
Chapter 11 011 [Tip of the Iceberg]

Chapter 11 011 [Tip of the iceberg]


When Li Chengen appeared, Lu Chen was sitting by the window reading a book. This was his third day of being locked up in the Weaving Department Yamen.

Su Yunqing's spies came to interrogate him for more than half an hour every day. Perhaps because Doctor Xue was too proud, these spies treated Lu Chen very politely, and the content of the interrogations was also lackluster, with meaningless questions over and over again.

Apart from that, Lu Chen's life is quite leisurely, but he can't leave this wing.

Hearing the sudden sound outside, Lu Chen put down his book and turned around to look around. He saw Li Chengen standing outside the door, his face stained with frost, and his eyes filled with joy and excitement.

He stood up and walked out, smiled gently when he got closer, raised his hand and patted Li Chengen on the shoulder.

Li Chengen looked at him carefully from head to toe, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said, "I can't sleep at night these days. It's great to see the young master safe and sound."

Seeing him showing his true feelings like this, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel sad, but now was not the time to feel sentimental, so he said: "Although the process has some twists and turns, fortunately the current situation is not too bad. Come in and talk."

After the two sat down, Li Chengen said cautiously: "The young master looks good."

That day, he followed Lu Chen's order and took Sun Yu away early, hiding in a small town in the north, and then sent someone back to Guangling to inquire about the situation.

Li Cheng'en felt a little relieved when he learned that Lu Tong and everyone in the caravan returned home safely, but Lu Chen was taken back to the Yamen of the Weaving Department by Su Yunqing, so he suffered a lot these days.

The companion who was waiting for news near Lu's house brought back an order yesterday, saying that Lu Chen asked him to meet at the Yamen of the Warp Weaving Department. Li Chengen immediately realized that things had taken a turn for the better.

Lu Chen poured tea for him calmly and said with a smile, "Have you ever seen the master?"

The two people's eyes met, and Li Chengen immediately understood that this was the territory of the Weaving Department. No one knew what methods those spies would use. Once spoken, any words might be heard by the other party.

He came from a rough background, had a lot of experience, and was very alert. He immediately took over the conversation and said: "The master is in good health, but I am worried that the young master will not be able to eat or sleep well here, so I specially asked the villain to ask the young master what he needs, and the master will let him know." Send it over."

Lu Chen reached out to the teacup in front of him, dipped his fingers in water and wrote on the table. At the same time, he said a little helplessly: "Master may have forgotten that I am 19 years old and can take care of myself. This is not what I used to do... "

As he recalled the past, five words slowly appeared on the table: Is that letter still there?
Li Chengen nodded in response.

When Lu Chen wrote the letter in the inn of Wuhe County, he just noticed something strange about Captain Ning Li of Panlong Pass, so he wrote down all the details of that day and his suspicions.

His order to Li Chengen was to try to see Xiao Wangzhi, the governor of Huaizhou, and tell him that there were internal problems at Panlong Pass.

Although he did not understand the full extent of the conspiracy at that time, when the crisis approached, Lu Tong was detained in the government office, and everything looked like the Sutra Weaver was trying to frame the Lu family, he only hoped that this matter would arouse Xiao Wangzhi's interest. .

Once the border troops intervene and Xiao Wangzhi wants to see Lu Chen to question him face to face, the warp weaving department will have to give in, and then he will have the opportunity to show off his tactics.

Time has passed, and now Lu Chen has more detailed information. What he needs to do next is not only to arouse Xiao Wangzhi's interest, but also to give him a gift.

Li Chengen followed suit and wrote on the table: Then?

Lu Chen replied: "Go to Lai'an Mansion to see Xiao Wangzhi and tell him that there must be changes in Panlong Pass in the near future."In addition, the warp weaver cannot be trusted at all.

Li Chengen continued to ask: What if he doesn’t believe it?

Lu Chen wrote: Give him the letter and ask him to check what happened at Panlong Pass.If the defenders have recently made decisions related to Beiyan, it may be Beiyan's conspiracy.

Li Chengen felt awe-struck in his heart, and then he felt deep respect, and asked again: Can I tell the master about this?

Lu Chen hesitated for a moment, but finally replied under Li Chengen's expectant eyes: "Okay."

The two of them kept moving their hands and talking about old stories, mostly anecdotes from Lu Chen's boyhood.

In the room next to this wing, two men in black clothes sat across from each other. One of them put his ear next to the listening urn and couldn't help but frown and whispered: "It's all long-winded nonsense."

When his companion was about to ask, his expression suddenly changed slightly and he said, "Wait a moment."

In the side room, Lu Chen took a piece of handkerchief and wiped off the water stains on the table. Finally he got to the point and said, "Su Inspector of the Weaving Department is a man of integrity and has a bright eye. He has already seen something fishy in this matter. Hand over Sun Yu." Give it to the Weaving Department, and the matter will be completed after Su Inspector finds out the whole story."

Li Chengen stood up and responded: "Yes, young master."

Before leaving, he said sincerely: "Master, please take care of yourself and take it very seriously."

Lu Chen nodded and said: "Okay." After a while, Su Yunqing received a detailed report from Xuanyi's subordinates and said in a deep voice: "I will go there personally and lead people to capture Sun Yu. No matter what method is used, we must find out who is coercing him." The identity of the person. Follow the previous method and follow the clues to force out the hidden fake Yan Xizuo. "

Subordinates take orders.

Lu Chen's young face appeared in Su Yunqing's mind, and she couldn't help but murmur to herself: "He is a talent."


The clouds bloom at dawn, spring follows people's wishes, and the showers are over before it turns sunny.

After several days of continuous spring rain, the sky cleared up and turned into a clear blue. The air in the city seemed to become particularly fresh, and the streets and alleys reappeared as bustling and lively as usual.

In the afternoon, Huayuelou in Xicheng welcomed a tired regular customer.

This person was Gu Yong, Inspector of the Sutra Weaving Department. He went straight to the quiet and deserted second floor and took a seat at the familiar window position. His two confidants were sitting at the table near the entrance of the stairs as usual.

This restaurant was founded more than ten years ago. It is not one of the top restaurants in Guangling City. It is only famous for its specialty dish "Five-flavored Apricot Cheese Goose". The cost here is not cheap.

Although Gu Yong is only an inspector, he will not be short of money if he can hold an official position in the Weaving Department.He doesn't have a hobby of looking for flowers and willows. When he has free time, he will come to Huayuelou to order a few dishes, drink and chat for his own entertainment.

The shopkeepers and waiters here all know him well, and they know how to arrange things without asking.

After about a stick of incense, a waiter came closer with a tray, and on it was the five-flavor apricot cheese goose.

Gu Yong whispered: "There is no such letter in the Lu family's caravan, and Lu Chen did not flee in panic. Your plan is like a joke."

The waiter calmly helped him lay out the dishes, and said slowly: "I also objected at the time, because if a conspiracy has too many links, it means that the risks are greatly increased, and any problem in any link will lead to the wastage of all previous efforts. However... from the above point of view, Lu The family does not have the ability to turn the situation around.”

Gu Yong sighed softly when he heard this.

The guy continued: "According to the original idea, Lu Chen was young and immature, and he must have lingering fears after being beaten at Panlong Pass. If the boy named Sun Yu adds fuel to the fire, Lu Chen should choose to abscond. At this time, you show up In the end, the secret message was found in the caravan, and the Lu family could no longer clear their suspicions."

Gu Yong frowned slightly and said, "You don't have to tell me this. The problem now is that all the plans are out of order."

The waiter helped him pour the wine and said softly: "It is true that there is some chaos, but it has not reached the point of chaos. The Lu family is just an introduction. We don't care about their life or death. Now we want to confirm what Su Yunqing thinks about this case. ?”

Gu Yong muttered: "He asked me to take full responsibility for this case and continue to thoroughly investigate the Lu family. I know that he has arranged people around me, so I have been investigating carefully these days to avoid arousing his suspicion. However, he does not Allow me to use methods against the Lu family and his son, so they are frozen here."

The clerk thought for a moment and said slowly: "In fact, the higher-ups chose to frame the Lu family in the first place not only to attract the attention of Su Yunqing and Huaizhou official figures to Guangling Mansion, but also had a deeper purpose."

Gu Yong was shocked and suddenly raised his head.

The clerk nodded and said: "The relationship between Lu Tong and Xue Huaiyi is not hidden deep enough. It was expected that after you nailed the Lu family's charges, Xue Huaiyi would definitely come forward to defend the Lu family. Su Yunqing would not offend Xue Huaiyi without evidence. But as long as the evidence is solid, he will definitely not give up."

Gu Yong had already reacted at this moment and murmured: "In other words, plotting the border is only part of the plan. We are going to use this to provoke a conflict between Su Yunqing and Xue Huaiyi, and then trigger a battle between the Southern Dynasty Central Committee?"

Xue Huaiyi was the real name of the great doctor Xue. Although he was only famous for his medical skills, his nephew Xue Nanting was the right minister of the Southern Qi Dynasty.

As a privileged office directly under the emperor, the Weaving Department has always been outside the imperial system, but it has great power. Naturally, the civil servant group headed by the left and right prime ministers has long been disgusted with it.

It's just that in recent years, Southern Qi has faced strong pressure from the north, and the emperor has restrained the warp weaving department, so it can generally live in peace.

If the Huaizhou Division led by Su Yunqing offends Xue Huaiyi to the end this time, the impact of this lawsuit will inevitably spread to the Southern Qi court.

Gu Yong unknowingly became short of breath because he had already thought of the next move, but this would inevitably produce many immeasurable changes...

The clerk said slowly: "You have been following Su Yunqing for seven years, and today it is time to make a decision. To drag Xue Huaiyi into trouble, you must take action against the Lu family."

Gu Yong said: "Su Yunqing is very cautious, and I always feel that it is a bit strange for him to put Lu Tong back. By forcing Lu Chen to be tortured at this time, I am worried that Su Yunqing will notice clues."

The waiter packed up the tray and left the last words: "You don't have to do it all, you can save Lu Shen's life. As long as he is turned into a useless person, Lu Tong will definitely go crazy, and Xue Huaiyi can't stay out of it. As for Su Yunqing, you You are a loyal person who cares about Shangguan. If he doesn't protect you, how can he command the thousands of spies in the Huaizhou Division?"

Gu Yong raised his eyebrows and looked out the window, with a panoramic view of half of the city.

He picked up the wine cup and drank the wine in one gulp, a fierce murderous intent appearing on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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