
Chapter 132 Chapter 131 [Lu Chen’s 1 small step]

Chapter 132 131 [Lu Chen’s small step]

Before this great court meeting, Lu Chen's name had frequently appeared in the backroom discussions at various major mansions in the capital.

The influence of the fact that Gu Waner, the oiran of the capital, redeemed herself and willingly entered the mainland as a slave and served as a maid was extremely terrifying. It can be said that from the beginning to the end of the 12th year of Jianwu, it was second only to the great victory in Jiangbei in Beijing.

What most people didn't expect was that Lu Chen not only did not accept the stunning beauty, but instead entrusted her to the daughter of Governor Li of Jingzhou, which added a bit of legend.

There were many rumors in the market, and the people couldn't understand how there could be such a stupid person in the world, even if he didn't want the oiran who came to his door, could it be that this young hero from the border didn't like beauties, or he was like Long Yang?
The dignitaries naturally have to look deeper, especially when it comes to Lu Chen's very clear rejection of Li Jiasanlang's wooing that day at Fan Tower. From these two things, it can be seen that Lu Chen's city is extraordinary and definitely not that kind of city. A single-minded and rude general cannot be said to be brave and resourceful.

Coupled with Li Tianrun's unstinting praise for this young man in the Northern Xinjiang war report, the powerful people in Beijing could already foresee the rise of a new star in the military.

After the establishment of the Jiangbei Fourth Army became a foregone conclusion, quite a few important ministers believed that the emperor would promote Lu Chen to the commander of the first army. Even if this transfer was a little impatient, he could be appointed as the deputy commander first and find a suitable one in the future. Time to continue promotion.

Or the young man could be transferred to the Imperial Guards and stay in the center to focus on training.

However, the Great Court Meeting continued to the end, and the position of the senior generals of the Jiangbei Fourth Army was settled. Chen Lanyu successfully entered the ranks of the Beijing Army. Lu Chen's reward never appeared, so many people forgot his existence.

At this moment, Lu Chen appeared in their sight, and the officials, who were a little numb due to a series of dazzling rewards from frontier generals, finally cheered up.

Lu Chen stood in the palace with a normal expression, raising his eyes to look at the emperor on the dragon throne in the distance.

Li Duan did not speak, but nodded to the eunuch who was announcing the order.

The eunuch who had been well prepared unfolded the scroll and looked at the densely packed words on it. Not only was he a little nervous, he quickly bit the tip of his tongue and read out solemnly, and his slightly sharp voice reached the ears of the civil and military officials.

"The edict says: In the 12th year of the founding of the Qi Dynasty, in early March, the puppet Yan spies plotted against the important border areas of our country. From time to time, the white body of Lu Shen from Guangling Prefecture assisted the officials of the Weaving Department to detect the enemy's conspiracy and identify the puppet Yan spies Zhang Xi, Ning Li, and Gu. Yong and others captured 74 people from the fake Yanxi."

This imperial edict seemed different from the beginning, and many ministers even looked stunned.

It is not as concise as other imperial edicts. Instead, it recounts Lu Chen's deeds over the past six months like a spoken word.

From the time when the Lu family was involved in committing crimes, Lu Chen reversed the situation in extremely unfavorable circumstances. Not only did he win the trust of Su Yunqing, the Huaizhou Inspector of the Warp Weaving Department, but he also helped him see through the conspiracy of the Beiyan Prosecutor's Office, and achieved a rare success in recent years. As a result, the Beiyan Procuratorate's deployment in Huaizhou suffered great losses.

If this were the case, this would only be a merit that could be appreciated within the Sutra Weaving Department, and would not be something to be solemnly told in a serious occasion such as the Great Court Meeting.

However, as the eunuch who announced the decree spoke, the eyes of many courtiers looking at Lu Shen gradually changed.

Before the Battle of Guangling, this young man led the Guangling Yamen of the Weaving Department to dig out the Gu family, Ou Zhiqiu and others, and cooperated with Duan Zuozhang to find out the problem of You Pu, and all the informants arranged by the Beiyan Procuratorate were arrested.After the war broke out, he personally led hundreds of cavalry to attack the enemy camp at night, killing the generals and seizing the flag to inspire people.

During the decisive battle, he and Li Bingxue cooperated tacitly, and finally succeeded in defeating Jing Dynasty general Qin Chunxiao, creating a hearty victory.

The great victory that swept Beiyan's Moyang Road was due to this young man's plan, and he played with all the veterans of Beiyan's battlefield.

"...In the 12th year of Jianwu, on August [-], Lu Chen proposed a strategy to seize the city. Wang Shao of Xunyang, who was inspired by him and sincerely surrendered, persuaded the enemy defender Meng Zhixiang to surrender the city, and our army recovered it without spending a single soldier. The success of Jianghua City will determine the overall situation of Jiangbei."

The eunuch who announced the decree was getting better and better, and his tone was ups and downs, but he was a little tired. After all, all the ministers in the court were listening attentively at this moment, and even mispronounced a word may cause very serious consequences.

Fortunately, he finished reading it successfully and then bowed to the emperor on the dragon throne.

After hearing the words "Determining the overall situation of Jiangbei", the officials were refreshed. The next step should be the specific reward. However, the eunuch who announced the decree stopped talking. It was obvious that he had completed this slightly difficult task.

Amid countless curious or scrutinizing glances, Lu Chen stood calmly, staring at the smooth and flat golden brick floor in front of him.

On the imperial steps, Li Duan's voice sounded leisurely: "The ministers should know by now how much contribution this young man standing in the palace has made for Da Qi. I am not belittling the two governors Xiao and Li and other border army officers. If Without Lu Chen to step forward, they must have been able to secure the border. However, because of Lu Chen's advice and suggestions, the Daqi border army achieved a more magnificent victory. This is an indisputable fact. Therefore, I want the world to see it. The imperial court will never treat those who serve desperately."

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly remembered that the emperor had said at the end of the meeting that day that he would give him a gift.

From what he was saying now, it seemed like this gift was not light.

This is also the idea of ​​​​the civil and military officials, because the tone set by the emperor is a bit high, and in this case it is definitely not just a military promotion.

Left Prime Minister Li Daoyan suddenly raised his head, with a solemn look in his old eyes.

Li Duan returned his calm gaze, and then continued: "The imperial court will announce to the world soon that Lu Chen will be named the founding father of Shanyang County in Guangling Prefecture, and will be rewarded with food for [-] households in the city. He will be awarded the title of captain of light carriages and a purple gold fish bag." , promoted to Captain of the Rui Shi Camp."

The palace was extremely quiet.

As if the emperor was worried that the officials would not understand, he specifically pointed out Shanyang County in Guangling Prefecture and told everyone that this was the birthplace of Lu Chen. It was appropriate to use Shanyang County to title the founding baron. However, Lu Chen's mind suddenly wandered when he heard this title. Bring up a memory.

He vaguely remembered that Shanyang Jue had appeared in the history of his previous life, but he couldn't remember it at this moment.For officials, the title of Founding Man is a bit out of line, but considering Lu Chen's contribution in a series of wars in northern Xinjiang, it is not unacceptable.Anyway, there was already a viscount and two barons in front of them, as well as two county princes. Lu Chen's baron was not eye-catching.

The captain of Shangqingche is a fourth-rank officer, and the purple gold fish bag is also a reward for officials of fifth rank and above. In addition, he has a military rank of captain of fourth rank. Generally speaking, the emperor's rewards for Lu Chen are still understandable. within the range.

But what is the meaning of this Rui Shi camp?
Lu Chen was also a little puzzled, and then he looked up at the smiling Emperor.

Li Duan said slowly: "There is Feiyu Camp in Jingzhou. Of course, the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion cannot fall behind. I have already issued an order to Xiao Wangzhi in advance, ordering him to select elite soldiers from various departments of the Huaizhou Army to form a elite camp. 3000 people, under the direct control of the Huaizhou Dudu Mansion."

In the queue of military attachés, Li Bingxue turned to look at Lu Chen, with a hint of smile in his eyes.

Lu Chendeng understood immediately that the emperor's intention was to change Xiao Wangzhi's personal guard battalion into a Ruishi battalion, expanding the number from 3000 to 6000, with half infantry and half cavalry, under the command of him, a young captain.

He was appreciating the details of this series of rewards, and gradually felt the other party's good intentions.

Every reward given by the emperor is of the highest standard. Considering his age and seniority, it cannot be improved any higher, otherwise it will inevitably attract opposition from important officials in the court.But the stacking up of so many top-level rewards was enough to prove that the emperor valued him, and it also solved the most painful initial stage for ordinary military officers.

In the future, as long as he continues to perform meritorious services on the border, improvements in all aspects will be a matter of course.

For a young man who was white more than half a year ago, such grace is rare.

Lu Chen knew that this was related to Li Tianrun and Xiao Wangzhi's recommendation to him, but from another perspective, the emperor's promise that day had no water whatsoever.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, bowed and said: "Your Majesty has such great love, I will deeply appreciate it."

Li Duan nodded and said: "I hope young people like you will work hard and inject a stronger will into the future of Daqi."

Lu Chen said calmly and forcefully: "I will keep your Majesty's expectations in mind."

Li Duan smiled happily.

As the eunuch played the trombone several times, the great court meeting at the end of October of the 12th year of Jianwu came to an end.

Lu Chen and Li Bingxue were among the queue of border generals, walking out of Duancheng Hall with steady steps. It was already afternoon, the late autumn sunshine was somewhat warm, and a slightly cold autumn wind blew through the wide front of the hall. square.

Lu Chen looked back at the majestic palace, with a hint of depth in his eyes.

From time to time, officials from the capital came to congratulate everyone. Lu Chen and Li Bingxue did not highlight themselves, and it was basically Chen Lanyu and other generals who took the lead in socializing.

Until a middle-aged civil servant with a pale face stood in front of them.

"I've met Prime Minister Xue." Everyone saluted in unison.

Xue Nanting, the right minister, looked gentle. After exchanging a few words, he looked at Lu Chen and said, "If you have some free time in the next few days, come and sit in my house."

Lu Chen lowered his head and said, "I will obey Prime Minister Xue's order."

Xue Nanting nodded slightly in greeting, then turned and left, not caring at all about the curious looks cast by other Beijing officials.

"Do you know Xue Xiang?" Li Bingxue asked curiously.

Lu Chen said in a low voice: "I don't know him, but my father has some friendship with Xue Xiang's uncle. If you want to hear it, I can explain it in detail another day."

"It's not urgent, should we celebrate?"

Li Bingxue's eyes were bright and she was smiling.

Lu Chen was not being pretentious. This great court meeting was a complete success for everyone in the border army. Everyone had gained rich rewards for their unrestrained fighting on the battlefield. The emperor and the court did not let their efforts go in vain. It is certainly worthy of celebration. .

"How about tomorrow at noon? I'll be the host and everyone will go."

Lu Chen said with a smile.

Li Bingxue's voice was very clear: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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