
Chapter 176 Chapter 175 [Misfortune arises from Xiao Qiang]

Chapter 176 Chapter 175 [Misfortune arises from Xiao Qiang]

Chen Jingtang's death quickly spread within the Seven Star Gang, and was discussed from the main village to surrounding branches. Some old people began to recall the tragic past and applauded Chen Jingtang's death. After all, this man had a lot of Seven Star Gang members on his hands. The blood of the masses.

As for the Southern Qi Captain Lu Chen who was willing to go to Heluo City to assassinate Chen Jingtang and was frantically pursued by countless masters of the Yan Dynasty, all the young and old in the gang gave thumbs up and fully agreed with the gang leader's move of sending a large number of masters to rescue him.

The most important thing for everyone in the world is to put loyalty first. Even if this move will cause the Yan Dynasty to retaliate, no one thinks there is anything wrong with Lin Jie's decision.

"If this continues, if Lu Chen comes back safely, Lin Jie can use the storm he caused to coerce tens of thousands of gang members into becoming enemies of the Yan Dynasty."

In the dead of night, in a courtyard somewhere in the southwest corner of the main village, in a heavily guarded room, three men were sitting around a table. There were several plates of food and drinks on the table, and there was a wine flask in front of each of them.

The first person to speak was Shang Benyi, the leader of the Huotang Hall. He felt the trend in the gang in the past two days and called the gang leader Lin Jie by his first name. Obviously, he did not respect the No. 1 on the martial arts list in private. .

Jiang Houming, who was sitting opposite him, drank a glass of wine and said calmly: "This is expected."

Shang Ben felt troubled in his chest and said in a deep voice: "Are we allowed to let him lead everyone to the road of no return?"

Jiang Houming smiled and said nothing.

Shang Benyi didn't take it seriously and continued: "I know the reason why Lin Jie did this. He is the leader of the Seven Star Gang and has a high prestige in everyone's hearts. If we accept the recruitment, others may be safe, but he will definitely die a violent death. If I As someone who is in power in the Yan Dynasty, he will also worry that Lin Jie will climb high in the future and there will be a crowd of echoers. Such people must die. Based on these considerations, he definitely does not want to accept the recruitment, but what about us? Do we have to follow him to fight against the Yan Dynasty army? "

Jiang Houming put down the wine cup, exhaled a breath, and said calmly: "He is the leader of the gang, and he is also No. 1 on the martial arts list. What can you and I do even if we don't want to?"

Shang Benyi knew that the outside of this room was guarded by Jiang Houming's confidants. At this moment, he still couldn't help lowering his voice and said: "Brother, I have long said that the position of this gang leader should be yours. Lin Jie didn't know how to give it to the old gang leader back then. What kind of ecstasy soup was given to me, and I stole the position of gang leader for more than ten years. If you were in power now, there would be so many worries, we would just go to the Yan Dynasty directly."

Jiang Houming smiled, his eyes as sharp as poisonous snakes, and said slowly: "You really dare to take action?"

"I've been waiting for my brother to make a decision."

Shang Ben said without thinking, grabbed another handful of peanuts and spread them on the table, and said at the same time: "Brother, look, among the six hall masters, you and I don't need to talk. Although Lei Hall Shi Changsheng spoke for Lu Chen the day before yesterday, But as long as we have control of the overall situation, he will not risk his life to avenge Lin Jie. Among the remaining three, Lintang Ranxuan's martial arts skills are mediocre and negligible. Most of his people are accustomed to using abacus instead of weapons. Only Shantang Dong Mian and Yintang Qi Lianfu It’s more difficult.”

The Seven Stars Gang and six halls stand side by side, Feng Hall Jiang Houming is in charge of gang regulations and rewards and punishments, Lin Hall Ran Xuan is in charge of external industries, Yin Hall Qi Lianfu is in charge of intelligence and spying, Huo Hall Shangben is in charge of green forest traffic, Shan Hall Dong Mian is in charge of the main village security, and Lei Hall is in charge of Shi Changsheng Help money and food.

There are also seven stewards who are responsible for managing the seven surrounding branch villages, guarding the main village like a seven-star chessboard.

The status of Qi Lianfu, the leader of the Yin Hall, in Lin Jie's mind is no less than that of Dong Mian. However, this leader of the hall is always seen and never seen, and usually does not stay in the mountains. No one except Lin Jie knows where he is hiding.

Jiang Houming heard the implication of Shang Benyi's words and rubbed the wine cup with an indifferent expression.

Shang Benyi struck while the iron was hot: "Now that Lin Jie has asked Dong Mian to take away most of the masters to rescue Lu Chen, Qi Lianfu must still be outside. He does not have many loyal men around him. If we miss this opportunity, it will be almost impossible to kill him."

Jiang Houming was noncommittal, turned to look at his confidant Lu Yanguang sitting on the other side, and asked, "Where did Dong Mian and Lin Xi go?"

Lu Yanguang replied: "Back to the Hall Master, they led people westward into Yanchao Henan Road. Our people did not dare to follow too closely, but we can be sure that these people have left the sphere of influence of our Seven Star Gang."

Upon seeing this, Shang Ben asked: "Brother, are you worried that this is a fraud?"

"You and I both know what a heroic figure Lin Jie is. How many people have been able to take advantage of him over the years?" Jiang Houming laughed at himself and said softly: "I do have concerns about this. Lu Chen was chased by a master from the Yan Dynasty. It's not unusual to kill, but Lin Jie sent his confidants out so simply, it was like asking someone to bury him in a urn. If we didn't take action, Lin Jie wouldn't dare to act recklessly, after all, tens of thousands of eyes in the gang were watching. But if we fell into his trap If he calculated and rashly assassinated us, he would have a reason to kill us all."

Shang Ben shook his head and said: "Foolish brother, I don't think so. My brother asked Lu Chen to assassinate Chen Jingtang. It is reasonable for him to be chased by masters of the Yan Dynasty after killing Chen Jingtang. Those people in the Southern Qi Weaving Department are good at assassination, but I have never heard of any top masters among them. In terms of head-on confrontation, Lu Chen and the others are definitely not enemies of the masters of the Yan Dynasty. From this point of view, everything is logical, brother, why should I look forward and backward?"

Jiang Houming was silent for a moment, frowned and said: "Even if Dong Mian, Qi Lianfu and Lin Xi are not in the main village, Lin Jie is not alone. Moreover, if we cannot kill him quickly, how will we deal with the subsequent troubles? As long as he can survive, he can climb a height. Huh, will thousands of people in this mountain believe in him or us?"

Shang Ben sighed. He also knew how difficult it would be to sneak attack Lin Jie. He couldn't openly lead a group of people to surround the gang leader's mansion. And even if they dared to do so, who could be sure to kill the martial arts No. 1 in an instant? [-]?
"Then what should we do? Watch him lead us to a dead end?"

Shang Ben picked up the wine cup and drank it all in one gulp, and said angrily.

Jiang Houming picked up the pot and poured wine for him: "Don't be impatient, wait a moment."

Nao Benichi quickly asked: "Wait? What are you waiting for?"

Jiang Houming didn't answer, and the two of them focused on drinking.

When the moon was halfway up, there was suddenly a sound of footsteps outside, and then a man quickly walked into the house, came closer and said to Jiang Houming: "Master, there is news."

Shang Benyi looked curiously and saw a confidant named Jiang Zhen beside Jiang Houming. He saw that he was dusty.

Jiang Houming said: "Speak."

Jiang Zhen glanced at Shang Benyi with a slight hesitation.

When Jiang Houming saw this, he said: "Master Shang is one of our own, there is no need to lie."

Jiang Zhen lowered his head and said, "Yes. Master Liu Jingzhi did not return to the capital of Dongyang Road. He has been waiting outside the mountain. Today he informed his subordinates that Her Royal Highness the Princess ordered us to cooperate with the masters outside the mountain to attack and kill Gang Leader Lin!"

Shang Benyi perked up and his eyes lit up.Jiang Houming asked calmly: "Be more specific."

Jiang Zhendao: "Her Highness the Princess handed over the matter to Mr. Wang of the Procuratorate and General Li of Dongyang Road. At the same time, she sent several top experts under her command to help. Her Highness said that someone will lure Leader Lin into the trap at that time. She hopes that the Hall Master will join us. After Gang Leader Lin fell into the trap, we should cooperate inside and outside to kill Gang Leader Lin."

Jiang Houming stood up after hearing this and walked slowly in the room, his expression uncertain.

There is a very crucial piece of information hidden in what Jiang Zhen relayed. Apart from Jiang Houming, there is another line within the Seven Star Gang that is related to the Yan Dynasty. However, this line is extremely secretive. So far, even he No clues were found.

What the princess meant was that another secret agent within the Seven Star Gang would lead Lin Jie into the Jedi, then send top experts to sneak into the main village, and then join forces with Jiang Houming and others to kill Lin Jie before others could react. .

When he thought of this, Jiang Houming stopped, turned around and asked, "Did Liu Jingzhi explain who will lure Gang Leader Lin into his trap?"

Jiang Zhen shook his head and said: "Master Liu said that in order to prevent the secret from being leaked, His Highness did not allow him to say that name."

Jiang Houming frowned and said, "Then how can we cooperate?"

Jiang Zhendao: "Master Liu said that the time to take action is set at night four days later, and someone will notify the hall master with a coded signal at that time. He said that the hall master can use these few days to gather all the credible forces and wait for that moment. Late arrival.”

Jiang Houming nodded slightly, then looked at Shang Benyi and asked, "What do you think?"

Shang Ben raised his hand and pointed at the dishes on the table, and said meaningfully: "Brother, if we follow Lin Jie on that dead end, let alone eat meat and drink wine, we will probably starve to death in the deep mountains and old forests. Rather than being killed by Forced into a desperate situation, it is better to risk your life! After killing Lin Jie, my brother can take control of the power with the support of the Yan Dynasty. Moreover, you are the nephew of the old gang leader, so it is logical to take over the throne of the gang leader! By then our Seven Star Gang will accept the recruitment, Ronghua Wealth is at your fingertips!"

A smile appeared on Jiang Houming's face and he said lightly: "Chengxian brother Ji Yan, I will definitely live up to your trust in the future."

Shang Benyi stood up and bowed, and said respectfully: "Thank you, leader!"

The smile on Jiang Houming's face became thicker and he said warmly: "You and I will act separately. Except for our confidants, I will go to win over Uncle Gui, and you will go to Uncle Qian. These two will definitely not stand beside Lin Jie." Over there. All in all, since we have decided to take action, we must spare no effort and not give Lin Jie the slightest chance to survive."

Shang Benyi said seriously: "I accept your orders!"


In the south of the Baotai Mountains, in Gushu County, Dongyang Road, Yanchao, in a private house in Beicheng, Dian Kuang looked at two men with almost identical faces and said indifferently: "Liu Jingzhi has informed the people in the mountains that we will take action in four days. We will start tomorrow afternoon. Let’s set off, and we can arrive at the Seven Star Gang’s headquarters by then.”

The two men looked at each other and said in unison: "Only kill Lin Jie?"

Dian Kuang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "You are still not satisfied with the head of No. 1 on the martial arts list?"

The man on the left said: "We just feel that it is a waste of time for the prince and his highness to put in so much effort and only kill Lin Jie in the end. They have to continue to deal with the bandits."

Dian Kuang was silent for a moment and said slowly: "If this trip goes well, after killing Lin Jie, we will of course massacre all the senior leaders of the Seven Star Gang."

The man on the right asked: "How to kill?"

Dian Kuang said: "Kill Lin Jie first, then let them kill each other, and then we will clean up the mess."

The two men are twins. The one on the left is the elder brother, named Shan Tian, ​​and the one on the right is the younger brother, named Shan Di.

They are just 30 years old this year and have been accompanying Qing Yugong before. This is the first time for them to come to Dongyang Road.

When Shan Tian heard this, he smiled and said, "There are still His Highness's internal agents in the mountain. How do you plan to deal with them?"

The corners of Dian Kuang's mouth raised slightly, and there was a trace of bloodthirsty in his eyes, and he said quietly: "Of course, kill them all, so that His Highness can avoid trouble."

The two brothers looked at each other, smiled, and nodded at the same time: "Great kindness."

Dian Kuang's breathing was even and long. Although there was no knife in his hand, his whole body was like a sharp knife about to be unsheathed. Seeing that the twins seemed to despise the green forests and grass in the north, he solemnly reminded: "Lin Jie Being No. 1 on the martial arts list is not for nothing. When the time comes, I will take action first, and you two will sneak attack from the side. Remember not to underestimate the enemy or give him a chance to counterattack. If this matter cannot be done, it will be better for the prince. His Highness will definitely I can’t spare you.”

When the two of them heard the last words, their hearts trembled. They stood up and cupped their hands and said, "Brother Dian, don't worry, we will definitely go all out."

Dian Kuang nodded, walked slowly to the window and stared at the bright moon in the night, his eyes extremely sharp.

Over the years, he traveled around the world in the name of looking for Yu Chigui, and gradually became tired of his experiences back then, but he knew that without Qingyu Huaijin's permission, it would be difficult for him to enjoy a peaceful life.

This is people in the rivers and lakes, involuntary.

Now that he finally saw a glimmer of hope to change the status quo, he would never allow the opportunity to slip away.

Therefore, Lin Jie must die.

(End of this chapter)

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