
Chapter 114 Chapter 113 [Li Sanlang]

Chapter 114 Chapter 113 [Li Sanlang]

"His surname is Li."

After Song Yun said these three words, he remained silent, with an enigmatic attitude.

The surname Li has been a common surname since ancient times, and people with their names in history have been mentioned for generations, which is even more extraordinary for Qi State.

Li Naiguo's surname.

Song Yun's pretentiousness can easily make people think of the imperial city in the south, and then give rise to a feeling of sincerity and fear. Obviously this is the effect he wants to achieve.

But this method is undoubtedly child's play for Lu Chen.

He pretended to be confused, pretending to be a simple general from the frontier who had never seen the world and only had some military talent. He asked honestly: "Which Li? What is your name? I know nothing about the capital." You know, Brother Song, don’t be so secretive.”

Song Yun stared at him with a strange expression and asked, "The captain really doesn't know?"

He stretched out his index finger and pointed toward the top of his head.

Lu Chen thought for a while, then woke up and said "Oh".

Song Yun secretly thought that these military generals from the border were really hard-headed. If it were any green-skinned scoundrel looking for a living in the capital, he would immediately react to the words "His surname is Li" and become as well-behaved as a quail.

Of course he would not show this contempt on his face, and said with a faint smile: "So Lieutenant Lu should understand that the reason why I can get the information about your residence is not only because of my friendship with Master Hu, but also because there are people above me. I said hello. Of course, the person who really wants to see you is too distinguished and it is not convenient to invite him directly, so I asked you to come forward on my behalf."

Lu Chen put down the tea cup and said in awe: "It turns out that Brother Song is here under His Majesty's order. Please forgive me for the disrespect I just caused."

Song Yun's prepared remarks were all stuck in his throat.

He stared blankly at the young general opposite, thinking, are all the people from the border so simple?

Over there, Lu Chen still said with some confusion: "I don't know what your majesty means. Please tell me clearly, Brother Song."

Song Yun said with a hint of helplessness: "The captain must be careful, if your majesty wants to see you, he will definitely summon you directly. This fact has nothing to do with your majesty."

Of course Lu Chen knew that the emperor would not be so bored. Although he had understood the undercurrents of the capital when he was in Guangling, he was still a little far away. It was like looking at flowers in the mist and watching the moon in the water. It was far better to see it clearly in person.

That's why he had the time to act with this fake scholar, just to get words out of him.

His expression looked quite confused, and then he frowned slightly and said: "But Brother Song just said that the person who sent you was named Li, and he was from above. Who else could it be if he wasn't Your Majesty? Brother Song, this is my first time. Jing, you can say that you have a black eye for this place, you might as well tell the truth and stop beating around the bush."

Song Yun did know that the border army generals had upright personalities. For example, Governor Li's beloved daughter caused a big incident when he first came to Beijing two years ago, shocking the entire Yongjia City.

For Southern Qi, female officers were extremely rare, not as common as those in the Jing Dynasty, so heroic female generals like Li Bingxue were rare.

That year she came to Beijing for the first time, and a young man who was very famous in Yongjia City relied on his family's power to want to make friends with this female general who was famous on the battlefield at the age of only 17.

Perhaps because his words were not very respectful, he was kicked more than ten feet away by Li Bingxue and lay in bed for two months.

Li Bingxue was not punished in any way. Instead, she was furious at the young dandy in the capital, the emperor, who was always tolerant and kind-hearted. She directly issued an imperial edict to admonish him. As a result, the dandy was severely beaten by his father after he recovered from his injuries.

Now it seems that Lu Chen should be a similar upright person.

Song Yun thought, it shouldn't be difficult to handle such a person, so he coughed lightly and said: "Colonel Lu, although the person who wants to see you is named Li, he has nothing to do with the Tian family. You should have heard that there is another army in Beijing. The surname is Li."

Lu Chen suddenly realized: "It turns out that Brother Song is talking about Mr. Li's house."

In addition to the royal family, the most famous figure surnamed Li in Yongjia City is naturally the left prime minister Li Daoyan.

Lu Chen understands the truth of when enough is enough, and there must be a limit to pretending to be innocent. He can never let the other party think that he is really a stupid idiot.

Song Yun smiled solemnly, nodded and said: "The captain may not know that the third son of the prime minister's house, who is the most beloved grandson of Prime Minister Li, has always admired young and promising talents like the captain. The third master is generous and generous. He also had a chivalrous and upright spirit, and most admired the military men who served the country. After hearing about Captain Lu's deeds, he praised the captain's character to us more than once, and said that if he could get to know the captain, he would definitely Find ways to make your name known.”

After saying a lot of good things, his purpose was naturally to take Lu Chen to meet the Third Young Master Li.

Lu Chen gradually drew an outline in his mind, and said unhurriedly: "So, Mr. Li San is so kind and loving, and Mr. Lu really deserves it. Logically speaking, Mr. Li San's appreciation is Mr. Lu's honor. I I can't refuse this kind offer, but..."

He hesitated to speak, and Song Yundeng said anxiously: "Colonel Lu is a man in the army. He just says what he wants to say. Why do you have to be such a mother-in-law?"

Lu Chen smiled, nodded and said: "Before leaving, Governor Xiao once gave me instructions, telling me to abide by my duties after entering the capital and not to be dissolute. The most important thing for me now is to wait for His Majesty's summons. Before that, It is really not appropriate to go out to meet guests. If people find out about this, they will definitely think that I have no respect for the Holy One."

Seeing that he was about to issue an order to expel the guests, Song Yun couldn't help but said bluntly: "Captain Lu, do you understand your situation?" Seeing that he seemed quite anxious, Lu Chen asked curiously: "Brother Song, what are you doing here?" What do you mean?"

Song Yun said: "Everyone knows that the Colonel made great contributions to the great victory in Jiangbei. Your Majesty will definitely give you a reward when he summons you to the Hajj. But does the Colonel know why His Majesty did not immediately give you a reward after you entered the capital?" Summoned, but left you hanging here?"

Lu Chen said calmly: "Your Majesty has many things to do, and the government affairs are extremely complicated. Isn't it normal for him to be unable to spare time? Furthermore, Brother Song also said that Your Majesty summoned us to the capital to reward us for our merits. This matter is not impatient. Why not postpone it for a while?”

Song Yun shook his head and said kindly: "The captain's words are wrong. If nothing unexpected happens, His Majesty will definitely summon you in time. Only in this way can the morale of the frontier soldiers be boosted. The reason why you are still here is because the Ministry of War Yamen has no Report to the police, His Majesty actually doesn’t know that you have arrived in the capital!”

If his identity was only a student of the Imperial College, these words would naturally be alarmist.

But he had previously moved out Li Daoyan's most beloved grandson, which made the news a little more credible. After all, the left prime minister's status in the court could be said to be inferior to that of one person, and Li Daoyan would definitely not be able to hide the news from the Ministry of War.

Lu Chen pretended to be confused and said: "Brother Song's words make me even more confused. Where did the Ministry of War have the courage to deceive His Majesty, and why did they refuse to report the matter?"

When Song Yun saw that he had joined the party, he said earnestly: "Both of these things are actually reasonable. First of all, the court has its own rules and regulations. Unless His Majesty specifically tells it, it will generally act in accordance with the rules. The captain and others value their entry into the capital. The Ministry of War has to deal with countless things every day, and there are always priorities. Of course, the Ministry of War will not keep pressing this matter forever, but if it is delayed for a few days, even His Majesty will not be able to criticize it harshly. "

Lu Chen asked more and more strangely: "Why is the Ministry of War doing this?"

Song Yun came slightly closer and lowered his voice and said, "Because there are many people in the court who don't want to see the captain and others leaping over the dragon gate."

This sentence was half true and half false. Song Yun secretly felt that the heat was just right, and it would not leave any loopholes but could still frighten the young captain.

Lu Chen naturally knew that the princes in the court were extremely wary of the border generals. This matter was not a secret at all. Duan Zuozhang had also said that among the four major forces of the Qi military, the Beijing Army's Beiya and Nanya were the easiest to be promoted. Then there is the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion, and the one with the worst prospects is the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion.

From this perspective, Song Yun's words do have some weight.

After all, it is common knowledge that it is difficult for frontier generals to be promoted.

Seeing that he had understood, Song Yun sighed with emotion: "The captain should know by now that this trip to the capital is not as smooth as you imagined. If you do nothing, you will probably gain nothing in the end."

Lu pondered for a moment and said slowly: "I'm sorry I don't understand. If His Majesty wants to reward me and others, can anyone else stop him?"

Song Yun said: "You can't stop it, but you can make the reward nominal."


"As I said before, the imperial court has its own rules and regulations, and those who object can always come up with impeccable reasons. It is human nature for Lieutenant Lu not to know the treacherous things going on in the capital, but now there is an opportunity to In front of you, it would be unwise for the captain to turn a blind eye."

"Brother Song, what do you mean, I should go see Mr. Li San?"

"Of course I want to see you!"

A smile broke out on Song Yun's face, and then he said firmly: "If you, Lieutenant, can get the approval of the Third Young Master, as long as he says a few nice words for you in front of the Prime Minister, the doubts of the Dukes of the Manchu Dynasty towards you will be weakened a bit. . His Majesty has the intention to promote you, and with the support of Mr. Li, you will naturally get a high official and a generous salary."

He paused slightly and said with a half-smile: "The captain certainly doesn't want to think that he fought bravely on the border and ended up in vain, only to get a few words of praise and then go back in despair, right?"

There was a coldness in the depths of Lu Chen's eyes, and he said calmly, "Thank you, Brother Song, for your generous advice."

Song Yun said grandly: "I am only responsible for delivering the message. The person who the captain should really thank is——"

"However, I thought about it carefully."

Lu Chen cut off his words neatly, and then said calmly: "Brother Song, please apologize to Young Master Li on my behalf. I cannot leave the house to attend the party without permission before His Majesty summons him."

Song Yun was stunned.

He spoke so dryly that he even revealed a little secret to this person. He originally thought it would be easy to convince the other person, but he didn't expect that he would encounter a stone in a pit.

Stubbornly head-scratching.

Without waiting for the power-obsessed scholar to ask, Lu Chen took the initiative to explain: "Thunder and rain are all gifts from the king. Whether it is a real promotion or verbal praise, Lu will accept it sincerely as a minister. As for what Brother Song said about the storm in the capital, , it has nothing to do with me, a little captain."

He smiled slightly, stood up and said, "Brother Song, please come back."

Song Yun wanted to say more, but Lu Chen said in a slightly more serious tone: "Brother Song, please."

Seeing that his expression had turned cold, Song Yun remembered that this man was a frontier general who killed without batting an eye, so he had no choice but to sigh and leave helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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