
Chapter 135 Chapter 134 [Wine is not intoxicating]

Chapter 135 Chapter 134 [Wine is not intoxicating]

Nancheng, Li Mansion.

The appearance of the third prince and Li Yunyi ruined everyone's interest in the banquet, especially when they thought that Jingshui Tower was the property of the Li family, and any high-end entertainment place in the capital might be related to those powerful people. A group of frontier generals It just felt off-putting, so we agreed to meet again at the border in the future.

When the sun turned to the west, Lu Chen sent Li Bingxue to the gate of Li Mansion.

Now the plaque of the Earl's Mansion has been removed, and it will not be long before it will be replaced by the gatehouse of the Duke of Huai'an.

In the dim sunlight, the young man and woman got off their horses, and several soldiers stopped in the distance.

Li Bingxue said calmly: "Prince Jian is quite favored by the Queen, but His Majesty treats all the princes equally and will not overly favor him, so you don't have to worry too much. Now that the crown prince has not been established, the government and the public agree that The eldest prince, Prince Chen, and the second prince, Prince Xiang, are both possible, but no one is optimistic about Prince Jian, and since he is not doing his job all day long, hanging out with a playboy like Li Yunyi, he will be even further away from that position."

Lu Chen naturally didn't know as much about the situation in the DPRK as she did, so he listened quietly.

Li Bingxue added: "Perhaps he himself understands this, so he has never expressed his thoughts of fighting for the heirloom, and is content to be a confused prince. Because of this desire-free and calm attitude, most people can only tolerate his nonsense and willfulness. There is no reason to offend the queen in the harem because of him."

"Hob meat." Lu Chen said with emotion.

Li Bingxue nodded slightly and said: "That's probably true, but he doesn't have the ability to damage your fundamentals. He just teases you with words."

Lu Chen said: "I understand, thank you for your advice."

Li Bingxue heard the unfinished meaning in his words, raised her head and glanced at the sky, hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Just now you said you wanted to toast me, but you were disturbed by those people. Do you want to go into the house and sit down for a while?"

Before Lu Chen could answer, she hurriedly added: "I still have some questions I would like to ask my colleagues about the situation on the border in northern Xinjiang."

Lu Chen didn't think much and responded: "It is better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Li Bingxue pursed her lips and smiled.

After about a stick of incense, the two of them arrived at the flower hall built next to the waterside pavilion. Several exquisite side dishes and two pots of fine wine were already prepared here.

Li Bingxue felt a little nervous, and there was also a somewhat unnatural look on her usually cold face.

In fact, she didn't know why she made such an invitation. Maybe it was because she was a little drunk after pouring herself a glass of wine in Jingshui Tower, or maybe the things she had experienced in the past six months made her want to talk. In short, she wanted to come This was a slightly impulsive decision, but fortunately Lu Chen didn't show any weird expression, just like he had been gentle and calm for a long time.

"Miss Li, I respect you and thank you for helping me since the battle of Guangling."

Lu Chen raised his cup and smiled.

Looking at his faint smile, Li Bingxue felt her heart gradually calm down, and smiled: "I said earlier that there is no need to say thank you between you and me. Seriously, I should be the one thanking you."

"Then let's not talk about it, it's all in the wine."

Lu Chen nodded slightly and drank the wine in the cup.

Li Bingxue looked at his free and easy behavior, imitated his example and drank it all in one gulp, and then coughed lightly without any surprise.

Lu Chen saw that her cheeks were slightly red. He recalled that in Jingshui Tower, Li Bingxue always took small sips every time he drank. He suddenly realized a problem. This sassy female general who was galloping on the battlefield should not Good at drinking.

"Miss Li, how about..."

"It's okay, just drink slowly."

As if he had no idea, Li Bingxue directly dismissed his idea of ​​replacing wine with tea, and then explained gently: "I started joining the army when I was 15 years old, and it has been four years now. In fact, before I was 15 years old, I basically lived in a military camp. I competed in martial arts with the masters under my father every day. Later, I wanted to join Feiyu Camp, which is full of cavalry, but my father refused at first because it was really inconvenient for women in the military camp."

In the past, Lu Chen and Li Bingxue basically talked about business matters and rarely touched on each other's private issues. This was the first time that Li Bingxue revealed her past in front of him.

Lu Chen thought for a while, then took the initiative to pour wine into their glasses and listened quietly.

Li Bingxue had a clear view of his movements, and the smile on her face became a little thicker, and she continued: "I pestered my father and brother every day, but in the end they couldn't defeat me, so they had to let me enter Feiyu Camp. My mother said, It's okay if you insist on joining the army, but you can't imitate the men in the army who are immune to all kinds of poisons. After all, you will have to get married in the future. She also said that you have to agree with me on a few rules, otherwise I will not be allowed to join the army. One of them is , I’m not allowed to drink with others.”

Lu Chen nodded and said, "It's easy to get into trouble when you're drunk."

Li Bingxue said leisurely: "My mother thinks so too. She said that the most important thing in a daughter's family is her name. I am the eldest daughter of the Governor of Jingzhou. If there is any joke in the army, it will affect more than just me. My own reputation. Therefore, in the past four years, unless it was in front of my family, I never drank at all during military banquets."

When she said the last sentence, her bright eyes were fixed on Lu Chen.

It had been more than five months since they met outside Guangling City. Lu Chen already knew her temperament quite well. On the one hand, it was her natural straightforwardness and straightforwardness, and on the other hand, she had the simplicity and directness developed by living in the military camp for a long time. , which creates her unique acting style, which is completely different from most women in the world.

But judging from her tone at the moment, it sounded like there was a bit of depression and loneliness hidden under such a bright fire, so she wanted to find a listener.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said softly: "Actually, you don't like your current life?"

Li Bingxue shook her head and said: "It's not like I like it or feel tired. I just sometimes calm down and think alone, and I also wonder what the life of an ordinary woman is like. Growing up in a military camp, I don't have any close friends, and those We have no friendship with ladies, and all we see every day are battlefield men licking blood from their swords."

"It seems that you and my senior sister are somewhat similar." Lu Chen couldn't help but think of Lin Xi.

Li Bingxue picked up the wine cup and drank half of it, then said slowly: "I heard from my brother that Miss Lin's father is the leader of the Northland Seven Star Gang."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Yes. Senior sister has not had much exposure to military art, but she has practiced martial arts every day since she was a child, and has basically never experienced a normal life."

"It's not easy."

Li Bingxue sighed softly, then smiled and said: "Whether it is in the arena or on the battlefield, it seems to be carefree and carefree, but in fact it is a bit helpless."

She didn't elaborate on where her helplessness lay, but Lu Chen could probably guess it.

Li Bingxue asked with some curiosity: "How does Miss Lin drink?"

Lu Chen said gently: "Senior sister said that she was born with a good capacity for drinking. She should have never been drunk so far."

"I'm definitely not as good as her in this matter." Li Bingxue smiled freely, but didn't care too much.

In fact, she didn't know why she wanted to keep Lu Chen. Regardless of whether it was in compliance with etiquette, she seemed to have something to tell Lu Chen in her heart, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't understand them.

In her 19 years, she has never had such a complicated and hazy feeling, as if she was in a thick fog and couldn't see the way forward.

She didn't know how to express this lingering but vague feeling in her heart.

For a woman like her who said what she thought, this feeling was really annoying, so she raised her glass again and drank the soft wine in one gulp.

"My father admires you very much, and my brother has praised you more than once. I also have a good impression of you. If I tell you everything you have done one by one, it seems very verbose, but I don't know why. It’s time to start…”

Perhaps because the refreshing wine had more staying power, her fair cheeks became more and more pink, and compared to her usual heroic appearance, she looked a little more cute and innocent.

Lu Chen listened to her unfinished words and gradually tasted some complicated meanings, so he said sincerely: "Miss Li, don't drink anymore."

Li Bingxue shook his head and murmured: "When I was in Jianghua City, my brother once came to see me. He said that I was already 19 years old and I had to think about my own life events. Although he said it very tactfully, I understood what he meant. Meaning, after all, most women in this world will get married when they are fifteen or sixteen, and most of them at my age have already raised children. If I keep delaying like this, I will soon become an old girl who cannot get married. "

Lu Chen naturally didn't think so, but he also admitted that Li Bingxue's sentiments had some truth.

This world is not the same as his previous life.

The two raised their glasses to drink together again. Li Bingxue looked into his eyes and said, "Miss Lin is your crush, right?"

Perhaps only she could ask such a direct question.

Lu Chen slowly put down his wine glass, met her direct gaze, and said without any hesitation: "Yes."

Li Bingxue looked at him quietly and said after a long time: "I should be happy that you are so honest. After all, you are the first friend I met outside the military camp. But I don't feel very happy at the same time, Lu Chen. Why is this?"

This is an eternal problem that has an obvious answer but has made it difficult for countless literati throughout the ages to ponder.

Lu Chen is not a fool, nor is he a saint who forgets his love. Faced with the sudden confession of an outstanding woman like Li Bingxue, his mood is also very complicated.

At this moment, Li Bingxue drank the last glass of wine, then murmured twice and leaned on the table.

Lu Chen looked at it blankly and called out warmly: "Miss Li?"

She didn't react at all, and it was obvious that she had already passed that critical point.

Lu Chen didn't expect Li Bingxue to be so drunk, which was in line with her usual behavior. However, a man and a woman were alone in the same room, and the other party was already drunk and unconscious. At this time, he had no way to respond to Li Bingxue's drunk words.

After a while, several of Li Bingxue's maids arrived. Lu Chen briefly explained a few words in their strange looks, and then left awkwardly.

"Miss, miss..." The maids had no time to think about Lu Chen's identity. Some went to prepare sobering tea, while others brought warm towels to help Li Bingxue wipe his face.

In the midst of the commotion, Li Bingxue suddenly sat up, his eyes full of drunkenness, but his face was as beautiful as a peach blossom.

"I'm fine, don't be nervous."

She calmly comforted the maids, but she was already extremely regretful and a little bit dumbfounded.

My mother was indeed right, being drunk was not a good thing, so why did I suddenly say that in excitement.

How will she and Lu Chen get along with each other in the future?

What a nonsense...

(End of this chapter)

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