
Chapter 151 Chapter 150 [Huaizhou Duorishi]

Chapter 151 Chapter 150 [Huaizhou Duorishi]

Lai'an Mansion is located in the northern border of Huaizhou, and further north is the world-famous Lai'an Defense Line.

There used to be a temporary military camp on the eastern outskirts of Fucheng, but now it has been fully repaired and given a new look. Behind the camp gate is a large flag fluttering in the wind, with the words "Ruishi Camp" written on it.

The sunshine in early February was warm and pleasant, shining evenly on every corner of the camp.

On the school field to the east, thousands of soldiers stood in line, looking up at the high platform in front of them in unison.

Lu Chen was wearing armor and standing on the edge of the high platform. Behind him were Wang Jun, the chief clerk responsible for the general affairs of the camp, and Tan Zheng, the captain of the soldiers.

"Perhaps everyone already knows my identity, but today is the first official meeting, so let me briefly introduce myself."

Facing the thousands of soldiers in sight, Lu Chen's energetic voice reached everyone's ears.

"My name is Lu Chen. I am from Shanyang County, Guangling Prefecture, Huaizhou. I am 20 years old this year. I am now the founding father of Shanyang County in Daqi. I am the captain of the light carriage. I was given a purple gold fish bag by the emperor and the captain of the Ruishi camp. To put it simply , I will be your commander-in-chief from now on."

Ten days ago, he led 1000 people from his headquarters to report to the Dudu Mansion. Then, under Xiao Wangzhi's instructions, he started the formation of the Rui Shi Battalion in full swing, selecting 5000 people from each army to serve as the Rui Shi Battalion.

According to the arrangement of the emperor, the Ruishi Battalion was divided into 3000 cavalry and infantry troops. The 3000 cavalry troops were led by Colonel Li Chengen, and the 3000 infantry troops were led by Colonel Bao An.

Each department is divided into three thousand-man teams, with ten hundred-man teams under it. The generals are all men who have made meritorious service in a series of previous battles.

Lu Chen dispersed the thousand old soldiers who had followed him through life and death and arranged them into various ministries to form the skeleton of the entire Rui Shi battalion.

After completing the preliminary structure, he chose to summon all the soldiers on such a sunny day. His simple and clear opening remarks made everyone a little more curious, especially the soldiers who were transferred from other armies.

They looked expectantly at Lu Chen, who was standing on the edge of the high platform.

At the end of last year, with Xiao Wangzhi's acquiescence and promotion, the Huaizhou Governor's Office began to spread news about the Rui Shi Camp. The soldiers who hoped to be selected into this army were psychologically prepared, so Lu Chen organized Work can be so smooth.

These soldiers are no strangers to Lu Chen. Most of them have seen his grace on the battlefield. Especially after the news of the reward from the capital came back, the name Lu Chen became even more popular.

When they formally met today, the first thought in everyone's mind was that this captain was really young.

Listening to his brief self-introduction at this moment, these straightforward and upright military men would not feel jealous and would quietly wait for the next step.

Lu Chen looked from east to west, scanning the subordinates one by one, and continued: "The reason why I tell you these titles is not to show off, but to tell you a very simple fact. In the previous During the war in Northern Xinjiang, I did make some contributions, but Governor Xiao and Governor Li did not look down upon me because I was young. They reported the credit that belonged to me and even shared some of the money that belonged to them. Credit, that’s why I have these titles.”

At this point, his tone gradually turned serious: "The two governors are role models for our generation of soldiers, and Lu will follow their examples throughout his life. In the future battles with the enemy, the officers and soldiers of the Rui Shi Battalion will , no matter you are a general or a soldier, as long as it is your own credit, no one can rob it. I can give you a clear guarantee on this matter. Anyone who dares to rob other comrades' credit will be dealt with according to the military law. , no one can be an exception!”

These words were sonorous and powerful, the school grounds were filled with solemnity, and awe appeared in the eyes of thousands of soldiers.

There are many twists and turns in the military's assessment of combat merit. Most people present have experienced this. The bullying of ordinary soldiers by officers is not limited to daily drills.

An opening statement like Lu Chen's is naturally unique. Although not everyone will believe it without reservation, they have never seen such a clear statement before.

Lu Chen gave them some time to think about it, and then asked in a slower tone: "Let's talk about another important question next, why do you want to join the army?"

Li Chengen understood and planned to respond verbally, but found Lu Chen looking at him and shaking his head slightly, so he gave up the idea of ​​standing up.

Lu Chen looked at the other queues, pointed at an ordinary infantry, and said gently: "Answer me."

The infantryman who was called was stunned, and under the eager gaze of other colleagues, he replied nervously: "Come back to the captain, the reason for joining the army is... to protect the family and the country!"

This is a standard answer.

Lu Chen was noncommittal and said with a smile, "What's your name?"

The infantryman was infected by his warm attitude, and he puffed up his chest and replied: "Come back to the captain, my name is Qin Zilong!"

"Good name."

Lu Chen nodded, then looked at the others and said, "Are there any different answers?" No one answered, which was what he expected.

"It's natural to defend the country. How can we have a family without a country?"

Lu Chen first affirmed Qin Zilong's answer, and then said calmly: "But I want to ask everyone, apart from our men in the army, do all the living beings in Da Qi count as protecting their homes and the country? For example, those farmers who work hard in the fields all day long , the food they turn in is used to support our food, clothing, housing and transportation. For example, those merchants who travel around to buy and sell, the taxes they pay eventually become our wages and weapons."

He paused, looked at the soldiers below, and emphasized slightly: "In other words, no matter whether you are in the army, farming, doing business, or even any status, as long as you are not a worm waiting to eat and die, in fact, everyone They are all contributing their own efforts to this country, don’t you think that’s right?”

Qin Zilong seemed to have gained a little more courage because of his previous reply, and was the first to respond: "The captain is right!"

Only then did the other soldiers react and rushed to agree.

Lu Chen smiled and raised his hand, and then said earnestly: "Because our military generation has to face the test of life and death, we do not engage in full-time production training, but in essence, you and I are no different from those farmers and businessmen. When talking about Before the important matter of protecting our country, the first thing we must consider is to feed ourselves and our families. If we cannot even guarantee this, how can we talk about serving the country and the people with great righteousness?"

His words were very straightforward, without any pretentiousness, but they shocked thousands of soldiers on the campus because no one had ever said these words to them before.

There was a thoughtful look on almost everyone's face.

Lu Chen continued: "How to support yourself and your family? It depends on the military salary that each of us should receive. I don't know how other armies behave, but the most important military rule in Ruishi Camp is that everyone's military salary It must be paid in full and on time. I don’t care whether you are a captain, a commander, or a captain. If you let me know that you deduct the soldiers’ military pay, deprive you of your military position and demote you to an ordinary soldier for less than ten taels, and if you exceed ten taels, You can pack up your belongings and get out of the army, along with eighty military sticks."

"Have you heard clearly?!"

He used his inner energy to write these last few words, which echoed between heaven and earth.

The two captains Li Cheng'en and Bao An held their chests and abdomen straight, and led all the generals to answer in unison: "General, I will obey the order!"

The soldiers stared at the young captain on the high platform, and at this moment there seemed to be some kind of emotion surging in their chests.

Lu Chen added: "I am telling you this today because I hope you don't have any worries. The treatment of the Ruishi Battalion is not the best among the army, but it will definitely not be weaker than other armies. As your commander-in-chief, I can The guarantee given to you is that you can get the treatment you deserve. Whether it is in training or in real combat, your injuries will be treated promptly. If you are unfortunately disabled, I will help you arrange a dignified livelihood. If unfortunately you die heroically, I will support your family."

Wang Jun looked at Lu Chen's back thoughtfully.

He did not doubt that the young general could do this, and the soldiers in the audience also believed it. After all, everyone knew that Lu Chen was highly valued by the emperor and Governor Xiao, not to mention that most people knew that The Lu family is a well-known wealthy family in Huaizhou, and these guarantees can be achieved.

He just thought Lu Chen's statement was interesting. He was definitely not the pedantic kind of person. It seemed that his choice to follow him was not a wrong decision.

The men in the army were relatively simple. After Lu Chen made one after another unexpected promises, the morale of these men had been completely mobilized, like a group of restless beasts.

At this time, Lu Chen did not strike while the iron was hot, but took the initiative to cool them down: "I just talked about everyone's treatment. Next, I hope you can understand that there is no mediocre and leisurely life under my command. From today on, the promotion rules followed by Rui Shi Camp There are only two points, one is ability, and the other is military merit. Those who are capable will be promoted, and those who are mediocre will be demoted! Other than that, there is no shortcut!"

"Next, the chief secretary Wang Jun will explain to everyone the military regulations, drill rules and military merits of the Ruishi Battalion. Each centurion will receive the corresponding text. In the future, you must abide by the rules. If you don't listen now, If you know something, you can ask him face to face."

Lu Chen spoke word by word, making sure that everyone could hear clearly.

On the school grounds, thousands of soldiers responded neatly and loudly: "Obey the order!"

The sound shook the sky.

Lu Chen turned his head to look at Wang Jun, then walked to the edge of the high platform, put his hands behind his back, and quietly observed every soldier below.

As the sun rises and the moon sets, time goes by, and this campus is a lively scene almost every day.

Lu Chen never missed a drill. Under his example, all generals and ordinary soldiers lived and ate together, and followed the unified requirements of military regulations, without any preferential treatment.

Day after day, shouts resound throughout this land, like the shouts of a blacksmith who puts a handle of black iron in the furnace to temper and then beats it repeatedly.

Until it gradually takes shape and becomes clear.

(End of this chapter)

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