People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 2 If you don't give up, I am willing to worship as a righteous father!

Chapter 2 If you don't give up, I am willing to worship as a righteous father!

There are handprints on the back of the head, which is definitely not something the original owner could do with his own abilities.

He hurriedly asked: "What do the handprints look like?"

The jailer stretched out his hand, palm upward, pressed Lin Feng's head, and said, "That's what it looks like."

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

Everything is as he expected.

The original owner did not hit the wall on his own to seek death. Someone clearly held down the original owner's head and hit the wall hard.

Talking about being afraid of crime and seeking death, someone obviously wants the original owner to die!
But the original owner was going to be beheaded in three days. What was the reason why the original owner was not allowed to spend the last three days in peace?

According to the words of the cell leader, Lin Feng knew that he had been locked up here for half a month.

The original owner was safe for the first twelve days, but with only three days left, someone suddenly wanted to kill the original owner... There is a certain probability of being discovered when committing crimes in a prison. This is definitely a risky move.

So, what is the reason why someone must take the risk at this time?
Why did you choose a time point with only three days left?
What did the original owner do or say that aroused this man's murderous intention?
Lin Feng's brain was running rapidly, and his many years of criminal investigation work allowed him to analyze it completely subconsciously.

"The place where the original owner hit the wall was inside the cell. This means that the person who wanted to kill the original owner must have entered the cell to do it."

Lin Feng looked fiercely at the burly jailer, who asked inexplicably: "What are you looking at?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "I am in the death row cell, and no one can get in without a key. In other words... the person who did it is the jailer in this cell, or even... the swearing cell leader."

"Originally I only had three days to live, and it was the beginning of hell. But it turned out there was a killer in this cell, and they didn't even give me these three days. Is this the beginning of the eighteenth underground floor?"

Lin Feng complained while his brain was working rapidly.

If the original owner he traveled through was really a heinous person, then he would be dead if he died, and he would have the right to spend three days in a prison cell.

But now, someone wants to kill him three days before his execution. Does this prove that... there is something fishy about his case?
Lin Feng's eyes flickered for a moment, and he suddenly turned his head, looked at the jailer, and said, "Did I do anything before I sought death? Or said anything?"

The original owner was the jailer who discovered what happened. If it hadn't been for the jailer, he might not have had the chance to cross over.

If this jailer is the killer, he will definitely wait until the original owner is dead before making any announcement. No matter what, he will not report his case personally. After all, if he is really dead, once an autopsy is performed and the palm prints on the back of the head are found, naturally You will know that someone did it.

Then the first person to discover it will never be able to escape suspicion.

Therefore, if anyone in this cell can be trusted, it may be the jailer.

The jailer didn't know what Lin Feng was thinking. He looked at Lin Feng suspiciously: "Don't you remember?"

Lin Feng looked serious: "I hit my head and lost my memory."

The jailer was stunned: "Really or not?"

Lin Feng nodded proudly: "Of course it's true, so I don't remember anything."

"No, you have lost your memory. What are you proud of?"

The jailer felt baffled, but he still said: "But your mental state has been really strange in the past few days. Are you crazy because you are afraid of death?"

"Strange mental state?"

Lin Feng's heart moved and he asked: "What kind of strange method?"

Seeing that Lin Feng was asking seriously, the jailer thought it was impossible to lose his memory, but he still said: "When you first entered the prison, you neither cried nor made trouble, and were very calm and calm."

"But two days ago, you suddenly burst into tears and suddenly cried out for injustice."

"You said you were wronged, you said you didn't do those things at all."

"Moreover, guess what you said?"

Lin Feng asked: "What?"

The jailer looked at Lin Feng with a complicated expression and said, "You said you are not Lin Feng at all, you said you are a beggar."

The jailer shook his head and sighed: "In this prison, I have seen many people crying bitterly before dying, and many people regretting and begging for mercy, but this is the first person I have seen who said that he was a beggar and not himself in order to survive. !”

"You have set a precedent. I don't know how many dog ​​officials will learn from you in the future."

Lin Feng: "...Should I charge a copyright fee?"

"What?" The jailer was confused.Lin Feng frowned and his brain quickly analyzed.

The original person had just entered the prison and was very calm and calm.

But two days ago, he suddenly cried out for injustice and even said words that were not his own...

Why is the difference so big?

Is it true that your death is approaching and your mentality has collapsed?

Or is it that something happened two days ago that caused the original person to suddenly change his words?
And was this also the reason why the original owner was killed?

Lin Feng pondered and asked, "Did something happen to me two days ago?"

The jailer said: "What else can happen if you are locked up in this death row? You either eat or sleep every day, and then you wait to die."

Nothing special happened?

"Did anyone come to visit the prison two days ago?"

"What do you think?"

"Convicts on death row have no human rights. My family is not allowed to see me for the last few times? How can the laws of the Tang Dynasty be so cold-blooded!!!"

"I'm sorry. The laws of the Tang Dynasty are not cold-blooded. It's just that you are alone. Where do you find your family?"

Lin Feng: "..."

very good!

The early Tang Dynasty was still very warm.

I'm the only one in the ice cave!

The more Lin Feng asked, the more suspicious he became.

The more I asked, the weirder I felt.

Nothing special happened two days ago, and no one came to visit the prison. The original owner did not encounter anything different from the past.

"It seems there are only two possibilities."

Lin Feng speculated in his heart: "First, something special happened, but the jailer didn't know about it."

"Second, my mentality is broken."

"No matter which situation led to the original owner being killed in advance, it should be related to the original owner's subsequent cry of injustice."

"Is there anyone who is worried that the original owner's cry of injustice will be heard by others and the case will be reopened?"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and his eyes gradually calmed down.

"It seems that this case really needs to be solved again."

Lin Feng was not afraid of death, but if he died unjustly, that would be a different matter.

But now he is a prisoner who is about to be beheaded. It cannot be said that he has no right to speak. It can only be said that this right has nothing to do with him.

Even if he wanted to reopen the case, it would never be accepted.

"What should I do?"

Lin Feng's brain was spinning wildly. Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the jailer and said, "Sun Fujia is in charge of my case?"

The jailer said inexplicably: "What's wrong?"

Lin Feng looked directly at the jailer and said, "Please go find Sun Fujia and tell him that if you don't want to solve the wrong case again and become a sinner recorded in history, come to me immediately!"

Jailer: "No! Who do you think you are? You dare to order me to run errands for you?"

Lin Feng sighed: "It's a pity that no one will inherit the hundred copper coins I hid."

"Zhao Fifteen has spent half his life wandering around and has never met a good father. If I don't give up, I would like to be my adoptive father!" The jailer said, "My son, go now!"

(End of this chapter)

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