Chapter 64 Shocking speculation!
Everyone followed Lin Feng out of the room, and before they had gone far, they saw Zhao and Zhao Yanran walking over.

Zhao Yanran walked steadily, holding a plate of pastries in her hands. The pastries were light pink in color and looked sweet and soft.

The two of them came in front of everyone, and Ms. Zhao bowed slightly: "What happened last night, even if I have reasons, I still know that what I did was wrong. I feel deeply guilty. If it weren't for Mr. Wei, Mr. Sun, Mr. Lin and Yongshi Zhao... , I will definitely fall into a deep mistake and be unable to extricate myself. All benefactors, please accept my respect."

Saying this, Mrs. Zhao was about to salute.

Wei Zheng said: "Mrs. Zhao, you don't have to be like this. You understand your husband's feelings. This is human nature and is understandable."

But Zhao still stubbornly gave a big salute and then straightened up.

Her voice was soft and she said, "I know that my ability is too weak to repay all my benefactors, so I can only express my gratitude through these cooking skills."

She looked at the cakes and said softly: "This is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by my own hands. I hope all my benefactors can try it."

Hearing Zhao's words, Wei Zheng and Sun Fujia couldn't help but look at Lin Feng. They still remembered that Lin Feng said that they must not eat anything from the Zhao family easily.

Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, and he said with a smile: "We understand Mrs. Zhao's kindness, but we were very full just now and we really can't eat anymore."

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhao couldn't force herself, so she could only nod her head and said: "Then when our benefactors are hungry, I will prepare some food for them."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and said, "Mrs. Zhao is such a good craftsman, do you often make sweet-scented osmanthus cake?"

Mrs. Zhao nodded softly: "I liked osmanthus cake very much when I was alive, so I often make it."

Lin Feng looked at the appearance of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake. Even if he didn't eat it, he knew it must be very delicious. He smiled and said, "Mr. Zhao was very delicious during his lifetime."

He looked at Zhao Yanran who was holding the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and said with a smile, "Can Miss Zhao make it too?"

Zhao Yanran shook her head hurriedly: "Yanran is clumsy. My aunt taught me several times, but I never learned it. Now I can only watch my aunt work hard."

Zhao said warmly: "Everyone has their own strengths. Yanran is proficient in chess, calligraphy and painting. This is something I cannot match."

Zhao is really gentle... Lin Feng nodded. Just as he was about to find a reason to leave, he suddenly saw a familiar shadow in his sight.

Shang Governor Shi Lu Chenhe strode over. He was sweating profusely and looked anxious. He quickly saluted Wei Zheng: "Wei Gong."

Wei Zheng nodded slightly.

Then Lu Chenhe looked directly at Lin Feng and said with a serious expression: "Brother Lin, there is something I don't know if it is related to the case."

Lin Feng saw that Lu Chenhe's expression was wrong, so he stopped smiling and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lu Chenhe took a deep breath, looked at Lin Feng, and said solemnly: "Zhou Waner's younger brother, Zhou Mo, hanged himself."


"Zhou Mo committed suicide?"

Sun Fujia and Zhao Minglu unexpectedly spoke out almost at the same time.

Zhao Shiwu also widened his eyes: "Dead?"

Zhao and Zhao Yanran couldn't help but cover their mouths and almost screamed.

They were all shocked by the sudden bad news.

Lin Feng's pupils jumped slightly, Zhou Mo is dead?

I was just about to go to Zhou Mo to verify my reasoning, but he died?

Lin Feng's eyes flickered for a moment, and he asked, "What's going on?"

Lu Chenhe looked at him and said, "This morning, someone came to the Yamen to report that someone had hanged himself. When I heard the report, I quickly took people to investigate."

"It turned out that...the person who hanged himself was actually Zhou Mo."

"He hanged himself under a beam at his own residence last night."

Lin Feng couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

I just arrived last night, but Zhou Mo committed suicide that night...

He didn't commit suicide sooner or later, but why did he wait until he came?
Isn't this a coincidence?
Lin Feng's brain was spinning wildly. He looked at Lu Chenhe and said, "Where is Zhou Mo's body now?"

Lu Chenhe wiped his sweat and said hurriedly: "Zhou Mo's body is in an abandoned house in the south of the city. That's where he hanged himself. He has been living there during this time. After I found out that the deceased was Zhou Mo, I ordered someone to kill him." The scene has been sealed off and no one is allowed in or out..."

He looked at Lin Feng and said: "After all, Zhou Waner's case is not over yet. Zhou Mo is also a relevant person. I don't know whether his death is related to Zhou Waner's case."

"So after I learned about this, I came here in a hurry to tell you about it... Look at how sweaty I am, I'm almost dying of anxiety, for fear of delaying Brother Lin's investigation of the case."

As he said that, he couldn't help but look at Zhao Yanran who was standing under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and said with some embarrassment: "Miss Yanran, can you let me go under the shade of the tree? I am so hot now that my whole body is sweating, and I feel really uncomfortable. "

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yanran quickly moved away and said, "Of course."

Lu Chenhe came to the shade of the tree and breathed out a sigh of relief: "I finally came to life."

Lin Feng saw Lu Chenhe sweating profusely and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Lu Changshi."

Lu Chenhe waved his hands hurriedly: "Brother Lin, please don't say that. I also hope to solve the case as soon as possible. After all, this is also a case under my jurisdiction."

Lin Feng nodded slightly. He pondered for a moment and said, "Take me to see Zhou Mo."


Two quarters later.

In the south of the city, an abandoned dilapidated house stands alone.

At this time, there were many people outside the house. The people looked inside, pointed and talked.

The government officials guarded the door and did not allow people to enter.

Inside the house, Lin Feng and others had just arrived.

As soon as he came in, Lin Feng saw Zhou Mo's body lying on the ground.

At the same time, the rope still tied to the beam was seen.

There is an overturned stool under the rope.

It looked like it was indeed a suicide scene.

Lin Feng quickly came to Zhou Mo's body, squatted down, and inspected Zhou Mo's body.

He looked at Zhou Mo's neck and saw that there was only one obvious strangulation mark on Zhou Mo's neck. The strangulation mark was located between the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage. It was the darkest just below and gradually became lighter along the sides.

Judging from Lin Feng's experience in solving cases in his previous life, these marks are indeed consistent with suicide.

It is completely different from being strangled from behind and then committing suicide.

But after all, he was not a forensic doctor, and he might be wrong based on experience alone. He asked Lu Chenhe, "What did Wu Zuo say?"

Lu Chenhe said: "Wu Zuo said that the time of Zhou Mo's death was between Yin Shi and Mao Shi. The injuries were inconsistent, and the body spots were distributed on the far ends of the upper and lower limbs. There were no signs of struggle, which is consistent with the characteristics of self-hanging."

Did he even think that he had hanged himself?

Sun Fuga couldn't help but frown. Even though everything at the scene proved that he died by hanging, it was still hard for Sun Fuga to believe it.

After all, what a coincidence!
As soon as they arrived, Lin Feng had just deduced the corresponding clues, which needed Zhou Mo to verify, but Zhou Mo hanged himself... How could such a coincidence happen in this world?
Moreover, between Yinshi and Maoshi, it was exactly after Lin Feng cracked the Zhao Mansion haunting case... This time point really made him unable to stop thinking about it.

But unfortunately, the autopsy revealed that Zhou Mo hanged himself!

what on earth is it?

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng, but saw that Lin Feng had already stood up and came to inspect the dilapidated house.

Several tiles on the roof were broken, allowing direct sunlight to shine in.

The room was bare and there was no one to cook.

There was only a straw mat, a broken stool that had fallen to the ground, and two broken bowls.

At this time, one broken bowl still contained a chicken leg, and the other broken bowl had half a bowl of wine left.

Near the broken bowl, there was an overturned wine jug and some chicken bones.

Lin Feng picked up the jug... There was still some wine left in the jug, but it was not completely finished.

He thought for a moment and looked at the straw mat next to the broken bowl. He saw some sachets thrown at the end of the straw mat.


Lin Feng came to these sachets and looked at them... He suddenly remembered that when he visited Zhou Waner's room at night, he also saw some sachets in the box on the dressing table in Zhou Waner's room.

Those sachets are very similar to the sachets here.

Lin Feng picked up a sachet and smelled it. There was a faint scent of osmanthus.

It was indeed given to Zhou Mo by Zhou Waner... The ancient sachet had the meaning of exorcising evil spirits and avoiding disasters. It seemed that Zhou Waner really did her best for Zhou Mo.

He stood up, looked at this place that was comparable to a beggar's residence, and asked: "After Zhou Waner died, Zhou Mo had a bad life?"

Lu Chenhe nodded and said: "Zhou Mo loves to gamble. Even if Zhou Waner is dead, he will still be addicted to gambling. If he loses money, he will borrow money. If he has no money to repay the debt, he will go to the Zhao Mansion to ask for it as before."

"But Zhou Wan'er is gone, how can anyone from the Zhao Mansion pay attention to him anymore? He is kicked out by the Zhao Mansion Nursing Home every time."

"In the end, in order to pay off the debt, I had to sell the house and everything else... and ended up being homeless now."

Lin Feng nodded, not surprised at all. Gamblers always end up like this until the end.

Sun Fujia frowned. He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng. He couldn't help showing a worried look and said: "Zide, Zhou Mo hanged himself... What should we do? The clues you finally found are suddenly revealed again." broken."


But who would have thought that when Lin Feng heard this, he shook his head. He squinted his eyes and said meaningfully: "Why do I think it's just the opposite?" "What?"

Sun Fujia was stunned and quickly looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stared at Zhou Mo's body and said with unclear meaning: "Some things do not need to be verified with words... Many times, a person's death can prove many things."

Sun Fujia was a little confused: "Do you mean... Zhou Mo didn't hang himself, but was killed?"

Lin Feng did not continue this topic. He looked at Sun Fujia and whispered: "Dr. Sun, I have something to trouble you."

When Sun Fujia heard this, he couldn't help but recall the many unimaginable methods used by Lin Feng to solve the case before. He hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

Lin Feng whispered in Sun Fujia's ear: "Find someone to go to the gambling house..."

Sun Fuga raised his head suddenly, and then seemed to think of something. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but said: "Why didn't I think of this!"

Lin Feng chuckled and said, "Then I'll trouble Dr. Sun."

Sun Fuga didn't hesitate and said immediately: "Don't worry!"

After that, he left quickly.

Looking at Sun Fujia's leaving figure, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He knew that the third party must have sensed the danger... so he couldn't help but take action again after a month and a half.

I have to say that this third party was really ruthless, steady, accurate and ruthless, completely in line with Lin Feng's perception of Zhou Waner's case.

But... Lin Feng is not afraid of him taking action. After a month and a half, many clues have been buried. It is difficult for Lin Feng to find too many clues. If the third party does nothing, Lin Feng will be a little worried. I don’t know. Is your direction right or wrong?

Now...a third party has taken action, which proves without a doubt that Lin Feng's thoughts are correct.

The more things he did, the more clues he gave Lin Feng.

Now they seemed to be playing a game of chess. Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng lost without even seeing their opponents... but they were playing a game with them!

"Zhou Mo didn't die before, which means he probably didn't know much, otherwise the third party wouldn't have kept him alive until now."

Lin Feng touched his chin and analyzed in his mind: "But when I came, he died... Is it because the ability I showed last night to solve the case made the third party feel threatened?"

"So, even if Zhou Mo doesn't know much, I don't want Zhou Mo to provide me with even the slightest clue."

"Then does this prove that... Zhou Mo actually knows something? Can it at least provide me with some ideas?"

Lin Feng looked at Lu Chenhe and said, "Lu Changshi, can you help me find Zhou Mo's confession?"

Lu Chenhe immediately said: "There is a copy in the Yamen. I will ask someone to get it for Brother Lin."

With that said, he went to order the Yamen servant to get the file immediately.

After Lin Feng thanked Lu Chenhe, he walked out of the room, sat on the stone at the door, and looked up at the sky above his head.

The sky is vast and cloudless.

Lin Feng felt refreshed in his heart, and his brain began to automatically process and analyze the case involuntarily.

Zhou Mo died... Zhao Deshun and his son took advantage of their father-son relationship and took the initiative to become murderers, thus allowing the real murderer to hide in the dark... There was also a thief who suddenly appeared. Since the thief was met by Zhou Waner in the treasure room, It means that he is also looking for something.

But what is he looking for? come these things have a very familiar feeling, as if they have just seen them.

But where have you seen it?

Lin Feng thought for a moment. Suddenly, Lin Feng didn't know what he thought of. He stood up suddenly and his eyes widened!
He thought about where this familiar sense of déjà vu came from!

Zhou Mo hanged himself without any flaws... How similar is this to Lu'e being plotted by Cuizhu and becoming the biggest suspect without any flaws?

And Zhao Deshun and his son were exploited because of their family affection... How similar is this to how Zhou Ran exploited Zheng Feng's filial piety and Wu Minxing's love for his children?

More importantly, in the palace haunting case, Cuizhu is a thief!
There is also a thief in Zhao Mansion!
Not to mention……

In this case, Lin Feng, the former prime minister of Dali Temple of the White Tiger Organization, was also involved.

Although Lin Feng, the former prime minister of Dali Temple, was tricked by Jiang Hecheng and Jiang Hecheng gave him money, he did not follow the rules and closed the case early. As a result, he was found out because of the imperial certificate of the Zhao family.

She looked so unlucky that she didn't even know who Zhou Waner was.

But now... Lin Feng couldn't help but ask himself, is this really the case?

Is this a coincidence?
Everything that happened in the Zhao Mansion, the usual methods used by those in the White Tiger Organization, and the purpose of stealing, are simply carved from the same mold!

How can I encounter all the coincidences in this world?

But if it's not a coincidence, there's another problem.

If the White Tiger Organization is really involved... then is it unreasonable that Lin Feng, the former prime minister of Dali Temple, would be sentenced to death?

He knew clearly that the murderer was not Zhao Deshun, but he still went to help Jiang Hecheng... Wasn't this just watching him jump into a pit?

Is he crazy?

The Prime Minister of Dali Temple doesn't do anything good, but he wants to take the initiative to jump into the pit dug by their organization?

Is he deliberately seeking death?

No, he changed his mind and ran away a long time ago!

The logic doesn't make sense!


Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, and he thought of a possibility: "Unless...he has to do this, he has to jump into this pit!"

"He knew that if he jumped into this pit, he would definitely die, but he still jumped... This only proves that he has no choice. If he doesn't jump, he will die even worse!"

"If he jumps, he can still escape by cheating. If he doesn't jump... he won't even have a chance to cheat!!!"

Lin Feng's scalp couldn't help but feel numb when he thought of this!

Adrenaline was soaring and goosebumps were on my feet.

A guess that made him feel palpitating suddenly came to mind!
——There is a big problem with the identity of this Dali Temple Prime Minister!
Isn't that guy taking advantage of his status as the Prime Minister of Dali Temple to do something outrageous?

It's not exposed yet, but once exposed, it will be blown to pieces?

So he must fake his death to escape in advance!

If this is really the case... wouldn't it be very dangerous for me now to bear the identity of Lin Feng, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple?

Even if Zhao Waner's murder case is solved and the official is reinstated, it may explode immediately on the spot!


Lin Feng paced back and forth, his eyes flashing fiercely. He had to confirm whether this matter was related to the White Tiger Organization and Lin Feng, the former Prime Minister of Dali Temple.

He must never go that far!
If it is really related to the White Tiger Organization, then my previous plan will no longer work and I must change my plan!
He must reveal his identity in advance!

We must escape immediately before the thunder explodes!
Otherwise, you will die unjustly!

Fortunately... Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Now he is no longer the penniless death row prisoner he once was. He has a good relationship with Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng and Dai Zhou also think highly of him.

And as long as this case can be solved, he will be able to escape without guilt... At this time, if he takes the initiative to explain his identity, there is no possibility of lying in order to avoid the death penalty. Even if Wei Zheng and the others cannot accept it, they will accept it.

And my ability has been fully demonstrated, and Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng value me. Even if I leave this identity, I think they will definitely recruit me... In this case, I will have a chance to gain a foothold.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not too late to think of this now. Fortunately, he already has a way out.

However, the most important thing now is to determine...whether this case is related to the White Tiger Organization, and whether the thief is a member of the White Tiger Organization!
"We must find this guy as soon as possible, we can't delay it any longer!"

Lin Feng's heart was filled with crisis, and a sense of urgency suddenly came over him.

While he was frowning and thinking, Sun Fuga's figure appeared.

Lin Feng saw this and hurriedly asked: "How is it?"

Sun Fujia looked at Lin Feng and said, "I've already asked... At that time, Zhou Mo owed money to the gambling shop owner, but he paid it back in time - just the day before Zhao Waner died!"

Just the day before Zhao Waner died...

Lin Feng's pupils dilated slightly.

The originally straight back suddenly relaxed.


He let out a long breath.

Sun Fuga's answer completely verified his previous logical reasoning and guessing!
Zhou Waner really knew the identity of the thief!

Sure enough, I threatened the thief and got money from the thief!
But little did she know that when she got money, she sounded the death knell for herself!
The causal relationship is established and there is no problem with logical reasoning!

That is to say...

The third party who poisoned, the most hidden real murderer behind the Zhao Deshun case, is... this thief!

 It’s National Day!Happy National Day to everyone!
  In the new month, I want to ask for some monthly tickets. By the end of September, I have exactly [-] monthly tickets. Unfortunately, I didn’t break through [-]. In October, I just hope that the monthly tickets can break through [-]!Thank you for your support!I will work hard to write every case well and repay everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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