Chapter 34 Four people and five pairs!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zheng Feng's body subconsciously tensed up, and the hands on his sides closed slightly. He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, forced a smile, and said, "I don't have anything to say, right?"

"What I told you is the truth. And if I was the arsonist, why would I yell and call everyone to put out the fire when it first started?"

"I'm waiting for the fire to get bigger and it's impossible to save it. Wouldn't it be better to call someone again?"

Everyone couldn't help but nodded after listening to Zheng Feng's words.

"It seems to be the reason."

"When the fire gets bigger, it may really be impossible to save, and the file room will definitely be burned down."

"Based on the situation at that time, even if it takes half a stick of incense, it will probably be too late to rescue him."

The people who participated in putting out the fire at Yushitai last night were all whispering.

Because they personally participated in the firefighting, they knew more about the authenticity of Zheng Feng's words.

Zhao Shiwu couldn't help scratching his head after listening to their words. He also felt that Zheng Feng's words made sense.

If Zheng Feng was the arsonist, he could have delayed it for a while. No one else nearby noticed the fire at that time, so it would naturally not arouse suspicion.

But he felt that his adoptive father could not be wrong.

For a moment, Zhao Shishi's not very bright mind was about to shut down.

Sun Fuga, at this moment, suddenly widened his eyes.

He recalled what Lin Feng had asked him to investigate. Thinking about this, and then looking at Zheng Feng's reaction, he could not control the look of shock in his eyes: "It turns out that Zide had anticipated Zheng Feng's reaction at this moment in advance. …”

Lin Feng naturally heard everyone's discussion, but his expression did not change at all. He still looked at Zheng Feng with a smile and said, "I have a few questions. I hope Zheng Yushi can answer them for me."

Hearing Lin Feng speak again, the discussion stopped abruptly, and everyone concentrated once again, like students listening carefully.

"What's the problem?" Zheng Feng asked subconsciously.

Lin Feng said directly: "First... I have been to Zheng Yushi's office. It can be said that the office is the farthest from this file room in this area."

"It takes a while to get to this file room from there."

"Then I'm curious... As Zheng Yushi said, you just came out to blow in the night breeze to wake yourself up, but is the distance from this blowing too far?"

When the censors heard this, they were startled for a moment, and then they all nodded suddenly.

"It's indeed a bit far!"

"I usually come to the file room from the Taiyuan Office to check files, but I don't want to leave. It's tiring and time-consuming."

"Yes, I also suggested to Mr. Wei that we should move the file room to the lounge room. It is really too laborious and inefficient to run once. Wei Gong also said that he would consider it. "

"I don't even want to go during the day. It's really a bit far at night if the wind blows."

The censors of the Taiwan Academy were deeply affected by this, and they were so emotional.

Just because they walked this road every day, they didn't think there was anything strange about Zheng Feng taking this road. But when Lin Feng prompted them, they realized that something was very wrong.

It's already midnight and it's freezing outside. Who would run so far in the wind?

For a moment, suspicious eyes quickly focused on Zheng Feng.

Zheng Feng's expression changed drastically, and he quickly explained: "At that time... I was only thinking about official matters at that time, and I didn't pay attention to the path I was taking, so I accidentally walked so far."

"is it?"

Lin Feng looked at Zheng Feng, his dark eyes were deep and ridiculed, as if he could see directly into Zheng Feng's heart. This made Zheng Feng turn pale and quickly looked away, not daring to look at Lin Feng.

"Of course!" Zheng Feng said, "I didn't mean to go this far."

Lin Feng smiled: "That's a reasonable reason."

"And the second question..."

He didn't give Zheng Feng a chance to breathe, and said directly: "Since Zheng Yushi said that you were thinking about official matters and accidentally walked so far... Then I am curious. Since you walked here unconsciously, Then why..."

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he stared at Zheng Feng's eyes, not giving Zheng Feng a chance to dodge, and said: "... Zheng Yushi, why do you want to enter the utility room further than the file room? "

Brush it!
Zheng Feng's pupils suddenly shrank!
The expression on his face froze instantly!

The whole person seemed to be struck by lightning and froze in place.


He swallowed, sweat instantly leaving the sides of his cheeks, and said, "I didn't enter the utility room, so don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Feng looked at Zheng Feng's reaction and shook his head with a smile: "Zheng Yushi...I have asked about your reputation. You are filial, serious, upright, and never lazy...So, you are very bad at lying."

"You don't know how to lie so that others won't see through it so easily."

Zheng Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng.

But he saw Dai Zhou staring at him with even colder and sharper eyes.

Wei Zheng shook his head and closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to look at him anymore.

Others were also whispering.

Zheng Feng shook his head hurriedly: "I didn't lie...Lin Feng, even if you are very capable of reasoning, you can't wrongly accuse me!"

Lin Feng stared at Zheng Feng with unblinking eyes and said, "Is this wrong for you?"

Zheng Feng swallowed and said, "Just... you just wronged me."

Lin Feng smiled: "Okay, then I will bring out some evidence... But this requires you to follow me to the utility room."

Dai Zhou immediately said: "Let's go!"

Not long after, everyone arrived at the door of the utility room.


Lin Feng pushed open the closed door.

Suddenly, dust filled the air and fell from the door frame.

Lin Feng said: "Please stay outside the door and don't enter it yet, so as not to damage the scene. You can also see the situation clearly from here."

When everyone heard this, they rushed to occupy the favorable terrain.

However, Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng activated their identity cards, and the effect was that everyone gave way automatically. They did not have to fight for it. They occupied the area with the best view. The others could only stand on tiptoe and look in through the gap.

Lin Feng said: "Everyone, please look at the footprints on the ground."

"This utility room is rarely visited by people, and it is rarely cleaned. The dust has been covered with a thick layer, so when someone passes by it, they will inevitably leave footprints on the dust." Lin Feng listened. If so, Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng looked directly at each other.

Sure enough, they saw footprints of different shades on the ground.

Some footprints are very clear, but some footprints have been covered with a layer of dust, making them look unreal.

Lin Feng said: "Everyone should know that new footprints will be very obvious because they are not covered with enough dust."

"Then... I would like to ask everyone to count how many pairs of particularly new-looking footprints are left on this ground."

How many pairs?
Everyone was a little confused.

Why count footprints?
Dai Zhou and Wei Zheng looked at each other, and they were both a little confused about Lin Feng's thoughts.

But at this moment, Sun Fuga, who had been here before, had a flash of light in his mind, and seemed to understand something.

"Could it be..."

His breathing became heavier instantly, and he quickly looked at the footprints on the ground.

Dai Zhou had the best view. Although he didn't understand Lin Feng's intention, he took the lead in counting them and said: "Specially new footprints, six pairs in total... But the sixth pair is a bit strange."

Everyone heard the sound and looked quickly.

Sure enough, there was a pair of footprints on the far right.

But this footprint cannot be said to be strange, it can only be said to be too suspicious.

Because this is not a complete shoe print at all, but a small half. It looks like someone is deliberately walking on tiptoes because they are dirty.

The complete shoe prints were not left behind.

Lin Feng said: "These footprints are indeed strange, but that's not what I want to talk about now. I won't say anything about it for now. Let's go look at the other five pairs of footprints."

The adoptive father started to whet his appetite again... There must be something seriously wrong with this footprint, no matter what.

After experiencing Lin Feng temporarily suppressing the issue of those pieces of jewelry when investigating the Cuizhu case, Zhao Shiwu had experience.

He knew that Lin Feng would definitely have something to say if he kept it secret.

"We came here to investigate together today. There are four people in total."

Lin Feng's voice continued: "I, Zhao Shiwu, Doctor Sun, and Yushi Zheng."

"So the latest footprints should be four pairs... Look, it's the four pairs on the left. I took them there specially. You can tell at a glance... But now, there are five pairs of footprints here."

Dai Zhou asked: "Could it be that someone sent some sundries or came in before you guys came?"

Lin Feng looked at Zheng Feng and said: "Zheng Yushi, I have also raised this question. I said that no one has opened the box inside recently. Your answer at the time was yes."

Zheng Feng said: "Because my office is far away from here, I don't come here often, so someone may have come, but I don't know."


Lin Feng turned his head, looked at a censor in the crowd, and said: "Censor, I asked you to check a few things before going to bed, including whether anyone has been in the utility room in the past few days. May I ask the result? how?"

The censor didn't expect that he would have a chance to perform, and said quickly: "I asked, and no one has been here. No one has been here in the past half month."

Lin Feng smiled: "It's really strange. There are only four of us. Excluding the strange half-footprint, there is still a pair of footprints... and this pair of footprints is obviously almost as new as us."

"But no one has come to the Yushitai for half a month. May I ask Yusheng Zheng..."

Lin Feng looked at him with a half-smile: "Can you tell me why?"

Zheng Feng's eyes flickered, he did not dare to look into Lin Feng's eyes, and said, "How could I know?"

"Yeah, how do you know... Then please Zheng Yushi take another look at these footprints..."

Lin Feng's voice suddenly changed: "Was it really left by five people?"


As soon as Lin Feng said this, not to mention Zheng Feng, even Dai Zhou, who had just finished counting, was a little confused.

Five pairs of footprints, why were they not left by five people?

Dai Zhou looked at the footprints again with confusion and suspicion.

Everyone looked at him in confusion.

At this time, they saw Lin Feng moving.

Lin Feng picked up a wooden stick from the ground and walked into the utility room.

He first selected a clear-looking footprint among the four pairs of footprints on the left and drew a circle.

Among the pair of footprints on the right, I selected the clearest one and drew a circle.

After that, he smiled and said: "Everyone, please take a look...are these two footprints familiar?"

Dai Zhou looked at it with doubtful eyes. He first looked at the footprints in the circle on the left, and then at the footprints in the circle on the right. Suddenly...


Dai Zhou's eyes widened suddenly.

At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed through my brain.

"Could it be..."

Dai Zhou stepped in and came directly to the two footprints to compare them carefully.

Under everyone's puzzled gaze, Dai Zhou took a deep breath and said solemnly: "These two pairs of footprints are exactly the same. In other words... they were left by the same person."


"Left by the same person?"

"This...this really isn't five people!"

The officials from the Yushitai and the Ministry of Punishment looked at each other.

Wei Zheng's eyes narrowed and he suddenly looked at Zheng Feng.

Lin Feng also looked at Zheng Feng and said in a calm voice: "Zheng Yushi... you want four of us to come here to verify who left the same footprints?"

Zheng Feng's face was ashen, and he was sweating all over his body. He said: " shoes are nothing special. There are others who have the same shoes as me."

Don't give up yet... Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged. He was not afraid of Zheng Feng making excuses at all. He looked at Zheng Feng, his dark eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, and said: "Zheng Yushi, do you know why I have to come to this place?" Is there no room available?"

(End of this chapter)

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