
Chapter 188 187 [Each Shows His Abilities]

Chapter 188 187 [Each Shows His Abilities]

Heluo City, Zhuoyuan.

In Xiangwan Tower, a group of high-profile figures were sitting around.

As a new military general Qing Yugong has trained hard over the years, Pusan ​​Si'en can only sit fourth from the right today. The three in front of him are far better than him in terms of qualifications and military achievements.

These three are the commanders of the three main Jing armies stationed in Heluo City, followed by the cavalry commander Mou Lianghu, the two-pronged infantry commander Liu Ke and the female Lu Huan.

In fact, it can be seen from their names that the Jinglian people are gradually moving closer to the Qi people in some aspects.

The three coaches are all over [-] years old, and they still retain complete national characteristics when they were born. For example, their names are transliterations of the Jinglian dialect, and there is no clear distinction between surnames and given names.

The evil tiger means scoundrel, Liu Ke means the whetstone, and Nu Lu Huan means the number sixteen.

By the time of Pusan ​​Sien's generation, the surname and given name had become very formal, especially the name with a very obvious Qi style.

The three on the left are important ministers in the court of Yan State, namely Prime Minister Wang An, Privy Councilor Pang Shigu, and Inspector Wang Shidao who returned to Heluo.

On the throne, Qingyu Huaijin was dressed up and full of nobility.

She wore a silver jasmine skirt with pleated sleeves, with light pink peonies embroidered on the cuffs on both sides. A few auspicious clouds were outlined with silver thread on the background. A jade pendant hung around her waist, and a row of sea water was tattooed on the skirt. Cloud Atlas.

The head is tied up in a cloud bun, with flying butterflies, ink and snow-carved treasures and flowers and green hairpins inserted sideways, and a string of exquisitely carved necklaces hangs on the neck.

The bare hands are visible on the sleeves, and the bright wrists are like cold jade.

Looking forward to the brilliance, I exhaled softly like an orchid.

This outfit is completely different from her usual simple and leisurely look, and it definitely reveals the four characters of elegance and luxury.

After inviting tea, she said with a smile: "I invite you all to come over today to discuss a few matters."

Mou Lianghu immediately said carelessly: "Your Highness, why do you need to go out? If you need something, just send someone to tell me."

He is a man with big shoulders and a round waist, and his face is full of flesh, which is disgusting to look at.

Qingyu Huaijin nodded slightly and went straight to the point: "The first thing is that the Seven Star Gang entrenched in the Baotai Mountain area has gradually become more popular, and they have refused the recruitment of Mr. Wang and General Li, making it clear that they will fight against the government to the end. Now. In the green forest of Beidi, the Seven Star Gang, Yunfu Village, Jinsha Gang and Shuanghu Gang are all large gangs with more than ten thousand people. If they continue to be left unchecked, they will inevitably become a serious problem. "

Wang An said in a deep voice: "Your Highness is right. I have reported this matter to Your Majesty before, and His Majesty agreed to recruit these grassroots bandits. However, no substantial progress has been made so far. The reason is that the grassroots such as the Jinsha Gang are waiting and watching. , if the Seven Star Gang refuses to be recruited and is safe and sound, they will definitely not be willing to submit to the imperial court."

"That's the problem."

Qingyu Huaijin took over the conversation and then said in deep thought: "After discussing with Privy Councilor Pang, we decided that Pu San Si'en would lead the 5000 Xia Shan army, and Xu Cun, the deputy general manager of Dongyang Road troops and horses, would lead [-] people. At the beginning of the month, we will march to Baotai Mountain from the north of Dongyang Road, and strive to eliminate the banditry of the Seven Star Gang within three months. What do you think, sir?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Moulianghu turned to look at Pusan ​​Si'en and said with a smile: "Don't embarrass the prince."

Pusan ​​Si'en said solemnly: "Your Highness and your lords, please rest assured that the general will do his best!"

Qingyu Huaijin smiled slightly and changed the subject: "If it were just this matter, I would definitely not bother you. The reason why the Seven Star Gang is stubborn is inseparable from Southern Qi Lu Chen. This man was forced to die in Heluo City Mr. Chen Jingtang and Mr. Chen have caused civil strife in the government and the public, which is why there was a reward order for Wanhuhou. I am not going to denounce this person today. I just want to ask you to think about why Lu Chen temporarily put down the Rui Shi camp. The captain's great future is to travel thousands of miles to the green forests of the North?"

There was a solemn silence in the hall.

Privy Councilor Pang Shigu frowned and said, "What do you mean by your highness, is this a conspiracy of Huaizhou Xiao Wangzhi?"

After these words were spoken, everyone else looked solemn, including Mou Lianghu and other three Jing Dynasty generals.

Qingyu Huaijin said unhurriedly: "I have observed Xiao Wangzhi's actions. He has always planned far-reaching plans before taking action, and he will never put pen to paper idle. Without his consent, Lu Chen would not be able to be good at it as a general of the border army. Leave the post. During this period, I have deduced the other party's intentions. If Lu Chen can transform the Seven Star Gang into an elite division, he can indeed cause a lot of trouble in our heartland, but does Xiao Wangzhi just want to achieve this goal? ?”

Wang Shidao shook his head and said: "It should be more than that. According to the information obtained by the Procuratorate, Xiao Wangzhi values ​​​​Lu Chen extremely, and has an irreproachable relationship with his father Lu Tong. If he just wants to plant a few nails in our internal affairs, he will not Let Lu Chen personally take part in the danger."

Pang Shigu immediately said: "Is it possible that he wants to plot the Dongyang Road?"

Qingyu Huaijin nodded and said: "I think it is very possible. The location of Baotai Mountain is very clever. It is just north of Dongyang Road and far opposite Huaizhou of Southern Qi. If, I mean if, the grass in the mountains is not good for the encirclement and suppression this time, If we continue to deploy troops from Dongyang Road, will this give Xiao Wangzhi an opportunity?"

Pusan ​​Si'en wanted to refute. He did not think that the reckless group of Seven Star Gang could stop the three thousand old soldiers under his command. However, after seeing the gentle look cast by His Highness the Princess, he immediately stopped talking. Swallow it back.

Lu Huan, the infantry commander who had been silent all this time, raised her head and said, "Your Highness is planning to take the initiative to give Xiao Wangzhi a flaw?"

Qingyu Huaijin said approvingly: "That's right. Last year, he used Qingtian City and Yongquan Pass as bait, and teamed up with Li Tianrun to capture nearly half of Moyang Road. We have to retaliate. Besides, I think he must still be Set the target at those two passes, otherwise the Huaizhou Army will never be able to move north. In this case, we might as well set up a trap for this famous Southern Qi general and wait for him to get in on his own initiative when he is satisfied. "

Pang Shigu said: "Your Highness's plan is very good."

Qingyu Huaijin smiled and said: "This matter is serious, so I invite you all to come and discuss it today. However, I also know how powerful Xiao Wangzhi and Li Tianrun are, and I will not expect to defeat them in one battle. As long as I can defeat them on the frontal battlefield, Just seek a victory and suppress the arrogance of the Southern Qi border troops. By then, there will naturally be people in the Southern Qi court impeaching Xiao Wangzhi and Li Tianrun and accusing them of using weapons recklessly." Wang Shidao looked at the young princess. There is a bit more admiration in it.

He already knew what happened in the headquarters of the Seven Star Gang. Dian Kuang and others died in the mountains, and the plan to provoke civil strife failed. However, Qing Yu Huaijin did not see much regret and gaffes, and was able to accurately capture Lu Chen's journey to the north. Use hidden tricks.

In terms of her ambition alone, it is actually better than most people.

After about half an hour, everyone left one after another, and the wise tiger was deliberately last.

After walking out of Xiangwan Tower, he looked up at the blazing sunshine and asked with concern: "Your Highness, how are you doing lately?"

Qingyu Huaijin replied: "My father is fine, but he has no time to take care of the affairs in the south recently, so he left everything to me."

Mu Lianghu looks rough and arrogant, looking like a reckless man who only knows how to kill, but he can command [-] cavalry to sit in Heluo and suppress so many people in the city silently. He whispered: "Your Majesty and the prince are planning to take action against Zhao Guo?"

Qingyu Huaijin nodded.

Moulianghu grinned and praised: "Okay, I should have done this a long time ago."

Zhao State is located to the west of the Dajing Dynasty. Because of the surprise attack that year, it has been struggling for more than ten years.

Now that Emperor Jing has finally put the annexation of Zhao on the agenda, he naturally needs Qing Yugong to take charge of the overall situation.

Qingyu Huaijin said softly: "What your Majesty and my father mean is to take Zhao State first and then Yan State, and then spend two or three years digesting the territory, and then settle the general account with Nan Qi."

Mou Lianghu stretched out his arms, with a violent look in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, please tell the prince that we are very young, so we can't delay it for too long, otherwise we may have old bones in the future. I can’t hold the sword and draw the bow.”

Qing Yu Huaijin said: "The general is always strong and strong, and there will be a day when the horse will ride on the capital of Nan Qi."

"Thanks to His Highness for your kind words, I look forward to that day."

Moulianghu smiled boldly, then said goodbye and left.

Qingyu Huaijin stood in the corridor and watched, and after a while he returned to the side hall.

"Your Highness."

Xiao Jun, who had been waiting here for a long time, saluted respectfully.

Qingyu Huaijin waved his hand and said calmly: "Is there any news from the south?"

Xiao Jun responded: "Yes. The Lu family is a local family in Guangling. It started to prosper about 40 years ago and flourished in the hands of Lu Tong, becoming one of the top merchants in Huaizhou. Lu Tong has an excellent reputation in the local area and has close contacts with the government. When Zhang Junsi attacked Huaizhou last year, Lu Tong went to various places to help the government stabilize prices and stabilize people's livelihood."

Qingyu Huaijin tapped his green fingers lightly on the table.

Xiao Jun tentatively said: "Your Highness, since that Lu Chen has repeatedly ruined your affairs, can we take down Lu Tong? Lu Tong only has one son, Lu Chen. Judging from the rumors in Guangling Mansion, the father and son have a very close relationship. . If we hold Lu Tong in our hands, Lu Chen will definitely be waiting to be killed."

Qingyu Huaijin glanced at him inexplicably.

Xiao Jun couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Qingyu Huaijin sighed and said quietly: "You have been following me for more than five years, why can you still come up with such a stupid idea? There are many doubts about Lu Tong's identity. Do you think he is just a businessman? Do you think you can just send a few people? Can you kidnap him by going to Nanqi alone? Apart from women and drinks, can you think of anything more useful in your mind?"

Xiao Jun was horrified and quickly knelt down on one knee and said: "This subordinate is stupid, please forgive me, Your Highness!"

Qingyu Huaijin said with waning spirits: "Get up. Although you are a bit stupid, you are still loyal enough. You are not like some people who are in high positions but are like a white-eyed wolf who cannot be fed well."

Xiao Jun could naturally hear the meaning of this sentence, but he did not dare to ask any more.

"You go and do two things."

Qingyu Huaijin raised two fingers and said slowly: "First, let people spread the news in the city, saying that the Emperor of Yan Dynasty hated Lu Chen to the bone and wanted to kill him quickly. This time, he will definitely use thunder. We are ready to annihilate the Seven Star Gang."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Secondly, the news that Pu Sansi'en and Xu Cun were about to lead troops to attack Baotai Mountain was leaked to the people of the Weaving Department. The reason why I didn't let you get rid of the few exposed Weaving Department workers in the city was because That's when it comes in handy. Be careful to do it tactfully and let the people in the Sutra Weaving Department know that Pu San Si'en and Xu Cun will advance from the north of Dongyang Road, and the Henan Road will only block the main road."

Xiao Jun opened his eyes wide, feeling confused and afraid to ask.

Qingyu Huaijin frowned slightly and said, "Just do as you are told."

Xiao Jun said solemnly: "I accept the order!"

(End of this chapter)
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