
Chapter 120 Chapter 119 [Disdain to be in company]

Chapter 120 Chapter 119 [Disdain to be in company]

The smile on Li Yunyi's face was slightly forced.

As the most beloved grandson of Left Prime Minister Li Daoyan, he has been domineering in Beijing for more than ten years. Apart from maintaining face and respect in front of the royal family, he has only suffered one loss at the hands of Li Bingxue.

If he didn't want to do something for his grandfather to fulfill his filial piety and at the same time make other people in the family aware of his existence, Li Yunyi would definitely not have the patience to waste time with a rough military commander, not to mention that Gu Waner's departure made him feel a little pain from time to time.

His thoughts on Lu Chen were very simple. Whether he used coercion or inducement, or used his power to suppress others, as long as he could subdue this rebellious border general, the matter would be half successful.

But at the moment, it seems that the other party is obviously very dishonest.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Gu Quanwu, who was sitting next to Song Yun, suddenly said: "Colonel Lu is straightforward and straightforward. He is worthy of being a man in the army. It is really heartbreaking."

He pretended to give Li Yunyi a look inadvertently.

Li Yunyi suddenly woke up, and his smile gradually became more sincere: "Indeed, we are still a little pretentious. Song Yun, please go down and start the banquet."

Delicious delicacies from all over the world were placed on the table, and the banquet became lively again.

A group of graceful maids were serving dishes and pouring wine for everyone. Although they were not as beautiful as courtesans like Gu Waner and Su Qianyu, they were still rare beauties outside. This shows what kind of comfortable life these powerful children enjoy.

Not to mention the expensive ingredients on the table and the amber-clear wine in the wine cup.

As the owner of the room, Li Yunyi raised his wine cup and looked at Lu Chen and said: "What Gu Quanwu said just now is right. We people who grew up in the capital have never experienced the wind and rain on the border, so it is inevitable that we will be a bit pedantic and dull. From now on, we will be You need to get closer to Captain Lu, and we can also learn a little bit of uprightness from you."

"As it should be."

"Captain Lu, please!"

"Please drink this cup to the full!"

Everyone raised their wine cups and made a lot of noise.

However, to their surprise, Lu Chen's right hand stayed beside the wine cup but did not raise it.

Gu Quanwu knew that it was difficult for Li Yunyi to endure all the time, so he kindly reminded: "Colonel Lu?"

Lu Chen was indifferent, facing the raised wine cups around him, he said calmly: "Third Young Master, I suddenly remembered something."

Li Yunyi slowly put down his hand, the smile on his face faded little by little, and said in a deep voice: "Captain Lu just said it doesn't matter."

"On that day, the main force of the Huaizhou Army left Panlong Pass in the west, and we tried our best to capture Xinchang City. The enemy's resistance was fierce. After all, the defenders in Xinchang City were elite troops under Chen Xiaokuan, the puppet general of Moyang Road. At that time, our army had an absolute advantage in terms of strength, almost six times that of the defenders in the city, and there were still soldiers who should open the city gate for our army."

Everyone had known the details of the war in the north some time ago, and now they couldn't help but feel a novel feeling when they heard Lu Chen talk about it.

Although they didn't know why Lu Chen wanted to talk about this matter, they did not interrupt, including Li Yunyi, who was also listening patiently.

"That battle was very brutal. I saw with my own eyes many young comrades died under the enemy's swords and guns. They were really very young, about the same age as me, and not much different from everyone here. Some of them were among the worst. The sword is still fighting for the enemy's life. Some people have their lower abdomen pulled open and their intestines are spilled out. They are still roaring to kill the enemy. Some people have sharpened the weapons in their hands and bite the enemy's throat with their teeth."

Chen Wenxu immediately frowned. He obviously didn't like hearing such a tragic description.

Lu Chen seemed unaware and continued: "Before this, the enemy's elite troops raided Guangling. Our army defeated more than 8000 enemy troops with [-] men. Countless men in the army also sacrificed their blood and lives. Come to the capital During this period, even though I have been staying in the mansion, I also know that many people in the capital are promoting the majesty of the Jiangbei victory, and even an inconspicuous person such as Lu Mou has also come to the limelight, so there is today's banquet."

He looked up at Li Yunyi and sighed: "But I feel that compared to those comrades who died on the battlefield, the living must always have a bit of awe in their hearts."

Li Yunyi hesitated and said: "This is natural."

"So this glass of wine..."

Lu Chen finally raised the wine cup, and then made a move that surprised everyone. He moved his arm to his side, poured the full cup of wine on the ground, and then said: "Please join Lu Together, we pay homage to the heroic souls who sacrificed their lives for the country on the north bank of the river."

Everyone looked at each other, and finally looked at Li Jiasanlang in unison.

Li Yunyi glanced at Gu Quanwu and knew that Lu Chen was putting pressure on them with his righteousness, so he hesitated for a moment and then made the same move.

Others can only follow suit.

Being interrupted by Lu Chen, the original atmosphere of entering Hong Kong was gone, and everyone just felt that the wine in the cup was bland and tasteless.

Li Yunyi looked at Song Yun, who then excused himself and left the table. After a while, he took out a wooden box.

He placed the box in Li Yunyi's hand and then respectfully stepped away.

Li Yunyi coughed lightly, raised his hand and pressed it on the box, and said to Lu Chen: "Colonel Lu came here today to show his respect, and I was quite happy. I thought that Captain Lu came to Beijing alone as a guest, so I can't let you go back empty-handed. "

Lu Chen's heart moved slightly, knowing that the other party was no longer too lazy to beat around the bush and planned to directly include him in his circle.

He said calmly: "As the saying goes, no reward will be given without merit. Please forgive Mr. Lu for being stupid, and please make it clear to me, Third Young Master."

Naturally, it was not convenient for Li Yunyi to say some words himself, so Chen Wenxu interrupted when he saw this: "How could Lieutenant Lu not understand? Third Young Master respects your character and talents, and we hope that you can impart more military knowledge. From now on, the captain will have a place in the capital, and no matter what happens, we will stand with the captain."

Lu Chen had always thought that the young master in the capital must have a very deep city. He was originally a little curious about what kind of methods the other party would use, whether he would use false threats and threats, or coercion and inducements if he failed to win over him. Now it seems that he is really weak.

Or it can't be said that they are weak, but that these young men who grew up in the capital are used to sitting in the clouds and have no interest in leaning down to see what the world looks like.

In their eyes, Lu Chen was just a new military general who happened to have made some achievements. He was still far away from the center of the imperial court. His future and destiny were completely in the hands of their elders.

Today's formation is actually very important. Normally, Lu Chen should be grateful. After all, he was able to enter the inner circle around the third son of the prime minister just after arriving in the capital. This is an opportunity that many military generals can only dream of?

Lu Chen still said calmly: "But Lu will soon leave the capital and return to serve in the border army. There will be very few opportunities to go to Beijing in the future. It is really puzzling to Lu that you value me so much."

Li Yunyi finally said: "Captain Lu, the frontier is a poor place after all. How can it compare with the capital? Earlier you said that the music played by the Su family is very nice. Can you hear it in the frontier? Rather than living a hard life in the frontier, why not stay in the capital? The capital serves the country.”

The corners of Lu Chen's lips curled up slightly, and he said calmly: "Third Young Master, do you think you can decide the military positions of generals above the fifth rank?"

He is now a fifth-rank inspector, a full-time official of the fifth rank, and will inevitably touch the threshold of the fourth rank.Li Yunyi was suffocated. If he used the name of left prime minister, the two ministers of the Ministry of War and the prosecutor of the Privy Council would really consider it. But this kind of matter can only be discussed in a secret room, how could he express his position publicly in front of everyone.

Although he is arrogant and domineering, he is not stupid to this extent.

Gu Quanwu quickly took over and said: "Colonel Lu has misunderstood. The Colonel has made great contributions to this great victory in Jiangbei. Your Majesty will definitely ask for your own thoughts. If you want to stay in the capital, Your Majesty may let you do so." Whether he returns to the frontier army or stays in the capital, the captain will be able to contribute to the country and will definitely have a bright future in the future."

Li Yunyi glanced at Gu Quanwu approvingly, and then said to Lu Chen: "Liu Lieutenant, I am more direct and don't like those meanderings. After seeing you today, I appreciate your temperament even more. If you don't dislike it, in the future we will We call them brothers."

The rest responded one after another.

These people have been exposed to it since they were young, and they can talk about the situation easily. It seems that Lu Chen has become a member of their circle in the blink of an eye, and his status is second only to Li Yunyi.

Lu Chen looked around at everyone. Even leaving aside Li Sanlang beside him, none of these people were the children of powerful people. The elders in the family were all powerful people in the court.

Perhaps in their view, being accepted by this circle must be a blessing that they have cultivated for several lifetimes.

Seeing that the fire was ready, Li Yunyi pushed the box towards Lu Chen, and then said sincerely: "Colonel Lu is here for the first time. Brother Yu has prepared a small gift for you. I hope you will accept it."

He opened the box and inside was a land deed.

A dandy named Qu Yongsong next to him asked curiously: "Sanlang is always generous with his actions. I wonder where this house is?"

Li Yunyi smiled and said: "This house is located in Yonglefang, Dongcheng. It has its own caves in three entrances and three exits. The surrounding environment is quiet and elegant. What's even better is that the courtyard is very vast. It should be very suitable for martial arts practitioners like Lu Xiaowei."

Everyone couldn't help but praise him.

Li Yunyi looked at Lu Chen and said, "I heard that Colonel Lu's family has a prosperous business. I think there is no shortage of money. Besides, Brother Yu can't tarnish your vision with yellow and white things. This house can be regarded as a meeting gift for our brothers. In addition, Brother Yu also had someone prepare it. Two sensible and considerate maids will definitely allow you to stay here with peace of mind."

If the Lu family is considered a well-known wealthy businessman in Huaizhou, then the Jinlin Li family is considered a wealthy family in the entire Jiangnan area.

The wealth accumulated by this kind of family that has been passed down for hundreds of years is unimaginable.

Therefore, for ordinary people, it is too exaggerated to buy a house and two beautiful maids, but Li Yunyi did not change his expression, as if it was as simple as throwing away a few taels of silver.

Under everyone's gaze, Lu Chen did not take the box and said calmly: "Master Li, I cannot accept this gift."

Li Yunyi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this.

Lu Chen said leisurely: "Actually, Mr. Lu came here for the appointment today. He just wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of person the third son of the Li family, who is famous in the capital, was, and by the way, to understand the purpose of your recent plans."

Gu Quanwu's expression changed slightly.

Li Yunyi slowly leaned back on the chair, and his eyes gradually turned cold as he looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was unmoved and continued: "To be honest, Lu felt that Mr. Li was making a fuss out of a molehill. The oiran came to visit and the banquet was not good. During the banquet, you all played, played, played and sang. You also presented yourself with a mansion and a beautiful maid. So, The person who drew the picture actually hopes that Lu will take the initiative to apply to His Majesty to stay in the capital, haha——"

An indifferent expression appeared on his face, he shook his head and said, "It's just a pity that Lu has no interest in being a dog for you."

This sentence is extremely spicy and straightforward.

Even though many people changed their expressions.

Li Yunyi could still remain calm at this moment, and said quietly: "Captain Lu, why are you doing this? I am sincere, but I just hope to make friends with a young hero like you, and I don't mean to harm you."

"It does not matter."

Lu Chen stood up slowly. His tall figure and strong murderous aura instantly gave everyone a great sense of oppression, and then they heard him say word by word: "The ancestors said, take someone with short hands and eat with soft lips. I and You are not from the same group, so why forcefully get together?"

He walked slowly past everyone and said as he walked: "The last thing I want to do when I come to the appointment today is to make it clear to you so that you don't bother me any more. If you don't give up, what will happen next?" It will probably make everyone feel very troubled, after all, I come from the border and don’t know any etiquette.”

He stopped, looked at Li Yunyi and said: "I told you when I first came here that I am very rude. When I am too troubled, I will choose some more rude methods."

Li Yunyi said in a cold voice: "When you came to Fanlou today, we gave you the highest standard of courtesy."

Lu Chen said calmly: "Yes, so I didn't hide it and told you clearly. To be more straightforward, I have no interest in what you want to do. I just hope you won't bother me again."

"What if I don't allow you to leave this room?"

Li Yunyi stroked the wine cup, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Lu Chen suddenly laughed, shook his head and said: "Master Li seems to have a bad memory. I just said that I have witnessed too much tragic blood and death on the battlefield. In terms of wind, flowers, snow, moon, flowers before and under the moon, I am not as good as you. , but when it comes to killing people and living towards death, if you want to use this to threaten me..."

"Let's try it."

After saying these four words, Lu Chen walked out calmly, with an extremely calm pace.

Everyone sat in a daze at the banquet.

Li Yunyi's face turned from red to white, and finally turned into an ashen color, and he held the wine cup tightly.

Even after Lu Chen left, there was still a heart-stopping silence in the room.

"Zhu Zi'an dare to insult me!"

Li Yunyi shouted angrily, threw the wine cup with all his strength, and hit the door frame hard.

He punched the table, and regardless of other people's attempts to comfort him to calm down, he almost roared: "If you give someone a shameless thing, I will never let him go!"

Outside the small building, Lu Chen seemed to hear the roar coming from inside. He looked at the Lu family guards in front of him who were full of worry and concern. He waved his hands calmly and said with a smile: "Let's go home."

 Hello book friends, today’s update is 31 words, and I still owe [-] chapters~
(End of this chapter)

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