
Chapter 149 Chapter 148 [Guangzong Yaozu]

Chapter 149 Chapter 148 [Guangzong Yaozu]

The world is covered in silver, and Guangling City is in sight ahead.

A spacious and comfortable carriage moved forward smoothly, followed by Chen Shu, Tan Zheng and others, as well as the Lu family guards waiting at the North Bank Ferry.They also brought this carriage on Lu Tong's order, just to make Lu Chen, who was still recovering from his injuries, more comfortable.

In the carriage, Lu Chen closed his eyes slightly to rest.

This trip to the capital was a little beyond his expectations.

It was originally thought that the emperor was in a difficult situation, with demons dancing wildly in the court, and it would be difficult for the frontier generals to get enough support.Unexpectedly, everything went very smoothly. With the support of two important ministers, Xue Nanting and Qin Zheng, the emperor successfully suppressed the Jiangnan clan headed by left prime minister Li Daoyan, successfully added the Fourth Jiangbei Army, and greatly enhanced the strength of the frontier army.

As long as there are no big surprises and this trend continues, the Northern Expedition may not become an empty talk.

"Master, the master is waiting in front." Chen Shu came to the carriage and said respectfully.

Lu Chen opened his eyes and said, "Stop the car."

The carriage stopped by the official road. Lu Chen got out of the carriage and immediately saw Lu Tong and a group of people standing on the roadside outside the south gate of Guangling, looking in this direction.

Lu Chen walked quickly, came to him, bowed and said, "My son, pay homage to your father."

Lu Tong took out his hands from his sleeves, helped Lu Chen up, looked up and down for a while, and said with both relief and fear: "It'll be good if you're back, and everything will be fine."

"It made my father worry."

Lu Chen said with a hint of guilt that the assassination in Xiliuxiang could have been avoided because he had many encounters with spies from the Beiyan Procuratorate in Guangling and was familiar with their ruthless and decisive methods.

If he had contacted the people of the Warp Weaving Department in advance and brought enough guards when he went out, those assassins would not be able to gain anything even if they dared to take action.

Fortunately, the weather cleared after the rain, and he is now back in Guangling intact.

Lu Tong turned to look at Chen Shu, Tan Zheng and others. Although there was no obvious change in his expression, his eyes were just slightly cold. The people who were already worried immediately knelt down on one knee and apologized: "My subordinates failed to protect me well. The young master is seriously injured, please punish me!"

Lu Chen said quickly: "Father, the child decided what happened that day alone and has nothing to do with them. Please don't blame them."

Lu Tong always respected Lu Chen's dignity, especially in front of outsiders, and never acted like a father and a son, but he did not immediately change the subject at this moment. After looking at Tan Zheng and others for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "I won't do this next time."

"Thank you for your forgiveness, sir!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and quickly saluted and thanked him.

At this time, Li Chengen and Wang Jun came forward and saluted meticulously: "See you, Captain!"

The news of Lu Chen's promotion and knighthood has spread throughout Guangling. Now he is no longer a little-known little captain, but a founding county man who leads the six thousand elite Huaizhou Ruishi Battalion.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Is everyone okay?"

Li Chengen said respectfully: "Captain, please rest assured. The Rui Shi Battalion will continue to drill every day, just waiting for the captain to come back for review. In addition, Governor Xiao sent a military order, and the captain can spend the New Year at home, and will lead the headquarters after the beginning of the new year." 1000 people went to Lai'an Dudu Mansion to report."

Lu Chen nodded slightly, turned to Wang Jun and said, "Are you still used to it here?"

Wang Jun looked thinner than a few months ago, but his temperament became sharper. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Captain, for remembering me. I like life in the military camp very much."

"That's good."

Lu Chen had already made arrangements for these two people. Li Chengen was his arm in commanding the Rui Shi Battalion, while Wang Jun was responsible for logistics and other clerical work. Although there was a distance between them, their positions were equally important.

He glanced at the gloomy sky and said to Lu Tong: "Father, shall we go home?"

"it is good."

Lu Tong said with a smile, and then he and Lu Chen walked into Guangling City.

As the New Year approaches, the city is extremely lively and prosperous, with pedestrians on the streets and the shouts of vendors.

The Lu family walked from Nancheng to Xicheng, and people greeted Lu Tong from time to time along the way.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!"

"Hello, Brother Chen!"

"Young Master is back from the capital? Hey, look at my nonsense, Lord Lu, please forgive me! I heard about the imperial court's reward a few days ago, and I was really happy. We also have a real person in Guangling City. The military meritorious lord!"

"Why should fellow villagers be so unreasonable? This child is just lucky enough to be favored by the emperor. After all, he is still young and cannot afford such courtesy."

Although Lu Tong said it very politely, the corners of his mouth were already grinning.

The joy and pride in his heart were undoubtedly evident, especially in front of these folks on the street who had been with him for decades. Lu Chen's future made him almost glow.Seeing this, Lu Chen certainly couldn't put on airs in front of his father's old friend, so he smiled humbly at the passers-by who gathered around him.

"Master Lu teaches his children well, which is admirable!"

"This is a great event worthy of celebration. We will come to congratulate you tomorrow. Mr. Lu must not refuse."

"In my opinion, Mr. Lu's title is enough to be included in the annals of Guangling Mansion!"


After everyone complimented him, the smile on Lu Tong's face became brighter and he hurriedly agreed, saying that in a few days the Lu Mansion would set up a flowing banquet for the young and old men of Guangling City, which naturally won him a lot of praise.

In the midst of the crowd, Lu Chen stood quietly, looking at his father's energy that suddenly seemed to be decades younger, and he couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

Although Lu Tong hoped that he could be a rich boy with nothing to do and spend his life in peace because of some past events in the past, but it is human instinct to hope that his son will become a dragon.When Lu Chen returned from the capital as a male from Kaiguo County, the captain of Shangqingche, and the captain of Ruishiying, and enjoyed the treatment of a cousin from the emperor, how could Lu Tong remain calm?

Until he returned to Lu's house, the smile on Lu Tong's face still did not disappear.

In the main hall, the old genius doctor Xue Huaiyi looked at the joy on his old friend's face and couldn't help joking: "Prefect Zhan told me two days ago that he had already seen that this kid Lu Chen is not simple. It's a pity that you didn't listen to him. I would like to advise you not to allow Lu Chen to study and take the exam for fame. If you had been willing to change your mind, maybe a top scholar would come out of Guangling Mansion."

"Although there are dangers in the army, they are all visible risks, unlike those in the court who are full of old foxes who eat people without spitting out their bones. Of course, the right prime minister is not among them."

Lu Tong responded with a smile.

"Thank you for excluding my nephew." Xue Huaiyi couldn't help laughing, and then said to Lu Chen: "How do you think of me? Have you spoken to you?"

Lu Chen lowered his head and said, "Thank you very much, Uncle Shi, for taking care of my nephew."

"That's good. Your father said that you were attacked by gangsters and injured. Although the palace doctor treated you, he was still not at ease, so he asked me to come and take a look at you."

"There's Rauschenberg."

Xue Huaiyi raised his hand to help Lu Chen check his pulse. After a while, he said to Lu Tong: "Judging from the pulse, he has recovered to [-]% to [-]%, and there will be no hidden dangers. Don't worry."

Lu Tong nodded and sighed: "It's not that I can't trust the imperial doctors in the palace, but the child is young after all, and I'm afraid that he will get the root of the disease. By the way, remember to set aside time in a few days to come to the house to bear witness."

"I will come even if you don't invite me." Xue Huaiyi smiled and said, "You and your son must have a lot to say when you get together. I also have some things to deal with at home. Let's talk about it another day."

"I send you."

Lu Tong personally sent Xue Huaiyi to the door, and then slowly returned to the main hall.

There are no outsiders here, only father and son sitting opposite each other.

Lu Chen began to tell the details of this trip to the capital, starting from meeting the Jingzhou group at Songyang Station, to the details of Gu Waner's redemption of her life and seeking companionship after entering the capital, the conflicts with Li Yunyi and the third prince, and the details of several visits to the emperor. [-] Shi Wei talked about it, but only concealed the story between him and Li Bingxue.

Lu Tong listened quietly and occasionally asked one or two questions.

"...His Majesty thinks very highly of me. In addition to the rewards that my father knew about, he also asked Qin Tiju, the Sutra Weaver, to give me a belt with high authority. With this belt, I can secretly report to the emperor at any time. Aside from his appreciation for me, the more important point here is that he wants to dispel the hesitation in Governor Xiao’s heart."

Lu Chen had a clear view of those honors. The emperor's courtesy to the virtuous and the corporal and various rewards were, on the one hand, to win over him as a rising star, and on the other hand, to eliminate Xiao Wangzhi's wariness towards the center.

Lu Tong clasped his hands in his sleeves and said slowly: "There is basically no problem with your analysis. Some things have been said before, but now you have come to the stage, so I hope you have a clear understanding."

Lu Chen asked in confusion: "What does father mean?"

Lu Tong looked up at him and said gently: "Now that you have seen the evil people in the court, you should know that the officialdom is full of dangers. The emperor favors you now because you represent the forces of the border army, but looking back, You can't always have such confidence. Maybe one day you threaten some big shots, or maybe the emperor thinks that your rise is too fast. If someone wants to suppress you, how will you respond? "

Lu Chen knew that at this moment he was thinking of Marshal Yang Guangyuan who died unjustly.

After thinking for a moment, he said calmly: "Father, do you want me not to trust others easily, even the emperor?"

"not only that."

Lu Tong looked indifferent and said softly: "Since you have decided to join the army, you must start to cultivate your own power. Now these 1000 people are your foundation. Use them to control the entire Rui Shi camp and make your officers and soldiers respect you. I only obey your orders. No matter how things change in the future, as long as you have a loyal and elite army in your hands, even if the emperor wants to touch you, he will do it."

These words were spicy and straightforward, and Lu Chen nodded slightly.

Lu Tong continued: "Shen'er, you must first learn how to find a career before you can realize your ambitions. My father knows that you are pure and kind, and may not agree with this view, but the prerequisite for using Bodhisattva methods is a diamond heart. If you want to be here, To carve out a smooth road in troubled times, you must learn to be selfish."

An awe-inspiring look appeared in Lu Chen's eyes, and he said respectfully: "My child will keep your father's teachings in mind."

Lu Tong smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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