People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 88 revealed!Third party status!

Chapter 88 revealed!Third party identity! (two-in-one)

When Cai Wengyi said "It's me", his voice became sharp due to extreme shock.

It sounds very harsh.

When everyone heard Cai Wengyi's words, their reaction was not much better than Cai Wengyi's. They were immediately confused.

I just feel my ears buzzing.

Extreme shock!Extremely unbelievable!What a surprise!
In fact, they never thought that Cai Wengyi, who was out of reach of Han Chenglin and Sun Heqin's murder, was the real target of the third party!

The third party never showed up from beginning to end, but by hiding a corpse, he cleverly turned the two cases into one... and plotted against Cai Wengyi, who had nothing to do with the two cases! this true?

How much scheming does it take to plan this conspiracy?

Zhao Shishi couldn't help but look at Lin Feng and said, "Father, is what County Magistrate Cai said true?"

"Is the target of the person behind the scenes really Magistrate Cai?"

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly looked at Lin Feng.

Cai Wengyi's eyes widened and his whole body was trembling. He looked at Lin Feng and said, "Really, is it really me?"

Zhou Zheng also looked at Lin Feng. Han Chenglin and Sun Heqin, the two murderers who were exploited, were even more shocked and disbelieving, and also cast their eyes on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng met their gazes and did not whet their appetites. He nodded directly and sighed: "Although this truth is cruel to Magistrate Cai, unfortunately, this is the truth."

"Let's put aside the impact of the two cases on the deceased and the murderer, and only look at the results caused by a third party using them... That is, whether it is Han Chenglin's matter or Sun Heqin's matter, it is obvious that they are He is creating mistakes for Magistrate Cai and laying hidden dangers for Magistrate Cai’s final misfortune.”

"It's just that whether it's Han Chenglin, Sun Heqin, or Magistrate Cai yourself, you are all limited in your thinking and vision."

"You were completely blindfolded by the third party. What you see is what the third party wants you to see, and the real truth... Even Han Chenglin and Sun Heqin, who caused the murder, They were all kept in the dark.”

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Cai Wengyi covered his face with his hands in pain, his voice trembling: "So... my wife, my wife's death was actually because of me, because the third party wanted to deal with me?"

Lin Feng sighed and nodded: "Unfortunately, your wife was also part of the scheme and use. After she was used, the third party was worried that she would reveal some clues, and she could only die."

Cai Wengyi's whole body was trembling. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he burst into tears.

With a thin body and a jagged frame, he squatted there and howled bitterly, which really made the listeners feel heavy and full of mixed feelings.

Who would have thought that Cai Wengyi, who had nothing to do with these two cases, would actually be the target of the conspiracy...

Cai Wengyi's only wife died tragically in prison because of this.

A good county magistrate, he originally had a good life, but because of someone's plot, he ended up in a situation where his family is ruined and his family is ruined!And it was only at this moment that he knew the truth of the matter!

Only then did he realize that it was not that he was wrong, but that he had been plotted from the beginning, and that he ended up where he did today because someone deliberately harmed him!
Seeing Cai Wengyi's painful look, Sun Heqin couldn't help but vomit, his face turned pale, and he couldn't help but said: "Who is that third party!? He is too terrifying. I have never seen such a sinister and vicious person."

Hearing Sun Heqin's words, Han Chenglin nodded quickly: "I also want to know who is taking advantage of us."

Cai Wengyi raised his head fiercely. He looked at Lin Feng. His eyes, which were originally lifeless, were extremely red at this moment. His eyes were full of resentment and resentment. He begged: "Lin Sicheng, you are so powerful, you can even know this third party." If the killer exists, then you must be able to find out who he is... I beg you, I beg you to find him! I want to know who it is... who is so vicious! I want him to pay with blood! "

After saying that, he actually wanted to kneel down to Lin Feng.

Listening to Cai Wengyi's voice that sounded like weeping blood, everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Cai Wengyi who was in great pain, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop Cai Wengyi. He said solemnly: "I am here to make the truth of this case known... It is my unshirkable responsibility to find out the third party. .”

As he spoke, Lin Feng looked around the crowd, scanning their faces one by one, and said: "Although Sun Heqin and Magistrate Cai did not know the existence of the third person, Han Chenglin only received a note at most, and did not know about the third person. Other news about the three of them, but it doesn’t matter..."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Don't forget... there is a very important person I haven't mentioned in the whole case!"

"A very important person?" Zhao Shishi was stunned: "Who?"

Others were also a little confused.

"Is there anyone else on this case?"

"Isn't it just Han Chenglin and Sun Heqin? Apart from them, there is no one else involved, right?"

"Yeah, where else is there anyone else who is very important?"

Listening to their confused words, Lin Feng smiled and said, "Is there anyone else?"


He shook his head and said: "If this person is missing, then this third party's plan will encounter great difficulties!"

"The most important reason why he made Cai Wengyi completely fall into the abyss and never be able to get back up... is what this person did in the middle!"

"And this most important person..."

Lin Feng looked at Sun Heqin and said slowly: "You are most familiar with him. He is... your brother-in-law Bao Sanwen!"


Sun Heqin's eyes widened and he was completely confused: "Bao Sanwen? He, he is the most important person!?"

The others were also stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Feng with the same surprise.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Can't believe it?"

Sun Heqin nodded subconsciously.

Lin Feng said: "Don't forget, who made Sun Heqin think that he was about to be exposed?"

"Who made Sun Heqin feel that he had to do something, and then gave Sun Heqin the idea to bribe Magistrate Cai?"

"Who... found Magistrate Cai's wife and sent the box of money to Magistrate Cai's home without any accident?"

When everyone frowned and thought, Lin Feng turned to look at Cai Wengyi and said: "Magistrate Cai, you should understand that if you just make the wrong case, you will certainly be punished, but you will not be reduced to a miserable situation that requires exile. !”

"What really made you fall into the abyss... was this box of money. With this box of money, your problem changed directly from convicting the wrong case to accepting bribes, colluding with the murderer, creating unjust cases, and killing innocent people. No! This has gone from making a mistake to an unforgivable felony!"

Brush it!
Cai Wengyi's eyes widened violently, and his bloodshot eyes were trembling violently.

"Could it be... could it be that this Bao Sanwen did all this on purpose! Did he deliberately harm me? Is he the third party!?"

Hearing what Lin Feng and Cai Wengyi said, Sun Heqin was stunned: "You brother-in-law, he didn't do this to save me at all! He did it to harm Magistrate Cai...He, he was Was that third party bribed?"

"But how is this could he be a third party?" He couldn't believe it at all.

Everyone was confused. They were just running errands for Cai Wengyi. They never expected that they would suddenly become a third party!

Lin Feng looked at Sun Heqin who was in disbelief and said, "It's normal that you don't want to believe that your most trusted relative has betrayed you."

"But Sun Heqin, the facts are here."

"Let me ask you, if it weren't for your brother-in-law, would you know immediately that someone else saw you going up the mountain as well?"

Sun Heqin hesitated.

Lin Feng reminded: "You know, after Governor Zhou took over the case, he only found out after extensive questioning that someone had seen you going up the mountain... This means that no one was gossiping about you going up the mountain at all!"

"Even this officer has doubts...whether those who said they saw you going up the mountain really saw it with their own eyes. It stands to reason that if a body was found on Snake Mountain, there must be many people gossiping. If someone really saw you going up the mountain, , why did Magistrate Cai investigate for so long and no one said anything?"

"It wasn't until Governor Zhou came to investigate that anyone said they saw you?"

Sun Heqin was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and said, "Could it be that no one saw me going up the mountain?"

Lin Feng said calmly: "At least the logic is a little illogical... I will ask someone to question them later, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is that no one talked about you before Governor Zhou came. Then without your brother-in-law, you can do it in advance Were you aware of this and then panicked?”

Sun Heqin was stunned for a moment, silent for a moment, and then shook his head: "I really don't know."

Lin Feng nodded and continued: "Let me ask you again, if you didn't have your brother-in-law, could you think of a way to bribe Magistrate Cai to buy your own life?"

Sun Heqin frowned. He thought for a long time, hesitated, and then said: "I really didn't expect it at the time, but if it comes to a critical moment, it may not be possible."

"You are honest."

Lin Feng nodded and said: "I still have a question... If it weren't for your brother-in-law, would you know that Magistrate Cai was very poor and tight on money because Mrs. Cai likes to wear gold and silver and compare with others? Can you happen to know Does Mrs. Cai come to your cloth shop to buy cloth and thus establish a relationship with her?"

"Can you successfully reach a consensus with Mrs. Cai in such a short period of time, and use Mrs. Cai to obtain the consent of Magistrate Cai, and obtain the personal and confidential letter from Magistrate Cai to you?"

Lin Feng looked at Sun Heqin and reminded: "You have to know how panicked you were at that time. Do you dare to casually tell Mrs. Cai that you killed someone and paid for his life? Are you not afraid that Mrs. Cai will tell Magistrate Cai directly after knowing it? Magistrate Cai will take you down directly?"

"Even if you want to risk your life, can you do it as quickly, as well as your brother-in-law, and handle everything as properly as your brother-in-law?"

Sun Heqin was confused by Lin Feng's question.

He stayed for a while, then shook his head and said, "It really can't be done."

"My brother-in-law is in charge of the cloth store's business. I didn't know that Mrs. Cai happened to be here to buy cloth. I had been traveling around a while ago and only came back recently, so I didn't know that Magistrate Cai was living in a tight situation. I even I dare not tell Mrs. Cai directly about my murder."

"Unless...unless I really have no way out and am about to be arrested, then I can take a risk-taking attitude and directly tell Mrs. Cai or Magistrate Cai about buying my life. But before that, I couldn’t do as well as Sanwen.”

Lin Feng nodded: "Indeed, you may still do such a thing in the end, but you will never do it so perfectly in such a short period of time like Bao Sanwen."

"And don't forget... Magistrate Cai started an investigation after he discovered Gan Qing's body. From the time he identified Gan Qing's body to the time he called Han Chenglin back and convicted Han Chenglin, there was not much time between..."

"If the third party wants to use your bribe to convict Magistrate Cai, he must do it before Magistrate Cai convicts Han Chenglin... Only in this way can he accept your bribe and collude with you to convict Han Chenglin. He was beaten into submission and deliberately created the conditions for an unjust case."


Lin Feng looked at Sun Heqin and said, "It is precisely because of your brother-in-law's presence that we were able to handle everything properly and keep your money intact in such a short period of time before Magistrate Cai convicted Han Chenglin." Send it to Magistrate Cai’s Mansion!"

"If it weren't for him and you were on your own, even if you thought of bribing Magistrate Cai, it would definitely be after your existence was exposed... But, until Han Chenglin is convicted, nothing will happen to you. Anyone talks about it.”

Lin Feng took a deep breath, paused for a moment to let everyone's thoughts relax, and then concluded: "In other words, it is impossible to achieve the third party's request just by relying on your own words, and it is precisely because of your brother-in-law that Everything he wanted to see was perfectly realized.”

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Sun Heqin's pupils shrank violently.

His hands and feet felt cold all over his body, and he said, "Could it be that San Wen really belongs to the third party?"

Lin Feng looked at him and continued: "There are two more things that you may or may not know."

"The first thing is that after you were sentenced to death, your family property has been completely taken over by Bao Sanwen. Bao Sanwen has essentially become the controller of your Sun family."

Sun Heqin said hurriedly: "I know... This is what I want. After all, I have no other relatives. The dog is still too young, so I can only let Sanwen support it temporarily."

"You really trust him enough..."

Lin Feng said meaningfully: "Then haven't you ever thought about why Bao Sanwen did so many things for you secretly, helping you connect with Mrs. Cai and building a bridge for Magistrate Cai, but in the end, neither you nor Magistrate Cai had a good relationship?" In the end, nothing happened to him?"

"Not only did he leave in style, he also inherited your family business. He got everything you had, and you were grateful to him for helping you support the family! He was simply the big winner who had the last laugh!"

Sun Heqin was stunned for a moment and said, "He said... he did it very cleanly."

"Very clean?"

Lin Feng looked at him: "How clean is it? Don't forget, he is the one running between you and Mrs. Cai, the magistrate of Cai County! You are the one who has done nothing. When it comes to cleanliness, you are the cleanest! But he has done so many things among you, and even the money was given by him personally, but in the end you said that he did it very cleanly...don't you think this so-called cleanliness is abnormal?"

Sun Heqin was sweating profusely when asked by Lin Feng. In fact, he had not studied all this in detail.

He thought for a while and couldn't help but said: "Could it be...could it be that he deliberately hid his hand? In fact, he didn't do it himself. He did this...just to expose me, to seize my family property, and to harm me on purpose?"

Lin Feng said: "It is possible to harm you intentionally...but doesn't he know that once your affair is exposed, Magistrate Cai, who received your money, will also get into trouble? Do you think that just because of your brother-in-law, who is not as knowledgeable as you, Do you dare to plot against Magistrate Cai while plotting against you? Aren't you afraid that Magistrate Cai will find out and make him suffer?"

"I...I..." Sun Heqin didn't know how to answer.

"and also!"

Lin Feng looked at him: "If he really just wants to harm you, then he can directly find Magistrate Cai and tell Magistrate Cai that you killed someone. Isn't this the simplest thing? Why bother to fight with Magistrate Cai for you? Make a matchmaker? Isn’t this a clear way to get yourself into it?”

Sun Heqin swallowed and nodded. He finally fully understood the twists and turns.

I finally realized it was too unreasonable.

Everything Bao Sanwen did, whether it was to harm himself or to rob the family property, was unreasonable!The only explanation is...he was asked to do this!
By whom?

There is no doubt that there is only the third party who hides the deepest!
I hope that through Bao Sanwen, I can use myself as a third party to lure Cai Wengyi into the water!
He couldn't help but vomit, his face turned pale and full of anger, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I really didn't expect that this Bao Sanwen would be so rip-off, join forces with an outsider, and even dare to plot against me!"

"Where is the other person! Let him get out!"

While roaring angrily, he looked at the crowd, looking for traces of this white-eyed wolf: "I want to ask him, how have I treated him over the years? Why is he so pickpocketing? Doesn't he have a conscience?"

Lin Feng saw Sun Heqin looking for Bao Sanwen and said slowly: "Stop can't find him."


"This is also the second thing I want to tell you...your brother-in-law, Bao Sanwen, is dead."

"What!? Dead?"

Sun Heqin's face was full of surprise. He didn't know about this in prison.

Lin Feng looked at him: "On the day I came, when I was questioning you in the prison...he fell into the river and drowned."

Sun Heqin was stunned. When he heard about Bao Sanwen's death, he didn't know whether he should scold him for dying well or feel sad.

Lin Feng looked at Sun Heqin who fell silent and said, "Wu Zuo can't be sure whether he accidentally fell into the river or was pushed into the river."

"But through investigation, I learned that he was called out of the house by a mysterious person before his death, and he died not long after that... In addition, I concluded that he was bribed by a third party. people..."

Sun Heqin said in a daze: "So it's not an accident, but the third party saw you coming. He was afraid that you would find something out of Bao Sanwen, so he killed him and silenced him?"

Lin Feng nodded: "As long as he dies, I still can't be sure whether my suspicion about Bao Sanwen is accurate, but once he dies... it will be enough to verify my speculation."

"Although the third party kept silent, he didn't know it. This made me confirm my suspicions and confirmed that Bao Sanwen was definitely the insider!"

Sun Heqin suddenly thought of something, and he said: "Since the third party is worried about Bao Sanwen telling the truth, why didn't he kill Bao Sanwen and silence him first?"

Lin Feng said slowly: "Bao Sanwen is a person with vested interests. How dare he tell the truth when there is a handle in the hands of a third party? Moreover, your case has only been in the past few months. If Bao Sanwen dies at this time, will it cause other problems?" Human suspicion? The third party is so cautious and does not want to cause trouble."

"That is to say, I came suddenly. He didn't know what I found, and he felt uneasy. That's why he kept silent."

Sun Heqin nodded, finally understanding everything.

The others also nodded heavily.

Lin Feng's words were confusing because Lin Feng had to make a definite judgment on whether Bao Sanwen was bribed by a third party.

So Lin Feng analyzed it from various angles and inferred logically, and finally was able to basically determine that there was something wrong with Bao Sanwen.

In the end, Bao Sanwen died at the right time, which reversely verified Lin Feng's deduction.

Everything is already clear.

Zhou Zheng couldn't help stroking his hands and said: "Wonderful! It's really wonderful! Lin Sicheng's reasoning is interlocking and very wonderful! That three-note package really contains evil intentions!"


As soon as he changed his voice, his expression became solemn again: "Bao Sanwen is dead. Doesn't his death mean that the clues we finally got are broken again?"

"Originally, of all the people involved in the whole process, only Bao Sanwen could know the identity of the third party, but now... Bao Sanwen is dead, and we are back to where we were, going around and around, and then back again. "

When everyone heard this, their faces became heavy.

Sun Heqin said with an ugly face: "This guy who cheats and cheats can't die a little later!"

Cai Wengyi's face was full of despair: "I finally found hope, but he died yesterday... Who is this third party? How can he be one step faster than us in everything!" Zhao Minglu also frowned: "The only person who knew about it is dead. Now we're in trouble."

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng worriedly.

Everyone also looked at Lin Feng with a heavy heart.

But at this time, they discovered that Lin Feng was smiling, and Lin Feng was not as serious as they showed.

Lin Feng looked at Zhou Zheng and said with a smile: "Who told Governor Zhou...that if Bao Sanwen died, the clue would be lost?"

Zhou Zheng was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it?"

Lin Feng said: "Bao Sanwen is indeed dead, but the clues may not be broken."

"I don't know if you still remember, but there is a piece of paper in the wallet containing three coins."

Sun Fujia's heart moved and he asked, "Is that the piece of paper with the two words of suicide note written on it?"

"A suicide note?"

Sun Heqin was stunned: "What suicide note?"

Sun Fujia explained: "We found a piece of paper on Bao Sanwen's body that he had carefully preserved. The other contents on the paper had been soaked by water and could no longer be seen clearly. Only the top two I can barely make out the large characters, and those two characters are the suicide note."

Sun Heqin frowned and said, "Why did he write a suicide note? Did he commit suicide?"

Lin Feng looked at him: "Is it possible? I just calculated the family property from you. Do you think he will want to commit suicide?"

Sun Heqin was startled, then nodded: "It is indeed impossible to have such an idea."

"What about the suicide note? Could it be that the third party wanted to kill him and deliberately put it in his wallet to create the illusion that he committed suicide?"

Sun Fuga shook his head: "That's not the case. If Bao Sanwen died in another way, it is still possible, but falling into the water and drowning is absolutely impossible... After all, nothing can be recognized after falling into the water. It’s a coincidence that we can still recognize the two words “suicide note”, otherwise we wouldn’t even know it was a suicide note.”

"If a third party wanted to create the illusion that Bao Sanwen committed suicide, it would never have been possible for Bao Sanwen to drown, or at least hang himself, so that the suicide note would not be identifiable."

Zhao Minglu nodded heavily, he was very experienced in this.

After all, Zhou Mo was the one who was faked by Lu Chenhe.

Sun Heqin's head almost exploded: "It's not that he wanted to commit suicide, nor was it a third party who stuffed a suicide note into him, so what else could it be?"

He couldn't figure it out at all.

Others didn't understand what Bao Sanwen wanted to do.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Isn't it obvious?"

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

Lin Feng looked at them and said: "Bao Sanwen has no intention of committing suicide, and the suicide note was not written by anyone else, so it can only be written by himself!"

"But he didn't want to commit suicide, so why did he write a suicide note when he was still living well?"

Zhao Shiwu asked blankly: "Why?"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes, with gleams of light shining in his eyes, and said slowly: "When will a person write a suicide note?"

"When he thought he might die!"

"That's why Bao Sanwen also had the same reason. Why did he write a suicide note at the most glorious time in his life? Because he was worried that he would die! He was afraid that he would die without warning! He was afraid that he would not have the chance to leave any words! So He wrote his suicide note in advance, hoping that after his death, others would know about his arrangements for his funeral."

When Sun Fuga heard this, his eyes flashed suddenly. He looked at Lin Feng fiercely and said, "Zide, what do you mean... In fact, Bao Sanwen is also afraid of the third party. Is he afraid of being silenced?"

Is he afraid of being silenced by a third party?
When everyone heard this, they quickly looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "Then the third party's methods are so terrifying, harming people invisibly, and trying to steal the skin of a tiger, how can we not be afraid?"

"Although the third party followed the agreement, Bao Sanwen lived well, was not implicated in any way, and successfully obtained the family property."

"But he must still have worries in his heart, so he wrote a suicide note when he was living happily and kept it close to him... because he was afraid that he would die just like yesterday."

Sun Fujia nodded in agreement, but sighed: "It's a pity that he didn't expect that he would drown, and no one can read the suicide note clearly."

Zhou Zheng also sighed: "Yes!"

Lin Feng was not frustrated at all. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Although I can't see the suicide note, Bao Sanwen's behavior was not in vain. He finally gave me a reminder, which made me think of something. possibility."

"What's possible?" Sun Fuga asked hurriedly.

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said, "You said... Bao Sanwen was so scared that he carried a suicide note with him, so could he have prepared something to prevent himself from being silenced...?"

"For example..."

Lin Feng looked at the crowd and said slowly: "Will he hide the clues and evidence about the third party to threaten the third party so that the third party will not dare to attack him easily?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's eyes widened.

They only felt that the blood in their hearts, which had gone cold, seemed to heat up instantly.

It was as if a ray of sunshine suddenly penetrated through the endless cloudy sky!

Zhao Shiwu said quickly: "Father, do you mean... Bao Sanwen, did he leave clues to a third party?"

Everyone looked at Lin Feng nervously and expectantly.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I think that for a person who is worried that he will die at any time, there should be nothing surprising about making some preparations to ensure that he will not be killed easily, right?"

Zhou Zheng frowned and said, "But he is still dead!"

Lin Feng said: "My arrival was sudden, and none of you had received the news of my arrival in advance, so the third party must have been unprepared."

"Therefore, when a sudden crisis came, what he thought of was to silence him as soon as possible and eliminate the hidden danger... In this case, maybe Bao Sanwen was silenced before he even had time to say that he had hidden evidence... ”

Everyone thought for a while and then nodded.

What Lin Feng said is indeed reasonable.

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

Since Bao Sanwen was afraid of death and suspected that he might be silenced, how could he not make preparations?But Lin Feng arrived suddenly, and the third party killed someone in a hurry. Bao Sanwen probably didn't even have a chance to speak.

Zhou Zheng looked at Lin Feng and said, "In that case, I will immediately send someone to Sun Mansion to investigate!"

"No need!"

Lin Feng shook his head.

Zhou Zheng looked at Lin Feng in confusion.

Just listen to Lin Feng slowly say: "I have such a conjecture, so I asked Dr. Sun to do it... After all, I am also worried about being taken one step ahead by a third party again, just like killing someone in advance and Bao Sanwen. The clues left by San Wen have also been wiped out, which would be really troublesome."

"Dr. Sun..."

When Zhou Zheng heard this, he quickly looked at Sun Fuga.

Sun Fujia nodded: "When I returned from Snake Mountain yesterday, Lin Si Cheng asked me to send someone to visit Sun Heqin's residence at night, focusing on searching in Sun Heqin's study."

Sun Heqin was stunned: "My study?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said: "I asked your wife. Your wife said that whenever Bao Sanwen returns home during this period, he will rush into the study... So I speculate that if there is really a third party who can threaten , something that makes a third party afraid to attack him easily, then this thing should be in the study."

Sun Heqin nodded, and he quickly asked: "Did you find it in the end?"

Zhou Zheng and others also looked at Lin Feng nervously.

Then... they saw Lin Feng take out a letter from his arms.

Lin Feng looked at Sun Heqin and said, "Do you still remember where you hid Cai Wengyi's letters?"

Sun Heqin was startled and said: "Is it possible!?"

Lin Feng nodded: "That's right, it's the place where you hid Cai Wengyi's letter... As expected, the reason why the government officials couldn't find the letter you hid was because they were asked by a third party to have Bao Sanwen destroy it. And Bao Sanwen thought that it would be the safest place since it had been searched, so he put things that could really threaten a third party there."

Before Sun Heqin could say anything, Cai Wengyi suddenly frowned and said, "What letter? I have never written any letter to Sun Heqin!"

"What?" Sun Heqin was stunned: "You didn't write it?"

Lin Feng smiled without any surprise: "Of course it was not written by Cai Wengyi. If it was written by Cai Wengyi, why would a third party let Bao Sanwen destroy it?"

"If this letter is here, wouldn't it be more of an ironclad proof that you colluded with Cai Wengyi?"

Sun Heqin was confused: "If he didn't write it, then who wrote it?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Zheng: "What do Governor Zhou think?"

Zhou Zheng frowned and shook his head: "I can't guess it."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Bao Sanwen is doing things for a third party, so it is obvious... The letter Bao Sanwen took out was not written by Cai Wengyi, it could only be written by a third party."

"When imitating Cai Wengyi's handwriting, no matter how similar the imitation is, there is still a possibility that problems will be discovered. Therefore, in order to avoid accidents, a cautious third party directly asked Bao Sanwen to destroy the forged letter."

Sun Heqin suddenly nodded and said: "No wonder Governor Zhou and the others couldn't find it after searching for it. It turned out that it was ruined by Bao Sanwen!"

"Although I said it was destroyed, it was not really destroyed!"


Lin Feng looked at him and said with a smile: "You all know to keep this letter, so that Cai Wengyi will not regret it... How can Bao Sanwen not be cautious about seeking skin from a tiger?"

Sun Heqin was stunned: "Is it possible!?"

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes, the third party asked Bao Sanwen to destroy it, but Bao Sanwen also secretly hid it... And not only was this fake letter from Cai Wengyi, but also the one written by Bao Sanwen himself... Regarding the identity of the third party, and the detailed process of everything the third party made him do!"

Lin Feng held up the letter in his hand and said, "All the truth is here!"

Everyone's eyes flickered, and they all fell on the envelope in Lin Feng's hand.

Cai Wengyi hurriedly said: "Who is it!? Who is that dog thief who ruined my family!?"

Sun Heqin also hurriedly asked: "Who is this third party?"

Everyone looked at Lin Feng with great curiosity.

Then Lin Feng looked at Zhou Zheng and said meaningfully: "Prince Zhou, who do you think the third party written in Bao Sanwen's letter could be?"

Zhou Zheng frowned and looked a little ugly: "How could I know!"

Lin Feng smiled and said slowly: "Unfortunately...the name written in this letter is exactly——"

Lin Feng looked at Zhou Zheng and said word by word: "You, Governor Zhou!"

The moment Lin Feng finished speaking, everyone's eyes suddenly froze.

Their pupils shrank suddenly.

There were expressions of disbelief, horror and shock all over his face.

Their eyes all fell on Zhou Zheng, and their expressions almost froze.

"Zhou... Zhou... Governor Zhou!?" Sun Heqin's eyes widened and he stuttered in shock: "It's you! The third party is you!?"

Cai Wengyi also stared at Zhou Zheng and said in disbelief: "Prince Zhou, how could it be you... I have never offended you, right?"

Everyone else was equally shocked and disbelieving.

Zhou Zheng listened to their words and his eyes met Lin Feng's. Contrary to everyone's expectations, his expression did not change at all. He was still very calm and said: "I remember that Bao Sanwen once committed evil and was punished by me. However, Bao Sanwen hated me because of this, so his letters were probably intended to frame me!"

He looked at Lin Feng, spinning the iron ball with his right hand. The iron ball with the word 'zhou' on it kept spinning. His expression remained unchanged and he said: "Lin Sicheng, you can't believe Bao Sanwen's words..."

Zhou Zheng's calmness surprised everyone.

He is really too calm and calm.

That way, it doesn't look like a deep secret has been exposed at all.

He said that Bao Sanwen was jealous of him, so he framed him...

Is this really true?
Everyone looked at Lin Feng.

The wind blew, and Lin Feng wore a green shirt and made a hunting sound.

He gently straightened his head, looked at the extremely calm Zhou Zheng in front of him, and said with a smile: "The reason why Zhou Zheng is so calm is because every time you see Bao Sanwen, you meet him in person, so you don't leave any letters or leave any messages. Any substantive evidence?"

"So you are not afraid of Bao Sanwen's letter at all, because even if you are suspicious again, Bao Sanwen won't have any ironclad evidence, right?"

Zhou Zheng sneered: "Lin Sicheng seems to think that all this was done by me? But I didn't do this, and Bao Sanwen has no evidence. Isn't it natural?"

The Zhou Zheng in front of him was calmer than any prisoner Lin Feng had ever seen before.

Even when Lin Feng said his name, his expression did not change at all.

Lin Feng looked at Zhou Zheng, feeling very emotional in his heart, and said: "Bao Sanwen really has no ironclad evidence, and all my inferences have no evidence to prove that this person is you...but."

His voice suddenly changed. Lin Feng looked at Zhou Zheng and sneered: "Man's calculations are not as good as God's calculations. No matter how cautious you are, there are some accidents that cannot be avoided if you are cautious enough!"

"President Zhou, do you really think you didn't leave any evidence?"

"Do you really think that you didn't leave any evidence at all on this Snake Mountain that day?"

"Have you forgotten what you lost on that day?"

When Zhou Zheng heard Lin Feng's words, he was not afraid and sneered: "I didn't do this, how could there be any evidence left?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Lin Feng's gaze aimed at his right hand.

Suddenly, his words stopped abruptly.

The eyes that had been calm from beginning to end, at this moment, set off a huge wave.

He looked at Lin Feng fiercely.

Lin Feng, who was illuminated by the sunlight that fell through the leaves, was a little dazzling at this moment. Lin Feng looked at him and said with a half-smile: "I know what you are thinking. You sent so many people to search, but none of them were found." , I only have one day to find it, and it’s impossible to find it.”

"But it's a pity that what I'm best at is finding things!"

Lin Feng looked at the corpse in front of him: "I can even find the corpse you hid under this green plum seedling... So what do you think..."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and looked at Zhou Zheng: "Is it impossible for me to find the ironclad evidence that proves everything?"

Zhou Zheng's expression completely changed.

 Two chapters in one [-]-word chapter!I finished updating at noon and have been writing until now. I feel extremely uncomfortable and have to take a rest quickly.

  I originally thought about stopping halfway through writing, but I thought that since I have written it, I will write it until the identity of the third party is revealed. There will be more exciting confrontations and all the doubtful points will be fully revealed in the next chapter. The case will be revealed in the next chapter. it's over.

(End of this chapter)

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