People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 153 Shocking speculation! The real goal!

Chapter 153 Shocking speculation! The real goal! (-in-)

Looking at the crooked and bloody words on the ground, at this moment, even Xiao Yu couldn't help but feel his scalp numb, and a chill went straight from the soles of his feet to the sky!

In fact, this scene is too penetrating.

Especially when I think of the weird murder of a wedding lady last night, I feel even more horrified when I look at the scene in front of me.

The female ghost's wedding dress disappeared for no reason, leaving behind the bloody words "Everyone must die". What its meaning is is self-evident!

I'm afraid that ghost in wedding clothes is going to do evil again!

Xiao Yu's face changed slightly, and the guard guarding the door turned pale with horror. Mo Wanshan, the commander of the Qianniu Guards, also frowned at this moment, with a puzzled look on his face: "Why did he disappear?"

"The wedding dress was clearly placed here after we found it last night. Why did it disappear?"

As he said that, he turned to look at the guard and said, "You have been waiting outside the door, haven't you heard anything?"

The guard hurriedly shook his head: "I don't dare to relax in any way. My spirit has been tense all the time. I haven't even dozed off. Indeed, I haven't heard any movement in the room."

"What's going on?" Mo Wanshan couldn't figure it out at all.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng and couldn't help but said: "Lin Sizheng, what do you have in mind?"

Upon hearing Mo Wanshan's question, Xiao Yu and the guards quickly looked at Lin Feng.

I saw Lin Feng stretching out his finger and lightly wiping the blood words on the ground. Then he raised his fingertips, looked at the clean fingers, and said: "The blood has dried. It seems that the writing time has been long. It should be I wrote it before dawn."

"Before dawn?" When the guard heard this, his face couldn't help but turn pale. He couldn't help but tremble all over, and said: "Could it...could it really be a ghost? Could it be that the wedding ghost came back and took it away?" Wedding dress?"


Mo Wanshan scolded: "There are no ghosts in this world. Someone is clearly pretending to be a ghost!"

The guard was a little in awe of Mo Wanshan and quickly shrank his neck.

Lin Feng stood up and scanned the entire room.

I saw that this room was very simply decorated. It should be a guest room for entertaining guests. The room was very spacious. A screen divided the room into two parts. There were tables and stools outside, which was the reception area. Behind the screen were the dressing table, wardrobe and The bed serves as a rest area.

The windows are very common mullion windows that cannot be opened or closed, so you can be sure that no one can enter the room through the windows.

Thinking about it, Lin Feng raised his head again and looked at the roof.

In Banyuean, the real murderer and Huiyun entered the Buddhist temple through the roof.

Could it be that the same method was used in this room?

But after thinking for a while, Lin Feng ruled out this possibility.

The real murderer and Huiyun of Banyue Temple were able to enter through the roof because the nuns had all rested after night and there was no one else around the Buddhist temple, so the real murderer and Huiyun did not have to worry about being exposed.

But the East Palace is different.

There was the mysterious death of the envoy, as well as the flying ghost in wedding clothes in full view of the public. It can be imagined that there must have been many guards patrolling back and forth last night, not to mention that there were guards standing guard outside the door.

It would be difficult for the thief not to alert the guards at the door and not to be discovered by the guards patrolling back and forth.

Moreover, there were no traces of moss on the ground, not even a trace of dust, which was enough to prove that the thief did not enter from the roof.

But the windows were inaccessible, the door was guarded, and the roof was inaccessible... How did the thief get in?

Lin Feng certainly didn't believe in the theory of ghosts in wedding clothes. The wedding clothes would disappear and must have been taken away by thieves. But how did he take it away without alerting the guards at the door?

And there is a more important point...why take away the wedding dress?

Taking away the wedding dress when someone is guarding it is definitely a risky thing. Why should he take the risk?

Is there something wrong with the wedding dress?

But if there was something wrong with the wedding dress, why would the guards discover it?

After pretending to be a ghost, why not just hide the wedding dress?

Can't hide it? Or is there another secret?

Countless thoughts flashed through Lin Feng's mind instantly, and many thoughts kept surging in his mind.

While thinking about it, Lin Feng's eyes once again fell on the bloody words on the ground.

That pretentious guy could have just taken away the wedding dress. Why did he leave such words on the ground?

Is it arrogance? A warning before killing someone?

Or is it deliberately scary and trying to cause panic?

Or, does it have other purposes?

Lin Feng squinted his eyes, his eyes flickering.

He had anticipated the difficulty of this case before coming here. Now it seems that his inference was indeed correct. The complexity of this case is probably more complicated than any previous cases.

When I first arrived at the East Palace, I didn't even see the master, the prince, but there were already so many puzzling things.

And this is just a wedding dress. More importantly, he has not even touched the death of the envoy...

Lin Feng took a deep breath, turned to look at the guard, and said, "Since the wedding dress was put in this room last night, you have been standing at the door and not leaving even an inch? You haven't even been to the latrine in such a long time? "

Hearing this, the guard quickly said: "I have been to the latrine, but before going to the latrine, I will lock the door first, and at the same time go to the patrolling brothers and ask them to help the general guard this place. When the general comes back, we will Let him go."

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "How did you find the person to replace you? Did you shout when the patrolling guards walked past the door, or did you say that you wanted to leave here temporarily to find them?"

The guard said: "We have all done it before..."

"Then how long will it take between you leaving here and finding a patrol guard to replace you?"

The guard thought about it for a while, and then said: "It was very short, because there were many brothers patrolling last night, and it only lasted thirty breaths at most."

"Thirty breaths..."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Who are they?"

The guard was about to answer, but suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened, his pupils suddenly dilated at this moment, and his originally calm face suddenly became ferocious.

I saw the blood vessels on his forehead instantly entangled, and his expression was full of extreme horror. It looked like he had seen something terrible.


He stared behind Lin Feng with his eyes, and screamed in terror without any warning, his voice was sharp and full of unconcealable fear.

This sudden scene immediately stunned Lin Feng and the others.

Mo Wanshan was stunned at first, and then his expression suddenly changed. He hurriedly said: "Last night, the Tubo envoy looked crazy last night, that's it!"

Hearing Mo Wanshan's words, Lin Feng's face changed slightly, Xiao Yu's pupils shrank, and he stood up instantly with goosebumps.

"Wu San! What's wrong with you!? What did you see!?" Mo Wanshan yelled at the guard quickly.

But the guard just stared behind Lin Feng in horror, as if there was a big terror behind Lin Feng, and completely ignored Mo Wanshan's words.

When Lin Feng saw this, he couldn't help but look back.

But there was nothing behind him except the hanger where the wedding dress had been hung.

At this scene, even Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a chill running down his back.

What on earth did guard Wu San see that made him so frightened?

Lin Feng thought for a while, then pointed to the clothes hanger behind him and said, "Are you afraid of it?"

The guard didn't know if he heard Lin Feng's words, but suddenly he screamed: "Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

While screaming strangely, he rushed outside.

At the same time, he grabbed his own face with both hands and made a series of wounds on his face. The originally intact face became bloody and blurred.

But he didn't seem to know the pain and still scratched his face over and over again.

Mo Wanshan watched his men rush out like crazy, and quickly followed suit, shouting at the other guards: "Stop him, quickly!"

Upon hearing this, the guards around him rushed towards Wu San.

But before they could get close to Wu San, they saw Wu San stop without any warning.

Then he raised his head and looked at the sun hanging in the air. He suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and just like that, he fell straight back.

When Mo Wanshan and others approached, they saw his eyes widened, his face full of extreme fear, but his breath had been cut off.

Mo Wanshan's face was extremely ugly. He punched the ground with his fist angrily. He turned to look at Lin Feng and Xiao Yu with a furrowed brow and said, "Dead."

Listening to Mo Wanshan's words, Xiao Yu's pupils trembled violently.

Originally they were here to investigate the case.

But as a result, before the formal investigation could begin, a guard from the East Palace went crazy and died in such a strange way before their eyes!

Wu San's death seemed to make Xiao Yu hear a sneer ringing in his ears. It was the real murderer's provocation and disdain for them... Wu San died in the same way as the Tubo envoy. There is no doubt that he was the real murderer behind the scenes. made!

And it was definitely not an accident that the real murderer let Wu San die in front of them... It was obvious that the real murderer did it deliberately!

By doing this, the real murderer is telling them that the real murderer is not afraid of them coming to investigate!

As long as the real murderer wants to kill, they can't stop him!

Xiao Yu had been an official for so many years, and this was the first time he saw such a bold thief, but... he watched Wu San go crazy and die, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

I have no idea how the real culprit did it!

The weirdness of this case and the provocation of the real murderer made Xiao Yu feel great pressure, and at the same time, he couldn't help but worry about Lin Feng.

After all, he knew very well what this case meant to Lin Feng.

Once it cannot be cracked, it will be an endless abyss! Lin Feng will be shattered to pieces!

But this case is so difficult to handle, what should Lin Feng do?

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng, and saw that Lin Feng did not stand there with a frown on his face, but had already come to Wu San's side and was squatting down to check Wu San's condition.

Lin Feng looked at Wu San's body, and his eyes first fell on Wu San's face.

Then they saw that Wu San's face was covered with bloody wounds, and there was no good skin... If they hadn't seen Wu San scratch his face with their own eyes, they wouldn't have been able to recognize it just based on this bloody face. This person will be Wu Sanlai.

Lin Feng's brows furrowed as he recalled Wu San's appearance when he went crazy.

No matter how he recalled the scene at that time, he could not find any signs or reasons for Wu San's madness. Wu San went mad without any warning.

Why did you suddenly go crazy?

Moreover, Wu San kept looking behind him. After he asked Wu San if it was the clothes hanger he was afraid of, Wu San screamed and ran away... Does this prove that what Wu San was afraid of was indeed the clothes hanger?

But what's wrong with the hanger?

The wedding dress is no longer there, only some dried blood is on it. Other than that, there's nothing special about it, right?

And it was not the first clothes hanger Wu San saw. He had been seeing the clothes hanger for a while, so why did he suddenly become afraid?

Many doubts lingered in Lin Feng's mind, making Lin Feng unable to understand for a while.

He took a deep breath and asked Mo Wanshan, who looked ugly, "Did the Tibetan envoy die in the same way as him last night?"

Mo Wanshan said: "The Tubo envoys are basically the same except that they did not scratch their faces into such a bloody mess."

Lin Feng said: "What did the Tubo envoy see when he was most frightened?"

Mo Wanshan frowned and said, "It's the wedding ghost flying in the air..."

"It's normal to be afraid of ghosts wearing clothes...but why is Wu San afraid of clothes hangers?" Lin Feng looked puzzled.

Mo Wanshan guessed: "Is it because the clothes hanger once hung the wedding dress of the wedding dress ghost?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Don't General Mo Zhonglang not believe in ghosts and gods? What? Does General Mo Zhonglang think that there really is a wedding dress ghost? After she took away her wedding dress, she left herself on the hanger. Because of his yin energy, Wu San was frightened?"

Mo Wanshan looked a little embarrassed when he heard this. He touched his nose and said, "I just made a random guess, but apart from this reason, I can't think of any other reason."

Lin Feng understood Mo Wanshan, let alone Mo Wanshan. When he recalled Wu San's frightened look at that time, his scalp went numb.

He lowered his head again and looked at Wu San's body.

People can lie and deceive others, but corpses can never deceive others.

Moreover, Wu San died in front of him, and no one else could do anything to the body in front of him, so Lin Feng was sure that the murderer could never do anything to Wu San. Perhaps the evidence that Wu San went crazy and died was left on the body.

He raised Wu San's head and examined Wu San's face carefully.

The only thing that distinguished Wu San from the Tibetan envoys was that he scratched his own face.

Does this mean anything?

But Wu San scratched his face until it was bloody and bloody, and nothing could be seen at all...

Lin Feng frowned. He thought for a moment, looked at Mo Wanshan, and said, "Can you find me a separate room? I want to examine Wu San's body."

When Mo Wanshan heard this, he quickly said: "Of course!"

After saying that, he pointed to the room next door and said, "This room is fine." Lin Feng nodded and said, "Can you please help me move the body in."

Naturally, the guards would not refuse. They quickly helped Lin Feng carry Wu San into the big table in the room, and Lin Feng asked everyone to leave.

Then he cooperated with Xiao Yu, first taking off Wu San's armor, and then removing his clothes one by one.

Finally, Lin Feng began to carefully examine every skin on Wu San's body and every detail of Wu San.

Although Xiao Yu is not a professional autopsy expert, he has been a prison officer for many years and has some experience.

While following Lin Feng to check, he said: "Wu San didn't have any wounds or bruises on his body. It seems that he didn't suffer any injuries before he died... His death should have nothing to do with trauma."

Lin Feng nodded, agreeing with Xiao Yu's judgment, and said: "If it's not an external injury, it's an internal injury. It may be that the internal organs or the like are injured...or poisoned!"


Xiao Yu frowned: "If it was poisoning, Zuo Zuo should have found out last night, but no one said anything about poisoning, so it shouldn't be poisoning."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't think we can draw conclusions easily."

Xiao Yu's heart moved. He quickly looked at Lin Feng and said, "Zide, did you discover something?"

Lin Feng looked at the corpse on the table and said: "The cause of death of the deceased must be confirmed. If you don't even know how the person died, the case will not be able to proceed to the next step... Therefore, it is necessary to let the deceased undergo further examination. "

"Further inspection? How to check?"

"Anatomy! Check the deceased's internal blood vessels and organs to confirm how he died."

Xiao Yu listened to Lin Feng's words and frowned: "This is not something ordinary people can do...and Tubo may not be willing to let us dissect its envoys."

Lin Feng said: "It's not something ordinary people can do, which means there must be a powerful person who can do it, so invite him over! As for the dissection, it's difficult for the Tubo envoy to dissect, so let's dissect Wu San!"

"Wu San and the Tibetan envoy obviously died from the same cause, and only one needs to be dissected..." At this point, Lin Feng's eyes flashed, and he sneered: "The real murderer was afraid that we would not be able to solve the case, so he deliberately killed us when we came to investigate. , let Wu San die in front of us, if we don’t need Wu San to find out the cause of death, wouldn’t we be sorry for what the real murderer did to us?”

Xiao Yu could naturally hear Lin Feng's irony.

But Lin Feng's words really aroused his urge to find out the cause of death and find out the real culprit. The real culprit was really too provocative. Xiao Yu couldn't swallow this breath if he didn't let this guy shoot himself in the foot!

He immediately said: "Leave this matter to me... I know a man who can do what you said. He stopped doing autopsies two years ago because of his age, but I know where he lives." , even if he is tied up, I will tie him up for your autopsy."

Lin Feng bowed his hand to Xiao Yu: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yu understood the pressure on Lin Feng. He waved his hand and said: "Even if there is no order from His Majesty, I will fully cooperate with you, and I will help you. You can go investigate, but if you have any needs, please tell me directly. No matter what I will help you solve all your problems!"

Is this the charm of a boss? Inexplicably soothing.

Lin Feng nodded heavily.

He carefully inspected Wu San's body again, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he and Xiao Yu left the room.

Outside the room, Mo Wanshan quickly asked: "Lin Si Zheng, how are you doing?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said: "No external injuries were found. How he died requires further examination."

Xiao Yu said: "I will order someone to find a suitable widow. General Mo Zhonglang, you have people guard the door and don't allow anyone to contact Wu San. When the widow I am looking for arrives, let the widow do an autopsy. "

When Mo Wanshan heard this, he naturally did not hesitate and said directly: "The general will understand!"

With that said, Xiao Yu turned around and ordered people to look for Wu Zuo.

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, looked at Mo Wanshan, and said, "General Mo Zhonglang, I'd like to trouble you for a moment. Help me ask which guards were on guard for Wu San when he went to the bathroom last night. I have something to ask them. ."

Mo Wanshan nodded and said: "This matter is not difficult. I will ask Bang Lin Si to inquire."

"Thank you."

Lin Feng thanked Mo Wanshan and then said, "Wu San said that he locked the door with a lock before going to the toilet. Where is the lock?"

When Mo Wanshan heard this, he turned around and took the lock hanging outside the room. He handed the lock to Lin Feng and said, "This is the lock."

Lin Feng took the lock and examined it carefully for a moment.

Xiao Yu returned at this time and saw Lin Feng checking the lock, so he asked: "How is it? Are there any signs of damage?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "There are no scratches near the keyhole, no signs of damage..."

He looked at Mo Wanshan again and said, "Who has the key to this lock?"

Mo Wanshan said: "Only the steward of the East Palace and Wu Sanyou."

Seeing Mo Wanshan's firm tone, Lin Feng couldn't help but ask, "So sure?"

Mo Wanshan nodded: "There are rules in the East Palace. All locks and keys must be kept by the steward of the East Palace. Once necessary, the steward of the East Palace will draw lots and randomly select one from hundreds of locks...last night... After the wedding dress was placed here, the steward drew a lock by drawing lots, and then personally handed the lock and key to Wu San without passing through anyone else's hands."

"So, only the steward and Wu San have the key, and no one else has it."

Listening to Mo Wanshan's words, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, there are so many rules in the royal family.

But it cannot be denied that through this method, security has indeed been greatly improved.

As long as you don't copy all the keys, it's difficult to do bad things. After all, which lock is used is completely random. There are not enough keys, and there is no way to guarantee that the lock is exactly the one you have the key to.

Lin Feng pondered for a moment and then returned the lock to Mo Wanshan. He said: "We have wasted a lot of time, so we should go to see His Highness the Crown Prince first. After meeting His Highness, I would like to meet the steward of the East Palace."

When Mo Wanshan heard this, he would not object. He nodded and said, "I will make arrangements."

Lin Feng cupped his hands: "Thank you!"

After saying that, Lin Feng stopped delaying and followed Mo Wanshan with Xiao Yu to the prince's palace.

Arrive in front of the palace.

Lin Feng found that the guards here were very tight.

Outside the palace, there were dozens of soldiers in armor, staring at everyone who came and went with stern eyes.

The entrance to the palace was even guarded by palace guards. Even the maids and eunuchs in the East Palace had to go through repeated interrogations and searches.

"The palace guards are here... It seems that Li Shimin is really concerned about Li Chengqian's safety, and even people in the East Palace have to be interrogated. It seems that before the real murderer is found, Li Shimin doesn't trust anyone - —Even if it’s someone close to the prince.”

Lin Feng came to the palace and explained his purpose to the guards on duty. Even with Li Chengqian's order, they still searched Lin Feng and the others.

Even Mo Wanshan was asked to hand over his weapons before the three of them were allowed to enter.

Mo Wanshan explained to Lin Feng and Xiao Yu: "Strictly check everyone entering and leaving the palace. This is your Majesty's order. It is not because His Highness the Crown Prince wants to embarrass you two."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "General Mo Zhonglang, don't worry, His Highness the Crown Prince's safety is more important than anything else, we all understand."

Mo Wanshan saw that Lin Feng and Xiao Yu had no grudges, so he nodded with confidence.

Soon, they arrived at the palace and saw Li Chengqian leaning on the bedside.

Li Chengqian is young, only thirteen or fourteen years old. His face looks a bit childish, but he is surrounded by nobility and has the bearing of a prince.

When Li Chengqian was twelve years old, Li Shimin had already begun to hone Li Chengqian's overall outlook and let Li Chengqian start handling state affairs. He also had the guidance of many great Confucian officials and Li Chengqian's hard work. At least for now, he has improved his temperament, behavior, and His ability and conversation make him look like a qualified successor.

But Lin Feng knew Li Chengqian's future. Looking at Li Chengqian's current appearance and thinking about his life that ended in tragedy, I can't help but feel a little sad.

"Meet Your Royal Highness."

Lin Feng and Xiao Yu saluted Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian's face was pale and full of illness. He slowly raised his hand and said: "No need to be polite, please get up quickly."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

The two straightened up.

Li Chengqian's dark eyes looked at Lin Feng, with a touch of curiosity and scrutiny in his bright eyes, and said: "I have received the order from my father. My father has asked you to take full charge of this case... Lin Sizheng, are you confident? "

Lin Feng said without missing a beat: "Your Majesty trusts me. I am really confused. No matter what, I will solve this case."

Li Chengqian nodded with satisfaction and said: "I have heard about your case-solving deeds a long time ago, and I have been curious about you for a long time. It's just that I am in poor health. I have been recuperating during this period and cannot see you in person. Otherwise, you Someone with such outstanding talent should have a chat with you."

It must be said that even though Li Chengqian is young, he is already very good at winning people's hearts.

One sentence showed how much he valued Lin Feng and his favor for Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng were a young man who had just entered the imperial court and became an official without any scheming, he would have been very excited and moved, wishing he could go to the dock immediately. From now on, only the prince will follow his lead.

After all, who can refuse the olive branch of the future emperor?

But this does not include Lin Feng who knows the future.

Lin Feng said calmly: "Your Highness is really complimenting me. I am just lucky and solved some cases. How dare you praise me so highly?"

Just as Li Chengqian was about to laugh, he suddenly coughed violently. The maid on the side quickly brought a glass of water. After Li Chengqian drank it, he stopped coughing.

He shook his head and sighed: "My health is not good. I feel exhausted after talking for a while."

Seeing this, Lin Feng hurriedly said: "Then let's talk about the case as soon as possible. After that, His Highness will have a good rest."

Xiao Yu also said: "Your Highness's body is important."

Li Chengqian originally had a lot of soliciting words to say to Lin Feng, but due to health reasons, he had no choice but to give up.

He nodded and said: "Then let's talk about the case. If you have anything to ask, just ask. As long as I know about it, I will definitely tell you."

Lin Feng did not write any ink and said directly: "May I ask, Your Highness, when did you make the decision to entertain the Tibetan envoys and Tuyuhun envoys at the banquet last night?"

Li Chengqian thought for a while and said: "The day before yesterday...but this is not Gu's decision, but the father's decision. Father hopes that Gu can entertain the envoys on his behalf."

"The day before yesterday..."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes. In other words, the murderer had a very short time to prepare, only two days.

In two days, you have to pretend to be a ghost and kill people without anyone noticing. This is not something you can do in a hurry.

The real culprit must have been planning for a long time.

But even Li Chengqian only knew that he was going to entertain the envoys the day before yesterday. How could the real culprit know so long in advance?

Unless the real murderer's original plan was not to kill the Tibetan envoy, but he met him by chance...

But if his original plan was not to kill the Tibetan envoys, then who was he going to kill?

It would be okay if the real culprit were outsiders such as Tuyuhun and Tubo.

But what if the real murderer is hiding in the East Palace?

So who is the target worthy of such a calculation by the real murderer...

As Lin Feng thought about it, he suddenly felt horrified in his heart.

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes instantly looking straight at Li Chengqian who was leaning on the bed!

Li Chengqian was suddenly looked at by Lin Feng with this kind of gaze, and he said somewhat strangely: "Lin Sizheng, what's wrong?"

Lin Feng's pupils jumped violently.

If the real culprit is really hiding in the East Palace, then who else could he have tried so hard to achieve, besides the Lord of the East Palace?

In other words.

Is it possible...

The person the real murderer wanted to kill was not the Tibetan envoy at all!

His initial target was—Prince Li Chengqian!

(End of this chapter)

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