People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 53 Go to Shangzhou in person!

Chapter 53 Go to Shangzhou in person!

An hour later.

Wei Zheng and Dai Zhou returned to the Yushitai together. When they returned to the back hall, they couldn't wait to summon Lin Feng.

Lin Feng walked into the back hall and saw Wei Zheng and Dai Zhou sitting on the upper seats. Wei Zheng was drinking water and holding "The Analects of Confucius" as if he was reading silently.

Dai Zhou was spinning two iron balls and glanced at Wei Zheng, who was unable to speak. He seemed to have thought of something happy and smiled with pride.

Hearing the footsteps, the two of them raised their heads at the same time. When they saw Lin Feng arriving, Wei Zheng nodded, with a rare hint of gentleness on his serious face.

Dai Zhou spoke directly and said, "Zide, how did you read the file? Did you find any problems?"

Having said that, neither of them looked expecting anything.

After Wei Zheng nodded to Lin Feng, he looked down at the book in his hand again, while Dai Zhou continued to turn the iron ball in his hand and looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

It was obvious that neither of them thought that Lin Feng could discover anything. After all, they wrote the dossier themselves. Zhao Minglu had a very good attitude towards confessing and took the initiative in everything. The evidence in the dossier could completely form a closed loop. Even Lin Feng, they did not think that What problems can Lin Feng discover from a solid case?

But even if Lin Feng couldn't find the problem, it didn't matter. They had already interceded for Lin Feng when they met Li Shimin.

Lin Feng was not the main culprit in this case. Although he was guilty of accepting money and not following the rules, Lin Feng solved the cases one after another and made two great achievements, which can be regarded as meritorious services.

In addition, Lin Feng's ability to solve crimes was very strong and would be of great help in finding out what happened to the Cuizhu Organization. Li Shimin always valued talents, and Xiao Yu, Wei Zheng and Dai Zhou also interceded for Lin Feng at the same time, so Li Shimin had already relented. .

Although Lin Feng could not be reinstated, the death penalty was waived, and a slight demotion would be considered a punishment.

And in Dai Zhou's view, this is not a punishment at all... Lin Feng has been demoted. Will he lose face in Dali Temple?Who doesn’t want to have a good face while alive?If you don't have face in Dali Temple, then if you invite Lin Feng to come to the Punishment Department, will Lin Feng shed tears of gratitude?

He made another promise to Lin Feng. As long as Lin Feng worked hard and solved more cases, he would restore Lin Feng to the same rank as Dali Si Cheng in a very short time, and even promote him again.

By then, are you still afraid that Lin Feng won't be tempted?

Wei Zheng couldn't speak out because of the bet. Isn't this what he had to say?
Dai Zhou's calculations were rattling in his mind. He looked at Lin Feng with a smile on his face, waiting for Lin Feng to shake his head in distress.

Then, he heard Lin Feng say: "We have indeed found a problem."

Dai Zhou laughed: "It's okay. It's okay if you find a problem. In fact, I have already done it for you -"

Before he finished speaking, Dai Zhou's eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly realized that what he heard seemed to indicate a problem.

"Found a problem!?"

He suddenly straightened his back, extremely shocked, and couldn't believe his ears. He looked straight at Lin Feng and said, "What did you say? Did you find the problem?"

Wei Zheng, who was holding "The Analects of Confucius", also made a move. He suddenly raised his head, and his eyes instantly moved from the page to Lin Feng, with a look of extreme surprise on his face.

The two looked at each other and saw the word "impossible" in each other's eyes.

However, Wei Zheng couldn't speak according to the bet, so he could only look at Dai Zhou anxiously and ask Dai Zhou to speak.

Dai Zhou asked hurriedly: "What's going on? What problem did you find?"

Lin Feng immediately took out the file and told the questions he had discovered about the poison.

At the same time, combined with what Zhao Minglu said just now, it proved that his inference was correct.

After he finished speaking, he stood there obediently, waiting for the comments of the two big guys.

But after waiting for a long time, no sound was heard.

Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his head and looked at the two judges doubtfully.

As a result, it was discovered that the two bosses seemed to be petrified and were frozen in place.

The wind howled outside the window, but it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop inside.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet and depressing.

A long time passed.

Suddenly, a loud noise sounded.

The iron ball in Dai Zhou's hand hit the table directly, making a hole in the table.

Dai Zhou, who had a bad temper and couldn't get sand into his eyes, was so angry that his beard stood up and said angrily: "How dare Zhao dare he deceive us!?"

"I was originally very concerned about poisons...but Zhao Minglu said so bluntly that he was the one who poisoned me!"

"I never thought that he was actually lying to us!"

Wei Zheng glanced at the hole on the table distressedly, took a deep breath, and didn't care about the bet.

He frowned and said, "What he said at that time was very serious. Whether Zhou Waner was poisoned or killed with a knife, it was all his doing, so we didn't go into details."

"I didn't expect..."

Wei Zheng took a deep breath and sighed: "He would actually think that it was his father who poisoned him, and would deliberately lie in order to preserve his father's reputation..."

"He really..."

Wei Zheng opened his mouth for a long time, and finally put the book heavily on the table: "I don't know whether to call him filial or hateful."

Even Wei Zheng, the best at trolling, didn't know how to evaluate Zhao Minglu. You can imagine how speechless this incident left Wei Zheng.

Dai Zhou hugged his arms and his face turned red with anger. He didn't know how to scold Zhao Minglu for a while.

Even though Zhao Minglu was a murderer, they thought they were already very good to Zhao Minglu.

They went to Shangzhou to investigate the case in person. They never tortured Zhao Minglu from beginning to end, and never even said a harsh word to Zhao Minglu.

But what's the result?What they got in exchange was lies!

The two of them sat there in despair, silent for a long time.

Don't say anything. Time is life. There is still a knife hanging on my head... Seeing that the two bosses were too angry to speak, Lin Feng had to cough and decided to advance the case personally, saying: "This case is currently , there are a lot of doubts.”

Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng subconsciously looked at him.

Then Lin Feng said: "Who poisoned you?"

"Zhao Deshun's confession at the time was to take the blame for Zhao Minglu, and he took everything on himself, so his confession had no credibility at all."

"He said he was responsible for the poison, but based on logical reasoning, the possibility of this statement being a lie is extremely high!"

"But if it's not Zhao Deshun, then who is it? What is the purpose? Why do you want to poison Zhou Waner?"

"And why did Zhao Minglu go and kill Zhou Waner himself right after he poisoned her? Is it a coincidence? Or have they all stepped into a trap carefully laid by a third party?"

"Not to mention that Zhao Deshun really committed suicide in prison? He had already decided to take the blame for Zhao Minglu. He knew that he was going to die. Since he was not afraid of death, why should he commit suicide in fear of crime?"

Having said this, Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the two of them, and said slowly: "There are still too many unsolved mysteries in this case, and we are still far from the truth."

When Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng heard this, they both sat there in silence.

They never expected that the case they personally handled would have so many problems.

The two frowned and looked at each other, both seeing a trace of unconcealable annoyance and fear in each other's eyes.

This case was investigated personally by the two of them.

Because of the issue of the royal decree, many people are paying attention.

As a result, it turned out to be like this. The real murderer they thought was most likely not the real murderer who caused the death of the deceased.

Where does this put their face?

Fortunately, Zhao Minglu is not dead yet, otherwise, wouldn't they be like that dog official Jiang Hecheng and create an unjust case?

When they thought about how they almost caused an unjust case and almost ruined their reputation, a chill went straight into their minds.

If Lin Feng hadn't discovered the problem today, they might have been infamy for thousands of years!

Dai Zhou took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. He looked at Lin Feng and said, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Feng already had an idea. When he heard this, he said directly: "The content in the file is limited, and many details are subjective and objective. I can't get any more clues from the file alone."

"So, if you want to solve this case, there is only one way."

Dai Zhou said: "What can we do?"

"Rush to Shangzhou and go to Zhao Mansion to investigate in person!"

Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng looked at each other again. Wei Zheng thought for a moment and then nodded: "I agree."

"I have insisted on fairness and justice all my life and will never allow an unjust case to occur in my hands!"

When Dai Zhou saw Wei Zheng, an old-fashioned guy, he nodded, he didn't say anything and said directly: "I also agree... I will explain the matter to His Majesty and request His Majesty to re-investigate the case."

Wei Zheng nodded solemnly: "Hurry up, this case has been going on for half a month. I'm afraid even if there are clues, it will be difficult to find. We have to hurry up."

"I know!"

Dai Zhou couldn't help but feel a toothache. He could already imagine how Li Shimin would scold him after he explained to Li Shimin the negligence of himself and others.

But no matter how much he was scolded, he still had to say that if Wei Zheng did not allow an unjust case to appear in his hands, could he allow it?

He didn't want to be poked in the spine in the future.

Seeing that both Wei Zheng and Dai Zhou agreed, Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. This meant that the countdown to his life was finally no longer two days.

Finally, he no longer had to look at the butcher knife on his neck and count the days.

Feeling relaxed, Lin Feng suddenly remembered what Dai Zhou had just said. He asked curiously: "Dai Gong just said that he had done it for me... for me?"

When Dai Zhou heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

What he was thinking about was that when Lin Feng had no way out, he would appear in a majestic image.

But who knew that now that Lin Feng had a way out, he almost became the person who caused an unjust case.

And if it weren't for Lin Feng, he might have been infamous for this unjust case.

This is so majestic!
So embarrassing!

He coughed and said, "It's important to re-investigate the case. We'll talk about these things later."

After saying that, he immediately stood up and strode away.

Looking at Dai Zhou's back, Lin Feng felt that he was running away.

He looked at Wei Zheng doubtfully.

Then Wei Zheng picked up "The Analects of Confucius" again, and with the consciousness of breaking his promise to the end, he said calmly: "Some people want to be heroes, but they almost turned into bears saved by heroes. If they don't run away, where will they put their faces?"

Lin Feng: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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