
Chapter 15 015 [Leading the snake out of the hole]

Chapter 15 015 [Leading the snake out of the hole]

After Gu Yong left, the two spies resigned and continued to perform protection tasks outside the door.

Lu Chen walked to the window, his eyes fell on the green branches and leaves outside after the rain, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

Gu Yong's change was slightly abrupt, but it did not occupy Lu Chen's mind too much. Whether the other party was aware of the danger or unwilling to make such a hasty statement, it would not have much effect on the change of the situation - Gu Yong's fate has long been doomed. Su Yunqing kept him and gave him power, just hoping to find more detailed clues through him.

Lu Chen was thinking about himself at the moment, or the weirdness of the Lu family.

The original owner has experience in martial arts, and his level is not too low. He can even compete with the spies of the Sutra Weaving Department. This shows that the original owner must have worked hard.

Considering the financial resources of the Lu family, it is not unusual for Lu Tong to hire famous teachers to teach martial arts to his only son.What Lu Chen was confused about was not this matter, but judging from Gu Yong's reaction, there was no relevant record in the Sutra Weaving Department.

If no detailed crime had occurred, perhaps the Warp Weaving Department would not have paid too much attention to the life of a merchant's son. However, during this period, Su Yunqing and Gu Yong had already investigated the Lu family, and they would definitely find out everything Lu Chen had done in the past 19 years. .

After this period of contact and confrontation, Lu Chen could no longer despise the spies trained by the privileged yamen of the Weaving Department, let alone doubt their extremely powerful investigative capabilities.

Gu Yong had no knowledge of his martial arts practice, which could only mean that even the servants of the Lu family didn't know about it.

To be precise, perhaps only the original owner, Lu Tong and the person who taught Lu Chen's martial arts knew about this matter.

No wonder Lu Tong was reassured that he would lead the caravan to the territory of Beiyan.

But this raises two issues.

First, the original owner had been practicing martial arts for a long time and had become strong and strong. Common ailments were nothing to worry about, and it was even less likely that he would contract a strange disease for no reason and die. Even famous doctors could not find out the cause.

In other words, the original owner's previous collapse was definitely not due to illness, and was closer to the theory of poisoning as Lu Chen suspected.

Secondly, why did Lu Tong cover up the original owner’s martial arts experience?
Nowadays, the world is in chaos. Qi and Yan are fighting openly and secretly. The Jing Dynasty further north is also accumulating strength. Huaizhou is the focus of the conflict between the three parties. Anyone with decent family resources will hire martial arts masters for their children.

In this troubled world, practicing martial arts is definitely not something that is forbidden or shameful by the imperial court.

After Lu Shensi thought about it, he could only think that Lu Tong wanted his only son to keep a low profile and avoid attracting the attention of others.

However, how many people would pay special attention to the son of a merchant? Why is he so cautious?
Once he focused his attention on the Lu family itself, many memories emerged in Lu Chen's mind.

——"Yes, but the master once said that there are many sons of Daqi in the Puppet Yan territory, and it is difficult to distinguish the winner from both sides. I still remember that the master was not in a good mood at the time, but I don't know why he was like this."

This was something Li Chengen mentioned casually while chatting with Lu Chen while waiting for inspection behind Panlong Pass and before Captain Ning Li appeared.

Lu Chen didn't think about it carefully at that time, but now that he thinks about it, it feels very strange.

Lu Tong was only a well-known wealthy businessman in Guangling. Perhaps because of his relationship with Zhan Hui, the prefect, he was relatively familiar with official matters, but how could he come into contact with matters related to the Sutra Weaving Department?
Even if he could guess that the Sutra Weaving Department would plant spies in Beiyan, where did the words "It's hard to tell the winner when you come and go" come from?

——"Actually, before you came back, my father felt that he was being targeted by people from the Weaving Department, so he went to visit an old friend in the city and asked him to take care of him."

This was the information Lu Tong inadvertently confided when the father and son met in the government office.

Lu Chen recalled that he did feel a little strange at the time. Now that he thought about it carefully, he immediately realized why he felt that way.

Because of his past life experiences, Lu Chen has an extremely keen sense of touch. Even on a crowded street, he can quickly detect someone deliberately staring at him.

But according to normal logic, Lu Tong should not be able to do this.

It was known that Su Yunqing was not involved in the conspiracy to frame the Lu family, so Gu Yong would wait until Gu Yong was ready to frame him before hinting him to investigate the Lu family. This would definitely be a very tight time before Lu Chen arrived in Guangling.

In just a few days, Lu Tong could sense that he was being targeted by people from the Warp Weaving Department and respond. Either he had an internal information channel in the Warp Weaving Department, and the identity of the person who conveyed the information to him must be high.

The second possibility is that Lu Tong has undergone rigorous training like Lu Chen in his previous life.

Although judging from what happened during this period, the first option is more likely, but it is also not good news for Lu Chen.

A businessman who seems to be honest and responsible can still make friends with the prefect of Guangling. What is the purpose of bribing the eyes and ears of a special yamen like the Sutra Weaving Department?
It seems to turn to the second possibility.

Lu Chen couldn't help but raise his hand and rub his eyebrows, and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Since he traveled to this world, everything he has done has been to protect himself, and his efforts seem to have paid off.

Gu Yong and Ning Li revealed their identities one after another, the Lu family's suspicions were gradually cleared, Su Yunqing gradually realized his abilities, and there might be some progress on Xiao Wangzhi's side.

This was supposed to be a good situation for him to rest peacefully and recuperate for a period of time. Who knows that after the fog, there will still be fog.

Lu Chen paced slowly in the room, his brows frowning more and more.

The Lu family must be hiding some secrets, but I don’t know how long Lu Tong can hide them.

He had no feelings for Nan Qi, not to mention the idea of ​​being loyal to the emperor and serving the country. If he didn't have to protect himself, he would definitely not want to get involved in these treacherous things when he first came to this world.

As for Lu Tong and the Lu family, Lu Tong's fat face and honest smile came to mind, and he couldn't help but sigh softly.

There is no need to mention those high-sounding words. Even if it is just for oneself, the Lu family cannot be allowed to get deeper and deeper into this matter.

The top priority is to end this case as soon as possible so that he and the Lu family can escape.When he thought of this, he calmed down, slowed down his breathing, walked outside, and came to the two spies outside the door.

When one of them saw this, he asked, "Is there something wrong, Mr. Lu?"

Lu Chen carefully observed the situation outside.

The man said with understanding: "Don't worry, Young Master, Gu Cha Shi has gone far away, and all around are the people arranged by Mr. Su to protect Young Master."

Lu Chen thanked him, and then said: "Please tell Mr. Su that it is not appropriate to wait any longer and that the net should be closed as soon as possible."

The man and his companion looked at each other, and then said awkwardly: "Master Lu, Mr. Su has already drawn up the corresponding regulations. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to change them suddenly."

Lu Chen shook his head and said solemnly: "You only need to tell Mr. Su that after Sun Yu appears, the other party will definitely realize that the conspiracy has been exposed, and they will most likely take the initiative to cut off all clues."

The spy's expression changed slightly, and he immediately nodded and said, "Don't worry, sir, I will report it immediately."

Lu Chen said no more and returned to the room to sit quietly in front of the window.

This was an excuse he deliberately left behind and could be adjusted at any time, but he didn't expect to use it so soon.

"Why frame the Lu family?"

He repeated this sentence silently in his heart, but this time he was not as firm as he was that night at the Wuhe County Inn.


Northwest border, Panlong Pass.

The school field in the southeast corner is in full swing, and hundreds of soldiers are training hard.

On the Drum Tower not far away, Commander Pei Sui was holding on to the railings and observing the formation below with an indifferent expression.

Of the six governor's offices on the border of Southern Qi, Huaizhou and Jingzhou were the two most powerful in terms of combat power. The former controlled the isolated land in the north of the Yangtze River, while the latter guarded Pingyang Prefecture, the most important strategic location on the south bank of the Hengjiang River.

Among Huaizhou's seven armies, the Panlong Army and the Zhenbei Army on the northern defense line kept pace with each other, and were stronger than the other five armies.

According to the military system of Southern Qi, an army consists of 2000 men and has four regiments under its jurisdiction.

Among the four captains of the Panlong Army, Ning Li was originally ranked lower, but in the past year, he has gained Pei Sui's trust, his status has been continuously improved, and he has gradually gained the momentum to surpass the others.

When Ning Li walked up to the Drum Tower and came behind Pei Sui, Pei Sui's soldiers retreated very consciously.

After Ning Li's greeting, Pei Sui asked, "After the second contact, what do you think of people coming from the north?"

A few days ago, Ning Li followed Pei Sui's order and sneaked north to have a secret meeting with the man named Li Gu. The two parties briefly discussed the matter of Li Gu's family head Nantou. Today was the second time they met.

Ning Li pondered: "Back to the general, Li Xuanan should have sincerely surrendered, but the general believes that he must remain vigilant."

Pei Sui still looked ahead and said calmly: "As the general manager of the Puppet Yan Dongyang Road Soldiers and Horses, Li Xuanan is considered a very important figure in the Puppet Yan court. But you and I both know that most of this person's military achievements are We came here by slaughtering the people, and those people are also the people of Da Qi. I really don’t want to recruit this person unless the governor gives me permission.”

Ning Li sighed: "General, Li Xuan'an does have a despicable temperament, but this matter is related to the imperial court's plans, and it is also to attract the hearts of the people in the north, so we have to make some concessions. I think the governor also thinks this way."

Pei Sui laughed with a complicated expression and said: "You don't have to persuade me. I am just a commander of the capital. He will not and cannot disobey the military orders of the governor. I just think that such a person will receive preferential treatment from the court and enjoy it for the rest of his life." The glory and wealth make me feel sick."

Ning Li remained silent.

Pei Sui asked again: "Have the details been agreed upon?"

Ning Li responded quickly: "Yes, I am about to ask the general and the governor for approval. Li Gu said that on the third day of April, Li Xuan'an will lead more than a hundred of his confidants to Moyang Road, and then quickly go south to Panlong Pass."

"More than 100..." Pei Sui pondered.

Ning Li's heart tightened, but her face remained calm.

Pei Sui did not object and changed the topic: "Where are his family members?"

Ning Li hesitated and said: "Li Guyan said that Li Xuanan's family members are all in Heluo City, and the Puppet Yan Procuratorate will discover him if he makes the slightest move. Therefore, even if he cannot bear it, he can only bring his son to Nantou."

"It's so unbearable." Pei Sui's eyes were full of ridicule, and he shook his head and said: "A certain meeting will immediately send someone to report to Governor Xiao. If nothing happens, you will take people north to greet them on the third day of April. Tell Li Xuan'an that they We will stay at Panlong Pass for a few days, and only then can we enter Daqi territory after the Puppet Yan has taken countermeasures."

The so-called response measures naturally refer to the disclosure of Li Xuanan's defection in the north and using the blood of his family to warn others.

Perhaps...this is the reason why Li Xuanan only took one son, Nantou, to use those lives to make Nan Qi believe in his sincerity.

Ning Li responded calmly.

After a moment, Pei Sui turned to look at the stairs, watching Ning Li's back disappear from sight, and the sharp light in his eyes flashed away.

(End of this chapter)

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