People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 174 reveals the conspiracy of the Four Elephants organization, the ultimate reasoning that s

Chapter 174 reveals the conspiracy of the Four Elephants Organization, the ultimate reasoning that shocked everyone!

Lin Feng did not expect that Du Gou would thank him so formally, but seeing Du Gou's serious and determined look, he thought for a while and did not stop Du Gou.

He had a clear mind and knew the meaning of Du Gou's bow, so he quietly waited for Du Gou to thank him, then helped Du Gou up and said with a wry smile: "This bow from Lai Guogong has made me feel more stressed. Originally, I only have the Four Elephants Organization on my shoulders, and now I have to carry tens of thousands of people in Cizhou."

Hearing this, Du Gou smiled and said, "I sincerely thank you. I don't want to put more pressure on you."

Lin Feng shook his head: "I understand, so I am even more stressed. If this case cannot be solved, I will be too embarrassed to come to Cizhou again and see you again."

Du Gou laughed and thought Lin Feng was really interesting.

Even if they face huge pressure, Lin Feng can always make people get out of their anxiety with just a few words.

Lin Feng looked back at the coffins filling the yard and said, "There are too many corpses. I don't have time to look at them one by one..."

As he said that, he looked at Du Gou and said, "I have a few questions. Lord Lai Guo, please just tell me the status of Du Gou's inspection."

When Du Gou saw Lin Feng talking about business, he immediately nodded: "Okay."

Lin Feng said: "The first question is, are the wounds on these corpses all the same? Are the causes of death different? Are the murder weapons used different?"

Du Gou's eyes flashed slightly, and he thought that Lin Feng had hit the mark with just one sentence.

He understood what Lin Feng wanted to know and said directly: "These boatmen were all killed with sharp weapons, and the causes of death were different. Some had their throats sealed with a knife, some had their hearts pierced, and some even had their heads chopped off. "

"And the weapons used to kill them are not all the same. According to Wu Zuo's judgment, there are a total of six different weapons, including knives, swords, and even axes, with different thicknesses and lengths."

Listening to Du Gou's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with contemplation.

"Six different weapons indicate that the murderer was a group of at least six people. This is a gang crime."

"At the same time, this is also in line with our previous judgment. After all, there are more than 30 people on a cargo ship with a large crew. Only by committing a crime in a gang can we massacre everyone without letting anyone escape..."

At this point, Lin Feng's heart moved and he suddenly asked: "Were all killed by sharp weapons and not drowned?"

Du Gou shook his head: "No."

"Have you checked the crew list to make sure that all the crew members are dead and no one escaped?"

Du Gou nodded and said: "After discovering the accident on the cargo ship, the Yamen went to look up the crew list, and through the list, went to the registered residence of these crew members to inquire about their appearance and characteristics, and then compared them one by one."

"After comparison, it was finally confirmed that all the crew members died on the cargo ship, and no one escaped except the sole survivor."

After listening to Du Gou's words, Lin Feng touched his chin and said slowly: "It's a little strange."


Du Gou was startled and said hurriedly: "What's so strange?"

Lin Feng looked at Du Gou and said in a deep voice, "Why doesn't anyone jump into the river to escape when faced with a life-and-death crisis?"

"Jump into the river to escape?" Du Gou's eyes narrowed and his brain began to think quickly.

Lin Feng nodded and said: "The first and second cargo ships can explain that the number of crew members is too small, and the murderer gang easily killed them all."

"But the third and fourth cargo ships belong to people in the 20s and 30s, and they all know the dangers of the Zhang River. Even at night, there will definitely be people keeping vigil outside like when we took the cargo ship last night. , to ensure that messages can be communicated in a timely manner in the event of an accident.”

"Therefore, when danger occurs, unless the murderer can kill them instantly without giving them a chance to shout, they will definitely make a cry, and when they make a sound, other nervous crew members will also quickly know it."

"In other words, even if they are not the enemy's opponents, they can definitely escape for their lives. And deep inside the cargo ship in the Zhang River, even if they break open the windows, they can jump directly into the river... Most of the crew members can swim and jump into the river. In the water, it is difficult to be found late at night when the light is poor, so there is a chance of survival.”


Lin Feng looked at Du Gou with deep eyes, and his voice seemed to have a thought-provoking hook, and said: "Why doesn't anyone escape in this way?"

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Du Gou pondered for a moment and guessed: "Is it possible that someone also tried to escape by diving, but was caught back in the end without success?"

Lin Feng's eyes were fixed and he continued to ask: "Being killed by a sharp weapon in the water, because it has been soaked in water and has various microorganisms in the water attached to it, the wound will be different from being killed on the ground. Did Wu Zuo say this?"

Du Gou shook his head: "Never."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "That would be interesting."

He looked at Du Gou and said, "Mr. Lai Guo, you might as well think about it. If you were the murderer, and the person you wanted to kill jumped into the water and escaped, and then you chased him in anger... you would kill him the moment you caught up with him. Will you push his head into the water and drown him directly, or will you chop him to death with a knife...or will you spend a lot of effort to catch him back to the cargo ship intact, and then chop him to death with a knife?"

"I..." Du Gou was stunned.

With his quick mind, he quickly understood what Lin Feng meant.

He widened his eyes and said: "So, there is no possibility that someone will really escape by jumping into the water?"

Lin Feng said slowly: "I don't know if Mr. Lai Guo has ever dived to save someone. If he has had such an experience, Mr. Lai will know how difficult it is to bring a violently struggling person to the shore in the water. It took a lot of effort...not to mention that the crew member had to escape for his life. He knew that being caught back would be a dead end, so he would resist even more and struggle even more violently. In this case, if he wanted to catch him back on the cargo ship at such a height, It cannot be done by just one person.”

"The purpose of these people is to kill people, not to save people. So since the result is to kill the crew members, why not kill the crew members first and then take them back easily? Are they afraid that they will kill people? The process is too easy, are you trying to make it more difficult for yourself?"

Du Gou's pupils shrank slightly. At this moment, he understood why Lin Feng asked if anyone had drowned and if there were any injuries sustained in the water... This was all to rule out the possibility that the real murderer had killed someone in the water.

And when this possibility is eliminated, you can directly draw the corresponding conclusion by relying only on logical reasoning.

"That said, it is indeed strange that the crew members did not escape by jumping into the water."

Du Gou frowned. Lin Feng had not analyzed these things for him before, so he had never thought about these things at all.

Only then did he realize that there was something strange about it.

He looked at Lin Feng and asked doubtfully: "Lin Si is thinking, why is this happening?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "I can detect the anomaly, but if you want to know the reason, you need specific clues and evidence. Maybe clues can be found at the crime scene, that is, on the cargo ship -"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Feng's voice suddenly stopped.

Then his eyes suddenly froze, and he looked directly at Du Gou and said, "No! Something might happen to the cargo ship!"

"Mr. Lai Guo, let's go to the cargo ship immediately!"

As he said that, Lin Feng turned around and walked out.

His sudden action left both Zhao Shiwu and Du Gou confused as to what Lin Feng was thinking.

However, Zhao Shishi has always followed Lin Feng's lead. He will never hesitate if Lin Feng says a word. Du Gou follows Lin Feng quickly even if he has no beginning or end because of his trust in Lin Feng's ability.

Several people hurried out of the villa gate. Lin Feng abandoned the carriage and rode forward with Du Gou, Zhao Shiwu and others, so that they could go faster.

While riding, Du Gou couldn't help but said: "Lin Sizheng, what did you find?"

Zhao Shiwu also looked at Lin Feng curiously.

Then Lin Feng pursed his lips, looked forward with half-squinted eyes, and said: "Since the Four Elephants Organization can't kill me, it will definitely hinder my investigation."

"As for this case, there are currently only two key points that allow me to find clues."

"One is the dilapidated villa where these bodies were placed, and the other is the cargo ship where the crime occurred."

"But now, everything is normal here in the villa, nothing abnormal has happened. The corpses are all placed there intact. I can clearly find out the information about the real murderer from them. It can be seen that the Four Elephants organization has not done any damage to them... …So, they didn’t destroy the corpse, so what would they destroy in order to stop me?”


After listening to Lin Feng's words, Du Gou and Zhao Shiwu's expressions suddenly changed.

Zhao Shiwu, who was straight-faced, immediately opened his eyes and exclaimed: "Cargo ship! Have they already taken action on the cargo ship?"

The veins of Du Gou's hand holding the reins were exposed, and his eyes could not conceal his eagerness: "Drive! Speed ​​up!"

Everyone drove the horses desperately, and soon arrived at the ferry where the cargo ship was parked.

Before they arrived, they discovered billowing black smoke rising into the sky from the ferry.

At the same time, many government officials and people were exclaiming.

"Go away!"

"The cargo ship ran into water!"

"Quickly put out the fire!"

Listening to the chaotic exclamations and looking at the billowing black smoke, Du Gou's heart suddenly sank, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's true! They really attacked the cargo ship."

Zhao Shiwu looked panicked: "What should I do?"

"Why panic?"

Compared to Du Gou and Zhao Shiwu, Lin Feng, who had already anticipated this, was much calmer.

He said: "Fight the fire first, and then talk about other things!"

Zhao Shiwu nodded quickly: "Yes, put out the fire first!"

As they talked, they finally arrived at the ferry.

Lin Feng sat on horseback and looked out. When he saw clearly that there was only one burning ship, and it was not beyond saving, he breathed a sigh of relief. He said loudly: "Other cargo ships should leave here immediately and stay away from the burning ship." The cargo ship and the other ten people formed a team and took over separately to fetch water from within the Zhanghe River to put out the fire!"

County Captain Zhang Mo, who was panicking and not knowing what to do, heard the words and subconsciously followed the sound.

When he saw the unfamiliar face, he hesitated a little. Du Gou shouted directly: "Why are you still standing there in a daze? Do as Lin Sizheng said!"

Lin SiZheng?

Zhang Mo was stunned for a moment, but now it was too late to think about Lin Feng's identity. He quickly followed Lin Feng's instructions, commanded the other ships to sail away, and then quickly began to relay water.

Du Gou also looked at the guards following him and said, "You guys should go and help too."

The guards dismounted one after another and rushed over.

Soon, buckets of water were being transported from Zhanghe River to the boat. Standing on the shore, it looked like a flexible assembly line, and no one had an empty hand.

Seeing buckets of water poured down and the flame getting smaller and smaller, Du Gou's heart finally dropped.

At the same time, he looked at Lin Feng with an expression of emotion and admiration.

As for him, he was a little panicked just now and didn't know what to do for a while.

But Lin Feng was able to calmly and quickly give a response method, and it was so efficient that it was far better than the messy fire-fighting methods.

Thinking back to the so-called physical method that Lin Feng helped him give him when he was in Chang'an City, Du Gou couldn't help but admire the "all-powerful talent" in his heart.

Finally, the last flame was extinguished, and the sudden fire finally ended.

The government officials sat on the ground, panting heavily and wiping the sweat from their foreheads.

Zhao Shiwu also let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, my adoptive father noticed that the Four Elephant Organization was going to take action against the cargo ship, and we arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Du Gou also nodded in agreement: "The Four Symbols organization is cunning and vicious, but Lin Sizheng's wisdom is not inferior to them. This time we were able to extinguish the flames in time and did not let the fire burn all the cargo ships. Lin Sizheng's first game with them was still Lin Temple is even better."

Your words are quite pleasant... Lin Feng said: "It's too early to say it's better, but let's not talk about that for now..."

He raised his eyes to look at the scene after the fire and said, "I wonder how the fire started?"

When Du Gou heard this, his expression suddenly sank.

He looked at the dilapidated state of the half-burned cabin, looking at the black smoke still rising from the charred wood, and said coldly: "Lieutenant Zhang County, I remember that you promised me that this is It is always guarded and absolutely foolproof... So, can you give me an explanation as to why this fire burned?"

County Captain Zhang Mo, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, tensed up subconsciously when he heard Du Gou's dissatisfied voice. He quickly nodded and bowed, saying: "Lai Guogong, I... I don't know what's going on. "

"Xiaguan came here at noon. He wanted to patrol the Zhanghe River and see if he could find any new clues. But who knew that not long ago, when Xiaguan was asking his brothers if they had discovered anything, someone suddenly shouted Shouting, saying there is smoke."

"When I heard the shouting, I quickly followed the sound and saw smoke rising from the cargo ship. I didn't dare to delay, so I quickly ordered people to investigate, but before we even boarded the ship, the flames were blazing. It burst into flames and swallowed up half the cabin in an instant."

"The speed of the flames was completely beyond the official's expectation, leaving us at a loss. At this moment, Duke Lai Guo and you will arrive."

As he spoke, a look of joy and admiration appeared on his face: "Fortunately, Duke Lai Guo and Lin Si arrived in time and organized us to put out the fire. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable."

Seeing Zhang Mo's flattering look, Lin Feng couldn't help but recall the disdainful look Zhang Mo had on the cargo ship when he looked at himself without an official status.

What two faces!

Du Gou said: "This is all Lin Sizheng's credit. It is Lin Sizheng's command that deserves credit."

Zhang Mo heard this and quickly looked at Lin Feng. After thinking about it while putting out the fire, he already knew who Lin Sizheng was in front of him.

After all, in the entire Tang Dynasty, the only person with the surname Lin who could be called the temple leader, and who could be so respected by Du Goudu, was the detective Lin Feng, whose reputation as a detective was resounding all over the world.

He quickly showed his admiration: "Su Wenlin Temple is like a god in solving cases. When I see him today, he is truly worthy of his reputation. I admire him very much!"

Listening to Zhang Mo's flattering words, Lin Feng said with a half-smile but not a smile: "Zhang County Lieutenant is wrong, we didn't 'meet each other today'."

"What?" Zhang Mo was startled.

Then Lin Feng looked at him with deep meaning: "You should say 'I met you yesterday'." "

I saw you yesterday...

Zhang Mo was stunned for a moment, but suddenly, he suddenly remembered the case he encountered yesterday, and remembered the super-fast solution of the case where the real culprit was found in just a quarter of an hour or two. His head suddenly buzzed, and his scalp All numb.

Originally, he thought yesterday's case was a bit strange. An unknown daughter of the Minister of Dali Temple and an unknown scholar suddenly encountered a brutal murder case. Not only were they not frightened, but they were able to quickly solve the case. Finding the real culprit... The key is that the real culprit in that case specially disguised himself and even threw the murder weapon into the Zhanghe River. The level of difficulty is much higher than that of ordinary cases!

He believed that he would never be able to solve such a difficult case so quickly.

It was just that although he felt that the other party was too powerful at the time, he didn't think much about it. But at this moment, Lin Feng reminded him that they had met yesterday...

This made Zhang Mo instantly understand what was going on.

No wonder they were able to solve the case so quickly. No wonder Wang Huan was discovered quickly after planning so hard... If it was the famous detective Lin Feng, it would be no surprise!

"Could it be that he was the scholar yesterday!?"

Zhang Mo's hands and feet suddenly felt cold when he thought of this, and his hot heart instantly froze.

After all, he knew very well what his attitude towards Lin Feng was yesterday.

Even with Lin Feng's ability, he doubted that Lin Feng could guess what he was thinking yesterday.

This made his face turn pale suddenly, and his originally flattering smile suddenly froze.

Lin Feng calmly looked at Zhang Moyu with doubts. When he realized it, his face turned from a flattering smile to a pale and bloodless face.

He said with a half-smile but not a smile: "It seems that Lieutenant Zhang County has recalled it. Our first encounter was really wonderful, don't you think?"

Zhang Mo's voice trembled. He wished he could slap himself a hundred times in the face. He quickly said: "Before I went to the official position, I was thinking about who could be so powerful and solved the case so quickly. Now I know that it turned out to be Lin Si Zheng! I also ask Lin Si Zheng to forgive me for my clumsiness, which caused me to neglect Lin Si Zheng yesterday."

"It doesn't matter if you neglect me, as long as Lieutenant Zhang still remembers his identity and the laws of the Tang Dynasty." Lin Feng said lightly.

Zhang Mo tensed up, trying hard not to tremble, and said quickly: "That's what Lin Si is saying."

Lin Feng looked at the county captain whose head was lowered to his navel and said calmly: "I still like your bohemian look."

Zhang Mo almost fainted with fright, and quickly shook his head: "I don't dare, the official."

Du Gou looked at Zhang Mo's panic and listened to Lin Feng's meaningful words. He was smart and quickly understood that something that he didn't know might have happened when the two men solved the case yesterday. He looked at Lin Feng and gave Lin Feng a questioning look, but Lin Feng shook his head at him. The water ghost case in front of him was more important than anything else. After the water ghost case was solved, it would not be too late to deal with Zhang Mo.

Lin Feng stopped beating Zhang Mo and walked towards the cargo ship behind the fire, asking, "Has anyone been in or out of this cargo ship before and after the fire?"

Seeing that Lin Feng did not continue to target him, Zhang Mo breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly ran after him and said, "No, our manpower is limited, and we have to dedicate some people to patrol along the river to prevent other ships from encountering accidents, so here There are only four people guarding it.”

"There are only a few of them, so they can only guard the ferry to prevent irrelevant people from entering or leaving the cargo ship... But all day today, no one passed through the ferry or entered or exited the cargo ship."

Listening to Zhang Mo's words, Lin Feng smiled and said: "Interesting, no one entered or exited the cargo ship... Then how did this cargo ship catch fire? Was it a will-o'-the-wisp?"

Zhang Mo lowered his head and did not dare to speak nonsense.

Soon, Lin Feng boarded the cargo ship.

I saw that this cargo ship was larger than the one he took when he came to Cizhou, but the basic construction style was the same.

The fire started in the cabin, and half of the cabin was burned. Fortunately, the rescue was timely and the fire did not have time to spread completely. Otherwise, the ship, which is mostly made of wood, would definitely be burned down.

At this time, Lin Feng sniffed and said, "Do you smell anything?"

Zhao Shiwu said: "It seems to smell like kerosene."

Du Gou nodded: "It's the smell of kerosene... So, the reason why the cabin burned so quickly was because someone poured kerosene on it?"

Zhang Mo couldn't help but frown when he heard this: "No one has entered or left the ship, and there was no kerosene in the cabin before... How was this kerosene brought in?"

Lin Feng stepped across the wet deck and came to the cabin.

The door of the cabin was burned black, but it was not completely burned. Lin Feng pushed the door and entered. The first thing he saw was the scene of devastation after the fire, and the second thing he saw was the ground and a few pictures that were not burned. The shocking blood stains on the table.

"Which ship is this in trouble?" Lin Feng asked.

Du Gou said: "The third ship is also the ship with the most deaths."

"The third ship...the ship that was killed fourteen days ago, the death toll was thirty-three."

As Du Gou's voice sounded, relevant information quickly emerged in Lin Feng's mind.

He stepped on the blood on the floor and came to the wall on the left.

There were splatters of blood on the wall, and at the same time, Lin Feng saw scratches from fingernails on the wooden wall - ten finger scratches, about two inches long.

He stretched out his hand and placed his fingertips on the scratches. Feeling the unevenness of the scratches, Lin Feng took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

As his eyes closed, a picture appeared in his mind.

A crew member fled in panic, and finally ran to the wall, but there was a dead end in front of him. At this time, the enemy who was chasing him came behind him. Looking at his desperate look, he raised the weapon in his hand with a grin... …

Blood splattered and stained the walls.

He turned around and faced the cabin.

The panicked images of each crew member appeared in his mind again. Some of them bumped into the table, and some were forced into corners to beg for mercy. However, the enemies showed no mercy and raised their weapons one after another.

As a result, blood stained the ground red and spattered onto the table.

This cabin, where the crew was usually the most relaxed, became a purgatory on earth at that moment.

Lin Feng took a long breath and opened his eyes. Du Gou didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that Lin Feng seemed a little different at this moment than before.

"Mr. Lai Guo, I wonder where there are blood stains on this ship?"

Because all the corpses were carried to the mast, there was no way to know where they were killed based on the corpses. They could only make a rough judgment based on the blood stains.

Recalling the tragic situation on the ship, Du Gou's voice became a little deeper and he said: "There are blood stains in the warehouse, in the room, in this cabin, and on the deck above."

Lin Feng was about to nod, but at this moment, a government official suddenly came over and said, "Duke Lai, we found traces of kerosene near the side wall."

"Side wall?"

When Du Gou heard this, he quickly looked at Lin Feng, who said, "Let's go and have a look."

Everyone quickly left the cabin and came to the side wall behind the cabin.

At this time, there were already government officials guarding here.

"Right here." The officer said.

Lin Feng stepped forward and found that there was indeed some kerosene near the side wall.

The amount of kerosene was small, and there was none anywhere else around. It looked like it had been accidentally spilled here.

He dipped his finger into the kerosene, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, then said immediately, "It smells the same as the kerosene in the cabin."

Depending on the quality of kerosene, the taste also varies.

The taste is the same, which proves that this kerosene should be the kerosene that caused the fire just now.

Du Gou frowned and said, "Why does kerosene appear here..."

As he said that, he looked at the very close side wall and the rolling Zhang River water connected under the side wall. Suddenly... Du Gou's eyes flashed and he thought of some possibility.

He quickly raised his head, looking for something around the kerosene.

Not long after, I saw his eyes fixed.

"found it!"

Du Gou's words quickly attracted the attention of the people around him.

Zhang Mo said quickly: "Mr. Lai Guo, did you find anything?"

Du Gou nodded: "Look here."

As he spoke, Du Gou took a step forward, pointed to the fence on the side wall where the kerosene was next to, and said, "There is a trace here."

Everyone looked quickly, and sure enough, on the fence that prevented people from falling, there was a half-inch-sized, seemingly deep, inverted triangle mark.

"What kind of mark is this? The shape is so special." A government official asked.

Du Gou said: "If it's not what I expected, these should be the marks made by the tools used by thieves to sneak into the cargo ship from Zhanghe River."

Everyone was startled: "The thieves sneaked in from Zhanghe River?"

"Tools used?"

Zhang Mo said quickly: "Mr. Lai Guo, you mean...the thief who set the fire secretly climbed up from within Zhanghe River?"

Du Gou glanced at Lin Feng and saw that Lin Feng had been frowning, as if he was thinking about something. He nodded and said: "The officer guarding the ferry said that no one entered or exited the cargo ship all day today, so what would the thieves think?" If you want to set fire to it, you can only board the ship by other means."

"Based on the smell of kerosene in the cabin, we can know that the thief used kerosene to set the fire, but there was no kerosene on the ship, so he had to bring kerosene from outside."

"At the same time, you can also see that the burned cabin is in another part, which means that kerosene will never be spilled here... Therefore, there is only one possibility for kerosene here..."

He looked at everyone and said: "The thief accidentally spilled it when he was passing by here. Considering the thief is so careful, how could it be spilled... I think it can only be because he couldn't control his balance when climbing. and intensity, you will make this kind of mistake.”

"So, I speculated that this is where the thieves climbed up, and the side walls of the ship are smooth. If you want to climb up, you can only use the corresponding tools, and no matter what the tools are, they must hook onto things on the ship. That is to say, there will definitely be traces left, so I tried to look for such traces..."

"Finally, I found this trace, just above the kerosene... which verified my speculation."

Listening to Du Gou's words, all the government officials couldn't help but show admiration.

Zhang Mo said quickly: "The Duke of Lai is thoughtful and aware of everything. He easily cracked the thieves' method of boarding the ship. I admire him."

Other government officials also flattered him one after another.

Even Zhao Shiwu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Du Gou, who was as gentle as a gentleman, could actually have such an ability to investigate cases.

Du Gou dealt with flattery calmly and was obviously immune to such flattery. He ignored Zhang Mo and others, looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Si Zheng, do you think my judgment is correct?"

Zhang Mo and others were stunned when they saw Du Gou asking Lin Feng what was right or wrong, with such a low posture.

Is this still Du Gou who took power in Cizhou at such a young age and suppressed everyone who dared not act recklessly?

They couldn't help but look at Lin Feng subconsciously.

But I heard Lin Feng say: "There was something I couldn't figure out before."

When Du Gou saw that Lin Feng did not answer him, but instead said something seemingly unrelated, he couldn't help but ask: "What is it?"

Lin Feng looked at Du Gou with his dark eyes and said slowly: "Why did the thief set the fire at this time?"


Du Gou was stunned for a moment, and he said in confusion: "Lin Sizheng, didn't you say that they wanted to stop you from investigating the case? So it is not very normal for them to set fire?"

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes, they want to stop me, and setting fire to it is indeed reasonable, but... Mr. Lai Guo, my problem is not this, my problem is time!"


"It's time!" Lin Feng and Du Gou looked at each other and said in a deep voice: "They tried to attack me last night, but they failed... So normally, they already knew last night that they couldn't kill me. It’s about that.”

"In that case, they should act quickly to thwart me."

"That is to say..."

Lin Feng looked at Du Gou, whose expression had changed and who had obviously begun to understand, and said: "They should have taken action last night, and even this morning, this morning... they can take action."

"If they had acted at that time, I'm afraid the ship would have been burned."

"But, they didn't... not only did they fail to act at a better time, but they chose to set fire to the ship just as we were about to arrive here."

"You feel……"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said, "Could this be a coincidence?"

Du Gou's heart suddenly tightened when he heard Lin Feng's words.

With his keen mind, he knew that Lin Feng still had one sentence left - that is, the people from the Four Elephants Organization had been looking for Lin Feng before, and would definitely keep an eye on him. In other words, after Lin Feng did not hide, the Four Elephants Organization was likely to He had already grasped Lin Feng's traces.

So in this case, the Four Elephant Organization would not burn the boat sooner or later, but burning the boat at this time... can never be a coincidence!


Du Gou's face turned pale and he said, "Am I wrong?"


"Mr. Lai Guo was wrong?"

The government officials looked shocked.

Under Du Gou's close gaze, Lin Feng said in a deep voice: "When I saw that the cargo ship was on fire and it could still be extinguished, I already noticed something was wrong. With their ability, they had so much time to prepare. They will never give us a chance to destroy it...but at that time, I couldn't figure out what their intention was."

"Only now do I finally understand."

As he spoke, Lin Feng looked at the fire oil under his feet and the traces on the fence. He said: "The real move they made against me was not the fire at all. The fire was just a trigger, and its real purpose was .”

"it is this……"

Lin Feng pointed at the scratches and kerosene and said, "They want to lure me into taking the bait. They want me to make the wrong judgment just like you did just now, Duke Lai!"

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he felt like he couldn't turn his head. He wondered: "But what's the use of this? It's just a way to board the ship. Even if you guess wrong, it doesn't matter, right?"


Lin Feng shook his head and said: "This is not a one-time boarding method... What they want to deceive is all the boarding methods of these four ships!"


"All ships?"

Everyone was stunned.

Du Gou didn't know what he was thinking of, and his expression couldn't help but change. He quickly said: "Immediately go to the other three ships to check the railings to see if there are the same triangular marks on the railings!?"

When the officials heard this, they didn't dare to delay and ran away quickly.

Du Gou was pacing back and forth, frowning tightly.

When Zhao Shiwu saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel an indescribable sense of depression, as if something very serious had happened.

Fortunately, these ships were all together, and it didn't take long for the government officials to return.

"Duke Lai, the same traces were found on the railing of the first ship."

"There's a second one too!"

"There's one on the last one too!"

They all spoke.

Hearing what the government officials said, Du Gou's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly looked at Lin Feng.

"Lin Simasa! This..."

Lin Feng met Du Gou's gaze, but his face was not as frightened and heavy as Du Gou's. He said, "Dong Lai Guo, haven't you checked the fences of these cargo ships before?"

Du Gou's voice was low and his eyes were solemn, and he said: "I have seen it before, but these ships are quite old, and there are many holes in the wood. If you don't look for them based on some known specific traces, just like this triangular trace. , it is impossible to determine whether the traces were caused by climbing.”

Lin Feng nodded, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and smiled slowly: "What a good plan. Through an arson, it will lead us to investigate their method of boarding the ship, so that we can use this as a basis to find out other The traces on the ship finally determined that they used this method when slaughtering these four ships..."

"And once we really think so, we will cause the biggest irreversible mistake in the investigation process, and go further and further down the wrong road..."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Du Gou's expression suddenly flashed with a heavy look. He frowned tightly, clenched his fists, and said: "These thieves are really cunning and cunning, making it difficult for us to guard against them!"

When Lin Feng heard this, he chuckled and shook his head: "It's true that they are cunning, but once we see through them, they will help us and eliminate a wrong answer."

As he spoke, he looked at Du Gou and said, "Didn't Duke Lai Guo say before when the fire was extinguished that I was the better player in the game between me and them?"

"At that time, this sentence was somewhat inappropriate."

"But now..." Lin Feng said with a smile: "You can say this for Duke Lai... Their conspiracy was dismantled by me, which helped me get closer to the truth. This time, I am indeed slightly better in the game."

 It seems like the last day for double monthly passes, please give me a monthly pass! Woo woo woo



(End of this chapter)

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