
Chapter 118 117 [Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains]

Chapter 118 117 [Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains]

"To be honest, that Miss Gu is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

In the main hall of the Lu residence, a young man and woman sat opposite each other. The woman looked at the furnishings in the house with curiosity, sighing with a half-smile.

Lu Chen took a sip of tea, savoring the fragrance of the fine tea and the meaning of her words.

From that startling glance earlier, he could see that Gu Waner's appearance was extremely outstanding, otherwise she would not have been named one of the top five oirans in Beijing.

When she came out of the carriage, the chattering crowd outside became silent for a moment, and some young men of letters even showed silly expressions. This shows that the lethality of this beauty should not be underestimated.

However, beauty is beautiful, but Gu Waner and Li Bingxue are inferior in temperament.

Although they had known each other for a long time, this was the first time Lu Chen looked at Li Bingxue's appearance head-on.

Wherever he looked, he could see her pure face and white clothes, her black hair stained with ink, looking forward to the divine flight, flowing out of the dust.

Unlike Gu Waner, whose beauty is vague and difficult to describe accurately with words, Li Bingxue has a unique and clear cold temperament all over her body, which is as refreshing as ice-cold fruit wine in the dog days of summer.

Today she was wearing a pure white round-neck robe, with delicate gold-patterned butterflies embroidered on the cuffs, and a few strands of lace crocheted on the chest. The gathered collar set off her slender and graceful neck like white jade.

Compared with other women's elaborate hair accessories, Li Bingxue simply tied her black hair into a ponytail and held it with a silver hairpin.

Lu Chen's gaze was not aggressive, but being looked at like this made Li Bingxue cough slightly.

"A hard-working girl came to my aid today, and I'm very grateful."

Lu Chen withdrew his gaze, directly ignored the topic that the other party had raised before, and thanked him sincerely.

Li Bingxue has not been idle these days. On behalf of her father, she visited some old friends living in the capital.After receiving the letter sent by Lu Chen yesterday, she canceled the planned visit today and brought her soldiers to Lu's house to solve the problem easily.

Among peers, there is really no one more suitable to come forward than Li Bingxue.

Hearing Lu Chen's slightly abrupt change of subject, Li Bingxue's lips curled up slightly: "I remember the night when I surrendered to Jianghua City, my father drank a glass of wine for the first time. Although he never told us children, we all know it. He feels depressed beyond words, and the return of the seven cities in Jiangbei to Daqi is a happy event worth making public."

Seeing Lu Chen want to speak, Li Bingxue chuckled and said: "Don't be too impatient to be humble. I won't put all the credit on you, but I won't forget your contribution either. If you hadn't really contributed so much, my father's subordinates would How can a proud and powerful general recognize you like that? Therefore, if you can think of me when you need it, this is not a trouble at all, but will make me very happy."

Lu Chen knew that he would look bad if he continued to be polite, so he said, "Then I won't say thank you."

Li Bingxue nodded at him, with a hint of kindness in her eyes: "That's very good."

"If Miss Gu is willing to go to Jingzhou, I will bear all the expenses. This is not a pity for her, just because she is also a poor person who can't help herself, and is used as a tool to deal with me. From the beginning to the end, she has not She did some outrageous things and asked the maid to remind me a few words, which is my compensation for her being innocently harmed." Lu Chen's expression was frank, his eyes still calm.

Li Bingxue said: "Okay, I know that your Lu family is a well-known wealthy businessman in Huaizhou, much richer than the Li family, so I won't argue with you on this matter."

She is also a woman with a crystal clear mind. She has long been vaguely aware of the vague feeling between Lu Chen and Lin Xi, so she will not misunderstand that Lu Chen's explanation is deliberately directed at her.

Lu Chen smiled, and then said: "Li Sanlang lost his wife and lost his troops this time. Thinking about it, he will definitely not let it go."

"This kind of dandy boy..."

Li Bingxue snorted, obviously remembering that two years ago when she first came to the capital, Li Yunyi came to her door inexplicably and wanted to get acquainted with him. She was too lazy to pay attention to such a person, but she didn't know that he was going to take advantage of her and make fun of her in front of her, so she kicked her out. He kicked the door to the main hall.

But she was a little curious, how would Lu Chen respond?

"Your Majesty must have known about Gu Waner, but Li Yunyi didn't go too far. If he just wanted to make friends with you, a rookie in the frontier army, it would indeed be a bit difficult to deal with."

"It's okay to be difficult, I just don't quite understand why he dared to do this. When I was in Guangling, I once heard someone say that civil servants and military officers have different paths in the court. Generally speaking, civil servants will not get too close to military commanders. Li Yunyi's My grandfather was the leader of the left-wing ministers and civil servants of the current government. He made friends with me in such an open and honest manner, so he was not afraid of causing criticism from both the government and the public?"

Although Li Bingxue has been at the border for a long time, she has been exposed to the secrets of the court for a long time. Unlike Lu Chen, who is just starting out, she explained: "Li Yunyi is currently a civil servant and does not hold any official position. Naturally, he does not need to pay too much attention to those invisible people." Rules. Another thing, he is almost the same age as you. If he wants to get to know a young and talented person like you, no one else can find anything wrong with him."

Lu Chen laughed and said, "Perhaps in his opinion, it is my honor for him to condescend to get to know me?"

Li Bingxue nodded and said: "Not just him, many powerful people think so. After all, we are just barbarians from the border. However, after Gu Waner's matter is resolved, you don't need to pay attention to him. His Majesty will definitely summon him in a few days." I'll wait. After Your Majesty's meeting, we can leave the capital and return to the border."

Lu Chen had the same plan at first, but the big shots above kept a strange and unified silence, which meant that Li Yunyi would not swallow the bad breath of losing his wife and soldiers.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said leisurely: "In this case, I will go see this Li Sanlang."

Li Bingxue was slightly startled: "You..."

Lu Chen's tone was very calm: "This is the capital, so we are more restrained and don't want to cause trouble unless it is absolutely necessary. But now that trouble has come to our door, and the big shots who have the ability to stop these troubles are just watching from the sidelines. I can't just hide in the yard and passively bear it. , that will make people underestimate the frontier soldiers."

Looking at his calm expression, Li Bingxue felt a surge of pride in her heart and said with emotion, "I'll go with you." Lu Chen smiled and said, "Thank you, Miss Li, for your kindness, but I think I can handle it."

Li Bingxue actually regretted a little after blurting out the words. It was not because she was afraid of Li Yunyi and the leftist behind him, otherwise she would not openly take in Gu Waner today.

She just felt that she was a little reckless, after all, going to a banquet together had a stronger symbolic meaning.

She didn't want to be looked down upon by Lu Chen because of this.

Fortunately, Lu Chen brought the matter to an end with just one sentence. Li Bingxue felt relieved and nodded: "That's fine, if you encounter any trouble, remember to let someone know that I'm bringing someone from the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion." Brothers, go and help you.”

"I will."

"Then I will take my leave first."

"I send you."

Lu Chen sent Li Bingxue outside the house, and then did not return to the back house. Instead, he sat in the main hall and waited quietly.

About half an hour later, Chen Shu came in and reported, "Master, that Song Yun is here again."

Lu Chen said calmly: "Invite him in."

When they met again, Song Yun was no longer as high-spirited as that day. Even if he wanted to pretend, he couldn't, because he had obvious scars on his face, and he was obviously the target of Li Sanlang's rage.

This incident made Li Yunyi lose face on the one hand, but the loss of an oiran also made him heartbroken.

For a shepherd of Gu Waner's caliber, the money spent on training her could be used to create a silver man, but now she seems to have been thrown into the water without even a splash being seen.

Looking at the Song Dynasty scholar's tired and embarrassed look, Lu Chen still calmly invited him to take a seat and asked him to serve him tea.

Song Yun's mood was complicated and difficult to describe. He held the teacup and took a slow sip. Then he forced a smile and said: "Captain Lu is good at it."

Lu Chen smiled faintly and said, "I just feel that Gu Huakui is a little pitiful. What do you think Brother Song has learned here?"

This time, Song Yun did not use the fog of Yunshan to try to be mysterious, and said honestly: "Captain Lu, Mr. Li San asked me to tell you that he has prepared a banquet in Fanlou and invites you to come to the banquet tomorrow. This is a private communication with the prime minister. I have nothing to do with the government, and I hope Captain Lu can take the time to go there."

To be honest, he felt that Li Yunyi was a little carried away by anger.

How could Lu Chen still agree to go to the appointment when he solved the trouble caused by Gu Waner so easily?

It's just that Li Sanlang is extremely stubborn by nature. Even if Lu Chen refuses the invitation, Li Sanlang will still find a way to force Lu Chen to come forward before the emperor summons him.

Lu Chen asked calmly: "Master Li, did you invite me alone?"

Song Yun nodded and said, "Yes."

Lu Chen asked again: "Is there anyone else at the table?"

Song Yun felt a little strange in his heart. He didn't know what this person's intention was, so he could only answer cautiously: "There are still five or six young masters from aristocratic families, but please don't worry, Captain Lu. None of them have official positions. It's just a simple meeting." A party without any other factors."

Such words can only deceive simple people.

Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged and he said with a smile: "Young Master Li's kindness is hard to refuse. It is better for Mr. Lu to be respectful than obey your orders. Please tell Brother Song that if there is no summons from the palace tomorrow, I will go to the Fan Tower for the banquet."

Song Yun looked at him blankly, as if there was something wrong with his hearing.

He actually agreed?

Lu Chen saw this and said, "Brother Song?"

Only then did Song Yun react. A look of surprise quickly appeared on his face. He didn't have time to think about the reason for Lu Chen's sudden change in attitude. He nodded hurriedly and said, "Thank you Captain Lu for the compliment! I can't thank you enough!"

"Brother Song is serious."

Lu Chen calmly issued the eviction order, and then asked Chen Shu to send Song Yun away, who was so surprised that he was in a daze.

The next day, Lu Chen, who had waited patiently for a whole day and night but still hadn't waited for the angel to come to the palace, mounted his horse, left the Lu residence with four personal guards, and headed to the Alum Tower a few streets away with an indifferent expression.

At that time, the scenery was peaceful and the bustling capital was as before.

(End of this chapter)

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