
Chapter 144 Chapter 143 [No regrets]

Chapter 144 Chapter 143 [No regrets]

"I take this as your compliment to me."

Lu Chen smiled and agreed.

Li Bingxue said that the big shots in the court were more scheming than the last, and said that he was not weak at all. It was obvious that he was just teasing, and Lu Chen would definitely not misunderstand the meaning.

Seeing his relaxed smile, Li Bingxue snorted: "You're welcome."

Because it had been raining outside, the light inside the house was not bright, so the candles were always burning.

By the soft candlelight, Lu Chen looked at her fair face and listened to her slightly charming tone. He couldn't help but look away slightly and coughed softly: "The Zuo Prime Minister's suspicion is not a big problem. Although Prime Minister Xue invited me a long time ago, but my visit to the Prime Minister's Mansion that day was really a last-minute decision. The assassin was able to make such a simple but effective ambush, obviously he got the news in advance."

Li Bingxue was diverted from the previous topic by his words, and she frowned slightly and said: "There shouldn't be many people in the Sutra Weaving Department who know your whereabouts. Qin Tiju has been in charge of this place for more than ten years, so it's impossible to find out, right? "

Lu thought for a moment and said slowly: "I always feel that this matter is not that simple."

"Lu Chen, are you hungry?"

Li Bingxue looked at his thoughtful look and suddenly changed the topic.

At this moment, a slight sound came from Lu Chen's abdomen, and he suddenly felt hunger rushing into his brain.

"Uh... kind of."

Lu Chen said slightly embarrassed.

"It's strange that you're not hungry. You haven't been able to eat in the past few days, so you can only feed her some medicinal porridge. I've asked the kitchen to prepare softened food. Please wait for a while, and I'll have them deliver it now."

Li Bingxue stood up and walked out.

Lu Chen looked at her back and had a strange feeling in his heart. It seemed that she didn't want to continue thinking about those problems.

After about half a stick of incense, Li Bingxue returned to the room, holding a food box in his hand.

When she walked to the bed, she looked around, put the food box aside, stretched out her hand very naturally and said, "Let me help you sit up."

Lu Chen had just checked his condition, and it was true that his injuries were improving as the imperial doctor said. The sharp pain and tearing sensation when he was hit by the swordsman's palm had disappeared, but his body was relatively weak.

He thanked him and sat up slowly, and Li Bingxue thoughtfully helped him put down the pillow.

In fact, by this time Lu Chen already felt that it was quite inappropriate. After all, his assassination and injury had nothing to do with Li Bingxue. Even if the identity of the other party was not mentioned, how could he help her to serve him all the time.

After all, Li Bingxue is a woman who has not yet left the cabinet. If such an intimate behavior were known to outsiders, an earthquake would probably occur in the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion.

However, before he could speak to dissuade him, Li Bingxue seemed to have seen through his thoughts and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I don't have the kind of person who likes to gossip around me. Outsiders will not know these things. Besides, you need to be taken care of now." The injured, can't I take care of you?"

When she said this, Lu Chendeng was speechless.

He could ask Tan Zheng and others to help, but this would undoubtedly embarrass Li Bingxue, and if word spread that a group of strange men were staying in Li Bingxue's house, it would be even more unpleasant.

Li Bingxue did not continue to explain, but took out the food and chopsticks from the food box, and then handed them over calmly.

"Thank you."

Although Lu Chen felt that these two words were a little pale at the moment, he had no better way to express them.

Li Bingxue chuckled and said, "Eat quickly and don't think about it."

The lights were dancing, and there was silence, except for the sound of Lu Chen's gentle chewing.

He was recovering from a serious injury and he couldn't eat too much, so he stopped eating after a while.

Li Bingxue stood up and said: "Just rest for now. The imperial doctor will come to check your pulse later to make sure there will be no problems. I have to leave for a while now. The news of your awakening must be reported to the palace and other people, so as not to disturb everyone." Always worried.”

"Miss Lao Li." Lu Chen said softly.

Hearing him use the title again, Li Bingxue looked as usual, turned around and left with a smile.

After just a few steps, she suddenly stopped and turned around and said: "The most important thing for you right now is to recover from your injuries. Only by returning to the state before the assassination as soon as possible can you continue to move forward. His Majesty's adjustment to the court situation, the two sides The thoughts of the prime minister, the troubles within the Weaving Department, and even the real murderer hiding behind the scenes, these things do not need to worry about you for the time being. I know you may not be able to listen to these words, but I hope you understand that relaxation is the key The way to get ahead is to not put endless pressure on yourself.”

Looking at her sincere expression, Lu Chen nodded solemnly.

In the next few days, guests kept coming to Li's house.

After learning that Lu Chen had woken up, the angels from the palace arrived immediately, bringing the emperor's condolences to Lu Chen and a lot of rare medicinal materials and supplements.Next, the important people sent their children to visit the family, including the two prime ministers, the privy envoy, the general, and the two generals. Everyone brought valuable gift lists.Chen Lanyu, Huo Zhen and others greeted the guests on their behalf. Except for the angels in the palace, everyone else was stopped by them. They only said that Lu Chen needed to rest according to the imperial doctor's instructions. Everyone expressed their understanding, and no one insisted on seeing Lu Chen. .

It's just that when these powerful children left, most of them couldn't help but glance at the lintel of Li's house.

Rumor has it that the daughter of the Governor of Jingzhou's attitude towards the young Captain Lu is worth savoring. Judging from the current situation, this matter is not unfounded.

In the garden of the back house, there is a bit of chill in the air.

"I don't come to the capital many times, and it happens that it's either autumn or winter, and I've never seen the scenery of flowers in full bloom. I once heard my father say that the scenery of this back garden is particularly beautiful in spring, but it's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to see it. .”

In the side hall, a young man and woman sat next to each other. The woman looked at the desolate winter scene in the courtyard through the bay window, with a slightly dazed look on her face.

Lu Chen can now walk on the ground, but he should not be too tired, let alone use his inner strength. This is something the imperial doctor has repeatedly warned.

Hearing Li Bingxue's pointed sigh, he followed her gaze and said softly: "When the world is at peace, you can always go south to the capital to stay for a while."

Li Bingxue was silent for a moment, and occasionally she would feel some emotion, because the young man next to her understood her thoughts very well, and he didn't even need her to specifically point it out. With just a few words, he could understand the deeper meaning.

Just like that day when they first met outside Guangling City, the two did not have any explicit communication, but they cooperated tacitly on the battlefield.

"Peace in the world... This is a very distant thing, and even if I can see this day in my lifetime, Yongjia will definitely not be the capital city at that time. If you want to maintain the overall situation of the world, Heluo City is truly suitable to be designated as the capital city. Where it is. It’s a pity that those people didn’t know how to cherish it back then and ruined the good situation in vain.”

The corners of Li Bingxue's mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

Lu Chen thought of the past events Lu Tong had told and quite agreed with her last words.

Based on his experience in two lifetimes, he naturally knew that although Da Qi was suffering from internal and external troubles 13 years ago, it had not yet reached the point of overthrow. The current situation of separation between the north and the south was entirely due to the incompetence of the first emperor of the Qi Dynasty.

When he was about to talk about this topic, Li Bingxue suddenly turned to look at him, with a hint of determination in his clear eyes: "Lu Chen, I want to tell you something."

Lu Chen's heart tightened. He had a vague premonition, nodded and said, "You tell me."

Li Bingxue said calmly but firmly: "I was not drunk that day."

Lu Chen said: "I know."

"It can't be said that I was pretending to be drunk. My mind was a little confused at the time, but my consciousness was very clear. You should know that I am not a person who likes to hide and tuck in. I will say whatever I think. Although some words are difficult to say, I can use them to express my feelings. It doesn't hurt to say it while drunk, and you can probably deny it afterwards."

"That's what I was thinking at that time. If I didn't say it out loud, I would feel aggrieved. I would feel unhappy and not be motivated to do anything. My mother and brother have been worried about my marriage for the past two years, but I really don't have a man that I like. When I fought side by side with you outside Guangling City, I didn't think about such a thing. At that time, I just thought that you were a piece of rough jade, so I wanted to recruit you for my father. I believe that you can grow into a pillar of the army under my father's guidance. .”

"I just don't know since when, I have had your shadow in my heart."

She spoke a little fast, but she spoke very smoothly. She had obviously been thinking about it secretly these days.

Unlike the drunken babble that day, Li Bingxue expressed it very clearly this time.

Lu Chen looked at the look on her face and said softly: "I——"

Li Bingxue interrupted him for the first time and said with a smile: "Can you just listen to me today?"

Lu Chen understood her thoughts and nodded.

Li Bingxue continued: "I don't like beating around the bush, and I don't want to pay attention to other people's gossip. I don't even care that you have Miss Lin in your heart. After all, you are just a senior sister and brother. You didn't even hold an engagement ceremony. Why can't I Striving for my own life-long event? But I still can't do that, because I have seen the suffering of the people, and I have watched my father work hard for the cause of the Northern Expedition. Since I can do my little bit, I can't stay in the boudoir to support my husband and raise my children."

She smiled softly, shook her head and said, "But in the past 19 years, you are the first man who has made my heart beat. If I can't tell you what I think in person, I may regret it for the rest of my life."

Lu Chen looked at her quietly, and after a moment he said slowly: "Thank you."

Li Bingxue said: "Please forgive me for being a little selfish. I let you stay in the house during this period. I just hope that when I am shrouded in horse leather in the future, I will have a good memory in my heart."

Pictures of these days appeared in Lu Chen's mind. Li Bingxue took good care of him and never took good care of others.

They talked about everything, from the situation on the border to the situation in Beijing and even the future of Qi.

Li Bingxue let out a long breath and smiled: "I'm very happy these days."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Me too."

Li Bingxue stood up, and after Lu Chen stood up, she stepped forward to give him a gentle hug, and murmured in a low voice: "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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