People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 188 I finally found you! Mystery man!

Chapter 188 I finally found you! Mystery man!

Listening to Lin Feng's words, even the calm Sun Fujia couldn't help but subconsciously wave his fist in excitement at this moment.

He looked at Lin Feng and said excitedly: "If we can really find out the identity of the mysterious man, that would be great. We can find him quickly!"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Without further delay, since we have found this path, we need to hurry up and verify it."

Sun Fujia said without any hesitation: "I'm going to tell people... no, it's a serious matter. I'll go to the county government myself to investigate."

Lin Feng thought for a while and realized that Sun Fujia's going would indeed be safer than ordinary guards. It could also prevent county officials from being lazy and wasting time. He nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll leave this matter to Dr. Sun."

Sun Fuga nodded heavily: "Leave the county government affairs to me. You continue to investigate. We will act separately to avoid problems on one side, which will lead to stagnation as a whole."

Lin Feng nodded: "Don't worry, I already have some thoughts on this case."

When Sun Fuga heard this, he knew that Lin Feng had something in mind, so he turned around and left without further delay.

Watching Sun Fujia leave, Lin Feng slowly exhaled. Their investigation this time was different from the past, because he had mastered the mysterious man's jade pendant in advance, had a certain understanding of the mysterious man's identity, and even Everyone knows the surname, so the difficulty is simpler than in previous investigations.

However, because he was pressed for time, it became more difficult.

Otherwise, if there is no time limit, Lin Feng can easily solve this case without being as stressed as now.

Taking one last look at this special room with only the bed, Lin Feng turned around and walked out. As he walked, he said to Xia Xungong, "Master Xia, I wonder where your son's study is?"

Xia Xungong quickly understood that Lin Feng was going to the study to investigate, and he hurriedly said: "It's right next door."

As Xia Xungong opened the door, a spacious and bright study came into view.

Just like the bedroom is ordinary, the decoration of the study is also ordinary.

Several bookshelves are arranged one after another, and the bookshelves are filled with various books.

Near the window, there is a pear wood table. The table is carved with complicated patterns, giving people a sense of weight and making it obvious that it was expensive to make.

Other than that, there is no obvious difference from the study room of ordinary people.

Lin Feng looked around the room and saw that the walls were still blank without any calligraphy or painting by famous teachers. He asked curiously: "Master Xia, doesn't your son like any calligraphy and painting masters?"

Xia Xungong said: "Da Lang admires Wang Xizhi's calligraphy very highly. He usually copies Wang Xizhi's calligraphy."

"In that case..."

Lin Feng looked at the wall and said, "Why are there no hanging calligraphy and paintings in your master's study?"

"This..." Xia Xungong could still say casually even after many years: "Dalang believes that studying is like the penance of a monk. You need to cultivate your mind in a quiet and simple environment. Only in this way can you achieve success. Such self-restraint, etiquette, and strict observance of rules are very consistent with the principles that my Xia family has always adhered to, so he has always been the best successor in my heart."

Lin Feng nodded slightly. In a big family like the Xia family, as the eldest son, his study room can be the same as that of ordinary people. It can indeed be called simple.

When he came to the bookshelf, Lin Feng took out a book. Looking at the clean writing, Lin Feng understood in his heart that it seemed that the Xia family cleaned this study every day, so that even if it had no owner after six years, it was not covered by any dust.

He opened the book casually and saw that there were very neat words written at the bottom of each page, just like reading notes, recording his reading experience.

Seeing this, Lin Feng squinted his eyes, becoming more and more sure of his judgment on Xia Haohan's true temperament.

He took a serious look at the reading experience written by Xia Haohan, quickly closed it and put it back.

Lin Feng walked past the bookshelf, came to the table, and sat down.

He looked at the books neatly arranged on the left side of the table and the papers stacked neatly in front of him, and said, "Master Xia, what is this?"

Xia Xungong looked at the books and papers on the table, with unconcealed memories in his eyes, and said: "These are the books that Da Lang read on the day of the accident, and the words he wrote. I can't bear to let people touch these books. , these words... I feel as if time has never passed and is still stuck on that day. Sometimes sitting here, I even sometimes think in a daze that Dalang was not brutally killed. He would push it away as usual. Enter the door and continue chanting loudly."

Listening to Xia Xungong's words, Lin Feng nodded. Xia Xungong was indeed a father like Zhao Deshun. It can be seen from the reflection of light from the Xia family's gate and the floor tiles in the courtyard that Xia Xungong must have obsessive-compulsive disorder. This has already happened. It's beyond the scope of normal rules... But even so, facing the unpacked books and papers on Xia Haohan's desk, he could still resist letting others put them away for six years, which is enough to show his feelings for Xia Haohan. .

Lin Feng picked up a book on the table and looked up.

I saw that this book was the Book of Songs.

Just as he was about to open the Book of Songs, he saw that the book turned automatically and finally stopped on one page.

Looking at the gold foil sandwiched in the pages of the book, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "Bookmark?"

Or a golden bookmark?

The sunlight passed through the window lattice and shone on the gold bookmark, shining brightly. Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. A rich family is a rich family, even if it is simple... it is as simple as using gold foil as a bookmark.

"There is a bookmark on this page. Did Xia Haohan happen to see it? Or was he looking at this page with emphasis?"

Lin Feng thought as he picked up the bookmark and looked at the book.

And just then...

"This is?"

Lin Feng's eyes flashed suddenly. He looked at the content of this page, suddenly raised his head and said to Du Gou: "Dong Lai Guo, come and take a look."

Du Gou was checking the bookshelf at the side. When he heard Lin Feng's words, he quickly stuffed the book back and walked over quickly.

"Zide, what's wrong?"

Just as he said this, he saw Lin Feng lift the book and place it in front of him.

Du Gou happened to see the content of this page.

He was puzzled at first, but when he saw the content of this page clearly, his eyes widened suddenly, and his expression suddenly changed: "This..."

He quickly looked at Lin Feng: "Has he also seen the jade pendant?"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and did not respond immediately, but looked at the content on the page again.

What I saw on this page was a poem from the Book of Songs. The name of the poem was "Beifeng·Yanyan".

This poem is very famous and is the first farewell poem that can be found in history.

Of course, this was not enough to make Lin Feng and Du Gou change their minds.

What they really care about is that in this poem, there are several lines such as "In the end, he is gentle and kind, and he is careful about himself. The thoughts of the ancestors are used to win over others."

That's right, the phrase "ultimately gentle and kind, gentle and cautious" on the jade pendant of the mysterious man comes from this poem!

And now, in the book that Xia Haohan was reading before he died, on the page that he could easily turn to with the bookmark, there happened to be the poem on the jade pendant... What does this mean?

Du Gou looked at Lin Feng: "Could it be that he happened to read this page?"

Lin Feng turned back the pages of the book and said: "There are reading experiences in the back. Either they were re-reading the book and read this page again, or they were specially marked... And the owner of this jade pendant just happened to kill him, Lai Guo Sir, which one do you think it will be?"

Du Gou took a deep breath and said solemnly: "It can't be such a coincidence. It seems that it is indeed specially marked."

Lin Feng raised his finger, pointed at the bottom of the page, and said, "Dong Lai Guo, look here. There is a poem here. Judging from the color of the ink, it should have been written later. It is different from the original reading notes."

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Du Gou looked around hurriedly.

At the bottom of the page, in a very narrow area, there is a poem like this: "Lie down by the north window with your pillow, and play when you come."

When he saw this poem, he was slightly startled at first, but suddenly, a look of surprise and surprise appeared on his face.

Lin Feng took Du Gou's reaction into his eyes and said, "Does Mr. Lai Guo recognize this poem?"

He had never seen this poem among the poems he had memorized during his reading career, so Lin Feng was not sure whether it was Xia Haohan's original work or whether it had a source.

Du Gou frowned slightly and said, "This is a Yuefu poem from the Southern Dynasty. The poem is called "Midnight Song" and it talks about the tryst between men and women."

Men and women tryst...

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Lin Feng's mind, as if the thickest dark cloud covering his eyes dispersed in an instant!

He quickly said: "This poem was written later, and it is completely different from the reading experience he wrote before. However, this poem in the Book of Songs is a farewell poem and has nothing to do with the tryst between men and women!"

"So, there is only one situation where Xia Haohan would write this unexpected tryst poem here..."

Du Gou stared at Lin Feng with wide eyes, and then heard Lin Feng say: "Either he had a tryst with the owner of the jade pendant, or he was imagining a tryst with him..."

"No matter what the situation is, it can only prove one thing...he is the absolute owner of the jade pendant!"

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Du Gou couldn't help but stir up emotions in his heart. He was excited at first: "There is a clue! Finally there is a clue directly pointing to the mysterious person!"

But then, he frowned and said: "If the mysterious person is the person Xia Haohan is attracted to, then there is no need for the mysterious person to kill Xia Haohan because of this, right? Is it because Xia Haohan is too entangled?"

Lin Feng said: "Killing is different from other things. If a woman is killed just because her admirer entangles her... isn't it a bit unreasonable?"


Du Gou frowned, then nodded: "Indeed, it's a bit unreasonable."

" is true that the mysterious man is the lover of the deceased, but there is definitely something else going on between them!"

At this time, Lin Feng looked at Xia Xungong and said, "Master Xia, I wonder if your son has told you anything about his marriage?"


Xia Xungong was stunned. He didn't expect that Lin Feng would suddenly mention this. He shook his head: "He has never mentioned marriage to me. Our Xia family has rules, parents' orders, matchmaker's words, as an heir, as long as Just listen to the family's arrangements and marry a suitable wife to grow the family."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly: "In other words, he does not have the right to choose his own marriage?"

Xia Xungong frowned and was a little dissatisfied with Lin Feng's statement: "This is not a matter of rights or not, but a matter of strengthening the family. As a descendant of the Xia family, he should fulfill his obligations, not to mention that he is the eldest son. Take this responsibility.”

Although free love was allowed in the Tang Dynasty, not all parents were enlightened. Even the severe aristocratic family system in the Tang Dynasty made them pay more attention to the marriage of their children. At this level, the meaning of marriage is no longer about mutual love, but Strong alliances, deep binding to each other, and strengthening each other.

There are still very few people like Xiao Yu who don't use their daughter's marriage as a weight.

Lin Feng thought for a moment, then put down the book and flipped through other books.

The other books have no bookmarks and are just normal reading notes, which indirectly proves that the Book of Songs is special.

He put down the book and looked at the paper in front of him.

Lin Feng picked up the paper, looked up, and found that it was an unfinished article.

The content of the article is a suggestion for the Xia family to cultivate scholars and increase the power of the Xia family.

It says to build a school, recruit scholars as teachers, find talented students from Anyang County to train, and help them with scientific examinations.

Of course, don't think that Xia Haohan is doing charity. A family that puts family interests first will not do this kind of charity. His purpose is to cultivate a group of scholars who are loyal and grateful to the Xia family, thereby increasing the Xia family's influence in the court. strength.

And this is what every aristocratic family is doing, so it's not too special.

Lin Feng didn't care about these. What he cared about was the second half that Xia Haohan had not finished.

In addition to cultivating scholars for the Xia family from childhood, Xia Haohan also wrote a method. He suggested that the Xia family recruit scholars from Anyang County, let these scholars worship a famous scholar from the Xia family as their teacher, and force him to be included The power of the Xia family. If someone is unwilling, then use the power of the Xia family to carry out attacks in all aspects, eliminate dissidents, and completely control the scholars in Anyang County.

Of course, Xia Haohan would not write in such an explicit way, and the wording is very elegant. At first glance, it is difficult to find fault. After all, Xia Haohan uses it to fund and help scholars in the same county to better improve their knowledge, etc., but he Lin Feng couldn't hide his thoughts at all.

Lin Feng tapped the desk with his fingertips and narrowed his eyes as he looked at the unfinished article.

He was not surprised by Xia Haohan's bold idea. What surprised him was that the Xia family really had the strength. Can they do what Xia Haohan said?

After all, the Xia family is different from the Chen family. The Chen family still has the merit of following the dragon, and Xiao Yu, an important official of the imperial court, is a distant relative. But even so, the Chen family does not dare to be like Xia Haohan, who fails to recruit and then attacks. Exclude those who are dissident...

Do you really think that the local government is just a decoration?

When the Tang Dynasty held imperial examinations, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was intended to attack aristocratic families and promote children from poor families. How could the local government not pay attention to these big families?

I am usually friendly with you, but once you do something that touches the bottom line, the court will never sit idly by and do nothing, and the life and death of a poor scholar is Li Shimin's bottom line.

So, how could Xia Haohan dare to give such advice to the Xia family...

Lin Feng pondered for a while, then looked at Xia Xungong and said, "Master Xia, I wonder if you have read this article written by me?"

Xia Xungong looked slightly embarrassed when he heard this. He said truthfully: "I saw it."

"What do you think of the suggestions in this article?" Lin Feng said slowly.

But at this moment, Xia Xungong suddenly felt a huge pressure falling on his shoulders, which made him feel slightly horrified and his face changed slightly... Although Lin Feng was here to solve the case, don't forget that he was still the fifth rank of the imperial court. An official is one of the core officials who went to the early dynasty, so when he saw such an article, whether it was for investigating a case or for the Tang Dynasty, he would not ignore it.

Xia Xungong said quickly: "I hope Lin Temple is well aware that our Xia family has never done anything to suppress scholars in the county. Our Xia family has always had strict rules. Among them, we must not bully the weak, and we must not take advantage of our Xia family's status to do whatever we want." Unreasonable rules.”

"We have always been strict with ourselves and very kind to ordinary people. If Lin Sizheng doesn't believe it, he can send someone to ask and he will know whether what I say is true or false."

Listening to Xia Xungong's explanation, the oppressive spring breeze emanating from Lin Feng's body dissipated like rain. He said with a smile: "Why is the Xia family leader so nervous? I naturally believe that the Xia family will not do such a thing."

"I just want to know why your son wrote this article? Has he always been so radical?"

Xia Xungong felt relieved when he saw that the pressure was gone.

He looked at Lin Feng with a cautious look in his eyes. Although Lin Feng was not very old, he could see the deeper meaning of this seemingly normal article at a glance, which was enough to prove his vision and wisdom.

Xia Xungong said: "To be honest with Lin Sizheng, I actually don't know why Dalang suddenly wrote such an article."

"I have said before that he has always been the most well-behaved and well-behaved one. He knows the Xia family's 350 rules by heart and is gentle and polite to others outside. Therefore, after his accident, When I came to the study and saw this article, I was very surprised."

Lin Feng thought for a moment and said slowly: "In other words, this article appears very strange?"


Du Gou listened to Xia Xungong and Lin Feng's words, looked at the article on the paper, and couldn't help but said: "Zide, this article has not been finished yet. He wrote it on the day of the crime. Is this related to his murder? "

Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, he suddenly saw a figure rushing in.

"Lin SiZheng, I'm back."

At the same time as the sound sounded, there was a sound of brushing and the paper fan unfolded.

The figure of the slut appeared in front of her.

Chen Miao, the strange dandy of the Chen family, is back, but his clothes are a little messy and some of his hair is sticking out of his head. This makes Lin Feng a little surprised: "Did you get into a fight with someone?"

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Chen Miao looked at Lin Feng with a look of resentment: "What did Lin Sizheng ask me to do? Don't you know what you are doing?"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly startled.

Could it be that Chen Miao was tickled by the female members of the Xia family?

Thinking about it, the questions I asked Chen Miao to ask were indeed a bit annoying.

He coughed, pretending not to understand Chen Miao's resentment, stood up and walked out, saying: "Let's talk outside."

The two left the study and came to the window.

Looking at the wind-ruffled lake surface in front of him, Lin Feng said: "Tell me, what did Xia Haohan's widow say?"

Chen Miao took a deep breath, closed the paper fan, and said: "As I expected, after Brother Xia ordered people to make the big bed, he was sleeping with him."

"Listening to their descriptions...tsk tsk, they are very brave. This makes me very suspicious whether Brother Xia secretly took the medicine. I was the winner in the brothel."

Lin Feng listened to Chen Miao's words carefully and said: "Continue."

In the cold autumn wind of late autumn, Chen Miao fanned himself coquettishly and said: "In the one month since Brother Xia came back from Luzhou, Brother Xia has been sleeping with him basically every day. He is so brave."

"But suddenly one month later, Brother Xia stopped looking for them. Not only did he no longer sleep with them, he didn't even want any of them."

Lin Feng's heart moved. He suddenly looked at Chen Miao and said, "Sudden change? No warning?"

Chen Miao nodded: "That's right, without any warning, he changed from a person who sang every night to a vegetarian monk..."

Speaking of this, Chen Miao said with emotion: "In this way, when Brother Xia took me to the brothel, he invited so many girls to accompany me, but he sat alone and drank. He was really not a womanizer. I thought he saw that I was more handsome and did not dare to compare with me."

A month later, something suddenly changed...

After returning from Luzhou, why did he suddenly have such a huge demand for female sex, but why did he suddenly stay away from female sex after a month?

Lin Feng thought about the big bed, the poem he saw in the study, and the article...

He suddenly raised his head and said, "Before and after his change, did his concubines notice any change in his mood?"

Chen Miao thought for a while and said, "They did say that Brother Xia is a serious person. He is serious about words and expressions. During that time, he kept a straight face and frowned, so they didn't dare to approach him."

"But I think they're talking nonsense."

Chen Miao said: "Brother Xia is obviously as charming and humorous as me, and knows everything about the world. How can he be serious and unsmiling as they say?"

Lin Feng listened to Chen Miao's words and looked at him with faint eyes, full of meaning.

Chen Miao felt a little guilty because of Lin Feng's special gaze, and said, "Lin Sizheng, what are you looking at me for?"

Lin Feng sighed, shook his head and said, "You are quite happy."

"What?" Chen Miao was startled.

Lin Feng did not continue this topic. His eyes flickered, and many thoughts kept pouring out of his mind.

As more and more clues were obtained, the thoughts in Lin Feng's mind gradually began to come together, and a complete inference gradually took shape.

Suddenly, he turned around, came to Du Gou, and said, "Mr. Lai Guo, I need you to help me find a list."


Du Gou was stunned for a moment when he heard Lin Feng's words, and then quickly realized something.

He hurriedly asked: "Could it be have discovered something again?"

Lin Feng responded to Du Gou's excited expression and nodded slowly: "I can probably determine what happened to Xia Haohan before the crime occurred."


Lin Feng nodded and said: "Based on the clues we got from the Book of Songs, we can confirm that Xia Haohan met a mysterious man in Luzhou and fell in love with him."

"Then he left Luzhou. Instead of being separated, the love in his heart not only did not diminish because of leaving, but became even stronger, to the point where he needed other women to release him..."

Du Gou frowned and said, "You mean...the big bed?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Is it worth releasing him like this? I specially made a big bed..." Du Gou was a little doubtful.

Lin Feng said: "Normally, maybe not...but don't forget the situation of the Xia family."

"The Xia family has strict rules and ambitions to strengthen the Xia family. As the eldest son, Xia Haohan was under tremendous pressure on the day he was born."

"Some people can be mentally tough under tremendous pressure, while others cannot bear it, and their hearts are twisted, and they have psychological problems that are different from ordinary people."

"And that time... was the first time Xia Haohan left the Xia family, the first time he got rid of the shackles on his shoulders and the strict rules that made him unable to breathe. It was also the first time he found the person he loved. It can be said that Luzhou It was the first time he felt like himself..."

"In this case, from Luzhou, where there is freedom and the person he likes, he returns to the Xia family, which is as strict as a cage... He misses the person he loves more and more, and his love becomes stronger. In the end, this intensity turns into the need to release Things between men and women..."

Lin Feng looked at Du Gou and said in a deep voice: "He has just found himself in Luzhou, but he is not even qualified to propose marriage in the Xia family. Due to many factors, Duke Lai Guo... Do you think he used the big bed method?" Isn’t it strange to rebel against the confinement around you and vent the many emotions in your heart?”

Du Gou was silent for a while after listening to Lin Feng's words, then nodded slowly and sighed: "It's a common disease among big families, and it's even worse in the Xia family. It's really not surprising."

Lin Feng nodded and continued: "Then a month later, he suddenly stopped venting and stopped sleeping with his wife. His temper was very bad those days, and he never touched any woman again... Do you think this What does it mean?"

Du Gou's eyes moved slightly and he guessed: "Could it be that... there is something wrong with his feelings for the person he loves?"

Lin Feng did not answer Du Gou directly, but said: "Dong Lai Guo, do you still remember that the head of the Xia family said that when Xia Haohan just came back from Luzhou, he confidently said that the business in Luzhou would be very good, and even... More than Anyang County, but after his death, the Xia family's business in Luzhou suffered heavy losses and failed to exit."

Du Gou nodded: "That's true."

"Have Duke Lai Guo ever thought about why Xia Haohan is so confident? Why does he think that Luzhou's business can surpass even the base camp of Anyang County? What gives him the confidence?" Lin Feng asked.

"This..." Du Gou frowned and thought, but before he could think of it, he heard Lin Feng's voice: "Marriage!"


Du Gou was stunned.

He hurriedly looked at Lin Feng, only to hear Lin Feng say: "Except for the weird ones like Chen Miao, not many people will show off the jade pendant of the big family."

"As a woman, I will only be more reserved."

"So, under what circumstances would a woman's personal jade pendant be seen by a man?"

Du Gou was also a member of a wealthy family and quickly understood what Lin Feng meant. He couldn't help but ask, "Is it... a token of love?"

Lin Feng recalled the jade pendant Xiao Man'er gave him and said slowly: "This is the most likely possibility."

Du Gou's eyes suddenly lit up. He finally understood what Lin Feng meant. He said, "This Yupei surnamed Chen must also belong to a certain rich family!"

"So, Xia Haohan probably fell in love with this woman from the Chen family and exchanged love tokens. Because of this, with the marriage between the two wealthy families, and with the help of the woman's family, he was confident that the business would be better... In other words... …”

Du Gou looked at Lin Feng and said excitedly: "This Chen family must be in Luzhou!"

"The Chen family in Luzhou...has been found!"

He danced excitedly, his face full of excitement: "Zide, we found it! We finally found the family represented by this jade pendant! That mysterious man can't escape! No matter whether we can rescue the abducted people, He...can never escape!"

"You did it! You really did it!"

(End of this chapter)

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