
Chapter 173 Chapter 172 [Glory shines in those days]

Chapter 173 Chapter 172 [Glory shines in those days]

Lu Chen asked: "Master Chen, is he from Dongming, Henan Road?"

Chen Jingtang said indifferently: "So what?"

"The identity I pretended to be when I came to Heluo City this time was that of a merchant on Henan Road. It seems that we are somewhat destined."

Lu Chen's approach was a bit rough, so Chen Jingtang simply ignored it. Although he was currently under control and couldn't even shout for help, he had held military power for many years and was still not panicked in front of a young man.

"I heard that Mr. Chen had great ambitions when he was young. He joined the army and worked hard. He once led the army into Baotai Mountain to encircle and suppress the Seven Star Gang, and also led the army to fight against the Jing Dynasty cavalry at the border. No matter what the public thinks of you, I am only positive about you. One thing I'm interested in is why General Chen, who had fought with Jingren to the death, was willing to rely on others and become an accomplice of Jingjun's massacre of the people in the north?"

Lu Chen knew Chen Jingtang's life at his fingertips and had obviously learned about it in great detail.

Chen Jingtang's eyes darkened: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Lu Chen adjusted his sitting posture slightly and sighed softly: "I'm thinking that if there hadn't been the unjust case against Marshal Yang 18 years ago, and the heroic death of eight thousand Shazhou native soldiers on Yanziling, the Yuanjia Incident would never have happened. Perhaps Mr. Chen will not become the deputy privy envoy of the puppet Yan, but continue to be a loyal minister and good general of Da Qi as he did in the past."

Chen Jingtang's old face showed a bit of sadness, and he laughed at himself: "Since you already know, why bother asking again? Today I am in your hands. You can kill or behead me as you please, but there is no need to show off."

Lu Chen shook his head and said calmly: "I just want to tell Mr. Chen that a temporary mistake is nothing. As long as you know how to change your course, history will always give you a fair evaluation in the future."

Chen Jingtang understood the deep meaning of his words and couldn't help laughing: "You actually think that Southern Qi can defeat the Jing Dynasty's hundreds of thousands of troops and come back to regain the old mountains and rivers?"

"Why not?"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said: "Last year's war has proved that there is not much difference in strength between the Qi army and the Jing army. Whether the Qi army has become stronger and stronger in the past ten years, or the Jing army is no longer what it used to be. Armed with elite armies across the north and south, at least we have the ability to compete with Jing Chao on the battlefield."

He didn't take Yan Jun into account at all, but Chen Jingtang didn't have the confidence to refute.

On the two battlefields of Huaizhou and Jingzhou, the performance of the Yan army can be described as a mess.

Lu Chen continued: "Lord Chen must have heard about the changes that took place at the end of last year in my dynasty. The emperor vigorously rewarded the border army officers and established a new fourth army in the area north of the Yangtze River. The two governors, Xiao and Li, were granted the title of Duke. As an example for Da Qi's hundreds of thousands of troops, they will also become the backbone of the Northern Expedition, leading the border troops to counterattack. Therefore, I have full confidence in Da Qi's recovery of its homeland."

"But what you said has nothing to do with me after all. There is a saying in this world that water cannot be recovered."

Chen Jingtang's expression was particularly heavy at this moment. The implication was that he had been a Yanchen for more than ten years and was constantly involved with Jing Chao. Even if what Lu Chen said would come true, he would definitely be the target of liquidation by Nan Qi.

"No, there is still a way in front of you now."

Lu Chen clasped his hands in front of his abdomen and said seriously: "After the murder in Xuening Pavilion, many people in Heluo City sympathized with Mr. Chen's experience, but the matter has not developed to a tragic enough level, so this sympathy will soon disappear. Erased by time. If Mr. Chen is willing to use his own life to warn those people, I believe that more people will have the belief to resist Jing Dynasty in the near future."

Chen Jingtang was silent for a moment and said quietly: "Do you expect the people in this city to resist Jing Chao?"

His voice was full of sarcasm.

Lu Chen said calmly: "Master Chen, why are you stuck in the past and unwilling to look forward?"

Chen Jingtang raised his head and asked, "What do you mean?"

Lu Chen said: "If we move the time forward to 14 years ago, at that time there was only a dispute between Qi Ren and Jing Ren. Many people still have this kind of thinking inertia until now. But don't forget that more than ten years are enough for some people to form By the new concept, I refer to the Yan people in this city. Including Mr. Chen, you are definitely not willing to return to the rule of Da Qi, but are you willing to become Qing Yugong's slaves?"

The answer in Chen Jingtang's mind is self-evident.

The reason why the Yan Kingdom was established back then was that on the one hand, the Jing Dynasty itself lacked enough officials to govern the north, and on the other hand, there were still quite a few resistance forces, including the Zhai Lin and Wang family. If there was no buffer room, , the Northland will be in ruins.

Because of this, Chen Jingtang gradually rose to a high position, but unlike Wang An, he was not as determined to join the Jing Dynasty. He still retained some thoughts in his heart, so Jing Dynasty regarded him as someone who must be kicked out of the court.

After a long time, he said in a difficult tone: "If I commit suicide, wouldn't dozens of members of the Chen family become the targets of Wang An, Guo Yan and others to vent their anger?"

Of course he understands the impact his death may have. There are many people hiding in the dark watching the aftermath of the Xueningguan murder case. These days, he has also heard vague hints from some old friends, although everyone openly pointed the finger at Guo Guo. Speaking of such beasts, they are actually resisting Jing Chao's ambitions and intentions.

Once he dies, there will definitely be chaos in Heluo City. When Wang An and others are numb, they might take it out on the Chen family.Lu Chen said firmly: "Mr. Chen is blind and worried too much. The stabbing of your son by Guo Yijiang has attracted too many people's attention. At this time, if you angrily commit suicide to show your ambition, not to mention Wang An, Guo Yan and others. Even if Qing Yugong comes in person, he doesn't dare to touch a hair of the Chen family."

He paused slightly and said seriously: "Due to various reasons, the Jing Dynasty decided to gradually annex the northern land. It took Emperor Jing and Qing Yugong more than ten years to gradually see the light of day. How could they tolerate falling short? If they continue to attack the Chen family Taking action will only remind the soldiers and civilians of the world of the blood and tears of more than ten years ago. The illusion of peace that has been maintained in the North for ten years will immediately be broken. This is an outcome that Emperor Jing will never accept. If he is forced to kill all the tens of millions of people in the North, Only the surname can rule this territory, so why waste so many years?"

It's not that Chen Jingtang doesn't understand this truth, it's just that he has been unwilling to admit it, because the premise for all these inferences to be established is that he is going to die tonight.

Only a handful of people can face death without fear.

He raised his eyes and looked at the handsome face opposite, and couldn't help but feel the vicissitudes of time. He murmured: "You could have killed me directly and then faked it as a suicide. No matter whether those people could detect the weirdness, they would I can't clear away the suspicion. If I commit suicide, I can provoke the anger of the people in the north. If I am killed, who else but the powerful people of Jing Dynasty would dare to do this?"

Lu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said calmly: "I made two preparations before coming here tonight. If you don't bother to talk to me in detail, I will send you on your way as soon as possible. If you are willing to talk, Then I hope you can leave without regrets, and I also ask you to write a letter for me."

Chen Jingtang asked in confusion: "What letter?"

"A suicide note."

Lu Chen said crisply, then took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to Chen Jingtang.

Yu Chigui put down the book at this time and turned to look at Chen Jingtang.

The content on the letter is actually very simple. The general idea is to state the resentment in Chen Jingtang's heart in Chen Jingtang's tone, and to warn future generations not to act as collaborators. If Jing Dynasty is allowed to annex and digest the North, his death tonight will be the fate of most people. .

However, there was a strong look of surprise on Chen Jingtang's face. First of all, the beginning of this letter was written to the right servant of the Yan Dynasty, She Yuxinchen. Secondly, the wording and handwriting of the letter were almost the same as his own. Most people would definitely not be able to tell the difference.

In other words, the Sutra Weaving Department of Southern Qi had long been secretly imitating his style.

Chen Jingtang turned to look at Yan Jiong beside him, not caring at all about the fingers that were just a sliver away from his throat.

Yan Jiong said apologetically: "Mr. Chen, don't be surprised, one of my duties is to imitate your handwriting."

Chen Jingtang smiled self-deprecatingly and said nothing more to the Nan Qi spy hiding beside him. He turned to look at Lu Chen and asked, "So you want me to write a similar letter in person?"

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Yes."

"Actually, you don't need to take this risk. Let people kill me and then throw out this forged letter. The final effect will not be much different."

Chen Jingtang's heart was full of twists and turns, and his tone was desolate and lonely.

Lu Chen said calmly: "Master Chen has been in charge of the Puppet Yan military power for many years and is regarded as one of the most respected figures in Jiangbei. I don't want your death to have too many flaws and not be able to cause enough sensation. Of course, if you are unwilling to cooperate with me, I will definitely implement the second plan, and it doesn’t matter if the results are less effective.”

Chen Jingtang held the letter and suddenly asked after a long silence: "Let me ask you, does the death of my son Chen Qifu have anything to do with the Sutra Weaving Department of Southern Qi?"

In the flickering candlelight, he stared into Lu Chen's eyes.

Lu Chen's facial expression did not change at all, and he said calmly: "Your son's death has nothing to do with the Sutra Weaving Department, nor does it have anything to do with Lu."

Chen Jingtang slowly closed his eyes and said, "Can you promise me to kill Guo Yan and Wang An with your own hands in the future?"

Lu Chen responded: "Yes, as long as they are still alive before I take action, I will kill these two people with my own hands. If you violate this oath, God will abandon you!"

Chen Jingtang showed a look that looked like crying and laughing, and said slowly: "After I die, will more people stand up against Jing Chao?"

This time, Lu Shensi thought for a moment and said calmly: "I can't guarantee it, but the Weaving Department will definitely use your death to make a fuss, and will not let Jing Chao's plot succeed easily."

Chen Jingtang opened his eyes, showing a bit of nostalgia for the human world, but then turned into a bleak look, then nodded and said: "Please bring a pen and paper."

After about a stick of incense, Lu Chen handed the brand new letter to Yan Jiong, took another look at Chen Jingtang, who had committed suicide by hanging from the beam, and turned around expressionlessly into the night.

(End of this chapter)

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