
Chapter 20 020 [Iron Horse Glacier]

Chapter 20 020 [Iron Horse Glacier]

A street-facing restaurant with a wooden table, several plates of stir-fried vegetables, and two pots of soju.

The rain on the street swayed incessantly with the wind, raising layers of mist.

Su Yunqing ate food and drank wine leisurely. She seemed to have a good appetite and did not seem to be affected by Gu Yong's death.

Lu Chen would not superficially think that the other party was pretending to be in front of him. He could only say that for a person with a heart as solid as Su Yunqing, even if there was a moment of weakness, he would habitually and forcibly erase it.

But he was a little ignorant and didn't pick up which pot: "My lord, you have been giving Gu Yong a chance, right?"

Su Yunqing swallowed the green vegetables in her mouth, then put down her chopsticks and gestured with her eyes to Lu Chen to continue.

"My lord had already suspected Gu Yong when Zhang Xi died, but he still listened to his suggestion to investigate the Lu family. If at that time my lord just wanted to see what kind of medicine the other party was selling, after the junior told the truth, my lord still It was decided to let Gu Yong take charge of the overall situation and leave Guangling without hesitation."

Lu Chen was not looking for trouble. He just wanted to use this rare opportunity to get to know the man in front of him.

After all, the other party might become his immediate boss.

Su Yunqing said calmly: "This does not prove your guess."

Lu Chen said: "However, after my lord left Guangling, someone showed up in the city with Sun Yu. This was the most obvious reminder. If my lord did not doubt Gu Yong, he would naturally let him do this, but the fact is exactly the opposite. Gu Yong is very familiar with the Lord’s behavior, so how could he not see the deep meaning behind this move?”

Su Yunqing said leisurely: "It was your suggestion to use Sun Yu as bait."

Lu Chen said seriously: "It's obvious that the adults have planned to let the juniors take the blame."

A faint smile appeared on Su Yunqing's face, and he said meaningfully: "Don't worry, I have never done anything to make my subordinates take the blame."

Seeing that he had changed the subject, Lu Chen didn't continue to ask questions like he was dumbfounded. He had already got the answer anyway.

As mentioned before, Su Yunqing did not expose the Beiyan Procuratorate's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain. After leaving Guangling, he let Sun Yu show off, almost telling Gu Yong clearly that his identity had been exposed.

If Gu Yong's desire to survive is very strong, then he should give up everything and try to escape back to Beiyan.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said thoughtfully: "It's different from what I imagined, adults and juniors."

Su Yunqing said nonchalantly: "In the eyes of many people, Su is ruthless and ruthless. As long as the emperor has a decree, he would even dare to kill his own blood relatives. In fact, I am very happy to hear such conjectures, because there is no need for people without cares. If you are weak, others will only fear you. That's enough, I don't need anyone's meaningless respect."

This should be the so-called lonely minister, right?
Lu Chen thought to himself that he couldn't do this, and he didn't want to be such a person.

Su Yunqing continued: "I never thought about giving Gu Yong a chance to escape. Maybe I had such thoughts in my heart, but I didn't want to admit it. Isn't it very hypocritical?"

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "Everyone has a dilemma."

Su Yunqing smiled faintly and changed the topic again: "In your opinion, who will win and who loses in this contest confined to Guangling City?"

The sound of rain suddenly reached my ears, like the sound of horns contending.

Lu Chen said slowly: "Of course the master wins."

Su Yunqing said: "No, Da Qi won."

The difference of one word shows that the two people look at the problem from different perspectives.

Su Yunqing nodded and said slowly: "On the bright side, the Puppet Yan Procuratorate lost Gu Yong and Zhang Xi, two secret agents in important positions, and the secret strongholds of Taixing Mansion and Guangling Mansion were eliminated. , more than a hundred people died or were captured, it can be described as an outright fiasco."

Lu Chen echoed: "After this battle, Puppet Yan will no longer be able to stir up trouble in Huaizhou within a few years. Congratulations, sir."

"This congratulation is a bit perfunctory."

Su Yunqing raised her hand and nodded at him, then asked with a smile: "So you think that the person in charge sent by the Puppet Yan Procuratorate to Huaizhou, the man behind the scenes who has been fighting with me for several years to no avail, is actually a Gutou Idiot who doesn’t care about his butt?”

"Of course not."

"What would you do if you were him?"

Lu Chen picked up the wine cup and drank half the cup. Under Su Yunqing's smiling gaze, he said calmly: "If I were in this person's position, after the Taixing Mansion stronghold was investigated and Zhang Xi was exposed, I would have cut off the clues." , and at the same time put all the spies into a lurking state, waiting for the limelight to pass before making a decision."

Su Yunqing played with the cheap wine cup in his hand and said with a half-smile: "It's not easy to finally hear the truth from you."

Lu Chen sighed and said: "My lord, these words are embarrassing to this junior."

The other party has made his words clear to this extent, and if he pretends to be stupid and hides his clumsiness, he will be a villain in vain.

Neither Zhang Xi nor Gu Yong were obviously the chief officials sent to Huaizhou by the Beiyan Procuratorate. Because they had official status in the Southern Qi Dynasty, they were greatly involved and restricted, and lacked enough freedom and space to operate in secret. everything.The plot planned by the mastermind behind the scenes seems complicated, but it has no destructive power to the Weaving Department. Even if Su Yunqing is misled by it to focus on the Lu family, it will only waste time.

However, the Beiyan Procuratorate took great risks, and in the end it did pay a heavy price.

This is a loss-making deal, unlike what a mature spy leader would do.

Since the other party insists on doing this, he must have other motives.

Just when Lu Chen was hesitant to tell the truth, Su Yunqing took the initiative and said: "In this battle in Guangling City, the north side did lose, but it also succeeded in dragging the Warp Weaving Department here. In more than a month, my subordinates People are circulating in Taixing and Guangling, and the northern part, especially the border area, can only maintain the most basic daily patrols, and the intensity is greatly weakened."

Lu Chen was silent for a moment, then looked up at the other party and asked, "I wonder when did you realize this?"

Su Yunqing smiled and said: "When you ask Li Chengen to quietly go to Lai'an Mansion."

Lu Chen was stunned.

Su Yunqing added: "Or going a little further, you tell me when the Lu family's caravan was inspected at Panlong Pass, but the defenders found nothing unusual."

Lu Chen suddenly felt that he had lost his appetite.

Seeing this, Su Yunqing waved his hands and said gently: "Don't think that I am bullying the small and deliberately showing off in front of a young junior like you. Lu Chen, I have seen your performance from beginning to end, at least the current Huaizhou Division There is no peer who is better than you. You were able to discover the framed secret letter through the weirdness of the Panlong Pass defenders, you were able to expose Sun Yu's lies in a moment, and you were able to stay at ease in the Yamen of the Weaving Division for more than ten days, which is enough It means you are a piece of rough jade.”

He paused and praised: "The most important thing is that you can always remain vigilant and not be blinded by my identity. You can advance and retreat well under such unfavorable circumstances, and you can still think of seeking a job from the Governor's Mansion." Extra protection, it's not easy. Even when I was your age, I couldn't act so thoughtfully."

Lu Chen said humbly: "Your Excellency is ridiculous. I don't understand. Since Your Excellency noticed something was wrong half a month ago, why are you still willing to stay in Guangling and accompany the other party to perform?"

Su Yunqing poured himself a full glass of wine and said calmly: "The other party wants to trap the Warp Weaving Department in Guangling, and the only one they want to target is the Border Pass. You asked Li Chengen to go to Lai'an Mansion to find Governor Xiao. You must have discovered the weirdness of Panlong Pass." . In this way, the truth is self-evident, and the real plot of Puppet Yan is Panlong Pass."

He raised his glass and they both drank it in one gulp.

Su Yunqing looked at Lu Chen's curious expression and said with a smile: "He insists on picking a more terrifying opponent, so why wouldn't I do it?"

Lu Chen suddenly said: "Admiral Xiao..."

Su Yunqing nodded and said: "In the past few years, he and I have been indistinguishable. I guess he was already bored, so he decided to try a different taste. This is fine, let Xiao Dadu teach him what is the way of planning, and I will reluctantly do it. Wouldn't it be a happy situation for everyone if we accept the gift from Guangling?"

Lu Chen suddenly understood and said respectfully: "I would like to be taught."

Su Yunqing turned his head and glanced at the lonely long street, and said: "These are nothing, you will understand it naturally after more experience. Today I will take you around for a tour, see blood and death, see the begging I have no choice but to do it, and I hope you can understand what the Warp Weaver Division is doing."

Lu Chen's expression gradually became serious, and he could understand the implication of the other party's words.

Su Yunqing did not pretend to be mysterious, and stared into Lu Shen's eyes and said: "In the Yuanjia Incident 13 years ago, Heluo fell and the late emperor died, nearly half of Da Qi's territory fell, and the Jiangbei territory fell under the hooves of the Jing Dynasty's cavalry. Countless people lived in dire straits.中. Later, the Jing Dynasty pretended to establish the puppet Yan court, and ostensibly left to return to the north, but in fact it firmly controlled the puppet Yan's military power and key yamen."

Lu Chen listened quietly.

Su Yunqing said in a deep voice: "The Jing Dynasty is like a ferocious beast that is never satisfied. Through the puppet Yan court, it continuously extracts the bones and blood of tens of millions of Qi people in the north to nourish their arrogant cavalry. The evil deeds they have committed are too numerous to describe. Help the court Recovering the homeland and rescuing the people is the duty of the Sutra Weaver Division."

"Do you understand it?"

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Junior understands."

Su Yunqing nodded happily, then stood up and said: "Next, I have to deal with the finishing touches of these matters, make some adjustments to the Huaizhou Division, and then return to the capital, so you still have two or three months to consider whether to join the organization. Jingsi."

Lu Chen agreed softly, stood up and left the table.

When Su Yunqing walked up to him, she smiled gently and said, "Don't be anxious, think it through before making a decision."

As they parted, Lu Chen suddenly asked, "Master Su, I have a heartfelt request for you."

Su Yunqing stopped and turned around to look over.

Lu Chen said: "After all the border affairs have been resolved, can we let the juniors know?"


Su Yunqing answered briefly and concisely, and then walked into the rain surrounded by more than ten people in black clothes.

Li Chengen came to Lu Chen's side and watched the group of people disappear into the mist with him. He asked in a low voice: "Master, where are you going next?"

Lu Chen slowly exhaled a breath and said with a complicated expression: "Go home."

(End of this chapter)

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