People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 97 The secret room murder case!

Chapter 97 The secret room murder case!

Half an hour later, the guests of honor had a good time and everyone left the restaurant.

Before parting, Du Gou looked at Lin Feng and suddenly said: "Lin Sicheng, what do you think about ghosts?"

"The theory of ghosts?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Dong Lai Guo really asked the right person. I have already caught the ghost twice during this period."

"In my opinion, the so-called ghosts mostly have two possibilities."

Du Gou asked: "What are the two possibilities?"

Lin Feng said: "Either someone is deliberately pretending to be a ghost to achieve a certain purpose."

"Either those who say ghosts have ghosts in their hearts and deliberately lie to deceive others."

Du Gou nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "You just said that it is mostly these two possibilities...meaning there are other possibilities with a small probability?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "That's not man-made... Ordinary people are in awe of the theory of ghosts. When they see something they can't understand, they will subconsciously think about ghosts. In this case, many haunting rumors will also be born. .”

"In addition, there is another possibility... Some people have suffered severe mental trauma or experienced severe stimulation, which has led to mental illness. Such people sometimes experience hallucinations and think they are ghosts. ”

He looked at Du Gou and said: "So there are many possibilities of being haunted. We need to conduct a detailed analysis of the specific situation."

Du Gou bowed his hands to Lin Feng and said, "Thank you very much, Lin Sicheng, I have learned a lesson."

Lin Feng asked curiously: "Dong Lai suddenly asked about ghosts. Could it be that he encountered such an incident?"

Du Gou didn't hide anything, he nodded slightly: "We did meet him."

"In Cizhou, which I govern, I have always heard some rumors of hauntings in the past two years."

Lin Feng thought for a while and asked, "What kind of haunting rumors are there?"

Du Gou looked at Lin Feng, his eyes no longer filled with the alienation he had when they first met. He said, "There are many rumors that some people said they saw relatives who had been dead for a long time suddenly appear. However, the local county magistrate sent people to investigate, and the results were nothing. Not found."

"Some people say they saw hundreds of ghosts walking in the dark night, which is very scary, but I sent people to investigate, but still found nothing."

"Some people also said that they saw a bloody purgatory above their heads at night, with countless screams coming from it, and many dead people flying out of it... I went to ask, but he was the only one who saw it, and he couldn't tell the truth from the false."

"Some people even said that they saw a gathering of ghosts and monsters in the deep mountains. They exchanged human heads, hearts and livers for ghost money. Everything disappeared as soon as the sky dawned. I went to check... but still found nothing."

"Originally, I didn't believe in this ghost theory at all, but so many people said it, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty."

Lin Feng listened to Du Gou's words, pondered for a moment, and then made some suggestions: "After Lai Guogong returns, you might as well think carefully...whether these haunting rumors will be beneficial to anyone after they appear. If it is beneficial to them, you might as well investigate secretly. Check them out.”

"If no one will benefit from this, then go investigate the person who spread these words. Some people like to talk nonsense in order to attract people's attention. Maybe those ghosts are just to show off what they say."

"If the person who spread these words is serious and doesn't have the habit of talking nonsense..."

Lin Feng looked at Du Gou and said, "Then Duke Lai will have to investigate deeply and carefully. If you haven't found anything before, it doesn't mean there is nothing. Maybe there are some clues that you guys have ignored."

Du Zhaozhao thought for a while, then nodded, looking at Lin Feng with more attention and friendliness. He cupped his hands and said to Lin Feng: "Thank you Lin Si Cheng for reminding me. I have just been appointed governor not long ago, and my experience in solving cases is really rudimentary. Without Lin Si Cheng's guidance , I may still be spinning around in circles."

"After I return, I will conduct an investigation one by one according to what Lin Si Cheng said."

Lin Feng responded with a smile: "The official is just giving some superficial suggestions to Duke Lai based on his experience. It's nothing... If Duke Lai needs to be dismissed on a case in the future, he can write to the official at any time."

Du Gou took a deep look at Lin Feng and said with a smile: "It will be the same with Lin Si Cheng in the future. If you need me for anything, please send me a message at any time and I will do my best to help."

Lin Feng understood what Du Gou meant, that he was going to have a true and deep friendship with him.

As we go back and forth and help each other, our friendship will become deeper and deeper.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded: "Then I will thank Duke Lai first."

Du Gou waved his hand, and immediately handed over to Cheng Chumo and others: "I am very happy tonight, but I will return to Cizhou tomorrow, so I cannot invite you all back. I will invite you all when I return next time. We will not return until we are drunk."

"Everyone, goodbye!"

After saying that, he boarded the carriage and left quickly.

After seeing off Du Gou, who had the highest status, Cheng Chumo and others also said goodbye one after another. It was getting late, and they had to return to their residence before the curfew, otherwise they would have to be punished even after their achievements.

The horse's hooves stepped on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Lin Feng was lying in the carriage. He was so drunk that he felt dazed.

Suddenly, Lin Feng sat up straight and his eyes suddenly widened. He suddenly remembered something: "Didn't I go to see Hu Ji?"

"Where's Hu Ji? Why are there only four grown men in my memory?"

He slapped his thigh and regretted it, then fell back and fell into a deep sleep.


The next day, evening.

Lin Feng put down the last file on the table and stretched tiredly.

He stared at the sunset outside the window with his mind empty, and felt that the new official was really exhausted on his first day in office.

At the fourth watch, I was woken up by Zhao Shiwu to go to court. When I came back from the court, the day after tomorrow was completely bright.

After gulping down breakfast, he hurriedly delivered an acceptance speech in front of Dali Temple officials.

After the speech, a large number of files that had been reviewed by the Temple Prime Minister were delivered. After reviewing all the files, I had to seize the time to continue reading the files that the former Dali Temple Prime Minister Lin Feng had handled. I have been busy until now, and I can take a breather.

It is said that a new official has three things to do when he takes office, but Lin Feng felt that he couldn't even make a fire. After all, he was so busy and still had to make a fire. It would be better if he didn't die suddenly.

"Lin Templezheng."

At this time, a voice sounded outside the door: "It's time to go off duty. We have to go to Ojimasa's farewell banquet."

When Lin Feng heard this voice, his heart moved. According to the list given to him by Xiao Yu, he quickly knew who the visitor was - Li Haomiao, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple, the envoy of Dali Temple. His official ability was three and a half stars, and his ability to inquire about information was five stars MAX. He was regarded as a member of Dali. A strange person in the temple, he is somewhat distantly related to Li Jing, and his background is not weak.

"Ojimasa's farewell banquet cannot be delayed."

While Lin Feng was thinking about it, he walked out of the private office room with a smile and said to Li Haomiao, "Let's take a carriage together?"

When Li Haomiao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly said: "It's an honor for me to be an official."

Zhao Shiwu drove the carriage to Wangsi's main residence.

Inside the carriage.

Lin Feng looked at Li Haomiao and said with a smile: "Li Sicheng, do you have any important news recently that you can share with me?"

Li Haomiao's favorite thing is to inquire about information and share information. As soon as he heard Lin Feng's words, he said without hesitation: "What does Lin Si want to hear?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "You can say whatever you want. You can talk about whatever you think is important or interesting."

A person like Li Haomiao who loves gossip is very suitable for Lin Feng's needs. For Lin Feng, everything about the court is unfamiliar to him. His sources of information are limited and many things are only known in hindsight. Therefore, with Li Haomiao's ability to gossip, Lin Feng can point out everything about the court. People at full level take the initiative to share news with him, which can just make up for his shortcomings in this area, which is what he wants.

Li Haomiao thought for a while and said: "Then let's choose a few important ones. After that, we will probably arrive."

"Okay." Lin Feng nodded.

Li Haomiao looked at Lin Feng and said: "In August, the prince was supervising the country and his performance was very good. His Majesty was very happy and rewarded almost everyone in the East Palace. Your Majesty is ready to give the prince more rights and arrange more for the prince." Excellent officials become teachers...but."

He changed his words and lowered his voice: "The prince suddenly fell ill. His condition was the same as last year, which was more serious. Last year, His Majesty summoned 3000 people to become monks and specially built Xihua Temple and Puguang Temple to pray for His Royal Highness. Unexpectedly, It has only been a year and His Royal Highness fell ill again."

"His Majesty is currently in a hurry to find a famous doctor for His Royal Highness."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "Is it too much to be cured?"

Li Haomiao shook his head and said: "If it can be cured, why would your Majesty need to seek out famous doctors, and even prepare to send people to Tianzhu to invite eminent monks?"

Lin Feng's historical knowledge was limited to knowing that Li Chengqian performed particularly well in the early stage, but was lame and rebelled in the later stage, but he didn't know the rest.

At this moment, when I heard Li Haomiao's words, I realized that these things had happened to Li Chengqian, and that Li Shimin was able to call 3000 people to become monks because of Li Chengqian's illness. It seems that Li Shimin really valued Li Chengqian in the early stage. and love.

"Can we find a famous doctor now?" Lin Feng asked.

Li Haomiao shook his head: "The edict has just been issued, and it hasn't had time to spread throughout the world. It's early."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "Is there more?"

Li Haomiao thought for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "I heard that Tuyuhun repeatedly invaded the border this year, which made His Majesty very unhappy, and it seems that Tubo will have envoys coming soon."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, but soon understood what Li Haomiao meant.

Tuyuhun bordered Tubo and the Tang Dynasty. Tuyuhun repeatedly violated the border, which made the Tang Dynasty very dissatisfied. At this time, Tubo sent envoys here for what purpose, anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance.

He said: "Datang wants to send troops?"

Li Haomiao smiled mysteriously: "I don't dare to talk nonsense about important military and political matters."

Li Haomiao is a relative of Li Jing. As a general of the Tang Dynasty, Li Jing will definitely know the inside story, so Li Haomiao said that he dare not speak nonsense, which proves that the Tang military has already had such an idea.

Next, let’s see how the negotiations with the Tang Dynasty went after the arrival of the Tibetan envoys.

"There is another interesting thing." Li Haomiao suddenly spoke again.

Lin Feng looked at him.

He winked at Lin Feng and said, "Last night, I had dinner with my friends from Honglu Temple. I heard from him that Tuyuhun seemed to have also submitted his application as an envoy, and the time was almost the same as that of the Tubo envoy."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed and he looked at Li Haomiao, but Li Haomiao said nothing more.

Lin Feng only felt that a whirlpool related to the fate of Tang Dynasty, Tubo and Tuyuhun was slowly forming above Chang'an.

At this moment, the carriage stopped.

Zhao Shiwu's voice sounded: "We are here."

Lin Feng and Li Haomiao stopped gossiping. They arranged their clothes one after another and got off the carriage.

When I got off the carriage, I saw that the entrance to the palace was very busy.

Many officials came to attend Wang Qinyuan's farewell banquet.

Wang Qinyuan's son stood at the door, greeting all the distinguished guests who came.

Lin Feng saw this and sighed: "There are quite a few people who came to see Wang Sizheng off."

Li Haomiao smiled and said: "Before Wang Si was working in Dali Temple, he also worked in other yamen, and even spent some time in the army as a supervisory censor, so I know a lot of colleagues."

"Qi Wangsi is good-tempered and patient. He has never been red-faced with anyone in these years and is very popular. Now that he has retired and returned to his hometown, everyone naturally has to come and say goodbye in person. Otherwise, people will gossip behind his back and say that this person is inhumane. of."

With Li Haomiao, a master of gossip, Lin Feng really saved a lot of things. Li Haomiao would take the initiative to share it with him without asking.

"Lin Simasa!"

Wang Qinyuan's son Wang Hao saw Lin Feng arriving and rushed over to greet him.

Lin Feng chuckled and raised his hands: "I'm not late, am I?"

Wang Hao shook his head hurriedly: "Of course it's not too late. My father gave special instructions. Today is Lin Si's first day in office. He must be busy with official duties. My father was worried that it would be too late after Lin Si was finished. He also specifically asked the kitchen to leave a hot meal and hot dishes. Wait for Lin Sizheng to arrive and then serve it to Lin Sizheng for a hot bite... I didn't expect Lin Sizheng to come so early. If my father knows about it, he will definitely be very happy."

Afraid that I would be late, he still wanted to leave a mouthful of hot rice for me... Lin Feng felt warm in his heart and said with a smile: "When I was in Dali Temple, Wang Sizheng treated me well. No matter how busy I am, I will never be late." farewell banquet."

Wang Hao nodded heavily and said: "Lin Sizheng and Li Sicheng, please come in. My father is talking to friends in the study and will come out to entertain everyone soon."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and then, led by the palace servants, entered the palace and came to the hall.

At this time, there were many officials in the hall.

Lin Feng saw many familiar faces, mainly people from Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Yushitai. Dali Temple often jointly handles cases with the Yushitai and the Ministry of Punishment, so there are close exchanges between the three departments, and there are naturally many familiar colleagues.

In addition to them, there were also some people from other yamen, and some generals wearing armor also appeared in sight.

Sure enough, as Li Haomiao said, Wang Qinyuan is very popular and has many friends.

However, the people present were all officials of the fifth rank and below. I don’t know if the officials above the fifth rank would not come, or they would have to wait for the finale.

Seeing Lin Feng observing other people in the hall, the well-informed Li Haomiao whispered: "As far as I know, how many fourth-rank officials will come, and they will represent the yamen where Wang Sizheng worked before, but the third-rank officials , only Xiao Siqing will come..."

Lin Feng nodded. There are official rules in the officialdom. One level is the same, and the fourth grade comes to give the fifth grade. This is enough to represent the wishes of the yamen where Wang Qinyuan has served.

And Xiao Yu is the head of Dali Temple, so he will come in person.

Li Haomiao and Lin Feng sat down. He looked at the lively crowd and couldn't help but sigh: "It's only because Wang Sizheng is resigning and returning to his hometown that there are so many people. If the official returns to his hometown as the prime minister of Dali Temple, I'm afraid even here There is nothing like this in Chengdu. I really envy Wang Si Zheng. It’s such a lively place to go, so I have no regrets.”

Lin Feng listened to Li Haomiao's emotion and understood what Li Haomiao meant.

There seems to be only one rank difference between the fifth-grade temple master and the sixth-grade temple prime minister, but in fact it is like a natural chasm.

In Lin Feng's view, the fifth rank is actually the real official of the imperial court and is qualified to participate in the discussion of national affairs. Those below the fifth rank are pure laborers.

Just like when I was the sixth-grade temple prime minister, even though I had solved many cases, there were only a few people who really cared about me and wanted to make friends with me.

But when he was promoted to the temple chief, Cheng Chumo hosted a banquet for him that night, and even Du Gou, the Duke of Lai State, came in person... Of course, Du Gou had a case to ask for his help, but if he was not the temple chief, but Liu According to Pinsi Cheng, even if Du Gou had a case that he wanted help from, he didn't have to go to him personally. Instead, he only had to have someone give him an order and he would go there.

This is the difference between fifth grade and sixth grade.

When a fifth-grade official retires and returns to his hometown, the yamen where he has served will send someone to say goodbye. If a sixth-grade official retires and returns to his hometown, who will care about you?
"Xiao Siqing is here!" At this time, someone suddenly said loudly.

After hearing this, Lin Feng hurriedly looked outside and saw Xiao Yu, accompanied by Wang Hao, walking in with a smile.He and Li Haomiao stood up quickly and saluted Xiao Yu together with all the officials.

Xiao Yu smiled and waved his hand: "I am here to see Wang Sizheng off tonight. Don't be too polite. Let's eat well, drink well, and accompany Wang Sizheng well. That is the most important thing."

When everyone heard this, they all smiled and nodded.

Xiao Yu looked around and didn't find Wang Qinyuan. He looked at Wang Hao and said, "Wang Si Zheng hasn't come out yet?"

Wang Hao frowned and said with some doubts: "That shouldn't be the case. My father said that he wanted to chat with a few friends and would come out to entertain everyone at Xu Shi. But it's been more than a quarter of an hour now, why haven't he come out yet? "

He saluted Xiao Yu and said apologetically: "Xiao Siqing, my father may have been delayed for something. I will call my father out now."

Even Xiao Yu, who has the most distinguished status tonight, is here, but Wang Qinyuan has not come out yet. This is really against the rules. Wang Hao is afraid that Xiao Yu will be angry, so he quickly asks Xiao Yu for orders.

Xiao Yu didn't care about this, but the guests had already arrived, and Wang Qinyuan, the host, hadn't come out yet, so it was indeed inappropriate, so he nodded.

When Wang Hao saw this, he turned around and left.

But at this moment-

"Go away!"

"It's not good! It's gone wrong——"

"The master's study is on fire, put out the fire quickly!"

Chaotic sounds of panic suddenly came from the backyard.

Hearing this, Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. His eyes widened, his face changed drastically, and he said, "Father is meeting friends in the study."

Lin Feng reacted the fastest when he heard this. He quickly said: "Hurry up and put out the fire!"

Only then did Wang Hao react and ran towards the backyard in panic.

When the officials in the hall saw this, they all looked at each other in shock. They didn't know how this happened suddenly, and they quickly followed.

Arriving in the backyard, Lin Feng found thick smoke billowing.

From the window paper, you could see obvious flames burning inside the room.

A servant was banging on the door, but the door was locked from behind, making it difficult to open it easily.

Lin Feng immediately said: "Zhao Shiwu!"

The burly Zhao Shiwu, like a bull, shouted: "Get out of the way!"

The servants quickly got out of the way, and then they saw Zhao Shiwu pulling up an afterimage and rushing to the door in an instant. He turned sideways and hit him directly with the force of his back——

The door that the three servants could not open was directly knocked open by Zhao Shiwu.

Everyone hurried forward.

Through the opened door, they saw the scene in the study, and this scene made everyone freeze on the spot, their eyes widened, and their pupils shrank violently.

Lin Feng's expression also changed suddenly.

On the floor of the study room, Wang Qinyuan was lying in a pool of blood, with a dagger stuck in his heart, motionless.

Behind him, the table and bookshelf were being wrapped in flames, and the flames were getting bigger and bigger.


When Wang Hao saw Wang Qinyuan lying in a pool of blood, he immediately cried out in grief and rushed in. Lin Feng looked at the flames in the room and said: "Quickly put out the fire, there is still a chance to control the fire!"

At this time, the palace servants had already rushed over with water.

Everyone present quickly took the bucket and rushed to the room.

Lin Feng added: "There are blood marks on the ground, be careful not to step on the blood marks, and don't touch Wang Si Zheng's body!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone quickly looked towards the ground.

Sure enough, in addition to Wang Qinyuan's body lying in a pool of blood, there were also some blood marks on the ground, which seemed to be bloody footprints.

They didn't have time to think too much, so they avoided the blood marks and quickly poured out the water.

Buckets of water were brought in and buckets of water were poured out.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the fire that nearly burned down the entire room was doused.

Everyone let out a long breath.

The fire was out, but their mood did not improve. Instead, they became even more depressed and depressed.

Especially when I saw Wang Hao and his mother crying over Wang Qinyuan's corpse, I felt even more uncomfortable.

"How could this be?"

"Who killed Ojimasa?"

"Wang Si is such a good person, who can be so cruel!"

The officials looked ugly and filled with indignation.

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Feng and was immediately startled. Lin Feng's face was filled with coldness and anger that Xiao Yu had never seen before.

He had never seen such a cold and ugly expression on Lin Feng's face!

Lin Feng looked at Wang Qinyuan's body, with many emotions bursting out in his dark eyes. Although he and Wang Qinyuan had met once or twice, Wang Qinyuan gave him the feeling of an elder's love.

He was even afraid that he would be late because he was too busy, so he asked someone to prepare hot meals for him to keep... He also wanted to tell Wang Qinyuan that he was very touched...

As a result, this sentence can never be said.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and suppressed the emotional fluctuations in his heart. He was most afraid of intense emotions when solving a case. He quickly calmed himself down. Only by being calm can he discover clues and find the truth!

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Yu and said: "Mr. Xiao, Wang Si is a member of our Dali Temple. We must not let him die in vain, and we must not let the murderer go unpunished. The murderer is attacking Wang Si today and at this time. This is when Provoke me, Dali Temple!"

"If the real culprit is not found, where will the majesty of our Dali Temple be?"

When Xiao Yu heard this, his eyes became cold, and he shouted directly: "Come here, seal the palace. No one is allowed to step out of the palace without my order!"

"in addition……"

He looked at everyone and said: "No one is allowed to whisper, communicate, or speak... Colleagues, I believe you also want to find the real culprit, so I hope that your colleagues can cooperate with my actions in Dali Temple."

Xiao Yu had the highest status, and as soon as he finished speaking, these officials had no choice but to accept it, whether they were willing or not.

Dali Temple quickly took control of the scene.

Lin Feng didn't care about this. He looked at Wang Qinyuan, looking at Wang Qinyuan in a pool of blood, and couldn't help but recall the scene when he met Wang Qinyuan yesterday.

At that time, Wang Qinyuan smiled and said to him that he would have no regrets if he could attend his farewell banquet!He also said that with him taking over his position, he would be relieved even if he died...

I don’t know if Wang Qinyuan really had no regrets and was he really relieved when he was killed by the murderer?

Lin Feng took a deep breath, squatted down, and inspected Wang Qinyuan's body.

Xiao Yu also followed.

While checking, Lin Feng said: "The time of death was within an hour, or even closer... Wang Sizheng had no additional wounds on his body, and his clothes were smooth and without any mess. It can be confirmed that he had not fought or struggled with anyone before his death."

"The cause of death was the dagger in the heart..."

Lin Feng grabbed the dagger, took a deep breath, and pulled it out. As the dagger was pulled out, some blood drops came out.

Lin Feng put the dagger aside, checked the wound, and said: "After the dagger was pierced, it was not pulled out. Instead, it was spun in place by the murderer, completely destroying Wang Simasa's heart and causing Wang Simasa's death."

Xiao Yu nodded. His autopsy results were similar to those of Lin Feng. He said with an ugly face: "The murderer was very cruel. One stab was not enough and he spun around... This would make Wang Sizheng extremely painful before he died."

Listening to Xiao Yu's words, Wang Qinyuan's wife and Wang Hao couldn't help but burst into tears and trembled all over.

Others couldn't help but gasp. How much hatred must there be to do such a cruel thing?
Lin Feng said: "The deceased was stabbed in front, and there were no signs of a struggle. This means that he was unprepared for the murderer, so the murderer must be someone he knew and trusted. Only such a person can face Wang Si." The sword was being drawn, but Ouji had no time to resist."

Xiao Yu nodded in agreement. He raised his head and looked at Wang Hao and said, "Who has your father seen tonight?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao wiped away the tears on his face, and said with a hoarse voice: "Before the guests arrived, my father told me that he wanted to meet three people, and asked me to notify one person every quarter of an hour starting from the fourth quarter of Youshi to let them go. Meet father in the study."

Someone every quarter of an hour...

Lin Feng said: "Who is there?"

Wang Hao said quickly: "Cao Wenqing, the doctor of the Ministry of Industry, is the first person, Qi Chengqiang, the captain of Guoyi, is the second person, and Zeng He, the imperial censor of the Imperial Palace, is the third person."

After hearing Wang Hao's words, the eyes of everyone present immediately fell on the three people, and they all retreated away from the three people.

It was as if there was a vacuum between these three people.

The expressions of the three people whose names were read out by Wang Hao changed slightly.

Just when they were about to explain, they saw Xiao Yu looking at the three of them and saying in a cold voice: "I would also like to ask three colleagues to cooperate with the investigation. Don't say anything for the time being. Wait until I and Lin Si are questioning you before you speak."

After hearing Xiao Yu's words, the three of them couldn't help but close their open mouths.

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Feng, and was about to ask Lin Feng to go with him to question the three people, but saw Lin Feng playing with Wang Qinyuan's hand.

Xiao Yu immediately said: "What's wrong?"

Lin Feng pointed at Wang Qinyuan's hand and said, "Wang Sizheng's hand is a little strange."


Xiao Yu looked quickly, and then frowned slightly. He saw Wang Qinyuan's left hand stretched out, palm down, while his right hand was tightly clenched into a fist. Even if Lin Feng tried hard to break it, it was difficult to break it open.

Xiao Yu asked: "Is he holding something in his right hand?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "Empty."

Xiao Yu frowned and said, "His left hand is a palm and his right hand is a fist. Is it a coincidence? Or did he do it on purpose?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "The palm of the left hand is stretched out very straight, and the fist of the right hand is tightly clenched, and it cannot be broken open. Under normal circumstances, when a person dies, the hand should be slightly bent. And the condition of the hands should be the same.”

"But Wangji's left and right hands are completely different. He was even afraid that we wouldn't find the same thing. The straightness of his left hand and the fist of his right hand are both perfect. I don't think this is a coincidence... After all, Wangji is a member of our Dali Temple. He came into contact with There have been too many murder cases and too much experience. How could he be willing to be killed like this? Even if the murderer strikes quickly, as long as he is not killed with one blow, Ojimasa will definitely have a chance to leave us clues! "

"And obviously..."

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The murderer turned the dagger, which means that he did not directly kill him with the knife. If Wang Si has the opportunity, he will definitely leave us clues."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "With Wang Si Zheng's ability and character, he would indeed do such a thing."

He looked at Lin Feng: "Then what do these palms and fists represent?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and said: "The five fingers of the palm of the left hand are stretched out, which may represent five, and the fist of the right hand may represent zero... maybe it represents the number fifty."


Xiao Yu thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out what the relationship between Fifty and the three people who met Wang Qinyuan alone was.

Lin Feng's brain was also spinning crazily.

Fifty?What fifty?
Personal guest today?

A book on the bookshelf in the study?
or something else?
Or maybe it doesn’t represent fifty?But some other meaning?
Lin Feng frowned and stood up to observe the situation in the study.

There was a fire that destroyed most of the desk and half of the bookshelf.

There are very few intact books left.

The two teacups fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

It seems that Wang Qinyuan was indeed in the study and received other people.

Seeing Lin Feng observing the study, Xiao Yu couldn't help but ask, "How are you doing? Do you have any thoughts?"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Now I have a few doubts."

"First, how did the murderer lock the door inside after killing Ouji Masato? How did he turn this room into a secret room?"

"Secondly, since the murderer killed Oji Masaru and the murder weapon was not taken away, why did he need to set the fire? The cause of Oji Masaru's death is obvious here. Setting the fire will not make us mistakenly believe that Oji Masaru died in an accidental fire. Then What's the use of setting fire to it?"

"Thirdly, why did the murderer kill Ojimasa? Ojimasa specially asked the prince to call them to the study, and he obviously had a good relationship with them. And now Ojimasa has left officialdom, retired and returned to his hometown, and became an ordinary person. The murderer Why didn't you even give Oji Masaru a chance to be an ordinary person and kill him at this time? Doesn't the murderer know how much attention would be attracted by killing Oji Masaru at this time? Why did he have to take the risk to commit murder? "

When Xiao Yu heard Lin Feng's three doubts, his brows furrowed tightly, and thoughts flashed in his eyes.

The reason why the suspicious points are suspicious points is not so easy to figure out.

He looked at Lin Feng and said: "With these questions, let's ask the three friends Wang Sizheng met tonight. Maybe they can help us solve some doubts."

In Lin Feng's dark eyes, there was a flame of candlelight beating, and the flame seemed to be burning in his eyes. He took a deep breath, looked away from Wang Qinyuan's corpse, turned around and walked out, saying: "Take them The three of them separated and we asked them one by one."

 I was so busy in the morning that I started writing this chapter in the afternoon, but ended up deleting it after I finished it. After deleting several thousand words, I finally managed to write this chapter. The main reason is the beginning of this chapter, the most important main plot of this volume. I started, I had to think about it again and again, carefully and carefully, and finally I wrote it before midnight.

  Next, I will try my best to write down the exciting matches and investigations that I have in mind, so as not to disappoint everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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