
Chapter 140 139 [Slaying Wolf]

Chapter 140 139 [Slaying Wolf]

In the alley, two sideways carriages formed a simple but extremely effective killing pattern.

The other party obviously would not give Lu Chen a chance to gallop out of the ambush. They only needed to temporarily trap these people in the alley, and then they were confident that they could kill Lu Chen.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that border generals would be ambushed and killed in the streets of Beijing in broad daylight.

Lu Chen didn't expect it either.

After entering the capital, he was extra careful. Except for the banquet at Fanlou, he basically never left the Lu residence. Even if he had to go out, he would bring a guard with him.

After the great court meeting, the emperor, Zuo Xiang and others reached a tacit agreement, and the expansion of the border army's strength became a foregone conclusion. The government and the public accepted this reality, and the capital became increasingly calm.

Under this situation, Lu Chen didn't feel that there was much risk in visiting the right minister. No matter how unhappy the third prince or Li Yunyi was, they had to follow the most basic rules of the game.What's more, the third prince was banned by the emperor, and Li Yunyi probably got the instructions from the left prime minister and will stop in a short time.

Even so, Lu Chen still brought three of his best guards with him and chose to travel on horseback rather than in a carriage. He was still subconsciously prepared for unexpected events.

But the assassins trapped them with two carriages. To achieve this goal, they had to know Lu Chen's whereabouts very well, and at the same time they had to be very familiar with the terrain of the capital and have extremely efficient mobility.

These thoughts flashed through Lu Chen's mind. He looked at the burly man rushing forward and said decisively: "Charge forward!"

There has never been a word for passive endurance in his dictionary, not to mention that there are only two assassins, and there is no doubt that they will be the real top masters. At this time, it is naturally the stupidest choice to stop on the spot.

The four riders split into two rows and began to accelerate. However, the distance left for them was too short. The five or six feet of space simply could not allow the mounts to reach their highest speed, or they would have collided head-on in the blink of an eye.

Lu Chen looked coldly at the assassin who was as tall as a hill with a stick in one hand. At the moment when the two sides were about to come into contact, he suddenly lifted the reins. The mount under his crotch seemed to be humane. It neighed when there was no time to escape, and immediately jumped up with its front hooves. Stomping down towards the assassin.

Under Tan Zheng's disbelieving gaze, the burly assassin suddenly turned sideways, avoiding the front hooves of Lu Chen's mount, and then used his forward momentum to slam into the back of the horse's neck.


This assassin with a very distinctive figure let out a roar, and the majestic power suddenly broke out. Lu Chen only felt an extremely terrifying impact. The mount under his crotch took a few steps back to the right, and then whined and crashed. Fall to the ground.

At this moment, the strong man waved the iron rod with one hand and smashed it down on Lu Chen's head like a roar of thunder.


Tan Zheng and others shouted out almost subconsciously. The three of them dismounted at the same time, and three waist knives blocked the attack from different directions.

Generally speaking, at this time, they can choose to attack the opponent's vital points and force the person to change his moves. However, they are extremely experienced in fighting the enemy. They can see at a glance that this burly assassin has ambitions of death rather than life, so they cannot gamble at all. Whether the other party dares to trade his life for his life.

The iron rod moved from top to bottom, making a roaring sound of wind and thunder.

Three waist knives were blocked one after another, but they were all smashed open. Tan Zheng and others felt numb for a moment, and almost lost their grip.

When this strong man bumped into him without fear, Lu Chen felt a sense of crisis in his heart, so he took off the stirrup without hesitation.

The mount retreated sideways and then fell down. Lu Chen jumped sideways and forward among the electric lights and flints. At this time, the iron rod had already hit his legs unstoppably. Then he saw Lu Chen press his left hand on the bluestone ground. , the body suddenly jumped out, like a slippery fish, narrowly avoiding the opponent's killing move.

The iron rod hit the ground with a bang, the bluestone ground trembled instantly, and gravel shot out in all directions.

A strong fear surged in the hearts of Tan Zheng and others. If this stick really hit the young master, it might break him into two pieces!

At this moment, Lu Chen had arrived behind the strong man, while Tan Zheng and others were in front of the strong man, with four people surrounding him in the middle.

But the strong man ignored Lu Chen and instead continued to take a step forward, swinging his stick and hitting the three guards.

His moves are extremely simple, without any bells and whistles, just plain swings and smashes. However, combined with his burly body and the majestic inner strength contained in his body, this simple move is even more difficult to block.

Tan Zheng and others were forced to take two steps back, and suddenly there was a sound of wind behind them.


Lu Chen, who had just stood up, frowned and shouted.

Tan Zheng did not forget that there was an assassin behind him. While retreating, he turned around and swung his sword, striking the opponent's path with one strike.

Facing Tan Zheng's fierce blow, the assassin rose into the air and jumped directly over the heads of Tan Zheng and others. When his body was about to fall, the strong man's iron rod happened to appear under his feet, and he saw the assassin. He stepped on the iron rod with his right foot, used the force to jump forward again, and then landed smoothly in front of Lu Chen.

Without any distractions, the strong man swung the iron rod for the third time, including all three guards in the rod net, and divided the battlefield in the alley with his own strength.

He had only one purpose in doing this, not to kill these three highly skilled guards, but to block them for a moment so that they could not rescue Lu Chen.

In this narrow and cramped terrain, this thick and long iron rod can do this completely.

As for Lu Chen, he obviously left it to the swordsman.

The strong man's iron rod carried endless power. No matter how much Tan Zheng and others rushed left and right, they were still unable to break through the circle of his rod and were blocked by him.A fierce murderous look appeared on Tan Zheng's face, and he rushed forward without any hesitation, even if he risked his life to force this strong man back, because he knew very well that although Lu Chen's martial arts skills were high enough, he was still far from a real master. It's a little far away and can't last too long.

However, haste makes waste. This strong man may seem clumsy, but in fact he is extremely experienced in facing enemies and has not revealed any flaws at all.

On the other side, the swordsman walked quickly with an indifferent expression, swung his long sword away, and the sword never left Lu Chen's vital point.

In this dangerous situation, Lu Chen still maintained absolute sobriety. After taking the first blow from the opponent, he knew that the gap was huge. This gap in hard power was difficult to resolve in a short time, so he chose to continue Back away.

The sharp force of the knife is like the turbulent waves of the long river, and like the thunder in spring exploding one after another.

Lu Chen's defense was very difficult, and he was surrounded by dangers and obstacles, but he finally managed to stand down and retreated step by step to the carriage.He could persist for so long thanks to Lin Xi's help. If the senior sister hadn't pulled him to feed him every day during that time and took the trouble to help him correct his habits, I'm afraid he would have died by the other party's knife.

A sinister smile appeared on the corners of the swordsman's lips, and he advanced straight towards Lu Chen's throat.

Lu Chen turned sideways to avoid the attack and slashed at the opponent's wrist with his backhand. However, the swordsman's move was a false move, and the long knife suddenly drew back, hitting Lu Chen's waist knife hard.

The gap in internal strength between the two sides was clearly revealed at this moment. Lu Chen felt a huge impact rushing towards his tiger's mouth, and then he let go of the long knife with his right hand and dropped it to the ground.

The swordsman took advantage of the situation and stepped on Lu Chen's lower abdomen. Lu Chen fell to the ground and spurted out a mouthful of blood. At this moment, two waves of energy suddenly rushed over, and two voices sounded almost simultaneously behind Lu Chen.

"Captain Lu——"

"We are the Warp Weaving Department——"

The words reached Lu Chen's ears, and two long swords stabbed the swordsman from different directions, erecting a shield for Lu Chen who was in a life-and-death crisis.

The swordsman did not retreat but advanced. Facing the two weaving swordsmen who appeared next to Lu Chen, he raised his foot and kicked away the long sword on the left without hesitation. His body turned around and the long sword was already in his hand, and the energy in his body surged. He came out and slashed at the swordsman on the right.

If the swordsman chose to avoid the sharp edge at this time, the swordsman's sword would hit Lu Chen's neck.

Without any hesitation, he thrust the long sword toward the swordsman's throat from bottom to top, without fear of the opponent's extremely ferocious blade.

The swordsman didn't make any move. At the critical moment, he raised his left hand and flicked the sword tip. The violently trembling blade deflected, and at the same time, the sword struck the swordsman's right wrist.

Lu Chen stood up with one hand on the ground, and saw a hand falling in front of his eyes, and blood almost filled his sight.

"Zheng Ke!"

Another warp weaver swordsman who was responsible for secretly protecting Lu Chen was filled with blood. He saw with his own eyes that his colleague had his arm cut off by an assassin and was kicked half a foot away by the opponent.

The swordsman moved forward again. The swordsman had no time to feel sad for his comrade. He gritted his teeth and said with hatred: "Captain Lu, leave quickly!"

"Want to go?"

The swordsman's martial arts skills were obviously superior to those of everyone present, including the unstoppable strong man wielding the iron root. If today's task had not been completed quickly, he would have wanted to appreciate Lu Chen's fear and gaffe before death, because it was this young man Let the deployment of the Procuratorate in Huaizhou come to nothing.

However, the next moment his eyes changed slightly, because the injured Lu Chen did not choose to run away, but instead had a strong bloody murderous look in his eyes.

The moment the swordsman rushed towards the swordsman, Lu Chen started to activate at the same time. He let out a low roar like a beast, and immediately moved forward quickly, making sudden and dizzying changes as he approached the swordsman.

The swordsman had never seen such a weird movement technique before. It looked like a mere showmanship, but the three swords he swung did not touch the corner of Lu Chen's clothes.

Lu Chen and the swordsman from the Sutra Weaving Department didn't know each other, but they seemed to have a natural understanding at this time.

The swordsman swung his sword to force the swordsman back again, and Lu Chen was already in front of him.

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly dwarfed and brushed his right hand beside the boot of his right leg. Then his body floated up like a fallen leaf, avoiding the swordsman's sharp blade, and appeared behind the swordsman the next moment.

The sense of crisis came quickly, and the swordsman suddenly turned around and struck out with his left hand with all his strength, hitting Lu Chen's chest, but a chill passed through his throat.

Lu Chen's body flew out like a kite with its string broken, and the swordsman's palm caused great damage to him.

He fell on the bluestone ground, his vision gradually blurred, but a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Because the swordsman was still standing in a daze and did not catch up to kill Lu Chen. Instead, he raised his hand to cover his throat. At first, thin traces of blood appeared, and then they turned into large streams of blood.

He looked at Lu Chen who was lying on the ground, and then he saw that the young Nan Qi general was holding a dagger with a cold light in his right hand.

The swordsman spurted a few mouthfuls of blood and slowly fell backwards.

Staring at the sky with widened eyes until life ceased.

(End of this chapter)

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