
Chapter 200 199 [Desperate Throw]

Chapter 200 199 [Desperate Throw]

The Yan army was defeated like a mountain.

Shang Zhirong never thought until his death that his subordinates would be defeated so simply.

The numbers of the two armies were similar, with the Seven-Star Army having several hundred more people, but the disparity was not too great. Normally there would not be a quick victory or defeat. However, Shang Zhirong still underestimated the strength of the Seven-Star Army.

He knew that most of these green people had practiced martial arts, but in his opinion, such people must be unruly and unruly, and could not stand the strict rules of the military. What's more, Lu Chen was a foreigner, how could he do it in just a few months? To train an army that obeys orders and prohibitions?

Ambush warfare and frontal blocking warfare are completely different. The former has the right time, place and people, while the latter has to compete with the discipline of the army.

By the time Shang Zhirong discovered that the Seven-Star Army was not only powerful in terms of personal force, but also capable of maintaining an extremely strict formation, it was already too late.

The Yan army was so fragile that it could no longer organize an effective resistance and fled southward in panic.

The pursuit at this time was effortless and could cause a lot of casualties. Naturally, Lu Chen would not miss this opportunity and immediately ordered the Seven Star Army to pursue them along the way.

The Yan army discarded their helmets and armor along the way and fled for seven or eight miles in one breath. The Seven Star Army expanded their victory at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was not until Lu Chen ordered to stop the pursuit that they stopped without any satisfaction.

However, Yan Jun did not dare to stop and continued to escape towards the south.

The Seven-Star Army began to clean the battlefield and roughly counted the casualties on both sides.

In the open space on the roadside, the generals gathered beside Lu Chen, happily discussing the battle just now.

"Have a blast today!"

"That's right, if they hadn't run so fast, they would definitely have killed all these bastards today."

"No wonder the dignitaries of the Jing Dynasty can dominate the Yan realm. The Yan army is so weak, so they can't surrender the Jing army. These bastards only know how to bully the people of Li, and they will be vulnerable to a real attack with real swords and guns!"

Chu Zhu, the deputy commander of the right army, said with disdain on his face, and his tone was full of disdain.

Fang Yu, deputy commander of the rear army, echoed: "The captain is right. After today, the Yan army can only hold together and move forward. They will definitely not dare to let a single unit fight with our army."

Yu Dajun, the deputy commander of the left army, quietly took a look at Li Chengen, who was standing next to Lu Chen, and said with a smile: "Don't brag. If the captain hadn't led Commander Li to break up the enemy's central army and kill the enemy general with one sword, where would we have been?" It was so easy to achieve this hearty victory.”

Li Chengen smiled and did not refute.

Not only was he taciturn, but so were several other cronies who followed Lu Chen north.

In fact, since entering the Seven Star Gang's sphere of influence, these five people have been extremely low-key, and they only talk more when training.

Lu Chen cleared his throat, and everyone immediately fell silent, looking at him in awe.

"Today's victory is the result of the hard work of all of us. It proves that there is no coward in the Seven-Star Army. I am proud of you."

Lu Chen's words made the rough men next to him smile with joy, and some of them even grinned from ear to ear.

He looked over one by one and said slowly: "This battle is enough to scare the Yan army, and soon they will receive even more tragic news."

Yu Dajun asked eagerly: "The captain is talking about Shuangfeng Village?"

Lu Chen nodded and said calmly: "Senior Yuchi and senior sister have led hundreds of skilled soldiers to Shuangfeng Village. They will sneak into the village through secret passages in the dead of night, burn Yan's army's food and grass, and at the same time, take advantage of the chaos to try their best. Kill and injure the Yan troops stationed in the stronghold."

There was a solemn silence, and the next moment Chu Zhu and others couldn't help but shout for joy, which immediately attracted the curious gazes of the nearby soldiers.

Lu Chen didn't stop him and looked at these generals with a smile.

Today's battle was won brilliantly, without any traps or means, relying entirely on hard power to defeat the Yan army, which proved that the Seven Star Army had grown rapidly in the tempering of the war.

These generals all took the lead and greatly boosted morale. Naturally, Lu Chen didn't mind them venting their emotions after the victory.

After a commotion, Yu Dajun asked: "Captain, now that the Yan army has been defeated one after another, and their food and grass have been destroyed, do they have no choice but to withdraw?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Lu Shen longingly. It was not that they were tired and afraid of fighting, but that if the other side withdrew its troops, there would be no more casualties among their own people.

Before Lu Chen could answer, two young men walked over quickly, it was Yu Hanyuan and Guo Bifang.

Yu Hanyuan stepped forward, saluted, and said respectfully: "I was ordered by the captain to count the results of the battle, and now I have a rough figure."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "You say it."

Yu Hanyuan said: "In this battle, our army killed more than [-] enemies, including the general Shang Zhirong, and captured more than [-] people."

Lu Chen's expression remained calm, and his eyes became more solemn: "What are the casualties of our army?"

Yu Hanyuan replied in a deep voice: "Our army has 270 three soldiers killed, 22 seriously injured and 64 slightly injured."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became solemn, and Chu Zhu and others, who had been smiling before, looked heavy.

Lu Mo remained silent, and after a moment he said: "Clean the battlefield and pick up the loot as soon as possible. As for the prisoners... those who are willing to surrender will be escorted back to the main camp and handed over to the gang leader for rehabilitation. Those who are not willing to surrender will have their legs broken and sent back. Send an order to all the troops to take care of them." The bodies of injured brothers and dead brothers were brought back to the main camp and handed over to their families."

"Follow the order!"

Yu Hanyuan agreed solemnly, and then strode away with Guo Bifang.

The generals naturally had no objections to Lu Chen's handling. In the past, they would have wondered why they didn't kill the prisoners directly. Now they know that every decision on the battlefield must be based on local conditions.

At present, the Yan army is out of food and grass and has been defeated one after another. A group of wounded soldiers with broken legs will undoubtedly increase their burden and further damage the morale of the enemy army.

Li Chengen thought about Lu Chen's last words and said thoughtfully: "Captain, are we going back to the main village next?"

Lu Chen did not comment, looked at everyone and asked, "What do you think?"

The generals were deep in thought, and Lou Chengyuan tentatively said: "Captain, I think we might as well continue the harassment strategy. The Yan army is now frightened, and they can only choose to withdraw. Moreover, they must be worried on the way back, and there may be a big rout. For safety's sake Think about it, our army does not need to follow too closely, as long as we continue to exert pressure."

Others nodded, approving this mature and prudent strategy.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, glanced at the noon sun above his head, and said unhurriedly: "The five armies of Yan State have more than 3000 people. In the ambush battle, we lost 3000 people in one army, and today we lost another 5000 people. Although we The two armies were not killed, but their combat effectiveness was negligible. In other words, the Yan army still had about [-] troops capable of fighting. In addition, don't forget that the Xiashan army of the Jing Dynasty was intact. The combat power is far superior to that of the Yan army."

Yu Dajun said: "What the captain said is true. The enemy will definitely not separate when they retreat. It is best for our army not to pursue actively to avoid being ambushed by the enemy."

Lu Chen looked gentle and smiled without saying a word.Li Chengen, who had been silent all this time, felt something in his heart, and he pondered: "Won't Pusan ​​Si'en retreat according to the captain's wishes?"

Lu Chen looked at him with approval. Li Chengen's thinking was indeed more comprehensive and bolder than others.

Facing the puzzled looks of everyone, Lu Chen said calmly: "Even if the entire Yan army is annihilated, Pusan ​​Si'en will not retreat. He is confident that he can defeat us with three thousand Xiashan troops, so he will let Yan All military departments were used as bait, but he didn’t expect us to be so strong. If there were no accidents, he would definitely still be dealing with our army in the mountains, trying to deal with us before going to clean up the stronghold, but now..."

He paused slightly and said calmly: "With the food and grass burned, he has only one choice. Give up fighting with us, gather all his troops and go straight north, capture Shuiyun Village and then rush towards our main village. According to my estimation, the Xiashan Army The food and fodder carried by the various units of the Yan army can last about ten days, and Pusan ​​Si'en will use this to carry out the final counterattack."

The expressions of the generals became serious.

The main stronghold must not be given up unless absolutely necessary, otherwise Pusan ​​Sien will follow suit and set fire to the main stronghold, and the foundation built by tens of thousands of Seven Star Gang members who have spent more than ten years of hard work will be burned to the ground.

Lu Chen's deep gaze fell on Yu Dajun's face and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Yu Dajun's heart trembled, and he said seriously: "Captain, the general is only willing to fight to the end and will never take a step back!"

Others said the same thing.

Lu Chen nodded slightly, and then said calmly: "I know that you are all men with swords and axes and no frown on your face. This is why I lead you to fight the enemy head-on. However, the enemy still has the advantage in strength and is fighting to the death. The battle will definitely be crazy. At this time, we can’t be full of blood and courage, but we must also learn to extinguish their last arrogance bit by bit.”

The generals immediately said: "Just follow the captain's orders!"

Lu Chen turned his head and looked to the south, and said leisurely: "When evil guests come, we naturally have to entertain them well and let them know whose territory this mountain is. After passing the order, the army will return north to the main stronghold, wait for work, and destroy the enemy in one battle!"

All the generals responded in unison: "Obey the order!"


In the evening, Pusan ​​Si'en received the news of the disastrous defeat of Shang Zhirong's troops, and his face quickly turned livid.

More than half of the casualties and prisoners were taken. This right army has been crippled and will end up like the left army led by Wen Xiguang. Moreover, Pu San Si En cannot continue to use these frightened defeated soldiers. It is very likely to collapse again during the war and affect other people. The army could only send them back to Shuangfeng Village to guard the food and grass.

What made Pusan ​​Si'en most angry was that after Shang Zhirong died in the battle and the right army collapsed, the Seven Star Army disappeared into the mountains and fields again. Moreover, after this battle, it would be very difficult to catch their traces.

After thinking about it, he could only order the various units of Yan Army to move closer to Xia Shan Army.

At dawn, Pusan ​​Si'en and other generals of the Yan army arrived and immediately called everyone to discuss the next move.

He had just started talking when a general staggered in and said with a pale face: "General Qi, Shuangfeng Village was attacked by enemies. Xiao Tongyuan, the commander of the rear army, was killed in the battle. The grain and grass... the grain and grass were burned. !”

Xu Cun and others were shocked and immediately stood up.

"What did you say?!"

Pu San Si En's color suddenly changed, he strode up to the general, reached out and grabbed his collar, his eyes were red as if he was choosing someone to devour.

The general was so frightened that he trembled all over and said in a trembling voice: "The enemy dug a secret tunnel in Shuangfeng Village in advance, sneaked into the village late at night, first killed Xiao Dujian, and then set fire everywhere, and also killed countless martial arts masters. The masters rushed into the stronghold, setting fires and killing people at the same time. Our army... our army was defeated and had to abandon the stronghold and go north."

Pu San Si'en was furious and kicked the general out. He turned to glare at Xu Cun and said, "General Manager Xu, are these the soldiers you brought out?!"

Xu Cun's face was extremely ugly, and Du Min and others beside him were also shocked and angry.

At this moment, Pusan ​​Si'en even wanted to kill Xu Cun with his own hands. The 4000 men in the rear army had the advantage of the geographical advantage, but they could not defend a stronghold. They should be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!

Xu Cun said quickly: "General, calm down. I didn't expect the enemy to be so cunning."

He had a headache at the moment and was also a little angry.

Letting the rear army guard the food and grass while other armies went north to encircle and annihilate the Seven Star Army was clearly a strategy proposed by Pu San Si'en. How could it be entirely blamed on the Yan army?

Of course, he only dared to mutter these words in his heart.

Pusan ​​Si'en gradually calmed down and realized that this was not Xu Cun's fault. He also did not expect Lu Chen to hide this trick.

He turned back and sat down, his face extremely gloomy.

The atmosphere in the hall was almost suffocating.

After a long time, Pu San Si En said in a cold voice: "The food and grass were burned, and the supplies our army carried can only last for twelve or thirteen days at most. No matter how fast the next batch of food and grass from Dongyang Road is delivered, it will take more than a month."

Xu Cun said with a bitter look on his face: "General, for the current plan, I'm afraid we can only temporarily withdraw our troops, and then march forward after regrouping."

Pu San Si'en glanced at him coldly and said slowly: "Isn't Mr. Xu just this brave?"

No matter how good-tempered Xu Cun was, he couldn't help it, and said forcefully: "General Pusan, this mountain is full of traps, and our army has no food and grass to replenish it. Are we going to let the soldiers eat dirt and weeds to fight the enemy desperately?"

Pu San Si'en exhaled a breath of filthy air, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Then Lu Chen would probably think so too. Perhaps in his view, our army has the only way to retreat at the moment. Maybe he is also planning to retreat on the way our army retreats. Use some more means."

The generals gradually understood what he meant, and Xu Cun said in disbelief: "Does the general intend to continue going north?"

"He can burn my food and fodder, why can't I destroy his main stronghold? If the Seven Star Gang is willing to give up this foundation, then they are wise. At most, our army will not be killed, but at least it will make them cry. If they don't If you are willing to give up, our wish will be fulfilled and we will have an upright decisive battle!"

Pusan ​​Si'en glanced at everyone and said word by word: "Do you have any different opinions?"

Xu Cun hesitated to speak, he always felt that doing so was really risky.

Previously, the reason why the Yan army did not march forward was because it was concerned about the flanking harassment of the Seven-Star Army, and on the other hand, it took time to transport food and grass. The soldiers could not fight hungry, so they fought steadily and gradually moved northward by establishing a baggage line. Gradually compress the activity scope of the Seven-Star Army.

However... now Pusan ​​Si'en is obviously completely angered and cannot listen to any advice at this time.

In the silence, Pusan ​​Si'en said without any doubt: "That's it. Let's rest for a day and march tomorrow to attack the main stronghold of the Seven Star Gang! Send an order to the entire army. If there is anyone who is afraid of the enemy and dare not die in battle, military law will be carried out. , Immediately kill without mercy!"

Xu Cun sighed in his heart, looked at the others, and then responded in unison: "Follow the order!"

Pusan ​​Si'en waved his hand and asked them to immediately comfort their subordinates and boost their morale.

After everyone left, he looked forward with cold eyes and squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "Lu Chen...I will cut you into pieces."

 Thanks to the book friends for their concern, I went for an intravenous drip this morning and I feel a lot better. Fortunately, it’s just the flu and no other problems.Everyone should also pay attention to their health and take care of themselves~
(End of this chapter)
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