People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 99 Motive!The truth spied on!

Chapter 99 Motive!The truth spied on!
"Blood footprints?"

Xiao Yu looked at the bloody footprints on the ground and couldn't help but raise his head to look at Lin Feng and said, "What do you mean?"

Lin Feng looked at the blood marks on the ground and said, "Mr. Xiao, please take a look."

He squatted down and said: "The intervals between these blood prints are exactly the intervals between normal people walking. It can be determined that these are footprints, but the footprints are very blurry, and there are obvious traces of being rubbed by other things, which means they must be The murderer accidentally stained the soles of his shoes with blood, and he was worried that we would identify him based on the footprints..."

"So, he wiped it with something like paper, so that the footprints were completely blurred. We couldn't judge how big the footprints themselves were, and we couldn't rely on comparing other people's shoes to find them. Find the murderer."

Xiao Yu listened to Lin Feng's words and looked at the red marks on the ground. He could also tell that these were footprints, but the footprints were completely blurred. As Lin Feng said, they had lost their usefulness in comparing the murderer's shoes.

At this moment, Xiao Yu seemed to realize something.

He turned his head sharply and looked outside the door.

The next moment, Xiao Yu's pupils dilated slightly, and he quickly turned back to look at Lin Feng. Upon seeing this, Lin Feng knew that Xiao Yu had understood what he meant under his prompting.

Xiao Yu was already very experienced, so he might not have noticed the difference between the footprints inside and outside the door at first, but when he discovered it, he would quickly figure everything out.

Lin Feng stood up, nodded slightly, and said, "When I entered the study just now, I looked at the bloody footprints at the door."

"The footprints at the door are very clear and the size is very obvious. This is completely different from the extremely blurry footprints in the room that were wiped."

"And this can only mean one thing -"

Xiao Yu listened to Lin Feng's words, his eyes lit up, and he answered excitedly: "It means that the bloody footprints outside the door are different from the bloody footprints in this room!"

"The bloody footprints that were treated in the room belong to the murderer! But the bloody footprints outside the door are from the murderer who deliberately interfered with our judgment in order to frame others!"

Lin Feng did not nod or shake his head, he said: "Now we can only confirm that the bloody footprints inside the door must be the murderer's, but the bloody footprints outside the door cannot be confirmed, and they may not be the murderer's."

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Feng in confusion.

Lin Feng said: "Mr. Xiao, please think about the clues we just learned. We have seen the soles of the three officials who met Wang Sizheng alone, and their soles were all stained with blood. What does this mean?"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed slightly and he said: "It means that after the murderer discovered that he had accidentally stained blood, in order to get rid of the suspicion, he also found a way to get blood stains on the feet of several other people. In this case, the murderer would not be easily exposed. If you find out, you can even find a scapegoat.”

Lin Feng nodded: "Mr. Xiao's inference is the same as that of the official, so this murderer can think of letting other people's feet be stained with blood, so that everyone is under suspicion, in order to interfere with our sight... Then he It is not impossible to leave his bloody footprints outside the door and direct and act out the drama that he was framed, so that we can rule out his suspicion with inertial thinking."

Xiao Yu's face changed slightly, his pupils twitched slightly, and his small eyes kept flashing with thoughts.

After he frowned and thought for a moment, he took a breath and said with emotion: "This murderer is really cunning. Even if we see the clues, we dare not fully confirm whether it is the murderer's conspiracy or whether the murderer did it deliberately. .”

Lin Feng saw that Xiao Yu's expression became serious again and said: "Mr. Xiao, don't be too depressed. Although we can't tell whether the bloody footprints at the door belong to the murderer or an innocent person, the existence of bloody footprints at the door and the stained soles of other people's shoes The fact that blood exists clearly tells us something that can definitely be used as clues and evidence!"

"There is absolutely no way this matter can be false!"

When Xiao Yu heard this, he quickly looked at Lin Feng.

His eyes were full of curiosity and hope.

Lin Feng did not let Xiao Yu wait any longer and said directly: "Mr. Xiao, have you ever heard of a haunting case that Xiaguan encountered when he first arrived in Shangzhou?"

Xiao Yu was startled for a moment. He did not expect that Lin Feng would suddenly jump to the haunted case in Shangzhou. He nodded and said, "I have heard of it."

"After Wei Gong came back, he boasted so much in front of me and Dai Shangshu, which made me feel very uncomfortable. You are obviously my man, but you became a reason for others to show off in front of me. It's really frustrating. I am very depressed."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment. He had no idea about the little secrets between these big guys.

Lin Feng hurriedly coughed and said: "The haunting case was a lie by Zhao from beginning to end, and the reason why she was able to make the lie come true was because she poured a lot of blood at the door. The blood was shocking. , the smell of blood is very strong, so people immediately think that it is someone who is really pretending to be a ghost to scare people, rather than her lies."

"When the official exposed her, she didn't admit it until the official found the most critical evidence..."

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and he immediately understood what Lin Feng meant.

He looked at the obvious bloody footprints outside the door and recalled the blood stains on the soles of the three suspects' shoes. A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his fleshy face. He looked at Lin Feng and said excitedly: "So... this murderer wants to The feet of others are also stained with blood. If you want the blood stains at the door to be so obvious, you have to take the blood out!"

"In other words, he, like the Zhao family, must have one thing - a vessel to hold blood!?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were not big at first, but now they suddenly widened because he discovered the key breakthrough. It was rare for Lin Feng to see complete pupils in his eyes.

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "Yes, you can tell from the bloody footprints at the door. If there was not much blood, there would not be such obvious footprints."

"In other words... the murderer used a vessel to collect the blood and poured it at the door. In this case, no matter whether it was the murderer or an innocent person, stepping on it would leave such an obvious mark. Bloody footprints!”

"The blood stains on the soles of other people's shoes are the same. If the murderer was not Cao Wenqing who was the first to see Wang Sizheng, then he would not be able to leave blood outside the door first. So if the murderer is the person behind, he wants Cao Wenqing's feet to be stained as well. If there are blood stains, you must take the blood out, and then find time and opportunity for Cao Wenqing to step on it."

Lin Feng looked outside the door, looking at the anxious expressions of the officials, and said slowly: "So, no matter what the situation is, the murderer must have a vessel to contain blood. As long as a vessel to contain blood can be found, it will be the best choice." Important physical evidence!”

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao Yu's eyes lit up again and again.

He looked at Lin Feng with full satisfaction and said, "Zide, if there is a spirit in the sky at Ruowang Temple, I will be very pleased to see that you found the clues and found the idea so quickly."

After saying that, Xiao Yu directly called a temple minister and assigned the tasks without saying a word.

First, search the bodies of Cao Wenqing and the other three. If no vessel containing blood is found, then search the bodies of other guests and even servants. If there is still nothing, then search the entire palace, even if they dig three feet into the ground, they must find the vessel containing blood. Blood vessel!

The murderer is very cunning. This blood container is the only thing that can be determined at present. Something that may identify the murderer must be found.

After hearing Xiao Yu's mission, the temple minister did not dare to delay, so he turned around and went to work with the officials of Dali Temple.

Xiao Yu took a long breath and had a clear direction, and the stone in his heart finally fell a little.

The most fearful thing about solving a case is that it is like a headless fly, unable to find any direction. Without direction, it means that it is difficult to move forward. If there is a direction, it is still clear that it is the right direction, which represents the hope of solving the case.

At this time, Li Haomiao, the envoy of Dali Temple, walked over quickly. He bowed to Xiao Yu and said: "Mr. Xiao, I have already asked the servants. Although the servants are very busy and have no time to pay attention to other people, But at the key gate, there are still guards guarding the door."

"On the one hand, these nursing homes are to guide guests and tell them the direction of the latrines. On the other hand, they are also to prevent guests from taking the wrong path and straying into other areas."

"There is only one road from the main hall to the study, and there are exactly four guards guarding both ends of the road."

Hearing Li Haomiao's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed suddenly. He quickly came to Li Haomiao and asked, "What did the nurse say?"

Xiao Yu also stared at Li Haomiao closely.

Li Haomiao was not nervous when being watched by the two superiors. He said: "The guardian said that from the time Cao Langzhong entered the road until Zeng Yushi asked people to find Wang Sizheng, in that half hour, only Cao Langzhong was there. , Qi Duwei and Zeng Yushi came this way."

When Xiao Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He instantly looked at Lin Feng and said, "So, the murderer is indeed among them!"

Lin Feng also exhaled slowly and nodded slightly: "This is a good thing. At least the scope of suspects has not been expanded. Finding a real culprit among three people is better than finding a real culprit among dozens of people."

Xiao Yu also nodded.

Lin Feng thought for a moment, then looked at Li Haomiao and said, "When did the three of them enter and exit that road?"

Li Haomiao did not hesitate. He seemed to be deeply proud of delivering news. He raised his chin and remembered the large amount of news he had just received very clearly, without any mistakes or omissions.

He said: "Because the dinner must start on time, the servants in the palace have been constantly informing each other of the time to ensure that the time is not missed. Therefore, these nursing homes know the time relatively clearly."

Li Haomiao looked at the two of them and said, "They said... around four o'clock in the morning, Mr. Cao appeared. He seemed to be afraid of missing the time and hurriedly walked through the courtyard gate on his way to the study."

"He stayed for less than a quarter of an hour and then returned."

"After less than half a quarter of an hour passed, Lieutenant Qi also walked over in a hurry. Captain Qi was very fast. The nurse also heard Captain Qi muttering, 'It's too late, it's too late.'"

Lin Feng and Xiao Yu looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Li Haomiao did not interrogate Cao Wenqing and the others with them, so he did not know the results of their interrogations. What he told was the information given by the nursing home, so that he could compare it with Lin Feng's confessions when he interrogated the three people.

This way we can determine whether anyone in the recent confession is lying or hiding something.

It seems that no one has been hiding anything yet.

Li Haomiao's voice continued: "Qi Duwei stayed even shorter and returned in less than half a quarter of an hour."

Lin Feng nodded and signaled Li Haomiao to continue.

"Shortly after Captain Qi left, Yushi Zeng came. However, Yushi Zeng also returned shortly after leaving. But more than a quarter of an hour later, Yushi Zeng came again. He went to the study again. Road, when Yushi Zeng returned, the guards saw that Yushi Zeng went to the servant girl to inquire about the whereabouts of Wang Sizheng."

After hearing what Li Haomiao said, Xiao Yu looked at Lin Feng and said, "It seems that none of the three of them lied...or rather, they didn't lie about this kind of thing."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, squinted his eyes, and said slowly: "This is the cleverness of the murderer. He does not give us any chance to find loopholes in his words."

"Perhaps what the murderer told us, except for the murder, is all true. Nine truths and one falsehood, more true than false... At this time, it is really difficult to distinguish the true from the false."

Xiao Yu nodded heavily, and he said thankfully: "Fortunately, Zide, you have found a breakthrough, otherwise this case will be really difficult to handle... If we really can't find the murderer and let the murderer escape, then I Dali Temple has really lost its reputation.”

When Li Haomiao heard Xiao Yu's words, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at Lin Feng in surprise: "Has Lin Sizheng found a breakthrough?"

When Xiao Yu arranged the task of finding the utensils, Li Haomiao just returned from asking about the nursing home and did not hear about it.

Hearing Xiao Yu's words at this time, the fire of gossip burned in his heart, and Bao's talent for inquiry exploded instantly, and his eyes were directly glued to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng knew that Li Haomiao, a gossip expert, liked to hear news. If he didn't tell him, Li Haomiao would probably die of itching.

He briefly said a few words. When Li Haomiao heard this, his face was full of surprise. He couldn't help but said: "Lin Si Zheng is really quick in thinking, perceptive, and good at spying on the truth from the details. I admire him to death!"

Lin Feng already knew Li Haomiao's personality very well, so it was not surprising that he would say this.

Turning around and entering the study, Lin Feng came to Wang Qinyuan's body. His eyes fell on Wang Qinyuan's hands again. Looking at the palm of his left hand and the fist of his right hand, Lin Feng asked Li Haomiao: "What do you think of Wang Sizheng's gesture?" , what does it represent?”

Li Haomiao frowned. He thought for a while and said, "I can think of a lot of information about palms and fists. For example, two officials had a conflict last night. One official hit the other official with his fist, but that Both officials didn’t come even though my head is full of news, I can’t tell what Wangjimao wants to tell us.”

It seems that the gossip expert is not reliable either.

Lin Feng looked at the murder weapon. When Li Haomiao saw Lin Feng's eyes falling on the dagger, he couldn't help but share the news: "This dagger is not special, it can be bought on the market."

Lin Feng naturally knew this, otherwise he would have started investigating from the murder weapon.

At this time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If it were future generations, the case would probably have been solved by now. All he had to do was investigate the fingerprints on the dagger and then compare them with the three suspects one by one to know who the dagger belonged to.

It's a pity that now in the Tang Dynasty, without any high-tech assistance, we can only use the most primitive methods of investigation, evidence collection and reasoning.

"Do you know if there have been any rifts or conflicts between Cao Wenqing and Wang Sizheng?" Lin Feng suddenly asked Li Haomiao.

Li Haomiao thought for a while and then shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, probably not... Unless no one else saw them when they had a conflict, it is impossible for the subordinate to not know about it!"

He said it with great certainty, which was the confidence that Dali Temple Bao inquired about.

Even Li Haomiao didn't know, and Wang Hao and his son didn't mention it just now. It seemed that there had been no conflicts or contradictions.

But if there was no conflict or contradiction, why did the murderer kill Wang Qinyuan?
None of the three people seemed to have the motive to kill Wang Qinyuan, let alone turn the dagger and let Wang Qinyuan die in a very painful way... It is impossible to achieve this level without great hatred!

what on earth is it?

What exactly is the motive?
Not to mention, there are so many officials present tonight, and almost everyone from Dali Temple is here. In this case, it is not a good time to kill someone at all!
The murderer started killing people tonight and didn't even have much time or opportunity to deal with the follow-up matters. The risk of being discovered was much higher than at other times.So, why did he have to take action tonight?
Can't we wait until Wang Qin retires and returns to his hometown before taking action?
At that time, Wang Qinyuan was just an ordinary person. Even if he died after leaving Chang'an, how many people would pay attention to him?
Wouldn’t the risk be greatly reduced?

But the murderer happened to strike at the most inopportune time tonight. What was the reason?
Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and his eyes subconsciously scanned the study room.

Look at the burned table and bookshelf, look at the ashes on the ground.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes paused at the table leg.

"That is……"

Lin Feng quickly came to the table leg, squatted down, and picked up a piece of burned paper with only a small corner left from the ashes wet with tea.

The tea soaked the paper and the ink on the paper began to spread, but in the blur, the only two words on it could still be seen.

When Xiao Yu and Li Haomiao saw Lin Feng suddenly coming to the foot of the table, they also came over curiously.

Then they saw the corner of the burned paper Lin Feng was holding.

Looking at the scattered writing on it, Li Haomiao subconsciously read it: "Human... ghost..."

These two characters are not in one column, but in two columns on the left and right.

The writing habit of the ancients was to write vertically, so the characters in the left and right columns were not continuous.

In other words, humans and ghosts are not connected together.

"Human? Ghost?"

Xiao Yu frowned and asked in confusion: "What does this mean? Judging from the handwriting, it should be written by Wang Sizheng, but there is no previous text and no follow-up. You can't tell anything from just these two words."

Li Haomiao also shook his head, having no clue.

Lin Feng looked at these two words, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes. He seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to sweep the ashes... But after a moment, Lin Feng withdrew his hand in disappointment.

He shook his head and said: "This is the only piece of paper that was not burned. The other papers were completely turned into ashes."

Li Haomiao said: "Even the table and bookshelf were burned a lot. Paper that is so easy to ignite will be burned immediately. I am lucky to have such a small piece left."

Lin Feng frowned and stared at the "human" and "ghost" without saying a word for a while.

Xiao Yu had developed some tacit understanding with Lin Feng. Seeing Lin Feng's expression, he couldn't help but said: "Zide, is there anything wrong with these two words? Did you just go to look for other papers in the ashes to find something?"

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Li Haomiao was startled and quickly looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the paper for a long time, and finally exhaled slowly. He carefully put the paper into his arms, then stood up and looked at Xiao Yu and Li Haomiao, saying: "I need to confirm one thing, Mr. Xiao, Li Haomiao Si Cheng, please wait a moment."

With that said, Lin Feng quickly walked out of the study. Xiao Yu hurriedly looked in the direction Lin Feng left. He found that Lin Feng had gone to find Cao Wenqing.

Looking at Lin Feng's fiery back, Li Haomiao was very confused: "Is this Lin Si?"

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes. He understood Lin Feng and knew that any behavior of Lin Feng must have a reason. It is very likely that Lin Feng had discovered something that they didn't know. He said solemnly: "Just wait."

Not long after, Lin Feng separated from Cao Wenqing and went to find Wang Hao and his son. After talking to Wang Hao and his son, he hurriedly returned to the study.

While walking, Lin Feng sighed in his heart... Only then did he realize how good Sun Fuga was. If Sun Fuga was here tonight, why would he have to travel back and forth by himself.

While thinking, Lin Feng had already returned to the study.

Looking at his two colleagues who were confused by his sudden departure, Lin Feng took a deep breath and said directly without making them interested: "I already know why the murderer wanted to kill Ojimasa."

Xiao Yu suddenly straightened his body, and his chubby face showed a look of astonishment for an instant, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly burst into joy. He quickly looked at Lin Feng and said, "Why?"

Li Haomiao was stunned for a moment. He looked at Lin Feng with a blank expression. What did Lin Feng do?
I squatted here, read the paper, grabbed the ashes, then went out for a run, and when I came back, I said I knew why the murderer wanted to kill!

Why doesn't he know anything?
Is the gap between me and Lin Feng so big?

He couldn't help but stare at Lin Feng with eyes full of exploration.

When Lin Feng saw the two people looking at him, they didn't show off.

He directly stretched out his hand, pointed at the ashes in front of him, and said: "This is what the murderer is for!"

Li Haomiao was stunned: "Ashes?"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed: "These papers?"

Lin Feng nodded and said: "Look at these ashes. After a pile of paper is burned, it will maintain its original shape without external damage. Although some of the ashes were destroyed by the tea, from other parts, it will still retain its original shape." It was easy to see that the ashes were formed from paper rather than ashes falling from the table after it was burned."

Xiao Yu and Li Haomiao thought for a while, then nodded immediately and agreed with Lin Feng's words.

Lin Feng continued: "Look at the tea stained with tea leaves on these ashes. There is a lot of tea, and more than half of the ashes have been soaked. The burned paper I found here has also been soaked by the tea. ”

He looked at the two of them and asked, "What does this mean?"

Li Haomiao frowned. Xiao Yu seemed to have thought of something, but he didn't fully understand it.

In order to seize the time, Lin Feng gave the answer directly. He said: "This means that these papers were burned by the murderer before the fire broke out in the study!"

"What?" Li Haomiao was stunned and asked in confusion: "How did Lin Sicheng know that the murderer burned it first? Couldn't it have been burned together with other books after the fire broke out?"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed slightly, as if he had figured out something.

Lin Feng looked at his colleague whose ability to inquire about information was at full level, but whose professional ability was only three and a half, and said: "Li Si Cheng, I just went to question Cao Langzhong and Wang Hao's mother and son. They both said that before the incident, under Wang Si Zheng's desk, There wasn’t any paper.”

"If Mr. Cao is the murderer, his words may be false, so I went to Wang Hao and his son to verify it. They also went to the study before tonight and sent a pot of tea to Wang Sizheng. They didn't look at it at that time. There was no paper on the ground, and Ojimasa didn’t have the habit of throwing away waste paper.”

"Therefore, it is impossible that the ashes of these papers were originally under the table and then ignited by sparks falling on it. If it was not burned artificially in advance, then it could only be on the desk and burned together with the desk. Yes, right?"

When Li Haomiao heard this, he realized that Lin Feng had gone to verify the position of the paper more accurately. He thought about it, nodded and said, "That's right."

Lin Feng continued: "Then Li Sicheng thinks, when these papers are burned, who will be heavier compared to the teacup filled with tea?"

Li Haomiao said without hesitation: "Of course the teacup filled with tea is heavier."

Lin Feng nodded: "Li Sicheng believes that a teacup filled with tea is heavier than the ashes after burning the paper. In this case, when the table is burned and the paper and teacup fall...Li Sicheng also thinks, who will Fall to the ground first?"

Li Haomiao subconsciously said: "Of course it is a teacup filled with tea. The teacup is so heavy that it will definitely fall to the ground first -"

But as soon as he said this, his eyes suddenly widened.

The whole person froze for an instant.

He finally understood what Lin Feng meant. He quickly lowered his head and looked at the ashes at the foot of the table. He saw that half of the ashes had been destroyed by the tea, while the other half was still intact.

And this kind of damage is not caused by the tea flowing in from under the ashes, but directly sprinkled from above.

In other words, the ashes of these papers must have been on the ground before the tea!
But the ashes are so light, if they fall at the same time, they cannot fall to the ground before the tea. At that time, the doors and windows were closed, and there was no wind in the room, so the ashes would not be blown down in advance by external forces...

Therefore, there is only one possibility!
That's the ashes, which have been on the ground for a long time!Before the table was burned, it was already burned to ashes on the ground!
Only in this way, when the tea cup rolls and falls because the table is burned, the tea can be spilled on it!

But who would burn such a pile of paper in advance?There is no doubt...only the murderer!
He couldn't help but swallow and looked at Lin Feng with a shocked expression.

Then Lin Feng said calmly: "It seems that Li Sicheng has figured it out. Only the murderer will burn these papers."

"But here comes the problem."

"There are so many guests tonight, and someone may come to Wangjimasa at any time. Therefore, after the murder, in order not to be discovered, the murderer must leave as soon as possible. The sooner he leaves the study, the less danger he will be in. But in this case, he But it still took time to light the papers.”

"So...why did he do that?"

Li Haomiao couldn't help but said: "Why?"

Lin Feng said slowly: "There are only two situations."

"First, he wanted to use the papers to start a fire and cause a fire."

"But based on the situation when we put out the fire, we can determine that the first places to burn were obviously the bookshelf and the tabletop, and the table legs near the ashes are still intact, which means that paper cannot have ignited the fire. The key factor!"

"Then there's only one other possibility left!"

Lin Feng looked at the nervous Li Haomiao, then at Xiao Yu with twinkling eyes, and said solemnly: "These papers contain very important secrets, and this secret is the reason why he killed Wang Si Zheng!"

The two people's eyes suddenly widened, and their pupils shrank violently!
Lin Feng looked at them and said: "We can use normal logic to reason... Wang Sizheng will leave Chang'an tomorrow, so if Wang Sizheng discovers any important secrets, given Wang Sizheng's character, he will probably make it public tonight. , or tell Duke Xiao secretly."

"In this case, in order to prevent the secret from being revealed by Ojimasa, the murderer directly killed Ojimasa, and even if time was tight, he still set fire to these papers because he had to destroy the secrets in these papers. Let no one discover it!"

Having said that, Lin Feng paused for a moment.

He gave Li Haomiao and Xiao Yu time to digest.

Then he continued: "This speculation can also explain the doubts that I have been unable to figure out before."

The two of them stared at him closely.

I heard Lin Feng say: "First, why did the deceased have to do it tonight? I have just said that tonight is really not a good time to kill someone. It is too easy to be discovered and it is too dangerous, but the murderer still knows that there is someone in the mountain. The tiger prefers to travel to the tiger mountain."

"Now, it can be explained...because he has no choice! If he doesn't take action, once Oujimasa attends the banquet, Oujimasa will probably reveal the secret. He can only take action at this time!"

"Second, why did he set a fire after killing someone? As we all know, usually the murderer sets a fire after killing someone to conceal the cause of death, avoid the murderer being discovered, and make people mistakenly think that the deceased was burned to death."

"But you have to know... In our case, the murderer didn't even take away the murder weapon. It's obvious that we won't doubt the cause of death of Ojimasa because he set the fire... So, in this case, why did he set the fire? And he set the fire regularly. ?”

Li Haomiao frowned, and Xiao Yu was thoughtful.

"It can be explained now."

Lin Feng took a deep breath, looked around the two of them, and finally looked at the pile of ashes, and said: "He did it to cover up his murderous purpose! If he only burned these papers, we would undoubtedly be able to detect it at once His purpose!”

"And he burned the table, burned the bookshelf, and set fire... So many books were burned, and there were so many ashes. Naturally, we would not notice these ashes, and naturally we would not know his true purpose! "

Lin Feng looked at the two of them and said in a deep voice: "As I just said, doubts and clues can be verified by each other, and reasoning and logic are also consistent with each other... Then the truth is very obvious."

Lin Feng finally finished speaking.

But in the entire study, it was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

Li Haomiao's eyes were as wide as copper bells. He looked at Lin Feng blankly, his face full of shock. He opened his mouth to say something, but he, who was always the most eloquent, didn't know how to describe it at this moment. The vibration inside me shook her.

As for Xiao Yu, while his expression was shocked, he was more pleased and satisfied, admiring and sighing.

Lin Feng, as always, would never let him down!

(End of this chapter)

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