Chapter 6 An Unsolvable Mystery!

At the same time, the Criminal Department Yamen.

In the side hall.

There are three people sitting here.

Dai Zhou, the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, who was sitting on the main seat, had a dark cloud on his brows. The fingers of his left hand kept banging on the table, while his right hand was spinning two iron balls impatiently. The sounds of the iron balls rubbing and colliding with each other and the table being knocked were heard one after another. When the sound was heard, Xiao Yu, the Qing of Dali Temple, couldn't help but speak.

"Dai Shangshu, if you continue to be irritable like this, I don't know if the case can be solved. I may be sent away by you first."

Dai Zhou paused with his fingertips, looked at Xiao Yu with fine-lined eyes, and said: "Xiao Siqing, don't worry, if the case cannot be solved, I will go with you."

Xiao Yu smiled and shook his head: "No, at most Dai Shangshu will be scolded and fined a small salary, but a traitor has just appeared under my administration, which has already made His Majesty dissatisfied. If the case cannot be solved again, His Majesty will not give him a lenient sentence. of."

When Dai Zhou heard this, he couldn't help but sigh, with a sad look on his face.

Han Keji, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple who was sitting under Xiao Yu, snorted coldly: "I just said that Lin Feng is not a good person. It's a shame that Mr. Xiao trusted him so much. He even thought about promoting him to take over after the temple official returned home. , and as a result, he treated Xiao Gong’s trust like this.”

"It doesn't matter that he is seeking death himself, he has also caused Duke Xiao to be blamed by His Majesty."

Xiao Yu waved his hand, with no anger on his face: "Stop talking, everyone has their own cause and effect. He is about to be beheaded, and he has already taken responsibility for his fault."

"When you and he were colleagues at Dali Temple, they were the two best. I was worried about who would take over as the temple leader. Now that he is gone, I can sort out a worry."

When Han Keji heard this, he was not as humble as others. He said very confidently: "When it comes to investigating cases, I am no worse than him! When it comes to character, I am even better than him."

"In the past, Mr. Xiao always thought that we were arguing and causing trouble in Dali Temple. That's because the official already knew about Lin Feng's character. If he were allowed to be the leader of the temple, there would be countless unjust cases. Fortunately, he It was discovered early, so it didn't cause a big disaster."

Dai Zhou was really curious when he saw Han Keji's reaction.

If it were anyone else, on this occasion, they should be humble and say that Dali Temple is full of talents, how could they dare to covet the temple's prime position?

But this Han Keji didn't have any humility. It seemed that he was either extremely confident, or he had a very bad relationship with Lin Feng and would step on him if he had the chance.

Otherwise, there should be no reason to behave in such a disgraceful manner.

Xiao Yu was not surprised by Han Keji's reaction. It was obvious that he was used to it.

He didn't want to talk nonsense on this topic and said: "Dai Shangshu, don't you have any clues yet? We don't have much time left."

When Dai Zhou heard this, his face became clouded again. He shook his head and frowned: "Nothing gained."

"Our criminal department didn't rest all night last night. We interrogated everyone present overnight, but their confessions made the case even more confusing. It's really like hell."

Xiao Yu picked up the tea cup, shook it slightly, and said: "There are two biggest problems in this case. One is how the bloody doll was delivered to the princess's pillow without anyone entering the palace. "

"One is how the ghost figure appeared in front of everyone and then disappeared in a swagger."

"If we can solve these two problems, even if we can't find the culprit behind the scenes, we can at least see through the rumors of ghosts and restore peace to the palace. If your majesty is happy, you may be able to have a few more days of grace."

The iron ball in Dai Zhou's hand started to spin again subconsciously: "About the blood doll, we interrogated all the maids who kept watch, even the guards who were not allowed to approach the palace that night, but we still found nothing."

"The ghost thing is even more unusual. Hundreds of people saw it with their own eyes that night, but after asking them, no one noticed anything unusual..."

At this moment, even Xiao Yu, who had seen many major cases, didn't know how to proceed.

This "ghost" seemed to be a real ghost, coming and going without a trace, leaving no clues for them.

As a result, the two most powerful criminal investigation officials in the world, the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, were completely helpless.As Dai Zhou frowned, he suddenly saw from the corner of his eye that Han Keji's brows relaxed slightly, as if he had made a breakthrough. He said directly: "Han Sicheng, you just said that you are good at solving crimes, do you have any ideas?"

When Han Keji saw that he was called, he quickly sat upright and said, "I have some ideas."


Even Xiao Yu also looked at his right-hand man at this time.

Han Keji said: "The official is thinking about the ghost. We asked everyone present at the time and they didn't find anything abnormal. So... the abnormality is not in the person."

"Not in the human body?" Han Keji frowned and thought: "Continue."

"Is it the palace of Her Royal Highness the Princess? Is there a problem?"

Han Keji looked at Dai Zhou and Xiao Yu and directly expressed his thoughts: "The official is wondering if there is any mechanism in the princess's palace? Or someone has secretly set up some mechanism. After the mechanism is activated, It will make ghosts appear.”

"Similarly, is there some kind of secret passage in Her Royal Highness's palace? In this case, someone can secretly enter the palace and put down the bloody doll without alerting any guards or maids."

Hearing Han Keji's words, Dai Zhou and Xiao Yu almost simultaneously had a look of disappointment in their eyes.

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "It's impossible."

Han Keji looked at Xiao Yu in confusion.

Xiao Yu said: "The palace is an important place, and the construction of the palace is watched by countless people. It is absolutely impossible to secretly build a secret passage under the eyes of everyone."

Dai Zhou also said: "Our Ministry of Punishment asked the Ministry of Works for the drawings of the construction at that time, and specially verified them. There are no problems. Not to mention the secret passage of the agency, we can't even find a slightly uneven floor tile."

"And we've also had people search the palace carefully, and there's nothing related to the agency at all."

"So your guess has no chance of coming true."

Han Keji frowned, pursed his lips, and stopped talking.

Dai Zhou shook his head, feeling disappointed and anxious.

The most fearful thing about solving a case is that there is no feasible way of thinking.

If this continues, let alone three days, there won't be any gains in 30 days.

Xiao Yu put down the tea cup and sighed. He felt that this time, the Minister of Dali Temple might also be done.

"It's no use sitting here, why not go to the scene and have a look, if you can gain something..."

With that said, Xiao Yu was about to get up.

And at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

Sun Fujia, the doctor of the Ministry of Justice, hurriedly entered the hall. When Dai Zhou saw this, he was a little unhappy and said: "Dr. Sun, where have you been? Everyone is talking about the case. Why are you here now?"

"Lord Shangshu, there is a breakthrough!"

Before Dai Zhou could finish speaking, Sun Fujia's voice interrupted him: "The mystery of the ghost shadow has been solved! The case has made progress!"

(End of this chapter)

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