
Chapter 178 Chapter 177 [Moon in the sky]

Chapter 178 Chapter 177 [Moon in the sky]

Shi Changsheng frowned and said, "Someone must have leaked the news."

Lin Jie nodded and said: "To be honest, brother Shi, I have a close relationship with this kid Lu Chen and know his temperament very well. He acts decisively and bravely, so he will readily accept Jiang Houming's proposal and go to Heluo City to assassinate Chen Jingtang, but he He will never take any reckless risks. Since he said that he did not reveal his whereabouts, then the monarchs and ministers of the Yan Dynasty will definitely not know of his existence."

Shi Changsheng slowly sat up straight and said in a deep voice: "Gang leader, could it be Jiang Houming who tipped off the news?"

Lin Jie played with the wine cup in front of him and sighed softly: "It's also possible. After all, Lu Chen came here secretly. No one in the south knew that he came to the Seven Star Gang except Governor Xiao Wangzhi. We here know about him. There are many people with identities, at least when he left Shanmen to go to Heluo, all the hall masters and managers knew his details."

Looking at the calm face of the middle-aged man opposite, Shi Changsheng felt a little nervous for some reason.

Lin Jie continued: "Brother Shi suspected that Jiang Houming was colluding with outsiders. I have considered this for a long time, but there is still something puzzled in my heart, so I have not touched him."

Shi Changsheng secretly adjusted his breathing and said respectfully: "Please give me some advice, Master."

"I can't talk about teaching."

Lin Jie smiled faintly and continued: "Lin Xi competed with Qing Yugong's daughter in Jingchao. Although the two did not fight directly, she later said that the young princess was very scheming and was not just proud and domineering. The sweet daughter of heaven. Now this princess is responsible for various affairs within the Yan Dynasty, and the strategy to recruit Lu Lin was her handiwork."

Shi Changsheng listened quietly.

Lin Jie looked at him indifferently and said slowly: "I have been thinking that if Jiang Houming had already taken refuge with Qingyu Huaijin, he should not have jumped out several times. This is not in line with Qingyu Huaijin's usual behavior style. Normally, Jiang Houming should lurk cautiously and wait until the critical moment to strike back. If I were Qingyu Huaijin, I would not allow Jiang Houming to expose himself in advance."

Shi Changsheng pondered: "Perhaps the gang leader has a high opinion of the young princess. She has not experienced many major events, so sometimes it is inevitable that she will take it for granted."

Lin Jie shook his head and smiled: "I never underestimate my enemies. Jiang Houming's behavior is too abnormal. After thinking about it, I only have one answer, and that is that people outside need him to do this to attract me. attention, thereby helping the other traitor to hide better. You heard me right, I think there is not only Jiang Houming in the gang, but also a traitor who hides deeply. "

Shi Changsheng's expression became more solemn.

Lin Jie said: "Who could this traitor be? I can't make a conclusion easily. After Lu Chen knew what I was thinking, he proposed to use himself as bait to fish out another traitor. Even if Jiang Houming didn't mention it that day, someone would encourage Lu Chen to assassinate him. Chen Jingtang proved his sincerity. The reason why I want to reveal Lu Chen’s identity in the council chamber is to see who will leak the news to the outside world."

Shi Changsheng lowered his eyebrows and looked at the wine cup in front of him and smiled dullly.

Lin Jie sighed softly: "You should still remember that that day, I ordered you and Dong Mian to enforce strict security on all entrances and exits, and strictly prohibit anyone from passing on information to the outside world."

"It turns out that the gang leader has been doubting me since that time."

Shi Changsheng raised his head and spoke expressionlessly.

Lin Jie put down the wine cup in his hand, picked up the second wine pot, poured all the wine left in the pot into the cup, and said leisurely: "Actually, you are not the only person who is suspected, but you are not too careful. Even Jiang Houming Everyone knew that it might be my temptation, so they didn't dare to let people go outside, but you took advantage of your opportunity to guard the main road and openly let people rush to the Dongyang Road of Yan State."

Shi Changsheng laughed at himself and said: "I only have a few confidants around me, but I never expected that there would be a gang leader among them."

"People are going to change."

Lin Jie raised the wine cup and drank it without haste. He said with emotion: "You have lived in the mountains for so many years. You have married wives and had children and taken root here. Naturally, some people will not want to go back to the previous life. Not everyone is like Brother Shi. , you can let go of so many years of family affection and brotherly loyalty, and unswervingly help the Yan Dynasty. Now that the matter has come to this, I want to ask Brother Shi, who do you belong to? It should not be Qingyu Huaijin, but probably from the Procuratorate. Wang Shidao."

Shi Changsheng did not deny it, but said indifferently: "It's not important."

Lin Jie smiled and said nothing.

Shi Changsheng looked over and saw Lin Jie's tall and tall body like a mountain. Even when he was sitting, he exuded an awe-inspiring aura. He couldn't help but ask: "Since the gang leader already knows my identity, why did he agree to go to the appointment?"

Lin Jie shook the wine cup gently and said: "The poison in this wine should be hook sinking? You pointed the finger at Jiang Houming, just to make me believe you, and you chanted and chanted to delay the poison. It's running inside my body, causing me to only be able to use [-]% of my martial arts strength."

Seeing that he could even name the poison clearly, Shi Changsheng secretly circulated his inner energy throughout his body and said: "The gang leader is well-informed and has unfathomable martial arts skills. We don't dare to use that kind of powerful poison, for fear that you won't be able to use it yet." You can tell it right at the entrance.”

"The Poison of the Hook is indeed the most appropriate choice, but it is still not enough."

The smile on Lin Jie's face faded, and under Shi Changsheng's frowning gaze, he raised the wine cup and drank the remaining wine in one gulp, then slowly placed it on the table and said with a complicated expression: "No matter what, you and my brother Once upon a time, this glass of wine is just to say goodbye to an old friend."

At this moment, Shi Changsheng had mixed feelings in his heart. The brotherhood over the years was not false, but Lin Jie couldn't give him what he wanted.

When he thought of this, his expression gradually became determined, and he said in a deep voice: "The gang leader is still as confident as before."

Lin Jie turned his head slightly and said: "Jiang Houming, Shang Benyi, Lu Yanguang, Qian Liushu, and three mysterious masters, plus more than a hundred masters they gathered. In order to kill me, such a battle is indeed Not small."

Shi Changsheng was shocked. Although he was very aware of his own arrangements, he could not have Lin Jie's keen senses. He immediately realized that the hook poison had no effect on Lin Jie.

Lin Jie looked at him and sighed: "You are delaying in every possible way just waiting for the poison in my body to take effect, but you are still a little overconfident. You should not be alone in the same room with me."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Changsheng clasped the edge of the table with his left hand, suddenly raised the table and threw it at Lin Jie. At the same time, he kicked off his feet and rushed forward, his right fist instantly pierced the thick tabletop, and in the blink of an eye, something happened. Came to Lin Jie.

The force of this punch was enough to crack a monument and crack a stone.

Lin Jie remained motionless, staring at the fist that came to him. He made a fist with his left hand to meet Shi Changsheng's fist, and slapped his right palm on the table.


The elm tabletop split into two halves in an instant and flew to the left and right.The two fists struck each other, as if time had stopped at this moment. You could clearly see that Shi Changsheng's clenched right fist was instantly released, and the four knuckles were broken inch by inch.

Shi Changsheng felt severe pain instantly spread throughout his limbs and bones, but he endured the pain without making a sound and quickly backed away.

Lin Jie did not take advantage of the situation to pursue him, but said calmly: "It's too cramped here."

He walked out of the main room slowly and stood in the courtyard filled with cold moonlight.

There was deathly silence all around, filled with a heart-stopping murderous intent.

Lin Jie stood proudly in the field and said calmly: "Why bother hiding at this time? Come out."

Seven figures emerged from the darkness, and together with Shi Changsheng who was chasing him, they surrounded Lin Jie in the center.

Lin Jie looked over one by one, his eyes resting on the face of the old man in the northwest, and said with a smile: "Uncle Qian Liu, why do you need to go through this muddy water?"

The old man's name was Qian Shengwu. He was born with a pair of cold triangular eyes. Hearing this, he said with regret: "If you were willing to accept the recruitment of the Yan Dynasty, how could you end up in this situation? Of course, now you want to regret it. No, if you don’t die, where will our wealth come from?”

"I see."

Lin Jie nodded slightly and said slowly: "I thought it would be Uncle Gui who showed up here. Among you older generation, Uncle Gui's martial arts is the highest. Uncle Six, you are really a few levels behind. Surround me tonight." Mr. Lin, Uncle Six, you may become a flaw in this formation."

Qian Shengwu snorted coldly.

Jiang Houming, who was standing next to him, immediately took over the conversation: "Second Uncle Gui has the highest status in the gang, so he naturally has to step in to maintain the stability of the main village. Lin Jie, don't think that someone will come to save you, Dong Mian and Qi Lianfu are not here , what can a waste like Ran Xuanzhi do?"

Lin Jie turned to look at him and said leisurely: "Palace Master Jiang, you must have imagined the arrival of this day in your dreams countless times. Now that you have fulfilled your wish, how do you feel?"

Jiang Houming said coldly: "I feel very good to be able to watch you die with my own eyes."

Lin Jie smiled and nodded, his eyes moved to the face of the thirty-year-old man opposite him, and asked: "You should be the most powerful sword under the command of Princess Jing Chao, right? Dian Kuang?"

Dian Kuang responded: "It's better to be famous than to meet him. Gang leader Lin can be called a hero of his generation."


Lin Jie looked calm and said, "These two unfamiliar faces behind me must be Marshal Qing Yugong's confidants?"

A contemptuous voice came from the rear left: "My name is Shan Tian, ​​and I will take your head today."

A person from the rear right followed immediately: "My name is Shan Di. After you go to the underworld, don't forget that it was me who killed you."

Facing the provocation of these two people, Lin Jie's expression did not change at all. He glanced at Shang Benyi, Lu Yanguang and Shi Changsheng, and said slowly: "You are careful enough. There are nearly a hundred masters surrounding this house, lest you Lin survived. Since you are so well prepared, why are you still hesitating?"

As the last words came out of his mouth, Lin Jie's momentum suddenly skyrocketed, and his already burly and majestic body fell into the eyes of everyone, like a rapidly growing towering tree, with a layer of hazy light that could cover the earth.

His deep eyes seemed to contain the starlight in the sky. He stared directly at Dian Kuang directly in front of him, and the spring thunder on his tongue caught people's soul: "It's all the way, why should Lin be afraid?"

Dantian Shandi has little experience in the martial arts world. On the one hand, he does not have a clear understanding of Lin Jie's martial arts like Jiang Houming and others. On the other hand, he is far less calm than Dian Kuang. At this moment, he was aroused by Lin Jie's explosive momentum and immediately Forgetting Dian Kuang's instructions before leaving, the two brothers roared at the same time and stabbed Lin Jie's waist with their swords from two directions.


Dian Kuang cursed in his heart, it was so stupid to take action when the opponent's momentum was at its peak, but the formation of eight of them could affect the entire body. If the two brothers were allowed to take action without helping each other, they would most likely be defeated by Lin Jie. Come out.

In an instant, except for Shi Changsheng's bare hands, the remaining seven people each waved their weapons and attacked Lin Jie, forming a large murderous web.

Lin Jie twisted his legs, turned his body suddenly, and took a step forward of nearly a foot, and in a blink of an eye he was in front of Shan Tian.

At this time, Shan Tian didn't realize that his movements were too fast, forming a clear gap with others.

At this moment, Lin Jie stepped forward, split Shan Tian's sword with one palm, and smashed Shan Tian's face with his right fist with the sound of wind and thunder!

Shan Tian Dahai quickly evaded to the side and behind without even thinking about it. However, his retreat caused the big net surrounding Lin Jie to loosen a little.

Amid the flashes of swords and shadows, Lin Jie strolled leisurely. Instead of continuing to pursue Shan Tian, ​​he turned around and struck, twisting his body and hitting the white-haired old man rushing towards him with his right arm like a steel whip.

Qian Shengwu never thought that Lin Jie's real target was himself, so he hurriedly swung his sword to block.

Lin Jie's eyes were indifferent, completely ignoring the sharp edge of the opponent's sword. His right arm struck forward unstoppably. The moment it came into contact with the blade, Qian Shengwu felt a majestic force coming from him, and the sword split open in the tiger's mouth. Falling to the ground.

Lin Jie took a step forward and hit Qian Shengwu's chest with his long arm. Others clearly saw the old man's chest collapse suddenly, his lips opened but he couldn't utter even half a syllable, and the vitality on his face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

The old man's body flew out like a rag bag, accompanied by Lin Jie's cold and angry voice.

"If you are too old to die, then die first!"

(End of this chapter)

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