
Chapter 198 197 [Chapter Carbine]

Chapter 198 197 [Returning the Carbine]

Xiao Tongyuan never imagined that he would bump into a top master who was ranked eighth on the Jianghu martial arts list and whose real strength was close to the top three in his military camp.

Unprepared, Yuchi Gui struck out his heart with a palm of his hand, and this confidant general who was highly valued by the Yan Army's rear army commander and Dongyang Road General Li Shouzhen died.

The Yan army, which lost the command of its general, was in chaos, and the raging fire in the warehouse area made everyone panic.

A large amount of food and grass for the Yan army was stored there. Although all the armies in the north carried part of the rations, they ultimately needed timely replenishment from the rear.Once all the food and grass here are burned, the Yan army must defeat the bandits in a very short time, otherwise they can only retreat in despair.

There were shouts of shouting to put out the fire, but how could the Seven Star Gang give them this chance.

Yu Chigui led 40 people to rush everywhere, not to kill people, but to set fires and create greater chaos.

Most of the houses in the village are made of wooden structures. Especially in this dry autumn season, they will burn quickly when a fire breaks out.

On the other side, Lin Xi strode forward with a knife in one hand, followed by dozens of trusted masters such as Tao Baochun, Xi Jun and Ji Shan, rushing towards the south gate of the village like a whirlwind.

The hundreds of Yan troops guarding the wall instinctively thought that these people wanted to retreat, and immediately came down to form a formation to intercept them.

In the biting wind, Lin Xi rushed forward quickly, her hair tied into a high ponytail flowing elegantly, and her slim figure extremely light.

The Yan army in front was surrounded in a semicircle under the command of a general.

Lin Xi's cold eyes locked on the general, and he stepped into the Yan army's formation without hesitation. The powerful internal energy poured into his arms, and he swung his sword, bringing with him a cold murderous aura, forcing more than ten Yan soldiers to retreat.

She moved forward, her long sword turning from sweeping to slashing, and struck the general with the faint sound of wind and thunder.

A sharp and piercing sound burst out.

The general of the Yan army raised his spear to block the attack, and smashed his sword into sparks on the spear.

Feeling the terrifying force coming from the gun, the general was horrified and his face showed fear, and he took several steps back uncontrollably.

Lin Xi's lips tightened and his eyes were sharp, and he advanced again in an instant. However, he saw that the sword was like a dragon coming out of the sea, swinging away all the weapons that came to rescue the Yan army generals, drawing a straight and precise straight line, and stabbed Yan. The general's chest.

At this moment, the general ignored his appearance, rolled and crawled to avoid Lin Xi's blade, and shouted in great embarrassment: "Kill them all!"

There was a huge gap in numbers between the two sides, and the Yan army had more than ten times the advantage, so the general had the confidence to shout these words.

However, when he stood up under the protection of the soldiers and looked at the surrounded young woman, he found a bit of ridicule in the other person's expression.

As if to echo Lin Xi's expression, a figure suddenly appeared on the wall behind Yan Jun, followed by more and more figures, including hundreds of people.


One of them jumped off the wall with a gun in both hands, and the others followed closely behind him, striding towards the back of the Yan army!
The Yan army was all in disgrace. Only then did the general realize that the dozens of green men in front of him were not trying to escape from the south gate, but were trying to attract all the defenders on the wall to fight for the hundreds of experts outside. Create opportunities.

The wall without the guard of the Yan army was like flat ground in front of these green forest heroes, and they could climb over it easily.

But there is no regret medicine in this world. Even if the general figures out this truth instantly, it will not help the situation.

The shouts of killing pierced the night, and the numbers of both sides were nearly equal. The strength of the masters of the Seven Star Army was immediately revealed, especially in this kind of melee, and the Yan Army was quickly defeated.

The general of the Yan army thought of the woman's fierce sword skills, and a strong fear arose spontaneously. He couldn't help but hastily issued a retreat order.

With this withdrawal, the Yan army was immediately defeated.

Lin Xi led hundreds of warriors in pursuit like chopping melons and vegetables. After joining up with Yuchi Gui and other experts who were setting fires everywhere, he formed a team of 30 people and ran between the flames. The soldiers of Yan Army were unable to organize an effective attack in a short time. Fighting back, one after another fell into a pool of blood.

As early as two months ago, Lu Chen had already decided on a surprise attack strategy, so he had previously strictly ordered the soldiers stationed here to only lose but not win.

He gave up the stronghold and lured the main force of the Yan army northward by returning Wen Xiguang, in order to create this opportunity for Lin Xi to attack at night.

There are three secret passages in total, all of which were excavated over the past two months and lead to more than a hundred feet outside the village.

In addition to these preliminary preparations, the masters of the Seven Star Gang who are attacking tonight are also extremely powerful, including the 200 cavalry commanded by Lin Xi, and the more than [-] personal followers of Lin Jie at the bottom of the box, brought by Yuchi Gui himself.

The sleepy late night, the spreading fire, the death of the main general first, the panic of sudden attack, and the terrain in the stronghold was not suitable for the army's formation. Various factors were combined. Even though the Yan army had more than [-] troops, its disastrous defeat was a foregone conclusion.

The moment Xiao Tongyuan was killed by Yu Chigui, the result could not be reversed.

When a hint of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, the Yan army, who was frightened by being killed, opened the north gate and fled. The Seven Star Army did not pursue it forcefully.

After confirming that all the food and grass in the village would be burned, they evacuated from the south gate without hesitation.

Everyone's face was filled with joy and excitement. This battle not only burned the Yan army's food and grass, but also left seven to eight hundred corpses of the Yan army stationed in the village. Naturally, it was a great victory worthy of cheering.

There were some blood stains on Lin Xi's fair cheeks, which did not affect her outstanding appearance, but instead added a bit of sassiness.

She looked back at the fire in Shuangfeng Village, and then said to Yu Chigui: "Senior, please help me."

Yu Chigui said kindly: "Your Majesty has already paid the favor, Miss Lin, there is no need to be polite."

Lin Xi knew that the so-called benefits were those Luofuchuns collected by her father, but she would not naively think that Yu Chigui was an alcoholic.He just said this because he didn't want to put a psychological burden on her and her father. Otherwise, if a master of martial arts who has reached the state of martial arts sacrifices his skills, how much wine will he get?
Thinking of this, she solemnly said: "Senior has helped me many times, and the Seven Stars Gang will definitely remember this kindness."

In the gradually whitening sky, Yuchi Gui smiled calmly, then changed the topic and asked: "Miss Lin, what should we do next?"

Lin Xi's eyes were as bright as stars, and his tone was soft but extremely firm: "Go east, then north."


The Baotai Mountain System covers a vast territory, with connected mountains and rivers, towering peaks, and large areas of flat land and roads scattered throughout.

In such a complex terrain, three or five people can disappear without a trace just by hiding.

However, when the number of people reaches several thousand, it is very difficult to easily get rid of the chasing soldiers behind.

The Seven-Star Army, led by Lu Chen, retreated to the northeast, and Shang Zhirong led 3000 Yan troops to pursue them in the rear.

He learned from the previous experience of Wen Xiguang being ambushed, and did not pursue him too closely. He only sent elite scouts to keep an eye on the Seven Star Army's traces, while the main force kept a certain distance from the opponent, so that he would neither be thrown away by the Seven Star Army nor be able to follow him. Too close to encounter a fierce counterattack.

This was a plan that Pusan ​​Sien had planned in advance.

No matter which way the Yan Army encounters a sneak attack by the Seven Star Army, the first choice is to defeat the opponent, and the second is to entangle the enemy and wait for reinforcements.If you can't do both, then you must at least be able to follow him and not let the opponent disappear into the vast mountains.

Shang Zhirong controlled the speed of the team's pursuit while thinking about the time for reinforcements to arrive.

The five divisions of the Yan Army were arranged in sequence from west to east, advancing northward from various important roads. The Xiashan Army was responsible for supporting each division.

Because he could not determine the target of the Seven Star Army's sneak attack, Pusan ​​Si'en could only let Xia Shan Army stay in a relatively central position. This would ensure that after the Seven Star Army appeared, he could lead Xia Shan Army to arrive in the shortest possible time.

On the premise of maintaining combat effectiveness, the infantry of this era had to march between forty and fifty miles a day, and about ten miles were lost in the mountains.

After receiving the news from Pu Sansi'en, he led his army and came. Even though the Jinglian people were good at running in the mountains and fields and were strong enough, they would not be able to join the Yan army led by Shang Zhirong until this evening at the earliest.Thinking of this, Shang Zhirong became more and more cautious. However, before he could send an order to the entire army to be on guard, several scouts suddenly rushed towards him from the front.

"Report to the Governor!" One of them saluted breathlessly.

Shang Zhirong said in a deep voice: "Tell me."

The scout said hastily: "The enemy stopped about three miles ahead."

Shang Zhirong was slightly startled, and then immediately ordered the entire army to stop moving forward.

He looked forward suspiciously. Although he couldn't see the Seven Star Army, he could smell something strange.

More than an hour had passed since the Seven Star Army attacked the camp before dawn, to when they found out that they could not defeat the Yan Army camp and chose to retreat, to when Shang Zhirong led his troops to pursue them for a distance.

According to the strength shown by the Seven-Star Army in that ambush battle, they were definitely not forced to stop due to exhaustion at this moment. Could it be that there is still an ambush here?

Shang Zhirong observed the surrounding terrain. There was a large gentle slope on the left and a vast forest on the right. There was no way to hide an ambush on either side. Moreover, after learning the lesson from Wen Xiguang's ambush, he had already asked his scouts to explore the surrounding situation along the road. Make sure you don't walk into enemy traps.

There is a mountain peak blocking the view on the right front, and the Seven Star Army is on that side of the mountain.

The officers and soldiers of the Yan Army rested where they were. Several generals and commanders were quietly waiting for Shang Zhirong's decision, but the general fell silent.

Shang Zhirong was not afraid of the Seven Star Army's combat power. Although the left army led by Wen Xiguang suffered a tragic defeat, he absolutely trusted the elite soldiers he had trained. The reason for his hesitation was just that he was worried that there was an ambush prepared by Lu Chen.

After the scouts checked again and confirmed that there was nothing abnormal around them, Shang Zhirong finally relaxed and commanded the entire army to advance cautiously.

At this moment, flying dust suddenly filled the air in the distance.

Shang Zhirong and even other Yan army generals opened their eyes almost at the same time.


"Everyone should be curious as to why I asked you to stop suddenly."

When Shang Zhirong had just received the report from the scouts, Lu Chen walked slowly in the queue, and his energetic voice reached the ears of every soldier.

Everyone listened with solemn faces.

Lu Chen continued: "In the previous great victory, our army had the advantage of an ambush and the assistance of cavalry, so it successfully defeated the enemy. However, such training is not enough. If we want to become a true army that can fight a hundred battles, You must continue to experience the tempering of head-on confrontation with real swords and guns.”

"I'm telling you the enemy commander's plan now. They know that they may be attacked by our army at any time if they go deep into the mountains, so they are preparing for every step of the way just to reduce our range of activities. When we get close, the enemy will find a way to drag our army away. , and then mobilize other troops to encircle us. At this time, other Yan troops should have learned about the whereabouts of our army and are coming quickly from all directions. "

"If we can't get rid of the pursuers behind us, we will definitely be overtaken and surrounded by the enemy, unless we disband on the spot and escape separately. I told you before that the Yan army has more than 2 troops. Coupled with the three thousand Jingchao veterans, it will be difficult for us to win once an encirclement is formed."

"Can anyone tell me what we should do at this time?"

Lu Chen stopped and looked around at the young faces.

Yu Dajun, the deputy commander of the Chinese army, said loudly: "Captain, since this Yan army dares to pursue us, we must defeat them and cut off the tail that is following us!"

"well said."

Lu Chen praised, and then said: "Brothers, the opponent only has 3000 people, which is almost the same as the number of our army. The mountains are the home ground of our army. They don't stay in the camp honestly and dare to catch up. Can you bear it?"


The soldiers of the Seven Star Army roared in unison.

Lu Chen looked pleased, and his loud voice echoed around him: "There is only one thing we have to do now, defeat the enemy on the frontal battlefield! In the future, when we attack the Yan army, they will not dare to stick around like followers. Simple. To put it bluntly, from now on we can fight however we want, the enemies can only stick together and don’t have the guts to fight us alone!”

"Now tell me, do you have the courage to swim against the current?"


"Do you have the determination to defeat the enemy?"


"Do you have the courage to risk your life?"


A group of former forest heroes turned red, stretched their necks and roared.

"very good!"

Lu Chen emphasized his tone, then turned back, raised the sharp long knife, and said solemnly: "Today I will fight side by side with you, follow me and kill him with a single shot!"


More than three thousand warriors responded in unison and rushed back following Lu Chen.

Under Lu Chen's deliberate suppression, the Seven Star Army did not try their best at first. They first trotted. When the Yan Army came into sight and the enemy's face could be clearly seen, Lu Chen led the soldiers to speed up.

Countless roars burst out from the chests of these reckless heroes, thousands of pairs of feet kicked on the ground, and dust quickly rose.

fills the sky in mid-August.

This scene shocked Shang Zhirong and other Yan army generals.

From Shang Zhirong's point of view, Lu Chen had obviously guessed what Pu San Si'en was thinking, so he immediately retreated after finding that he could not break through the Yan army's camp. The next thing he should do is to get rid of the Yan army as soon as possible and escape into the vastness again. In the mountains and fields, I will look for opportunities to harass you later.


Looking at the seven-star army on the opposite side whose momentum gradually reached its peak and roared towards him, Shang Zhirong suddenly felt strong anger in his heart.

The other party not only refused to escape, but also made such a fatal counterattack, it was simply unbearable!
He didn't believe that this group of reckless people really had a stronger head-on confrontation than his own!
"The whole army obeys the order and stands firm to face the enemy!"

On one side are the three thousand elites trained by Shang Zhirong with painstaking efforts, and on the other side are the green forest heroes brought out by Lu Chen step by step.

Just like a strong shield and a sharp spear.

It also looks like majestic rocks and raging waves.

On the mountain plains, spears stabbed at the shields fearlessly, and huge waves roared and crashed against the rocks.

The sound of killing suddenly rose into the sky.

 Thanks to the leader of the boss "Chinese Kutoutuo" for the reward!I owe the leader a total of 35 updates.I thought I would be fine after sleeping last night. I thought I could write normally, but I still have a headache and dizziness after taking medicine, so I only have this big chapter of more than 4000 words today. Please forgive me.I really can't help it. I have been trying to write since the morning. I have a headache and a runny nose after sitting for a while. This flu is a bit severe. I should feel better tomorrow... I'm really sorry...

(End of this chapter)
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