Chapter 28 Confusing clues!
Lin Feng understood as soon as he saw Zheng Feng's expression.

He smiled, put the inkstone back, and said, "It seems there is really nothing to see here, let's go."

Just as he turned around, Lin Feng glanced at him casually.There was a sudden pause in his footsteps.

Zhao Shiwu asked doubtfully: "Father?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "Nothing, let's go."

The group followed Lin Feng out of the utility room.

At this time, Lin Feng winked at Sun Fuga.

Sun Fujia and Lin Feng went to the side alone and said, "Zide, what's wrong?"

"How is Zheng Yushi's reputation?"

"Not too bad, filial, serious, upright, never lazy."

Lin Feng thought for a while: "Please help me check something..."

As he spoke, Lin Feng lowered his voice and said something in Sun Fujia's ear.

Sun Fujia looked confused: "This is it?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I have to confirm some facts."

Seeing the deep meaning in Lin Feng's eyes, Sun Fujia quickly said: "Don't worry, we will find out soon."

With that said, he left quickly.

Lin Feng looked at Zheng Feng again: "Zheng Yushi, I don't know where your office is?"

Zheng Feng didn't dare to hide it: "It's to the west of the archives room."

"Can you take me to see it?"

Zheng Feng nodded quickly: "Of course."

Several people walked westward along the way they came, and soon passed the file room, and then continued westward.

After walking another twenty feet, another row of houses appeared in front of us.

Lin Feng said: "Is Zheng Yushi working here?"

Zheng Feng shook his head: "This is the place where the imperial censor of the palace has his office. The office of the censor of our Taiyuan Palace is a little further away."

The institutions of the Yushitai include Taiyuan, Dianyuan and Chaoyuan, which are served by Shi Yushi, Dianzhong Yushi and Supervisory Yushi respectively. They have clear powers and perform their own duties, forming a very strict supervision system.

At this time, Sun Fujia trotted back. Seeing Lin Feng looking at the house where the imperial censor's office was, he said, "What a coincidence, the second suspect's name is Zhou Ran, and he worked here last night."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed: "From this position, as long as you raise your head and look out the window, you can seem to see people on the road."

Sun Fujia nodded: "Yes, so by chance, this person saw the whereabouts of the other two suspects."

Is this a Sky Eye camera?
It saves a lot of things.

Lin Feng said: "Zhao Fifteen, go and invite the imperial censor to come over. He will come back after Zheng censor and I have visited his office last night."

Zhao Shiwu quickly turned around and left.

The group of people continued to move forward, and after walking for a while, they encountered some more houses.

Needless to say, there are quite a lot of houses in Yushitai.

Lin Feng said: "This should be Zheng Yushi's office, right?"

Zheng Feng shook his head in embarrassment: "We have to go further. This is where our censor rests."

"Lounge?" Lin Feng was surprised. Is there such a place as the Yushitai?So humane?

Zheng Feng explained: "Because Wei Gong pursues work efficiency, so in order to complete many tasks in time, we have to stay up late to do them. After finishing, it is already a curfew outside, so it is difficult to go home to rest, so Wei Gong specially compiled We have provided some rooms for those of us who cannot go home to rest.”

Regardless of ancient or modern times, it is a tradition to squeeze and beat workers. Speaking of which, do you get overtime pay for working overtime... Lin Feng couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Sun Fujia said at this time: "The third suspect, Wu Minxing, rested here last night. He stayed up late to handle official duties and came here to rest after midnight."

"Then the second suspect...that is, the imperial censor Zhou Ran was around when he was in the palace and saw him passing by the window."

It was really a competent camera, and it found traces of both suspects.

Lin Feng nodded and continued to walk with Zheng Feng. As he walked, he said, "Which hospital is the third suspect in?"

Sun Fujia said: "It's also the Taiyuan Academy. The office is not far from Zheng Yushi."

Zheng Feng nodded and said: "We both work in the same row of houses, but I am in the westmost room and he is in the eastmost room."

Lin Feng said: "Did Yushi Zheng see Yushi Wu before the fire last night?"

Zheng Feng shook his head: "No, we are all handling official business in our respective rooms."

While they were talking, they had arrived at Zheng Feng's office, which was on the westernmost side of this row of houses.

"This is it. I handle official business here. Our office is shared by four people."

Zheng Feng introduced his office to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng walked in.

Their office is very simple, with four desks on both sides, not next to each other. There is a bookshelf near the wall with some books and files placed on the bookshelf.

In addition, there are matching tea cups, teapots and benches.

"This is my desk." Zheng Feng pointed to the desk on the left near the door.

Lin Feng looked at the desk and saw a lot of papers laid out in random directions on the table. The ink in the inkstone had bottomed out, and the brushes were placed randomly on the inkstone, making it very confusing.

Zheng Feng said with some embarrassment: "I was too sleepy in the middle of working last night, so I didn't clean up. I just thought of going out to get some fresh air and then come back to work. As a result, I encountered a fire and never came back. This place is now It’s messy.”

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I understand, it's not enough after a hard day. I have to stay up like that at night, how can I be in the mood to tidy up the desktop."

Zheng Feng touched his nose, peeked outside, and then whispered: "I'm not afraid of jokes. In fact, we are really very tired every time we finish official work, especially in the middle of the night. We are all very sleepy. We are not tired at all." I don’t want to deal with these…”

"So we all go to rest first, and then clean up the next morning before Wei Gong comes. As long as Wei Gong doesn't see the mess, we don't have to worry about being scolded."

It seems that you all know that Wei Zheng has obsessive-compulsive disorder... Lin Feng deeply sympathizes with their plight.After staying up all night, I have to get up early and clear the table, otherwise my obsessive-compulsive boss will scold me... It's really miserable.

Lin Feng looked around every inch of the place, picked up the paper on the table and looked at it. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he said: "That's about it. Thank you Zheng Yushi for your cooperation."

Lin Feng said: "Zheng Yushi, please go and rest first. I will call you if necessary."

Hearing this, Zheng Feng let out a long breath, nodded to Lin Feng, and left quickly.

Sun Fujia looked at Zheng Feng's back and couldn't help but said: "Zide, is it him?"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes, his eyes flickered for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "Don't worry, there are still two suspects, let's talk to them."

With that said, he walked out of the office and said: "By coincidence... the office of the third suspect Wu Minxing is also here. Let's go and take a look."

Wu Minxing's office is on the easternmost side. Lin Feng will pass by when returning to the file room.

Stopping in front of Wu Minxing's office, Lin Feng was about to walk inside when his feet suddenly stopped.

He looked down and saw that the road leading to Wu Minxing's office was somewhat damaged, causing some dirt to be exposed here.

The soil is soft and wet, and the feel is completely different from that of a stone road.

And once you step on it, your soles will inevitably get some mud.

Lin Feng rubbed the mud on the soles of his feet and tried his best not to bring any extra things to the scene. At the same time, he sighed in his heart... This professional habit was beyond control, and then he walked into the office.

The office rooms in Yushitai are all standard, and the decoration style is exactly the same.

"Which one is Wu Minxing's desk?" Lin Feng asked.

Sun Fujia pointed to the table against the wall on the right and said, "That... is the very clean table."

Lin Feng noticed this table at a glance.

In fact, compared to other tables, this table is too clean.

There is no messy paper on the table, there is no ink left in the inkstone, it is placed there cleanly, the brush is placed in the pen holder, and the candlestick is placed on the corner of the table. It is so clean and tidy that even the obsessive-compulsive Wei Zheng would give a thumbs up.

The table with Zheng Feng is simply two extremes.

As for the other three tables, no matter how clean they were, there were at least some books on them.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "After seeing Zheng Feng's table, and then looking at Wu Minxing's table... I just feel like my eyes have been cleansed."

Sun Fujia also sighed: "It is indeed very clean, cleaner than my table."

Lin Feng lowered his head, glanced at his feet, and said, "It's a pity that there is some mud on the ground, which makes it not so clean here."

Sun Fujia smiled and said: "It's so late at night, who can care about their feet... It's good to clear the table."

"That's true, after all, he also made it past midnight."

Lin Feng nodded, picked up the candlestick on the table, looked at the small piece of candle left on the candlestick, and said, "It's really hard work. The big candle is almost burnt out."

Sun Fujia sighed: "It's not easy for anyone."

It's not easy to be a worker... Lin Feng took one last look at the office and shook his head.

He put down the candlestick, turned around and walked out: " seems there is nothing to see here. I guess Zhao Shiwu has called Zhou Ran, the imperial censor in the palace. Let's go see Zhou Ran."


Yushitai, back hall.

An official from the Ministry of Justice walked in quickly.

Dai Zhou's hand that turned the iron ball paused, and he immediately asked: "How?"

Wei Zheng, who was sitting upright with his eyes closed and concentrating, also opened his eyes.

The yamen servant hurriedly said: "Lin Feng went to the file room, the utility room, and followed Zheng Yushi to the office in Taiyuan."

"Then what?" Dai Zhou asked, "Did Lin Feng say anything?"

The yamen servant shook his head.

Dai Zhou couldn't help but frown. Wei Zheng said calmly from the side: "Dai Shangshu, I think you are a person who will keep your promises. What do you think?"

Dai Zhou's expression stiffened.

He stared at the government officer with sharp eyes: "Didn't Lin Feng say that he solved the case?"

The yamen servant was a little embarrassed and said: "This... it's only been a long time, but... he just asked Dr. Sun to do something."

"What's the matter?" Dai Zhou's eyes lit up, and Wei Zheng subconsciously looked at the Yamen servant.

The officer shook his head: "I don't know. Dr. Sun sent someone to do it secretly. We don't know."

Dai Zhou was cold: "Trash, what's the use of you... Go and call Dr. Sun!"

As soon as he said the words, he waved his hand again: "That's it! Let Dr. Sun cooperate with Lin Feng!"

Dai Zhou's voice changed, and his anger suddenly turned into a smile: "My officer, I'm really not afraid of Lin Feng's secrecy. I'm afraid that Lin Feng won't do anything! If he does, it means there is a discovery..."

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Wei Zheng, suddenly grinning with what he thought was a sunny and cheerful smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Wei, I will definitely keep my promise, and I believe that Mr. Wei will also keep his promise, right?"

Wei Zheng's expression remained unchanged, he stood up, took out a copy of "The Analects of Confucius" from the bookshelf very calmly, and started reading aloud.

"The Master said, a gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to ask for, and nothing to live in peace. If he is sensitive to things and cautious in his words, he will be righteous and righteous..."

Yamen:? ? ?
The yamen servant was confused by Wei Zheng's reading without warning. He couldn't help but look at Dai Zhou, and heard Dai Zhou patting his thigh, laughing and saying, "Are you afraid that you will die from not being able to speak for a day, so you finished your words in advance?"

He laughed until he cried.

The Yamen servant was completely confused.

Wei Zheng frowned, turned away, and solemnly continued to recite the saint's words.

"Confucius said, "Zu Zi is not enough to make plans!"

(End of this chapter)

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