People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 170 Discovery! 4 elephants organize key clues!

Chapter 170 Discovery! The key clues of the Four Elephants Organization!

As Lin Feng spoke, he looked at the deceased's hand.

At this time, he discovered that the fingertips of the deceased's left hand were black.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng grabbed the deceased's left hand, pulled it gently, and then the hand that was not yet stiff left the dagger.

He carefully examined the deceased's fingertips and said, "It looks like ink stains."

"Ink stains?"

Xiao Maner said: "Before the incident, he was writing?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and said: "The tips of the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger are all stained black. It should be caused by accidentally inserting all three fingers into the inkstone."

"How could he reach into the inkstone..." Xiao Man'er's bright eyes flashed slightly: "Could it be that when the murderer wanted to kill him, he happened to be writing, so during the struggle, his finger accidentally reached into the inkstone?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said: "It may also be caused by the violent storm just now... Don't forget that the sudden violent storm just now caused the boat to shake violently. If he happened to be standing next to the table using pen and ink at that time, Then the boat suddenly rocked, making him unstable and his fingers touching the inkstone."

Xiao Man'er nodded and said: "This possibility does exist."

Lin Feng put down his left hand, grabbed Wang Heng's right hand, pulled it to one side, and said: "We will find out the details later by checking the ship boss's room..."

While speaking, Lin Feng carefully inspected Wang Heng's right hand. After confirming that there was nothing special about Wang Heng's right hand, he put down his right hand and looked at the wound on Wang Heng's heart.

I saw a dagger sticking out of the deceased's heart.

The blade of the dagger had completely submerged into the wound, leaving only the handle.

Some blood slowly flowed out along the wound, but not much blood flowed out, only staining the clothes around the wound red.

Lin Feng thought for a while, then tore open the clothes around the wound to see the details of the wound covered by the clothes.

Said: "There is only one wound... The wound and the dagger blade fit perfectly, and there was not much blood. It can be determined that the murderer only stabbed this knife and never touched the dagger again. Otherwise, the blood would have flowed more and the wound would not have been So complete, there must be a gap between it and the dagger.”

Xiao Man'er's brain was spinning rapidly as she listened to Lin Feng's words.

She is a smart and strong person, and she hopes to help Lin Feng when she goes through the case together.

After pondering for a moment, she suddenly said: "Our inference just now is that the deceased resisted before death, so normally, during his struggle and resistance, the dagger should be affected to some extent, at least when using force, the blood from the wound will definitely be affected. More flow...but the blood around the wound is so limited, and there are no signs of the dagger being shaken or even pulled out after being pierced. Isn't this a little strange?"

"It's really strange."

Lin Feng agreed with the question raised by Xiao Maner.

He looked at the deceased and said: "So it's no surprise that the dagger was either inserted when the deceased lost the power to resist, or it was simply inserted after the deceased died."

"That is to say..."

Lin Feng said: "There are definitely other injuries on the deceased's body. Even if they are not fatal injuries, they will definitely make him lose the ability to resist."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Maner quickly observed the deceased.

Their eyes first scanned the upper body and legs of the deceased. There was no other blood stains on the clothes and no obvious injuries. It was obvious that the problem was not there.

The two of them looked at the face of the deceased again.

At this time, a special pattern on the forehead of the deceased came into view.

I saw two horizontal and two vertical blood stains on Wang Heng's forehead. These two horizontal and two vertical blood marks formed a character similar to "well".

However, because the blood marks were irregular, Lin Feng was not sure whether they represented Tic Tac Toe.

The reason why these boatmen just now firmly believed that Wang Heng was killed by a water ghost was because of these blood marks.

According to rumors, the deceased people on the previous cargo ships had such a pattern on their foreheads when they were discovered.

This is a sign that the water ghost kills people.

So when they saw this pattern, the boatmen turned pale with fright.

Xiao Maner said: "Is the boat boss really killed by a water ghost?"

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, then frowned and shook his head: "I think it is most likely not the work of the legendary water ghost."

Xiao Man'er looked at him.

Just listen to Lin Feng say: "So far, the water ghosts have taken action against four cargo ships. According to the habits of the water ghosts, as long as they take action, they will definitely massacre everyone."

"But on our ship, only the ship's boss died. This is not in line with the behavior of water ghosts. Generally, criminals who commit such serial murders will not change their habits easily."

"So, this is more like a copycat crime, or the murderer created the illusion of a water ghost killing someone in order to escape punishment."

Xiao Maner thought for a while and then said: "Is this why the murderer dumped his body here?"

"According to the information we have learned and the letter from Duke Lai, we can know that after they kill people on the cargo ships selected by the water ghosts, they will move everyone to the mast and then let them face up. , so that the pattern on the head can be spotted at a glance."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "This possibility is very high. After all, there is nothing wrong with dumping the body of the real murderer. He had to dump the body here, and he also specially carved a pattern on his forehead. In order to make the water ghost more real, he even made a The illusion of being possessed by a ghost and making the deceased commit suicide with a dagger... Of course, the premise is that we have to find definite evidence to prove that it was not the work of the water ghost."

Everything just now is an inference. Even if the inference is more likely, it still needs evidence and clues to support it.

Xiao Maner has followed Xiao Yu to listen to cases since she was a child, so she naturally understands these truths.

Her eyes continued to move upward from her forehead. At this time, her eyes moved slightly and she hurriedly said: "There is something wrong with his hair."

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng came directly to the top of the deceased's head, and then raised the deceased's head.

At this time, Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly: "The most serious injury, or fatal injury, is here."

Xiao Man'er also looked over.

It was then seen that on the back of the deceased's head, the hair was stuck together with blood.

Pulling back the hair and pressing upwards with your fingers, you can clearly feel the bones at the back of the head being broken.

It's just that the wound was not particularly large, and the amount of blood flowing out was not that of a heavy bleeding. Moreover, there had been heavy rain here before, and the rain washed away the blood flowing from the wound close to the ground. After the rain stopped, the subsequent blood flowing out was absorbed by the deceased. The hair and the bun that fell to the side were completely blocked. You couldn't see it at all unless you raised your head and moved the bun.

Xiao Man'er said: "The back of the head was hit with a heavy object, causing the bones in the brain to break and the head to be severely injured... The back of the head is one of the most vulnerable parts of our body. According to the injury to the back of the deceased's head, even if he does not die, he will definitely be seriously injured."

Lin Feng checked the wound on the back of the deceased's head and said with a smile: "You said everything I said, I don't even know what to say."

Xiao Man'er's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly when she heard this. Lin Feng's words were undoubtedly his approval and approval.

She blinked and said, "You can fill in the parts that I overlooked or lacked details like you just did."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll tell you what you ignored."

Xiao Maner looked a little stunned: "Really?"

Facing Xiao Man'er's surprised gaze, Lin Feng said something that surprised Xiao Man'er: "The murderer should have had a temporary murderous intention. It was a passionate killing, rather than a premeditated murder that had been planned for a long time."


Xiao Maner was startled: "Why do you say that?"

Lin Feng said: "Look at the wound on the back of the deceased's head. There are some black ink stains here, and on the deceased's hair..."

Lin Feng spread his fingers and ran his fingertips through Wang Heng's hair. Then he turned his hand to Xiao Man'er and said, "Look, there are some black ink marks on my hand."

"The hair of the deceased was stained with a large amount of ink. It could not have been caused by accident. In the wounds protected by the hair, the ink stains penetrated into the flesh. All this can only prove one thing..."

He looked at Xiao Man'er and said slowly: "The murder weapon is the inkstone!"

"And if the murderer had premeditated the murder, it would be impossible for him to carry an inkstone to kill people, let alone that the inkstone had been ground with ink and there was still ink in it."

"So, he could only have a murderous intention suddenly. There happened to be an inkstone in front of him, so he picked up the inkstone and smashed it directly at the deceased who had his back turned to him..."

At this point, Lin Feng's temperament suddenly changed, and those eyes gave Xiao Man'er the feeling as if he had broken through the fog and directly saw the truth behind the fog, as if there were no secrets in the world that could be hidden from these eyes. of.

"That's right!"

Lin Feng said: "The deceased's back was absolutely turned to the deceased... He made the murderer very angry because of some words or something, but the deceased still turned his back to the murderer in this situation, which shows that he was very towards the murderer. trust!"

"The murderer is a person whom the deceased trusted immensely!"

Xiao Man'er looked at the high-spirited Lin Feng and couldn't help but said: "The people in this boat should all be people he trusts, right?"


Lin Feng looked at Xiao Man'er and said: "The boatman and Wang Heng are essentially an employment relationship! He gives money and the boatman works. The bond of this relationship is financial interests."

"At the same time, Wang Heng hopes that the boatman will work more for him, the more the better, and he will give him as little wages as possible. In this way, he can make more money... and the boatman is just the opposite. They want to work as little as possible and earn as much as possible, so essentially the relationship between them is antagonistic."

"In this case, how could the ship boss give his back to the other party when he was extremely angry?"

Xiao Man'er was very smart and understood the implication of Lin Feng's words instantly.

Her eyes widened slightly, and her gaze turned to the figure at the front of the boatman opposite, and she couldn't help but said: "So... you doubt Wang Huan?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "At least he is the most suspicious."

"Before the heavy rain, there were boatmen working on the deck. If Wang Heng's body was here, they would definitely not miss it."

"In other words, Wang Heng's body was dumped here by the murderer during a heavy rain."

"In the quarter of an hour when the heavy rain occurred, most of the boatmen stayed in the cabin with us. Only Wang Heng, the boss of the boat, and Wang Huan, who was on duty last night, were resting in the room."

"So the murderer can only be one of the three Wang Huan people."

As Lin Feng spoke, he also looked at Wang Huan and the other three people in the boat crew, and said, "Among these three people, the most trusted one is undoubtedly Wang Huan."

Xiao Maner frowned slightly. It was obvious that she, who was well protected by her family and valued family ties, was not too willing to believe that this Wang Heng's nephew was killed by Wang Huan, who was trained by Wang Heng as his son's successor. people.

But Lin Feng's words left her unable to refute. She took a deep breath, her rationality overriding her sensibility, and said, "But now we have no evidence, everything is just inference."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "So we have to look for clues."

After saying that, he stood up and said to Xiao Man'er: "Man'er, go ask Wang Huan and the other three what they were doing during the heavy rain."

Xiao Man'er understood what Lin Feng meant, nodded to Lin Feng, and went to ask questions.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, remained where he was, continuing the autopsy to ensure that he had not been negligent, while thinking about the case of the water ghost murder in his mind.

Every time the water ghost kills someone, he has to carry him to the mast... Why does he have to carry him to the mast?

Is there any purpose for doing this?

Also, what special meaning does the pattern carved by the water ghost on the forehead of the deceased have?

If all this was really done by the Four Elephants organization, why did they kill the people on those four cargo ships?

Moreover, none of the other missing people or ghosts after death appeared to commit crimes as frequently as this time.

If it is really the Four Elephants organization, why is this time so different from usual?

If it wasn't the Four Symbols organization, then I would have wasted these few days in vain... Therefore, I still have to seize all the time and find out everything as soon as possible, at least first determine whether it is related to the Four Symbols organization.

"We can't stay on this ship for too long. Fortunately, the murderer committed the crime in passion. Without preparation, there will definitely be loopholes. It shouldn't be difficult to crack..."

"in addition……"

Lin Feng's fingertips gently rubbed the jade pendant given to him by Xiao Man'er, his eyes flashing slightly: "Maybe we can make use of this case..."

While he was thinking, Xiao Maner came back.

Lin Feng looked at her, Xiao Maner shook her head and said: "Among the three Wang Huan, only Wang Huan has a separate room. The other two live in a common bunk room, but they live in two rooms with a common bunk bed, so the three of them They are all in different rooms.”

"During the heavy rain, they all said they were sleeping. Later, the boat shook them and woke them up. They grabbed the pillars to stabilize their bodies to prevent themselves from falling. They didn't put on their clothes until the boat stopped shaking and walked out. The result was that they just came out. , and found out that the ship’s boss was dead.”

Lin Feng smiled and said: "The answers are really unanimous."

Xiao Maner said: "I asked them separately, and they did not hear each other's confessions."

Lin Feng nodded, not surprised: "They should often encounter heavy rains and violent shaking of the ship, so they are too experienced and can say it casually..."

Xiao Maner nodded in agreement: "It seems that the confession is useless, there is no alibi."

Lin Feng was not depressed at all. He said, "Let's go and have a look at the ship boss's room."

As they spoke, they entered the stairs next to the cabin.

The stairs pass through the cabin, and then down, there are two floors. Half of the upper floor is an area for stacking cargo, the other half is a room for boatmen to rest, and the bottom floor is completely an area for stacking cargo.

It's a pity that when it rained, the boatmen closed the door after entering the cabin to prevent someone from being thrown out due to the violent shaking of the boat. Otherwise, they would have discovered the real murderer's body when he passed by the cabin door.

As the captain, Wang Heng has his own separate room.

However, this room was in a very messy state due to the violent shaking of the cargo ship just now.

Some books were scattered on the floor.

Teacups and teapots were also lying on the floor.

The stool was overturned and the table lay directly across the middle of the room.

Some brushes and papers can also be seen on the ground.

This mess is no different from that of a robber crossing the border.

"The inkstone is over there."

At this time, Xiao Maner suddenly pointed to the ground at the foot of the table.

Lin Feng looked and saw a gray rough stone inkstone lying there at the foot of the right front side of the table.

He walked over quickly, knelt down and picked up the inkstone.

But as soon as he picked up the inkstone, he couldn't help but frown.

Xiao Maner hurriedly asked: "How is it?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "The murderer is very cautious... This is not the inkstone he used to commit the crime."


Xiao Maner frowned slightly.

Lin Feng said: "The inside of this inkstone is very clean, without any wet water stains or ink stains... It hasn't been long since the heavy rain stopped. Even if the real culprit cleans the inkstone, the water stains will not be completely dry, let alone the entire inkstone." There is no trace of blood left. It can be seen from the wound of the deceased that the inkstone that hit him must have been stained with blood, and this inkstone is made of a stone with a rough surface. Once the blood is stained, it is difficult to completely remove it."

Xiao Man'er nodded and said: "So, this is indeed not the inkstone that committed the crime."

"What about the inkstone that committed the murder? It's clear what's in this room. There really is no other inkstone... Could it be that the murderer wasn't Wang Heng who was killed here?"

Lin Feng still shook his head: "The murder was committed here."

He stretched out his finger, pointed at the ground in front of him, and said, "Look, there are many ink dots on the ground. These ink dots are in a radial shape. They are obviously caused by the ink being thrown out."

"And here..."

Lin Feng came to an ink mark, knelt down, wiped it with his finger, then raised his hand, looked at the dark fingers, and said: "The ink has not even dried on the big ink mark, and there is something on it." A touch of reddish color, obviously blood.”

Xiao Man'er also imitated Lin Feng by stretching out her white fingers and wiping the ink stains, and then put her fingertips stained black by the ink in front of her eyes. She looked at it carefully first, then lightly twisted her fingertips regardless of the darkness of the ink, and then put them in front of her eyes. He brought it to the tip of his nose and sniffed.

"It should be Hui Mo." She said.

"Hui Mo?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Xiao Man'er introduced to Lin Feng: "Hui ink has the characteristics of 'rich fragrance, rich texture, and dark color', and this Hui ink should be the most expensive among them. When making it, the craftsmen should have added musk, gold foil, Excipients such as pearl powder have very obvious characteristics.”

Lin Feng had heard of Huimo's famous name in his previous life, but he remembered that Huimo only became popular after the Anshi Rebellion in Tang Dynasty when the center of gravity moved south. He did not expect that Xiao Man'er knew about Huimo now.

It seems that Xiao Maner should have studied these things frequently.

He thought for a moment and asked, "How expensive is it?"

Xiao Man'er said: "Nowadays, most literati use northern ink. Huizhou ink is only used in small circles. The quantity is not large, so it is naturally valuable. Not to mention that this ink also contains musk, gold flakes, and pearl powder, which are already very valuable. It is rare and expensive, at least for me, and I owe the use of Hui ink to my father—it was a special gift from one of my father’s students on my father’s birthday.”

"So it really surprises me that a ship boss like Wang Heng would use such expensive Hui ink."

Hearing this, Lin Feng looked directly at the pile of books and papers and said: "No matter how Wang Heng got the Hui ink, he would never use such a precious thing easily, so he specifically used this kind of Hui ink today, I'm afraid. To write down something important.”

As he spoke, Lin Feng came to the papers on the floor and rummaged through them.

Seeing this, Xiao Man'er also rushed over to help.

The two chatted for a while, and Xiao Maner suddenly said: "Look..."

Lin Feng saw Xiao Man'er holding a piece of paper. He took the paper and saw several lines of words on the paper. Behind the last word, there was a trace of smudged ink, much like a brush dropped on it. dyed look.

Looking at the contents of the paper, Lin Feng and Xiao Man'er looked at each other.

Both of their expressions were a little complicated.

Xiao Man'er said: "It seems..."

Lin Feng nodded: "That's it."

Lin Feng put away the paper and was about to stand up when he suddenly saw a blue-covered book in the pile of books.

The book has the words "Shipping Log" written on it.

He picked up the book and flipped through it a few times, and saw that it contained very specific information such as which days the cargo ship was on, what cargo it transported, where it started and ended, how many days it had traveled, and so on.

Lin Feng quickly flipped through it and saw that it was just an ordinary log book, like a ledger, with nothing special about it, so he put it down casually.

But at this moment, his hand movements suddenly stopped, and he quickly turned the pages back.

After turning two pages, Lin Feng stopped.

He quickly looked at the content on the page, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Is this water ghost... really related to the Four Elephants Organization!?"

“I came right!!!”

Xiao Man'er saw Lin Feng's expression was strange and couldn't help but said: "What's wrong?"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and closed the log. He carefully put the freight log into his arms and put it away. Then he stood up and shook his head: "I found some interesting things, but I can't confirm the authenticity yet. Further confirmation is needed..."

"Let's put it aside, it has nothing to do with this case."

He looked at Xiao Man'er and said, "Man'er, you are so knowledgeable about Hui ink. If Hui ink dries or gets stained on other things, can you tell the difference?"

Xiao Maner smiled and said: "It depends on how long it has been. If it is a long time ago, I will definitely not be able to tell. But if it is recent, I can try..."

"Ink is divided into five colors, including thick, light, dry, wet and burnt. Different inks have many differences, and the pine smoke commonly used in Huizhou ink has different raw materials from other inks, not to mention the most expensive Huizhou ink. With the addition of auxiliary materials such as gold flakes and musk, it is still very different from ordinary ink... If it is freshly ground, I can easily distinguish it, but if it is dried, I have not tried to distinguish it, and I am not sure whether it can really be distinguished. can be distinguished.”

"It doesn't matter, these are enough."

Listening to Xiao Man'er's words, Lin Feng nodded directly, looked at her with eyes full of smiles, and said: "Man'er, it seems that you are destined to help me a lot today, and the important task of making the real murderer bow his head and plead guilty will be left to you. "

"Me?" Xiao Man'er was startled.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I have already thought of a way to make him plead guilty."

 I got stuck. When I was writing the case after I got stuck, I accidentally made it too complicated. Because this case is considered a transitional small case, being too complicated would lead to too long articles and affect the rhythm of the real major case later on, so I deleted it again. Rewrite, the result is this time.



(End of this chapter)

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