star Army who died in the two previous battles.

There were some people standing in front of each tomb, including an old man with a white head, a young child, a middle-aged man with red eyes, and a woman in common clothes who couldn't stop crying.

Lu Chen, dressed in black clothes, started from the first tomb in the east, lit incense, saluted, and then bowed and apologized to the families of the fallen soldiers.

Without any extra words, he repeated this process with a slow but determined pace.

In the open space to the south, thousands of soldiers of the Seven Star Army stood solemnly. Among them were commanders like Chu Zhu and Lou Chengyuan, backbones like Yu Hanyuan and Guo Bifang, and ordinary people like Liu Yanlin and Zhai Qi. Soldiers.

The family members looked at Lu Shen with complicated expressions. They understood why the young man acted like this.

Their families are fighting to protect the homeland of the Seven Star Gang. No one wants to see sacrifices, but there must be sacrifices in war.Regardless of Lu Chen's presence or absence, when Lin Jie decided to reject the Yan Dynasty's recruitment and received the support of his gang members, these sacrifices were inevitable.

But in Lu Chen's view, as the coach of the Seven-Star Army, he must be responsible for everyone's life and death.

He couldn't guarantee that everyone would survive, which didn't mean he would take the death of these soldiers for granted.

Some old people at the scene saw Lu Chen's sincere behavior and couldn't help but think of the past.

At that time, the Qi Dynasty's army was advancing into the mountains from the west and south at the same time. They tried to resist under the leadership of the old gang leader Jiang Zhi, but they were no match for the government army. After thousands of people were killed in the battle, they were no longer able to resist and had to flee. Going into the deep mountains and old forests, I struggled to hold on.

If Lin Jie hadn't found a way to get food and medicinal materials from outside, they would have died of starvation and illness.

Now it seems that there is a reincarnation, but this time there is a big difference. The army composed of the gang members has won several great victories in succession, defeated two Yan Dynasty armies, killed 3000 people, captured hundreds of people, and captured The trophies are countless.

Such an exciting victory would not have been possible without the bravery and courage of everyone, not to mention the young man who came all the way from Southern Qi and was bowing and apologizing to his family.

Lu Chen walked to the fifth tomb. After he laid incense, a woman in her 40s came to him, stopped him from bowing, and said while holding back tears: "Brother Lu, I don't blame you."

The woman is dressed as a typical peasant woman and looks very old due to long-term work.

Lu Chen's lips moved, and after a moment of silence he said, "I didn't bring Yuan Gan back, I'm sorry."

Yuan Gan is the young man sleeping in the new grave behind. He is only 21 years old this year. The woman is his mother Liu.

The woman finally couldn't help it, choked up softly, shook her head and said: "Gan'er wants to do something for the village. I tried to persuade him but he didn't listen. Brother Lu, if it is convenient in the future, please avenge Gan'er."

Lu Chen didn't hesitate for a moment and said solemnly: "I will definitely do it."

The woman took a few steps back and looked at the tombstone dreamily.

Lu Chen exhaled a breath, insisted on bowing to the Yuan family, and then continued to move forward.

After Liu's death, more and more family members would simply say a few words to Lu Chen, mostly asking about their sons' performance on the battlefield.Lu Chen answered plainly and patiently, without any fancy embellishments.

Paper money was flying all over the sky, and the sound of sorrow gradually rose, and finally became the sound of mourning.

Lu Chen walked to the last tomb. After completing a series of actions, he turned around and looked at the hundreds of tombstones standing on the low hill and the ordinary people squatting in front of the tombstones burning paper money. He took a gentle breath, and then walked slowly Go far away.

Lin Jie stood with his hands behind his hands, and beside him stood Ran Xuanzhi and several other confidants.

He looked at the young man walking towards him, looking at his dull face and sad temperament, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart.

The Seven Star Gang has a foothold in the Green Forest and has lived a life of licking blood. Even without the current war, they are often in life-and-death situations.Of course, the words "Green Forest Leader" were not spoken by words, but the reputation and status earned through fighting with others time and time again.

In comparison, under Lin Jie's governance, the Seven Star Gang has clearly defined rewards and punishments for many years. Those who shed blood for the gang have been properly accommodated and their pensions will not be less. It is even less likely that men will bleed outside and their family members will be raped in the gang. The bullying thing.

For example, when Yu Hanyuan's father died at the sword of an official from the Qi Dynasty, he and his mother depended on each other, but he was never bullied in the gang, and Yu Hanyuan was able to receive all-out training.

This time is no exception. All gang members who died or were seriously injured in the battle will receive a generous pension, and all of it was paid out yesterday, and their families will also receive extra care.

When Lu Chen came and stood in front of him, Lin Jie said: "I once heard your father say that kindness does not lead the army." Lu Chen sighed quietly, looked at the picturesque mountains and rivers in the distance, and said slowly: "On the battlefield, I There will be no hesitation. Sacrifice is always inevitable, but this does not mean that I can ignore the sacrifices of these young people. As a general, victory should be the primary goal, but outside the battlefield, I will not regard them as Become a chess piece without consciousness."

He lowered his head slightly and continued: "They are also the sons of their parents, the husbands of their wives, and the fathers of their children. They are living people of flesh and blood. Master, I know you may think I am a bit hypocritical, even though I rely on war I want to get ahead, but I don’t like war.”

Ran Xuanzhi and others listened quietly. This was the first time they heard Lu Chen express his true feelings.

Lin Jie sighed: "But these things are inevitable after all."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Yes, this is also written in the history books. Generation after generation of killings, endless reincarnations, but I hope this kind of life can end soon."

Lin Jie gave him a meaningful look and did not continue to discuss the topic in depth. He said gently: "There is another problem before you. The enemy is desperate and it seems difficult to deal with."

Lu Chen said: "One rush, then decline, and three times exhaustion. This is the situation of the Yan army. Speaking of which, I would like to thank Brother Ran for his hard work. Without his assistance, this final battle will be even more difficult."

Ran Xuanzhi's eyes were slightly stooped. It was obvious that he had been very tired during this period. In fact, he had not had any leisure time since half a year ago. First, he had to reserve food in advance, and then he had to raise ordnance for the Seven Star Army. The most difficult thing was the other one Lu Chen gave him. This task almost made him dizzy.

Hearing the young man's sincere words at this moment, Ran Xuanzhi couldn't help but humbly said: "Brother Lu, please don't say that. Speaking of which, I have to thank you. If you didn't have so many fantastic ideas, I would definitely persuade the gang leader to give up the general Village."

When Lin Jie heard this, he looked at Lu Chen and asked, "How sure are you?"

Lu Chen thought for a while and said unhurriedly: "Shuangfeng Village is the first trap I set for the Yan army. The subsequent ambush battles, harassment battles, and even burning of their food and grass were just to deter the enemy from advancing rashly." Determination. If Pusan ​​Si'en leads his army to retreat and wait for replenishment of food and fodder before making a comeback, I can only make new plans. Fortunately, he can't afford to lose that person and sensiblely leads the exhausted Yan army to continue marching, so I have ten We can definitely deal with them."

Lin Jie smiled slightly, turned to look at Dong Mian and Qi Lianfu, and said, "Organize all the available people in the gang and follow Lu Chen's orders."

"Yes, Gang Leader." The two of them agreed in unison.

When Lu Chen saw this, he said: "Master, there are so many old, weak, women and children in the gang. I wanted you to take charge of the overall situation, just in case."

Lin Jie shook his head and said: "My words are not just for the two of them. In fact, even myself will abide by your arrangements. The enemy's strength is close to 3000, and you only have [-] in hand. Even if the captain returns late, Compared with the hundreds of people Lin Xi brought to the south, the comparison in strength is still quite disparate. Now that it has reached this point, there is no need for the Seven Star Gang to hide anymore. One more person will increase the chance of victory. "

Lu Chen looked at his resolute eyes and said after a moment: "Okay, I will ask Master and the two hall masters to take the young and old men in the gang to stay at the gate of the main village. When the right time comes, I will arrange your actions."

Lin Jie nodded in agreement, looked at the Seven Star Army standing in the open space over there, and said warmly: "Go ahead and let these boys understand that this battle is related to the life and death of the Seven Star Gang, and there can be no negligence."

"it is good."

Lu Chen bowed his hands, then turned and walked that way.

Qi Lianfu looked at his back and sighed softly: "Brother Lu is really the seed of a famous general. Maybe he can sweep across the north and south in the future."

Lin Jie smiled and said: "If I can become the best in the world in the green forest, my son-in-law will naturally be better than his master."

The three hall masters couldn't help but be stunned, and looked at Lin Jie subconsciously, thinking that he had let something slip for a moment.

Lin Jie still looked at Lu Chen and sighed softly: "Don't be surprised. It's just that this boy is smart and decisive in other matters, but he is a fool when it comes to marriage. Xi'er is thin-skinned and it's hard to talk about it. You guys, listen. , help me make some insinuations after the war is over, lest he is still confused and hesitant."

Qi Lianfu and others wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, so they all responded: "Don't worry, Gang Leader."

Over there, Lu Chen walked up to the soldiers of the Seven Star Army, looked at the solemn and steady young faces, and said concisely: "There are 390 seven brothers sleeping behind me. They are also your brothers. They are here for the mountains." The old, weak, women and children died, but the government wolf who killed them still refused to give up, and has now set off northward, advancing towards the main village."

"Some people will bleed and die in this battle, and every one of us may fall, but I know that there are no cowards in the Seven-Star Army who are afraid of death, right?"

Lu Chen suddenly raised his tone, and in response was a roar that resounded throughout the world.

"Fight to the death!"

Everyone used all their strength to burst out their voices from their chests, converging into a grand and majestic song.

Lu Chen looked at them with relief. Even though this army had only been established for a short time, he could already see a hard temperament taking shape and gradually becoming indestructible.

That is the military soul.

So he said loudly: "Then please follow me, kill those bastards who want to destroy our homeland, kill all the eagles and dogs who are working for the tiger, carve out a place to stand, and kill Haiyanheqing!"


Thousands of voices burst out with emotion, reaching into the sky.

(End of this chapter)
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