
Chapter 165 Chapter 164 [One sword allures the city]

Chapter 165 Chapter 164 [Cover the City with One Sword]

Ruyin City, the capital of Dongyang Road, is the main hall of the General's Mansion.

Wang Shidao, the servant of the Procuratorate, looked solemn and said slowly: "From the information collected by the Procuratorate over the years, it can be seen that the Seven Star Gang has approximately [-] members, leaving aside those who are quite famous in the world. A well-known master, the number of ordinary combatable soldiers is about [-]. The leader of the gang, Lin Jie, has far-reaching plans. He has secretly hoarded food and grass over the years and built the interior of Baotai Mountain like a spider web extending in all directions."

General Li Shouzhen was silent.

From a geographical perspective, the Seven Star Gang is within the jurisdiction of Dongyang Road, so he, the general of Dongyang Road, should be responsible for encirclement and suppression.

But this matter is extremely difficult. Although the Seven Star Gang is a green forest gang, it is essentially the same as a separatist military stronghold. Moreover, when the situation is critical, they can hide deep in the Baotai Mountains.

Upon seeing this, Wang Shidao asked: "General, if we have to send troops to encircle and suppress the Seven Star Gang, how confident are you?"

Li Shouzhen glanced at the comfortable-looking princess and said hesitantly: "Master Wang, the Seven Star Gang's own fighting strength is not worth mentioning. Let alone five thousand soldiers. Even if the number of soldiers doubled, I would still be confident. Easily defeated. The problem is that they will not face our army head-on. The terrain in the mountains is complex and the roads are narrow, which is not suitable for a large army to advance. In my opinion, it is best to recruit them and wait until this group of people come out of the mountains, then deal with them. It’s a piece of cake.”

Wang Shidao said in a deep voice: "The Procuratorate has been advancing the recruitment process, but I think the general must make plans to use troops in advance."

Li Shouzhen nodded and began to think about the entire Dongyang Road troops and subordinates.

Over there, Qingyu Huaijin asked calmly: "How many troops can General Li use?"

Li Shouzhen did not dare to be careless and said solemnly: "Back to your highness, the imperial court has added 2 troops to Dongyang Road in the past six months, but most of them are new soldiers who lack training. According to statistics by the end of the year, there are currently more than [-] veterans on Dongyang Road. There are [-] troops stationed in Yongquan Pass and Qingtian City in the south, [-] troops stationed in Suichang and Huangyan and other places in the southwest, and there are less than [-] old soldiers that can be used."

Qingyu Huaijin said leisurely: "It is not a bad thing to use battle as training. New soldiers will never grow up without seeing blood. On the premise of stabilizing the southern border defense line, you can mobilize [-] old soldiers and [-] new soldiers. I will give you three months I will continue to train them as long as I have. When it is determined to use troops against the Seven Star Gang, I will ask my father to mobilize three thousand old soldiers to help."

Li Shouzhen's eyes lit up. He certainly knew how elite the Xiashan Army under Qing Yugong was, especially good at encircling and annihilating enemy forces in complex terrain. What's more, their opponents this time were a group of green forest bandits who had not been properly trained and were armed with a variety of weapons. .

Although only [-] Jingchao veterans have joined, the odds of winning will be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, Li Shouzhen said solemnly: "Your Majesty and His Highness, please rest assured that we will ensure that we will fulfill our instructions. Your Highness only said three months, so are you planning to use troops against the Seven Star Gang in August?"

"Maybe earlier, it depends on when that thing can be successful. General Li, what you have to do is to train the army and improve their strength as much as possible. If your soldiers can't even deal with a group of green trees and grass, , it will be difficult for my father to continue to support you."

Qingyu Huaijin said it very directly, and Li Shouzhen quickly and respectfully agreed.

He was a very discerning person. When he saw the young princess looking at Wang Shidao, he stood up and left with understanding.

Wang Shidao looked at his departing back and said with a smile: "This new general is said to have a smart ear and a sharp mind."

Qingyu Huaijin knew that he was ridiculing Li Shouzhen for being too smooth, so he ignored the remark and said calmly: "Master Wang, what do you think of the situation within the Seven Star Gang?"

Wang Shidao thought for a while and said: "Lin Jie's control over the Seven Star Gang will be difficult to weaken in a short time, unless His Highness lets Jiang Houming provoke civil strife in advance."

Qing Yu Huaijin raised her slender jade fingers like green onions, touched the white jade porcelain bowl at hand, and said slowly: "The latest news from Jiang Houming is that Lin Jie's attitude towards recruiting people is unclear, but there are people in the Seven Star Gang. Many people support accepting the recruitment. But in my opinion, his identity should have been exposed. The reason why Lin Jie didn't move him was that he was concerned that Jiang Houming's power was not weak and he could not kill all those people. On the other hand, he was worried that Jiang Houming's power was not weak. The authorities may want to use Jiang Houming to deliver false news, thereby causing us to misjudge."

Wang Shidao frowned slightly and said, "Is Jiang Houming so careless?"

Qingyu Huaijin shook his head and said: "This has nothing to do with being cautious. When Jiang Zhi passed the throne of gang leader to Lin Jie before his death, it was destined to make Jiang Houming and others unconvinced, so Lin Jie was naturally on guard against them. In fact, this is also true. It’s not a bad thing, Jiang Houming’s presence is enough to attract Lin Jie’s attention, which gives your people a chance to do something.”

The Seven-Star Gang is not monolithic. Jiang Houming had colluded with Qingyu Huaijin's confidants in the early years, and the secret agents of the Procuratorate led by Wang Shidao also had a secret hand inside the Seven-Star Gang.

When Jing Chao decided to eliminate hidden dangers in the North, Qing Yu Huaijin asked Jiang Houming to jump out from time to time. The purpose of this was to test Lin Jie's reaction and at the same time cover the Procuratorate's internal operations in the Seven Star Gang.

Wang Shidao said: "Your Highness, you want to use the internal resources in the Procuratorate's Office?"

Qingyu Huaijin looked calm and said with a smile: "I am thinking about a question. If Lin Jie dies, will the Seven Star Gang fall apart? Now that Jiang Hou is in the light and your people are in the dark, the knife has also come to Ruyin City. Looks like a good opportunity.”

Wang Shidao nodded and said: "Once Lin Jie dies, the Seven Star Gang will definitely fall into civil strife. By then, if Li Shouzhen is allowed to mobilize a large army into the mountains to encircle and suppress them, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

"This matter will be left to Mr. Wang to take full responsibility. I will let the knife stay to cooperate with you. In addition, in the next few days, envoys can be sent to the mountain to recruit people. Jiang Houming knows how to cooperate. First, let there be some disputes within the Seven Star Gang. At the same time, paralyze Lin Jie and others."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, I will definitely go all out."

Qingyu Huaijin said approvingly: "Thank you, Your Majesty the King." Master Wang did not dare to say anything, and respectfully sent her to the outside of the house. He watched hundreds of elite guards leaving the luxurious carriage surrounded by his eyes. A solemn look.

That knife was difficult to control, and the princess undoubtedly posed a problem for him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Naturally, Qingyu Huaijin didn't care about Wang Shidao's difficulties. She took a carriage to a manor in the east city, where she temporarily stayed in Ruyin City.

Returning to the back house, she took a bath and changed clothes under the service of more than ten maids, and put on a set of moon-white robes. Soon a personal maid approached and said, "Your Highness, that person is waiting in the study."

Qingyu Huaijin responded lightly, walked to the inner study room, and saw a man standing in front of the window.

He was about 30 years old, six feet tall and thin, with a cold temperament on his slightly pale face, and an indifferent cold light in his narrow eyes. He looked like a knife that might be chopped out at any time. The long knife in his hand exudes a cold and murderous intention that should not be approached by anyone.

Qing Yu Huaijin walked into the study. There was no smile on the man's face. He lowered his head slightly and said, "Your Highness."


Qingyu Huaijin had long been accustomed to his cold temperament, and her expression at this moment was far from gentle, which was completely different from the grace she had shown before Wang Shidao.

After the man sat down, he said seriously: "I went to the scene and saw that they died in the hands of the same person."

This was something that made Qingyu Huaijin feel uncomfortable.

One of her confidants left that day with more than [-] people, saying they were going to investigate a group of strangers they met on the official road, and then lost their whereabouts. It was not until yesterday that the news came back that the bodies of these people were found [-] years ago in the north of Wukang County. In the dense forest of Yuli.

Qingyu Huaijin pinched his eyebrows and said calmly: "What did you find?"

The man replied: "Judging from the traces on the body, the person who took action is most likely the Xiu Zhong Qiankun who disappeared six years ago. This person is ranked eighth on the martial arts list."

Qingyu Huaijin frowned slightly and said, "Wei Chi is coming back?"

A cold light flashed in the man's eyes, and he nodded: "It's him."

"You couldn't find him all these years, and you thought he had retired to the mountains and forests. You didn't expect to suddenly appear on Dongyang Road, which is quite interesting. Think about it, there were several young people around him at the time, and they didn't look like ordinary people. .”

Qingyu Huaijin spoke unhurriedly, noticing the man's arrogance, and shook his head: "Even so, you can't go to him yet, because there is another important thing that you need to do."

The man lowered his eyes and said, "Please give me your instructions, Your Highness."

Qingyu Huaijin briefly recounted the previous conversation with Wang Shidao, and then said: "When my father taught you martial arts, I just hoped that you could wipe out the wild forces in the north in the dark, but I know that this is not your ambition. Martial Arts Ranking No. 1 is your pursuit. Now you have such an opportunity, kill Lin Jie, and you can justifiably replace him. As for Yu Chigui and others, they should not become your fetters."

The man thought for a moment and said slowly: "Your Highness, I don't have the strength to kill Lin Jie yet."

Qingyu Huaijin smiled slightly and said: "Wang Shidao will preside over this matter. He will plan it well and create an excellent environment for you. In the past, you liked to act in the way of Jianghu people, and I did not interfere. But this time you must put down those things." A heroic spirit, no matter what despicable methods Wang Shidao uses, as long as Lin Jie dies in your hands, there will be no room for others to comment."

The man was silent.

Qingyu Huaijin raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "I promise you, if you can kill Lin Jie this time, I will give you your freedom on behalf of my father. From now on, you don't have to work hard for the Qingyu clan. You can indulge in whatever you want." Whether it is traveling around the world or pursuing the highest realm of martial arts, everything is up to you."

The man looked up at her and said after a long time: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Qingyu Huaijin said leisurely: "I hope that the scene where Dian Kuang's name will spread throughout the world will come as soon as possible."

The man's expression was still dull, but there was a hint of pride in his eyes.

His name is Dian Kuang, and he is ninth on the martial arts list.

(End of this chapter)

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