Chapter 39 Two doubts!

Lin Feng's words were like a wooden stick, hitting everyone's heads hard, causing everyone present to have their heads buzzing and they were immediately stunned.

They never expected that after it was confirmed that Zheng Feng was lying and Wu Minxing was the arsonist, at the moment when Dai Zhoudu decided to close the case, Lin Feng would directly change his voice and point the finger at Zhou Ran, who had always had no problems.

This... what's going on here?

The censors were completely confused.

Not to mention them, even Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu, who had been following Lin Feng to investigate the case, had blank faces.

Lin Feng arranged some tasks for Zheng Feng and Wu Minxing and asked them to complete them.

So when Lin Feng pointed out the problem between Zheng Feng and Wu Minxing, even if they didn't understand the reason, they were mentally prepared.

But for Zhou Ran...Lin Feng didn't ask them to do anything?
They thought Zhou Ran would be absolutely fine.

But who would have expected that Lin Feng suddenly made a 180-degree reversal!

Dai Zhou frowned, even though he was well-informed, he couldn't understand the situation in front of him.

Not to mention Wei Zheng, he originally thought that only one of the three suspects had problems.

But now it's better... Zheng Feng and Wu Minxing have already confirmed that there is a problem. He was about to breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that at least one good one was retained... But, Lin Feng directly said that Zhou Ran was laughing at them and they were idiots... This What's the meaning?Does that mean Zhou Ran has a bigger problem?

Destroy it!Wei Zheng was very tired.

Following Lin Feng's words, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Zhou Ran.

The smile on Zhou Ran's chubby face suddenly froze, and he hurriedly said: "Brother Lin, why are you doing this? Why do you want to wrongly accuse me?"

"Wronged you?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry. Although Wu Yushi's identity as the arsonist is certain, there are still doubts that have not yet been resolved."

"What's the doubt?" Zhao Shiwu steadily played the role of praise.

Lin Feng looked at Zheng Feng and said, "I don't know who brought Zheng Yushi here to take away the money bag."

"As I just said, Zheng Yushi's letter told him to pick it up at the third quarter of the ugly hour, and the time when the file room caught fire happened to be the third quarter of the ugly hour..."

"So there is no doubt that the person who gave Zheng Yushi the money bag is absolutely inseparable from the fire."

"But who is the person who put the money bag?"

Sun Fujia frowned and said: "The person who set the fire was Wu Yushi, and Wu Yushi also used a timing device. This is obviously to frame Zheng Yushi and make Zheng Yushi a scapegoat, right?"

When Wu Minxing heard this, he shook his head directly: "I admit that I set the fire, but you can't throw all the dirty water on me."


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned.

After confirming that the arsonist was Wu Minxing, they subconsciously felt that Wu Minxing had put the money bag.

But in the end, Wu Minxing actually denied it.

Wei Zheng frowned and said, "Are you really not the one who released it?"

Wu Minxing looked at Wei Zheng and said seriously: "Mr. Wei, I know that arson is a serious crime. Since the crime has been committed on me, I did such an insignificant thing as placing the money bag, so why should I hide it? ?”

Wei Zheng frowned slightly, and everyone else nodded.

Indeed, Wu Minxing admitted that he was the arsonist, so there is really no need to deny it.

But if Wu Minxing hadn't released it, and there were only three people here last night...

With a flick of the eye, everyone's eyes suddenly fell on Zhou Ran again.

Zhou Ran's face couldn't help but change. He shook his head and said, "It's really not me. Don't listen to Lin Feng's nonsense. It's possible that someone sneaked into the utility room during the day and put the money bag in."

"You know, no one has been in the utility room for a long time. Even if someone puts a money bag in it during the day, no one will know."

When everyone heard this, they frowned and thought for a while, it was indeed possible.

Zhou Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he could relax, Lin Feng's voice suddenly sounded: "Zheng Yushi...can I ask when you received the letter telling you that there was property in the utility room?"

Zheng Feng was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized something. His curved back straightened instantly, and he hurriedly said: "At around midnight, I went to go out and came back, and it was placed on my desk."

Lin Feng smiled: "Around midnight... Indeed, the money in the utility room can be put in during the day, even during the fifteen days when no one enters."

"But... what about the letter? The letter only appeared around midnight... How can we explain this?" Zhou Ran's expression of relief suddenly solidified!

Dai Zhou's sharp eyes immediately stared at him.

Zhou Ran hurriedly said: "Maybe... maybe Zheng Feng or Wu Minxing lied? One of them was the arsonist, and the other lied from the beginning. Who can guarantee that they are not lying now?"

"What if Wu Minxing sees that I am the only one who is doing well, and his heart is dark, and he wants to support me?"

When Wu Minxing heard this, his face suddenly turned red: "Who in the Yushitai doesn't know who I am? How could I do something like that?"

Zhou Ran said: "But you have already committed arson. Who knows whether your previous behavior was deliberately disguised to show us? In fact, your dark nature has been hidden."

"you you……"

Wu Minxing was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

But Zhou Ran's words left him wondering how to refute.

After all, arson is a fact.

When Lin Feng saw this, he said calmly: "You two, don't be too busy arguing. This is not the only doubt. I also have another doubt."

Zhou Ran's slightly relaxed expression froze again.

He stared at Lin Feng with wide eyes, his small eyes filled with a scolding look - Why the hell do you still have doubts?

Everyone hurriedly looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Zhou Ran with a smile and said, "It is true that Wu Yushi set the fire...but what was his motive for setting the fire?"


Everyone's heart moved.


Zheng Feng's motive for lying was to treat his mother's illness.

What about Wu Minxing?
Everything was fine, why did he set the fire on fire for no reason?
And he went to such great lengths to create a timing device?
Why would he do this?
Wei Zheng looked at Wu Minxing calmly: "Why did you set the fire?"

Wu Minxing clenched the jade pendant in his hand, lowered his head, and moved his mouth. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Lin Feng's voice: "It's for your child."

Wu Minxing's eyes suddenly widened, he raised his head sharply, and looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

"How did you know!?"

When other people saw this, they were also confused.

He knew it, he knew it again... Sun Fujia was expressionless, and he was used to it.

Zhao Shiwu smiled honestly, having long been accustomed to his adoptive father's magical reasoning ability.

Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng looked at each other, coughed, and showed expressions of "Sure enough, that's true."

And more people looked at Lin Feng in confusion and curiosity.

Fortunately, Lin Feng didn't keep them waiting. He looked at the jade pendant Wu Minxing was holding tightly and said directly: "It told me."

Or a jade pendant?

When everyone heard this, their eyes quickly focused on the jade pendant in Wu Minxing's hand.

Then Lin Feng said: "When I first saw Wu Yushi, I felt strange about the jade pendant in Wu Yushi's hand."

"Because according to the laws and regulations of the Tang Dynasty, officials have strict requirements on the number and type of their belts. In addition to wearing jade, when they are on duty, they must be well-dressed, serious and heavy, and cannot wear too many belts. Made of jade.”

"As an official of Yushitai, Wu Yushi should know this rule"

Lin Feng looked at Wu Minxing and said, "When I saw that you were holding this jade pendant tightly in your hand, I realized that this jade pendant appeared abnormally."

Of course, the truth is that all the censors Lin Feng saw at the censorship platform did not wear additional jade pendants, and Wu Minxing had been holding the jade pendant nervously, so he felt that the jade pendant was abnormal.

He didn't know the rules of official duties until he had to trick Sun Fuga in a different way.

But he couldn't tell the truth. Once he told it... it would directly reveal that he didn't understand anything.

Fortunately, he did his homework in time... Lin Feng sighed. He didn't expect that he would have to study hard after traveling through time. After escaping from the trap, he must seize the time to do more homework and understand the laws and official rules of the Tang Dynasty as soon as possible, otherwise he would not be admitted to the former Dali Temple. After Cheng Linfeng exposed it, he had to show his flaws first.

(End of this chapter)

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