People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 178 Four elephants were caught, a perfect victory!

Chapter 178 Four elephants were caught, a perfect victory!

Not long after, a man in gray attire followed the guards and came to Lin Feng and the others.

"I have met Lord Lai Guo and I have met Lin Sizheng."

The nursing home of Chen Mansion quickly saluted with a very respectful attitude.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "No need to be polite, thank you for coming so early."

The nursing home quickly shook his head: "This is what a villain should do."

As he spoke, he carefully took out the book in his arms and handed it to Lin Feng, saying: "This is the book that the family master asked me to give to Lin Si Zheng. The family master specifically told me that this book must be handed over to Lin Si Zheng personally. , cannot be transferred to anyone."

Lin Feng took the book and said, "Master Chen is very thoughtful."

"in addition……"

The nurse looked at Lin Feng and said, "The master of the house has something else to tell Lin Sizheng."

"Oh?" Lin Feng asked curiously: "I wonder what it is?"

The nurse glanced at Zhao Shishi and Du Gou hesitantly. Lin Feng understood what he meant and said with a smile: "We are all our own people, just tell the truth."

The guardian then spoke: "The head of the family said that three months ago, a batch of weapons was secretly transported to Linshui County from other counties. With the power of our Chen family, we don't even know who got that batch of weapons." inside."

"However, after tracing backwards, we found the blacksmith shop where those weapons were made. According to the person in the blacksmith shop, he did not know who the buyer was. The buyer secretly paid money to make eight weapons of the same size and thickness. Weapons that are different from what is commonly used today.”


Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Are the eight weapons different from each other? Or are they the same weapons, eight in total?"

Gu Yuan said: "The head of the family said that according to what the blacksmith said, there are six styles of weapons. A total of eight weapons were made, and two of them were made twice."

Listening to the nurse's words, Du Gou's face couldn't help but change slightly.

He quickly understood the meaning of these words that Chen Yitian asked the nurse to bring.

He hurriedly looked at Lin Feng, and saw that Lin Feng was also looking at him. Lin Feng nodded slightly to him, signaling Du Gou to be calm, and then Lin Feng said: "Can you tell us the blacksmith's residence and identity?"

Gu Yuan shook his head and sighed: "There is no need to look for it. There was a fire in that blacksmith shop two months ago, and everyone died."

"Fire? Everyone died!?"

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Is it an accident? Or did someone deliberately set fire to kill people?"

Even Zhao Shiwu, as simple and honest as he was, noticed something was wrong.

The nurse said: "There were no witnesses when the fire broke out. After the fire was extinguished, an autopsy was conducted and it was confirmed that they were indeed burned to death. At the same time, the money from the blacksmith shop was not lost, so the local government closed the case as an accident."

After Zhao Shiwu heard this, he quickly looked at Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng didn't show any surprise, as if this was expected.

Lin Feng looked at the nursing home with a normal expression and said, "Master Chen, does he have anything else to say?"

Hu Yuan shook his head: "That's all. The head of the family said that Lin Si Zheng will always be a close friend of the Chen family. As long as Lin Si Zheng is in need, the Chen family is willing to help at any time."

Listening to the nurse's words, Du Gou couldn't help but look surprised.

Lin Feng did not explain to him what he encountered in the Chen family, but only said that the Chen family was willing to help, so Du Gou thought that Lin Feng relied on the favor of Xiao Man'er and Xiao Yu to ask the Chen family to take action.

But now it seems that is not the case at all.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yitian never mentioned a word about the Xiao family... Du Gou was not an inexperienced boy. He knew very well about the ways of the world, and he knew very well that if the favors of the Xiao family were really used, the Chen family would definitely Publicize it vigorously so that the Xiao family will not know what the Chen family has done.

So... this should be purely Lin Feng's own face.

But doesn’t Lin Feng have no friendship with the Chen family? How on earth did Lin Feng do it, and be so proud of him for the first time when they met?

Lin Feng could easily see Du Gou's surprise and confusion. He smiled and did not explain. He just said to the nurse: "Please also tell Patriarch Chen that Lin is very grateful to Patriarch Chen for his reminder and help. If the Chen family needs it in the future, Lin will never refuse."

When the nurse heard this, he said yes again and again, and then he said goodbye and left.

After the guardian and the guards left, Du Gou quickly looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Si Zheng, what do you think?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "What Duke Lai Guo is asking is that Mr. Chen has spies in the county government and can accurately guess what we are going to do, or is he asking about the number of Sixiang thieves?"

Du Gou was startled for a moment, then he laughed and shook his head: "What do you think?"

Lin Feng said slowly: "Old Patriarch Chen can understand the specific circumstances of the case and the autopsy results of Fu Zuo. It is not surprising. After all, he was a hero who worked hard in that turbulent era. Without this ability, he would have become a handful of dirt. .”

"However, the clues he provided about the craftsmen really helped us a lot. He directly helped us determine the number of members of the Four Elephants... This is not a small favor."

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he couldn't help but said: "Are those weapons really made for the Four Symbols organization?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Three months ago, the mysterious man customized weapons and secretly transported them to Linshui County. Just a month later, the Four Elephants organization committed a crime for the first time. At the same time, before that, the blacksmith shop that made the weapons directly There was a fire for no reason, and everyone was burned to death... The time and place were so consistent that if Qiang said it was a coincidence, no one would believe it."

"Not to mention, the styles of the weapons are exactly six, which is consistent with the autopsy results of Zuo Zuo... All of this can directly prove that this is what the Four Elephants organization did."

Du Gou took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "No wonder after learning about the situation of those weapons, I asked people to post notices and offer rewards for relevant clues. At the same time, I sent people to the nearby blacksmith shop to inquire, but in the end I found nothing. ...It turns out that the blacksmiths were silenced long before they took action, and the delivery was secretly delivered. Even the Chen family didn’t know how it was delivered, so it’s strange that we can find clues.”

Lin Feng nodded.

The temperature in the morning was a bit chilly. Lin Feng tightened his sleeves and said with a deep meaning in his eyes: "But the Chen family should have grasped these clues a long time ago, but they only brought them out now... This timing is very interesting."

Du Gou's eyes flashed: "We didn't have any clues before, and I guess the Chen family doesn't want to go into this muddy water. After all, we have no suspects, and clues about weapons are useless."

"And now, after you asked Patriarch Chen to investigate, Patriarch Chen will know where the thief is hiding. If he provides us with the information, he can directly and accurately help us catch the thief... and more importantly."

He and Lin Feng looked at each other and said: "Now, it's not just your favor. I also owe the Chen family a favor. This information is tantamount to providing help in times of need. Otherwise, once someone escapes, innocent people will be killed." Because of this tragic death, we have gone too far."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "One piece of information, two favors...killing two birds with one stone, I can only say that he is worthy of being the helmsman of the Chen family."

Du Gou nodded in agreement.

Lin Feng slowly exhaled. He lowered his head and looked at the book in his hand and said, "We'll talk about favors later. Let's see who is on our list first."

When Du Gou heard this, he quickly came over.

The two of them quickly looked through the books.

I saw that the contents in this book were very detailed.

The origins and backgrounds of these government servants, what major events they encountered, whether they were addicted to gambling and lust, whether their families were in trouble, and whether they suddenly became rich, are all recorded in great detail.

Chen Yitian told Lin Feng that the information must be accurate and comprehensive. I don't know whether it is accurate or not, but it is truly comprehensive.

Even a demanding person like Lin Feng was full of praise for this information.

After seeing it, Du Gou said: "Count them to see if there are enough people."

The two quickly turned around and listed the people who clearly had problems.


Du Gou was counting and flipping back, but at this moment, he found that the paper at the back was blank and contained no content.

He was stunned for a moment and said: "Seven? Why not eight? Did I count wrongly?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly and said, "That's right, there are seven."

Lin Feng has a stronger memory than ordinary people, and he has also specially trained his memory, so he will not remember wrongly.

Du Gou looked at Lin Feng: "There are only seven people...but there are eight weapons, which means there is one less person."

He picked up the book and flipped through it carefully, his face becoming solemn: "The information on the others is normal and there are no obvious problems... Is this last person hiding himself?"

Zhao Shiwu's expression changed after hearing Du Gou's words: "What should we do? We don't have time."

Lin Feng pursed his lips, pondered for a moment, and then looked at Du Gou and said, "Mr. Lai Guo, are the four people you found on the list of seven?"

Du Gou nodded with a heavy face: "It's all inside."

This makes it impossible to find the missing eighth person through Du Gou.

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the room first."

Several people quickly entered Lin Feng's room.

Lin Feng took out a piece of paper from his arms. This piece of paper was a list of all the overlapping government officials who patrolled the Zhanghe River when the following three crimes occurred.

Twenty-two people in total.

He found a writing brush, dipped it in ink, and circled the names of seven people. These seven people were the selected people who must be members of the Four Elephants organization.

"There are still fifteen people left."

Lin Feng looked at the list of the remaining fifteen people and said slowly: "I said before that the Four Elephants Organization will not go to great lengths to erase the corresponding traces of ordinary members recruited, but if they are members of a higher level, they will To better hide their identity and erase all traces of the problem.”

"In other words, the eighth person who disappeared should be the leader of the Four Elephants organization hidden in Linshui County."

"And he is most likely the one who left the pattern on the corpse's forehead and had the corpse placed around the mast."

"After all, if those patterns are some kind of ritual, only the leader is qualified to perform the ritual. If those patterns represent some kind of psychological appeal, then only the leader has the right to do it. The other members want to do it after killing someone. The leader will never allow wasting time doing these things, and the other members will not allow it, after all, the longer you delay after killing, the greater the risk of being discovered, and only the leader can suppress the others."

Du Gou listened to Lin Feng's words, thought for a while, and then nodded in agreement: "That makes sense."

"So, this eighth person who is hiding is actually the most important person. Those two threatening letters may have been written by him!"

"And if he can't be found, he will definitely be the craziest one after the others are caught!"

Zhao Shiwu couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart.

What's the use of finding the source of the madness, only the shrimps and crabs?

Even those shrimp soldiers and crab generals dare not catch them.

After all, once caught, the last remaining one may do extremely crazy things.

He hurriedly asked: "What should I do?"

Lin Feng's fingertips gently tapped on the desk, and his brain was running rapidly. The more urgent the situation, the calmer Lin Feng became.

He asked Du Gou: "Dong Lai Guo started sending letters three days ago asking other states and counties to help find similar cases. Has any news been sent back?"

Du Gou shook his head with a heavy expression: "The time is still a little short. Many documents have not yet arrived in other states and counties. So far, there is no news."

Zhao Shiwu felt even heavier.

He scratched his head anxiously.

Seeing that the time has reached the cut-off point, there is really no time to search anymore, let alone based on the existing clues, it is no longer possible to search further.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng anxiously. Du Gou was also pacing back and forth in the room. They used all the methods they should use, but who knew, someone would still be missed in the end.

This is really troublesome.

Lin Feng stared at the list on the table without blinking, his eyes scanning over each name.

At the same time, his brain quickly flashed through everything he had encountered since arriving in Linshui County, every person he had met, and every piece of information he had received.

Lin Feng does not believe that there is absolutely secret in this world. As long as the other party has ulterior motives, there must be something different from others.

The most important thing now is to find this place that is different from others, or... a place that shouldn't be so ordinary.

"Who exactly is it...what shouldn't be so ordinary..."

Lin Feng's eyes kept turning on each name, one voice after another sounded in his ears, and sweat gradually soaked on his forehead... Suddenly...

Lin Feng didn't know what he thought of. His eyes suddenly froze, and then he quickly searched for something along the names.

Finally, his eyes settled on a name on the list!

Looking at this name, his brain recalled the memory of this person, and then he quickly picked up the book Chen Yitian sent him, opened it, and turned to the page that recorded the information about this person.

He read word by word, looking at this man's past experience, looking at his ordinary, unremarkable life, looking at his life without any ups and downs... the corners of his mouth not only raised slightly.

"I have a suspicion." Lin Feng said directly.


As Lin Feng's voice sounded, two pairs of eyes fell on Lin Feng in unison.

Du Gou took two steps together, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of Lin Feng, asking: "Who?"

Zhao Shiwu also looked at Lin Feng expectantly.

Lin Feng picked up the brush, drew a circle on the list, and wrote a question mark at the back.

Looking at this name, Du Gou's eyes widened: "County Captain Zhang Mo?"

"The foster father doubted him?" Zhao Shiwu was also surprised.

Lin Feng nodded, looked at Du Gou and said, "Mr. Lai Guo, do you know Zhang Mo?"

Du Gou frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said: "I have been in Cizhou for less than a year. In the first half year, I have been quarreling with the people in the original governor's office. Those guys saw that I was young and thought that I was relying on my father Yu. The dandies who were just hanging around were still trying to evade my rights. It took me half a year to defeat them one by one, arresting them one by one and demoting them. Only then did I gain complete control over Cizhou."

"As for the people in the county below, I actually don't have much contact with them. The county magistrate is a bit better, and some official duties have to be reported directly to me, but people at lower levels like the county lieutenant rarely have the opportunity to come into contact with me... So what I know about him is exactly the impression he gave me when I was investigating the water ghost case these days."

Lin Feng asked: "What's your impression?"

Du Gou looked at Lin Feng and said without hiding anything: "My abilities are limited, but he is relatively hard-working and diligent, not lazy... County Magistrate Fu also spoke well of him, saying that he has been diligent, upright and fair in these years as a county captain." Righteousness has a relatively good image in the hearts of the people."

Listening to Du Gou's words, Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said: "Lai Guogong has not known him for a long time, so he may be confused by his appearance, but County Magistrate Fu has known him for so many years, so his evaluation of him should be fair. "

Du Gou nodded: "That's right."

Lin Feng's eyes met Du Gou's, and his voice was full of meaning as he said, "Does Duke Lai Guo want to hear my evaluation of Zhang Mo?"

Seeing Lin Feng's expression, Du Gou thought that Lin Feng might have a different idea. He said directly: "Lin Si, please tell me."

Lin Feng said: "In my eyes, Zhang Mo is a dog official who, for his own benefit, ignores the safety and lives of the people, has no regard for any laws of the Tang Dynasty, and has no bottom line of principles!"

"What!?" Du Gou was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Zhang Mo, who performed so well in the mouth of the county magistrate Fu Yuanhuai, would have a completely opposite evaluation in Lin Feng's mouth.

He couldn't help but asked: "Why did Lin Sizheng say this?"

Lin Feng said: "Originally, I wanted to wait until the case was over and then talk to Lai Guogong about Zhang Mo. Now that the matter has come to this, let me tell Lai Guogong what happened when Zhang Mo and I first met."

Then, Lin Feng told Du Gou how Zhang Mo saw Wang Heng's body and directly ordered the other crew members to be tied up, saying that the water ghost was hiding among the crew members. Naturally, this included how Zhang Mo, after seeing himself and others, The arrogant and domineering words he spoke, and the insistence on taking away the other crew members after knowing the identities of Lin Feng and the others...

He did not express any of his judgments about Zhang Mo's doing these things, nor did he add personal emotions when telling the story. He told it in a straightforward manner, because he knew that with Du Gou's ability, he could easily figure out Zhang Mo's thoughts.

as predicted.

As Lin Feng finished speaking, Du Gou slapped his palm on the table.

His eyes were sharp and full of anger, and he said: "This is unreasonable! In order to save his official status, Zhang Mo actually had to surrender and make innocent crew members scapegoats! Does he still have the law of the Tang Dynasty in his eyes?"

Lin Feng had already passed the initial moment of embarrassment. Looking at the angry Du Gou, he slowly said: "Zhang Mo's temper was fully demonstrated at that moment."

"And judging from his performance at the time, he didn't have any entanglement or hesitation. It was obviously not the first time he had done this kind of thing."

"So... how can a person who is completely centered on his own interests, does not care about the life and death of others, and has no bottom line in his eyes, get such a high evaluation in ordinary life? There is even the word "strict justice" in the evaluation? "

Du Gou's expression flickered, he finally understood what Lin Feng meant.

He looked straight at Lin Feng and said, "So Lin Si thinks... Zhang Mo deliberately hides his habits and temperament in normal times?"

Lin Feng said: "It's not a simple hiding... but hiding it from everyone, even the county magistrate, and all the people. This is not an easy task."


He looked at Du Gou and said, "When we were on the boat, I mentioned that there were radial ink stains on the ground. The moment I mentioned this detail, Zhang Mo's expression changed significantly, thinking that the deceased was there. He was killed, which shows that he has a very sharp thinking ability and is by no means a mediocre person."

"But Duke Lai, your evaluation of him is that his abilities are limited..."

Du Gou's pupils trembled and he said: "He is deliberately concealing his ability!"

Lin Feng smiled softly: "Normally speaking, if a person wants to climb up, he should fully demonstrate his abilities in front of the superiors. Only in this way can he have the opportunity to be valued and climb higher."

"However, he deliberately hides his excellence... What does this mean?"

Du Gou's expression changed again and again. Finally, he took a deep breath and seemed to have the answer in his heart.

He said solemnly: "This shows that he doesn't want to attract attention. He is deliberately trying to maintain a moderate appearance and not stand out..."

As he spoke, he looked at the book sent by Chen Yitian and said: "As recorded in the book, it is very ordinary, without any ups and downs...compared with the experiences of those seven people, it is inconspicuous! Who can doubt him when someone investigates?”

Lin Feng smiled and said: "In this way, he strongly wanted to arrest those crew members, and even said that he would kill us without mercy. Maybe it was not just to show off and not lose his official position... I I think, more importantly, it was to find a scapegoat for himself.”

"As long as those crew members are convicted and the Four Elephants organization takes no further action, then naturally no one will look for the Four Elephant thieves anymore, and they will be completely safe...and they themselves are the Four Elephant thieves, so will they continue to do so? If a murder occurs, is it something they just thought about?"

At this moment, even Zhao Shiwu understood.

If Zhang Mo is really a member of the Four Elephants Organization, then his actions on that day have a perfect explanation.

He said excitedly: "It must be him! There is absolutely no mistake!"

Du Gou also nodded and said: "There are too many suspicious things about him. It can't be a coincidence that so many doubts fall on him alone."

Lin Feng slowly exhaled, looked at the word Zhang Mo on the list, and said: "But this is just an inference after all, and it is far less obvious than others, so my suggestion is... search for evidence first, and then arrest the person!"

"Search for evidence first?" Du Gou's eyes flashed slightly.

Lin Feng turned to look at Du Gou and said: "Zhang Mo is the county captain after all. If we arrest him rashly, it will be good if we can find evidence. But if we can't find evidence, not only will we not be able to explain to Zhang Mo, The county magistrate and other people in the county government are not easy to explain."

"So, I suggest that Zhang Mo's eight people... no, call more people, at least a dozen yamen servants, to prevent Zhang Mo and others from becoming suspicious and to lose contact with the outside world."

"Then they make an excuse and send people to their homes to help them find things and conduct searches."

"If we can find weapons or other physical evidence, we can arrest him directly."

"If not..." Lin Feng took a deep breath: "Then we can only find another way, but time..."

He looked out the door and said in a deep voice: "It may not be enough..."


Two hours later.

The backyard of the county government office.

Zhang Mo and a dozen other government officials stood in the courtyard, looking at the closed door in confusion.

It has been almost an hour since they arrived here. It was originally said that Duke Lai Guo and Lin Si were making new arrangements for them to come here to listen.

But after they waited for an hour, they didn't even see the shadows of Lin Feng and Du Gou.

This made them confused and at the same time, they were also a little unable to stand.

At this time, a government official raised his head and glanced at the sun directly above his head.

He looked around and couldn't help but come to Zhang Mo's side and whispered: "Zhang County Lieutenant, what's going on? Where are Duke Lai and Lord Linsi? They called us over, but why are no one there? "

Zhang Mo also frowned slightly, his dark eyes full of doubts.

He said: "Wait a little longer... As subordinates, we can only follow orders, but if there is no movement for too long and everyone complains, I can go and inquire on your behalf."

Listening to Zhang Mo's words, the yamen servant's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately understood what Zhang Mo meant.

He quickly returned to the crowd, grumbling under his breath.

At this time, in the room.

Zhao Shiwu stood at the door and peeked out through the crack in the door.

At the table, Lin Feng and Du Gou were discussing tomorrow's shipwreck salvage matters.

Du Gou has already prepared everything Lin Feng asked Du Gou to prepare, and now he is waiting to salvage it tomorrow.


At this time, Zhao Shiwu turned around and said: "One of the government officials couldn't stand anymore. He came to Zhang Mo and whispered something in his ear. Then Zhang Mo glanced at our room and said something back, and the man went back. .”

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Is this government official on the list?"

Zhao Shishi nodded: "I recognize him. His name is Han Jiu, and he is the person on the list."

Han Jiu...

Du Gou looked at Lin Feng and said, "Now, I am becoming more and more certain."

Lin Feng was not surprised.

He picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, and said calmly: "Standing for an hour for no reason, ordinary people can't stay any longer, let alone those who have evil thoughts in their hearts. Just wait... If nothing happens, Zhang Mo will be here soon." So the government officials were talking a lot and had no choice but to come to us as an excuse to knock on the door."

It didn't take long.

It was just as Lin Feng expected.

There was a knock on the door.

At the same time, Zhang Mo's voice came: "Lai Guogong, Lin Sizheng, brothers have been waiting for more than an hour. We all have official duties and want to find clues about the water ghost quickly, so we don't dare to waste too much time. Therefore, they asked their subordinates to ask, I wonder what task Lai Guogong and Lin Temple are entrusting us with?"

After hearing Zhang Mo's words, Zhao Shishi couldn't help but look at Lin Feng with admiration.

Even Du Gou could not hide his smile.

Zhao Shishi hurriedly asked: "Father, what should I do?"

Lin Feng put down the water glass and stood up slowly: "Their patience has reached its limit. It's time for us to go out. If we don't go out, I'm afraid they will figure out something. It would be bad if they take the opportunity to jump over the wall."

Du Gou nodded, and he stood up and said at the same time: "Our people have been searching for more than an hour. If we find anything, it should be almost there."

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he couldn't help but pray quickly in his heart.

But even though Lin Feng was about to reveal his fate, his expression didn't look strange. He calmly came to the door, opened it, and saw Zhang Mo standing outside.

Zhang Mo quickly bowed to Lin Feng, his attitude was so respectful that no one could see anything strange.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Are Zhang County Lieutenant waiting impatiently?"

Zhang Mo hurriedly shook his head: "I don't dare to do this. It's because the brothers are a little anxious about the water ghost case..."

Lin Feng smiled and glanced at Zhang Mo with his dark eyes. The moment he was caught by Lin Feng's gaze, Zhang Mo had the illusion that his whole body was being seen through.

This made him feel horrified.

He lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng ignored Zhang Mo and came to the crowd. He looked at the government officials and said slowly: "I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long."

"It's not that we deliberately kept you waiting, it's just that I encountered some accidents when I was discussing with Duke Lai about salvaging the sunken ship tomorrow, and it will take some time to resolve these accidents."

"So, it's been delayed for so long..."

Hearing this, Zhang Mo rolled his eyes and said, "I wonder if the official disturbed Lin Si Zheng and Lai Guogong. Did you solve the accident?"

Lin Feng looked at Zhang Mo and said, "Not yet..."

But he wasn't done yet.

Suddenly I saw a guard walking quickly.

This guard was Du Gou's confidant, and the task of searching was also given to him.

He quickly came to Lin Feng and Du Gou, and then said something in Du Gou's ear.

Then Du Gou's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly looked at Lin Feng. Under Lin Feng's gaze, he nodded heavily.

See this scene.

Even though he was as calm as Lin Feng, he was also as calm as a big stone in his heart, falling suddenly.

He let out a long breath, then looked at Zhang Mo, and said with a meaningful smile: "It wasn't solved before, but's solved."

Before Zhang Mo could react.

Lin Feng immediately took a step back and shouted: "Do it!"


Zhao Shiwu was already prepared. As Lin Feng's voice fell, a punch instantly hit Zhang Mo's stomach.

Zhang Mo suddenly bowed and screamed in pain, but before he had time to react, Zhao Shiwu had already hit him with an uppercut.


There was another sound, and Zhang Mo felt as if his jaw was broken, and his whole body flew backwards.

At this time, other guards had already rushed over.

He quickly pinned Zhang Mo under him, and no matter how hard Zhang Mo struggled, he couldn't move.

Zhao Shiwu pinched Zhang Mo's mouth and dug in with his fingertips, but he couldn't find the poison sac after searching for a long time.

He retracted his hand and shook his head at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was not surprised. Sometimes the poison sac is very useful, but sometimes it becomes evidence.

Not every member of the Four Elephants organization will always have a poison bag hidden in his mouth, and not every member of the Four Elephants organization is willing to die for the organization.

At the same time that Zhao Shiwu took action, other guards hidden on one side also took action.

The other seven government officials didn't even know what happened, so they were quickly taken down one by one.

Soon, the operation against the eight Zhang Mo people came to an end.

From the moment Lin Feng started shouting until everyone was held down, it only took a few breaths, so that the other government officials didn't even understand what happened.

The confused expressions on their faces showed that they were completely at a loss.

Zhang Mo and others were also struggling fiercely.

"Lin SiZheng, what's going on?"

"Why do you do this to us?"

"What have we done?"

The eight people yelled one after another.

Zhang Mo's face also turned red. He glared at Lin Feng and said angrily: "Lin Sizheng, even if I have offended you before, you don't have to target me like this, right?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he just looked at him with a half-smile: "Are you deliberately changing the concept?"

"Still don't know why I want to arrest you?"

Zhang Mo gritted his teeth and said: "It's not like I was disrespectful to Lin Sizheng on the cargo ship before, but I have already apologized to Lin Sizheng. Why are you so petty?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "You are very dishonest, Zhang Mo. Do you really think you are hiding enough secrets?"

"Do you really think I would attack you rashly without evidence?"

"Do you really are the only wise man in this world and we are all fools?"

He said slowly: "Unfortunately, I will salvage the sunken ship tomorrow...but your plan to kill ten or a hundred people has no chance to be implemented."

"I'm sorry that the conspiracy you finally came up with failed. I won't be ruined, but you... I'm afraid you will die without a burial place."

Brush it!

Zhang Mo was stunned for a moment, his face was as pale as if struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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