People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 93 Decryption!Secrets in scraps of paper!

Chapter 93 Decryption!Secrets in scraps of paper!

Lin Feng listened to Deng Xun's words and looked towards the room.

I saw that the doors and windows of the room in front of me were closed, and Dali Temple officials were guarding the door. Even the servants of the Deng Mansion could not approach.

Xiao Yu's voice came: "After I learned that Mrs. Deng ran away from home and disappeared, I asked people to guard this room and not allow anyone to enter or exit at will, so as not to destroy the clues in the room and make it more difficult to find Mrs. Deng. ."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, understanding in his heart that Xiao Yu was actually worried that the Four Elephants Organization was involved in this matter, and was afraid that people coming and going would destroy the clues, so he specially had people blockade the place.

When he first heard about this matter, he had the same worries, but he quickly ruled out this possibility. In addition to the reasons just mentioned to Xiao Yu, it was also because the guard had delivered the letter safely. If something happened to the guard midway, Well, the letter was intercepted, so it might really be the work of the Four Symbols organization.

But nothing happened to the guard, and the guard's loyalty has been proven... If the guard was a member of the Four Elephants Organization, when he plotted against Zhou Zheng, the guard would have had the opportunity to inform Zhou Zheng, and Zhou Zheng would not have been scheming by him in a daze. .

Therefore, the letter was not intercepted and the guard's loyalty was confirmed. These two points were enough to prove that the Four Elephant Organization could not know about Mrs. Deng faster than they did.

But that can only mean that the Four Elephants organization was later than them before, but it may not be the case later... After all, Xiao Yu's actions are not secretive. The Four Elephants organization may have guessed that the golden hairpin is in the hands of Mrs. Deng.

So now it's up to them who can find Mrs. Deng's trace earlier.

Fortunately, the Four Elephants Organization is not like Xiao Yu and others who can conduct arrogant investigations and searches. They have no access to first-hand clues and can only search in secret. After all, their hands are tied and they may not be faster than Xiao Yu and others, but they can still give them a try. It gave Lin Feng some sense of urgency.

Lin Feng entered the room while thinking.

Pushing open the door, Lin Feng checked the door latch. Seeing this, Deng Xun said, "We have already checked. There is no problem with the door latch, and there are no signs of damage."

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Entering the room, look forward.

At the entrance, there is a table with teapots, cups and tea sets. Next to the tea sets, there is a small tray with a porcelain wine bottle and two small cups.

Lin Feng walked to the table, picked up the wine bottle, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, then shook it slightly and said, "Is it full?"

Xiao Yu nodded: "It's full, and the wine is fine wine. According to what the maid said, Mrs. Deng asked the maid to bring it to the room in the evening before she ran away from home."

Lin Feng put down the wine bottle and asked, "Do you know why Mrs. Deng asked her to deliver wine?"

Xiao Yu shook his head: "My maid doesn't know either."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and looked around.

There are some copybooks hanging on the wall for decoration. There are no paintings, only words.

He asked Deng Xun: "Mrs. Deng likes calligraphy?"

Deng Xun nodded hurriedly: "How does Lin Sicheng know? Yes, madam, she likes to copy the calligraphy of famous writers, and she has also developed good calligraphy."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "There are eight calligraphy pieces on the wall, all of them are works by famous artists, but there are no paintings. It is not difficult to guess that she likes calligraphy."

Deng Xun couldn't help but say: "Lin Sicheng is really perceptive and meticulous in his observations."

As expected of a member of the official department, he understands the art of language... Lin Feng continued to look, and there was a cabinet under the copybook against the wall. The door of the cabinet was open at the moment.

Lin Feng walked closer and checked the situation inside. He saw that the clothes in the closet were very messy, as if they had fallen out and been stuffed back in again.

Seeing Lin Feng looking at the wardrobe, Deng Xun said: "My maid has taken inventory and found that there are six sets of Madam's clothes missing. They are all Madam's favorite clothes."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, walked past the screen, and saw a bathtub filled with water in front of the bed. On the stool next to him, there was a small flower basket with some autumn chrysanthemum petals in it.

"Is this what Mrs. Deng put here before she ran away from home?" Lin Feng asked.

Deng Xun said: "Yes, I asked the maid to bring it in together with the wine."

Lin Feng looked at the bathtub. The water was clear and it looked like it had not been washed yet.

He narrowed his eyes and looked towards the bed.

The bed was neat and clean, and the quilt was folded very squarely without falling apart. It seemed that Mrs. Deng did not rest here that night.

He finally came to the dressing table and looked at the dressing table.

I saw a few boxes on the dressing table. Most of the boxes were open and empty inside.

Xiao Yu came to Lin Feng and whispered: "These are Mrs. Deng's jewelry boxes. The gold hairpin is stored here... but it has been taken away by Mrs. Deng."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Mrs. Deng has a lot of jewelry, right?"

Deng Xun said: "Of course there are quite a few. My wife is a young lady from a wealthy family. She has been well-dressed and well-fed since she was a child, and has a lot of jewelry. After marrying me, I have never lacked her jewelry."

Lin Feng casually picked up a box and said slowly: "With so many jewelry, the weight is certainly not light... How much does Mrs. Deng love these jewelry, not leaving any of them behind, and insisting on taking them all away?"

Deng Xun was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "Maybe I really can't bear to part with any of them."

"It's indeed possible."

Lin Feng straightened up and looked around the room.

There were no signs of fighting in the room, the floor was clean and tidy, and there was nothing special about it.

Xiao Yu saw Lin Feng finishing the inspection and asked, "Zide, how are you doing?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "There is currently no sign that he was forcibly taken away."

Deng Xun said blankly: "Madam left on her own. She even left a farewell letter. How could she be kidnapped?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "We are also ruling out many possibilities."

He looked at Deng Xun and asked, "Where is the farewell letter?"

Deng Xun quickly pointed to a small closed box on the dressing table and said, "There."

The box was placed on the far side. Lin Feng picked it up, opened the lid, and saw some torn pieces of paper lying inside.

He took the box to the table and poured out the shredded paper.

Deng Xun said: "I helped Lin Sicheng put it together... These papers were torn into pieces by Madam. If they were placed on the open side, we were afraid that the wind would blow them open when we opened the door, so we put them in a box. "

As he spoke, he quickly put it together, very quickly, and it didn't take long to put it together into a complete piece of paper.

"Lin Si Cheng, look, this is the farewell letter left by Madam."

Lin Feng looked up.

I saw a line of words on this piece of paper that was torn apart and full of cracks.

"I'm leaving, don't come looking for me."

The content is very simple, only eight words.

These words were torn apart and very shredded. Two words could be seen on no scrap of paper. If it were not for the small number of words, it would be very difficult to piece them together.

Looking at these words, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "Have you confirmed, is this Mrs. Deng's handwriting?"

Deng Xun nodded hurriedly: "Although I don't know much about calligraphy, it is indeed Madam's handwriting. There are some calligraphy books in my study that Madam has practiced. I compared it and it is definitely Madam's handwriting."

Lin Feng thought for a moment and said, "Can I see your lady's copybook?"

Deng Xun was stunned for a moment: "Lin Sicheng also wants to compare?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "If you don't compare it with your own eyes, you won't feel at ease. After all, this is related to whether Mrs. Deng really ran away from home."

When Deng Xun heard this, he hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll have someone bring him here right now."

"no need."

Lin Feng directly put these scraps of paper into the box and said with a smile: "Let's go get it together and drink some tea by the way. To be honest with Deng Yuanwailang, we traveled for more than four days and were tired of traveling and traveling. We still drank a lot when we arrived in Chang'an. The water came over before I even had a chance to drink it, and now my throat feels like it’s about to split.”

Hearing this, Deng Xun quickly said: "Why didn't Lin Sicheng tell you earlier? I'll ask my servants to prepare tea."

Lin Feng picked up the box and said, "Let's go. It's not appropriate to eat or drink here, so as not to destroy the clues we haven't discovered."

"Okay." Deng Xun led the way: "The study is over here."

Soon, they arrived at Deng Xun's study.

Deng Xun's study room is not large. There is only a small space at the entrance. On the right side next to the wall is a bookshelf filled with books.

Three steps ahead is the desk.

This is a desk that looks a bit old. The desk is painted red, and the wood underneath the red paint can be seen in some places.

There are some pits on the wood, and some places have been coated with layers of red paint, which looks different shades. It seems that the red paint has fallen off and been re-painted.

Seeing Lin Feng looking at the desk, Deng Xun said: "This was passed down from my father. I feel nostalgic, so I haven't replaced it. Now it does seem a little unsuitable. I plan to replace it in a few days, and it's time to replace it with a new one." ."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves to drive away the flies standing on the corner of the table. He said, "It's late autumn, and there are still so many flies."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Flies in late autumn are the most powerful and bite more than mosquitoes, but they won't live long. If it gets colder, they won't be able to see you."

Deng Xun nodded and found some paper.

He put the papers on the table and said, "This is what Madam wrote before."

Lin Feng came to the table, put together the farewell letter in the box, and then unfolded a piece of paper.

Looking towards the paper, the delicate characters suddenly came into view.

"Chichi, a gangster, hugs cloth and trades silk. Bandits come to trade silk, and they come to plot against me..."

Looking at the familiar content, the memory of high school suddenly stabbed Lin Feng in the back.

What a coincidence, Lin Feng not only knew this poem, but could also recite it in full.

This is a poem in "The Book of Songs". It tells the story of a woman's process of falling in love, getting married, changing the marriage, and finally breaking up. Combined with Deng Xun saying that he wanted to take a concubine, which made Mrs. Deng unhappy and even running away from home, this poem The poem is really suitable for the occasion.

It can be seen that Mrs. Deng is really dissatisfied with Deng Xun.

He did not pay attention to the meaning of the poem, but focused on the handwriting, comparing the handwriting of the poem with the handwriting on the farewell letter.

Because the two pieces of paper had the same words, even if Lin Feng was not a professional, he could tell that these words were indeed written by one person.

He looked at Xiao Yu, who also nodded: "I have compared it, and it was not imitated by others."

Xiao Yu's calligraphy skills are definitely not comparable to Lin Feng's. Even Xiao Yu said so, so there is no problem.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room, and the maid brought tea.

Deng Xun personally poured tea for Xiao Yu, Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng sat on the stool, holding the teacup in both hands, looked at Deng Xun, and said, "Deng Yuanwailang, were you always in the study the night your wife left?"

Deng Xun nodded: "Yes, I still had a lot of official work to complete at that time, so I could only be busy in the study. I was busy until I was about to leave, and I couldn't stand it any longer, so I accidentally fell asleep on the table. "

"Deng Yuanwailang is really working hard."

"It's the right thing to do in your position and do your job."

Lin Feng asked: "Have you been working so hard these days, Mr. Deng? Have you never gone to your room to rest?"

Deng Xun hesitated for a moment and said, "To be honest with Lin Sicheng, it's not that hard work happens every day. It's just that Madam is not very happy, and I'm too lazy to look at Madam's face." Lin Feng understood that any hard work was just an excuse. It's true that he doesn't want to quarrel with his wife, and he doesn't want to be humble and coax him.

He said: "When was the last time Mr. Deng saw Mrs. Deng?"

Deng Xun said: "Have dinner. After dinner, I will come to the study."

"Then when was the last time others saw Mrs. Deng?" Lin Feng asked again.

Xiao Yu spoke at this time: "I have asked that the maid who delivered the wine and bath bucket to Mrs. Deng was the last person to see Mrs. Deng. It was around three quarters of Xu. After delivering the wine and bath bucket, Mrs. Deng let her go. The maids have left, and there is no need for them to serve.”

"No one has seen Mrs. Deng since then?" Lin Feng asked.

Xiao Yu nodded: "It rained a lot that night. Mrs. Deng didn't give any further instructions. The servants were all working or resting in their rooms. No one was running around."

"Is it still raining?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

They didn't encounter any heavy rain on the way.

"That's right." Deng Xun said: "It rained a lot that night, and we all hid in the room and didn't go out... How sad and disappointed is Madam in me, that she would choose to leave on a night of heavy rain?"

As he spoke, Deng Xun's face became even more anxious and worried: "Madam has been well-dressed and well-fed since she was a child. She has been served by others. She has never experienced rain or wind. If she leaves in the middle of the night during a heavy rainstorm, will she be taken care of?" She got wet in the rain? Will she catch wind and cold after getting wet? It’s been more than two days and we haven’t found her yet. Could something happen to her?”

Seeing Deng Xun's anxious look, Xiao Yu couldn't help but comfort him: "Relax, Mr. Deng, we have searched all the places we can, including Mrs. Deng's natal home, Mrs. Deng's usual places, and even outside Chang'an City. I have searched the area within a radius of [-] miles, but Mrs. Deng has not been found yet. Although this means that Mrs. Deng's trace is unknown, it also means that Mrs. Deng may still be safe."

There was something he didn't say... It was the best thing before the body was found. Before her person was found.

However, it was too cold to say this, and Deng Xun, who was afraid of irritation, became even more anxious.

After Xiao Yu comforted Deng Xun, he looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng already knew everything he knew. He didn't know if Lin Feng could find any clues, at least knowing where Mrs. Deng might go.

They used the human wave tactic to find Mrs. Deng. Now all they can rely on is Lin Feng's ability to solve the case. They hope that Lin Feng can find some special clues and deduce Mrs. Deng's whereabouts.

At this time, Xiao Yu saw Lin Feng suddenly raised his head, as if he had thought of something.

Then Lin Feng looked at Deng Xun and said, "Deng Yuanwailang, I have a guess. This may be very bad news for you. I hope Deng Yuanwailang can hold on."

Deng Xun was stunned and couldn't help but look at Lin Feng and said, "What does Lin Sicheng mean?"

Xiao Yu, Sun Fuga and others were also busy looking at Lin Feng.

Then they saw Lin Feng sigh, look at Deng Xun, and said slowly in a low voice: "If nothing happens...I think Mrs. Deng may not have run away from home, but...has been killed."


When everyone heard Lin Feng's words, they couldn't help but scream in horror.

Deng Xun suddenly stood up.

His eyes trembled violently, his hands were trembling, and he looked at Lin Feng in horror: "Lin Sicheng, you...why did you say that?"

Xiao Yu and Sun Fuga were also very puzzled.

Lin Feng looked at everyone and said: "First of all, in Mrs. Deng's room, there are drinks and a bathtub that she specially asked the maid to deliver."

"This shows that she wants to take a good flower petal bath and then have a good drink."

"How can Mrs. Deng, who is in despair and wants to escape from this home, have the leisure to take a flower petal bath? What kind of wine should she drink?"

"Of course, you can also say that she just wanted to take a good bath before leaving, and then get drunk before leaving."

"But the wine bottle is full, and it hasn't been touched at all!"

"The water in the bathtub is also very clean, and the petals in the flower basket are still intact."

"All of this means something is wrong and unreasonable! It's not that she doesn't want to do it at all..."

Lin Feng looked at Deng Xun and said: "So, the only reasonable explanation is that your wife wanted to drink and take a flower petal bath... But before she could drink and take a bath, she encountered an accident! Let her never get there again No chance to drink and take a shower.”

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Deng Xun's face instantly turned pale.

He opened his mouth and his voice was trembling: "Is this really the case?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly. He looked at Lin Feng and said, "Zide, actually I also think there is something wrong with the bathtub and the wine. But other than that, we didn't find any other problems. Mrs. Deng's clothes and jewelry were taken away. Mrs. Deng also left a farewell letter written by herself, and the back door was open... These things prove that Mrs. Deng ran away from home."

"We have limited manpower. When the possibility of running away from home is much higher than other accidents, we can only focus our efforts on running away from home first."

Lin Feng nodded, he could understand Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu has rich experience in handling cases. Everything he just said is on the surface. It is impossible for Xiao Yu not to notice the abnormality.

But this is the only exception, and other information points to running away from home. Xiao Yu is pressed for time and has limited manpower, so he can only give priority to the most likely running away from home.

"Xiaoguan understands Mr. Xiao's choice, but Mr. Xiao..."

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Yu and said slowly: "Have you ever thought... that the clues you thought were about running away from home were actually all to deceive you and make you believe that Mrs. Deng ran away from home and left?"

Xiao Yu's eyes changed and he said: "Deceive us?"

"You mean...these clues are all false?"

Deng Xun widened his eyes and said, "How could it be fake? The farewell letter written by Madam is here, and Lin Sicheng, you also saw it, the handwriting is Madam's handwriting!"

Xiao Yu also nodded. It was precisely because of this farewell letter that he was more certain that Mrs. Deng had run away from home.

After all, the handwriting is not fake.

Lin Feng looked at Deng Xun and said, "I did not say that the words in the farewell letter were not written by Mrs. Deng."

"Why did Prime Minister Lin return?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "What I said...the words in the farewell letter were indeed written by Mrs. Deng, but I didn't say that this farewell letter was also written by her..."


Deng Xun was stunned.

Even Xiao Yu was a little confused.

They looked at Lin Feng in complete confusion.

Lin Feng put the tea cup aside, stood up, and walked to the table.

Then he pointed to the farewell letter on the table and said, "Everyone, take a closer look and see what this letter looks like after it is torn. Do you feel anything is wrong?"

When everyone heard this, they quickly came forward to check.

But they looked left, right, up and down, but they didn't feel anything was wrong.

Lin Feng reminded: "The main thing is to look at the words... Take a closer look. On any of these fragments of paper, are there two words... at the same time? Or are parts of the two words at the same time?"

After listening to Lin Feng's prompt, everyone took a closer look.

Sun Fujia couldn't help but dilate his pupils and said: "That's true. There is only one word on each fragment. There are not two words on any piece of paper at the same time."

Deng Xun frowned and said, "But what does this mean?"

Lin Feng looked at Deng Xun and said: "Tearing paper normally, if you don't deliberately avoid two words on the same fragment, what kind of coincidence would it be... to lead to the fact that among so many fragments, two words are even one As for the smaller ones, they can’t even enter the same fragment?”

"And you can come and take a look..."

Lin Feng picked up two fragments of the two words from the farewell letter and said: "Feel these two pieces of paper. Although they don't seem to have any difference in color, you can still feel it after carefully rubbing it with your hands. There’s a different level of smoothness.”

After listening to Lin Feng's words, the number one scholar, Sun Fujia, immediately stretched out his hand and felt it carefully.

Then his eyes widened: "It is indeed different, this is not the same piece of paper!"

As he spoke, he came to the papers that Deng Xun had brought, quickly felt the papers with his hands, and finally pulled out two pieces of paper from them, saying: "This fragment with these two words is different from the two pieces of paper." It feels consistent.”

The Number One Scholar really deserves to be the Number One Scholar, and he deserves to be an encyclopedia of ancient knowledge. He can always help him in ancient culture at critical moments.

Lin Feng looked at Deng Xun and said, "Deng Yuanwailang, did you buy these two pieces of paper at the same time?"

Deng Xun frowned, carefully checked the contents on the paper, and then said: "It seems that they were not bought at the same time."

Lin Feng said: "In the same farewell letter, the fragments of words are actually two different pieces of paper. Do you still think this farewell letter has any credibility?"

Deng Xun couldn't help but said: "Then what is going on?"

Lin Feng's eyes flashed and he said slowly: "Obviously, someone harmed or kidnapped Mrs. Deng. In order to conceal the truth, he deliberately forged a farewell letter."

"But he was afraid that he would be caught imitating Mrs. Cai's calligraphy, so he came up with this singling out these words from the paper written by Mrs. Deng, tearing them out, and forming the content of the farewell letter."

"But if he did this, he would be discovered immediately, so he found another piece of paper, first tore the gaps based on the words, and then tore the words and the paper apart again into smaller pieces... This way Because they are all fragments, others will never think of it...those words are actually all fake."

"A seemingly perfect farewell letter was born..."

Lin Feng put the fragments back on the table and said in a different tone: "It's just a pity that this person doesn't understand paper well and can't tell the difference between papers, leaving such a flaw, which allowed us to see through his trick. "

Listening to Lin Feng's explanation, Deng Xun couldn't help but vomit. His face turned pale and his tone was anxious: "How could it be like this... This farewell letter turned out to be a forgery! Why didn't I find out!"

Even Xiao Yu was surprised. He read the farewell letter no less than five times, but he didn't even think that the letter was forged.

"Then my wife... where is she now? Is she still alive?" Deng Xun looked at Lin Feng hurriedly and asked in panic.

Lin Feng pressed the table with heavy eyes and said: "Mrs. Deng did not leave on her own initiative, but that person took away Mrs. Deng's clothes and jewelry, and even opened the back door of your house... It was obvious that he deliberately made us think that Mrs. Deng He ran away from home."

"His purpose is to make you focus all your attention outside and look for Mrs. Deng elsewhere..."

"If Mrs. Deng was kidnapped, I think the thief should avoid being searched like this by you. After all, this will put him at risk of being exposed."

He looked at everyone: "So... we use normal logic to deduce that the thief's purpose is to make you think that Mrs. Deng has run away from home, so that you can focus on searching outside... Then we can infer in reverse and we can get Come to the conclusion...the thief doesn't want you to focus on the Deng Mansion."

When Xiao Yu and Sun Fujia heard Lin Feng's words, their pupils suddenly shrank and their expressions changed instantly.

Deng Xun also quickly understood what Lin Feng meant, and his voice was trembling: "But, but the servants had already searched the entire mansion that morning... and no lady was found."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said slowly: "It is precisely because Mrs. Deng was not found that it is the most troublesome, because they have searched all the places where a living person would be, but they did not find it."

"This only proves that...Mrs. Deng stays in a place where the dead can be."

"in other words……"

He looked at Deng Xun and sighed: "Your wife is dead...and the body is hidden in a hidden place in your house!"

 The operations officer started to hold an event for this book. He hugged me while crying and told me to spread the word. So in order to prevent him from crying and getting my pants wet, everyone should go to the book review area and take a look at that event.

  To put it simply, I hope that everyone will post more comments on chapters, give more likes to other chapters, and post more comments, replies, and likes in the book circle.In this way, you can increase the level of being out of the circle. When you reach level three, you can give everyone starting coins and fan titles.

  There is also a more specific activity, send a screenshot of 500 contribution points to get the title of fan.

  Now there are ten fan titles given to everyone. If you contribute [-] points in posts or screenshots of book club groups, the top ten will be given to everyone. It is said that the effect is to rank at the top among all fans, which is very cool.Contribution points are also obtained through comments and likes. We will improve the speed for everyone.

  For details, please read the post posted by the book review area operations officer. He has been waiting day and night for everyone to participate!
  After that, I went to wipe the tears from my pants.

(End of this chapter)

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